Become fully responsible, within and without. Become fully independent so that your needs and wants are not interfering with the greater good. Find your answers to your issues and problems within the self. As you turn inward become your own good mother and your own good father, wise, kind, and helpful so that you may then turn outward into the world a fully integrated being, with your energy honed and useful. With kindness and compassion in your heart, step out into the world an independent and worthy being. As you do your inner work and seek your wholeness remember that you are there for your own reasons, for your own growth and maturity, not in a selfish way, but in an evolutionary way. Discover the real truth about yourself by becoming fully responsible for yourself. Proceed on your journey with integrity, honesty, and love always in your heart. For above all else love matters the most, for self and other. Love, for the greater good.
-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne