Soulbyte for Wednesday February 8, 2017

Hold peace in your heart, calmness in your mind, balance in your body, for what you hold onto within your physical self reverberates without. Keep your vibration at a low frequency, your central nervous system relaxed, and let your own power of love soothe you, for though the world without may oppose your notion of what is right and good you can still live and act and be all that is right and good within yourself and your own world. And that may be enough for now. Change, it begins and ends within you!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday February 7, 2017

When it is time to change pay attention to nature. Nature is what it is in the moment. It rains or it doesn’t. The sun shines or it is cloudy. The wind blows or it is calm. The creatures of nature accept what is and react to it as it happens, one day, one moment, one natural event at a time; without worry they go with the flow. Humans on the other hand rarely notice nature except when it affects them badly or beautifully. Otherwise, to them, nature just exists out there.

But humans are far more affected by nature than they know and to get into synch with it, with what is, would save them a lot of heartache. Nature is, within and without, the true barometer of all that is. Pay attention to it, get in the flow of it, neither too much not too little of anything, just be in the moment. Pay attention, the signs of progress and change will come to guide you, one day and one step at a time, taking you where it says it is time to go. Nature knows.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

A Message for Humanity from Jeanne: Get Along


Getting along…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

Here is this week’s audio channeled message. May it be helpful guidance. And may we all experience a greater outpouring of love and compassion as we personally take it upon ourselves to get along with everyone we meet, especially those closest to us!

Have a nice week!

Soulbyte for Monday February 6, 2017

Like a little clay pot on a potter’s wheel pull yourself together and do what you have to do to not go spinning off into thin air, nothing more than a formless lump of clay. You are the potter, the potter’s wheel, and the lump of clay. Hold yourself accountable and by your own hands center yourself. Hold yourself responsible and by your own intentions steady yourself to do what needs doing. Hold yourself to your convictions and by your own hands shape yourself into what you know is right. Get centered and by your own hands stay there, for it is the best place to be right now, for you and for the world, calmly centered, doing what needs doing, within and without.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne