Art by Jan Ketchel ©2017
Greetings! Today we are all encouraged to reach out and ask for help from the benevolent beings waiting to connect with us. Ask and you shall receive. Ask from your big bold heart, that’s the key.
Have a wonderful week!
Take care of your body; take care of your Self. Find your equilibrium, that perfect balance where you feel right, within and without. This may mean confronting many things you’ve become attached to, things you think you need, things you think are important. But what’s really important? What truly sustains you, body and spirit? What truly gives you pleasure and what feed your spirit’s wishes and joys? Equilibrium comes when everything is in equal measure, everything flows perfectly, and everything feels right. Seek this perfect balance, within and without. Without finding fault, simply intend it. And then let your spirit guide you to what is right for your body and its own health, for your spirit does hold the key to knowing more than you can imagine. Work from within.
-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne