Random Act of Guidance #2: Saleph

Today we present another channeled conversation. A long time ago Jeanne had told Jan that her new name was Saleph. And so we questioned her about its meaning and usage. In the conversation the word “consciousness” was used many times and each time Jan had the sense of its different levels of meaning—higher levels, choice levels, awareness levels—all of them multileveled too. See if you sense the same.

We hope you enjoy the conversation! Here it is, about 15 minutes long:

July 19, 2014-Random Act of Guidance #2: Saleph

Chuck’s Place: The Portal Of Disorientation

Where am I? - Photo by Jan Ketchel
Where am I?
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

Many times I woke in the night. I couldn’t orient myself to time or space. Each time, I’d ask myself, “Is it time to get up?” Finally locating the clock, I discovered that only 15 minutes had elapsed. Meanwhile, I’d been in many intense dreams. The night became an endless tide of vividly clear dreams, confused awakenings, the inability to find the clock, locate the window or the table with the water glass upon it. Nonetheless, I entered the day filled with energy, refusing any definitions of a restless night.

I left on my drive to work. As I descended a hill, a tidal wave of energy washed through me from head to toe. I felt leveled, nearly breathless. The after currents continued as I focused on steering the car with mindful presence. I refused all inner promptings to format my experience as dangerous. “A wave of energy had simply gone through me,” I told myself.

Carlos Castaneda taught how we build our reality through chains of associations that then define the world we perceive, creating the structures and habits we live by. These habits are actions generated by thoughts rationally paired that define “reality” and dictate behavioral responses.

I might have defined my experience as a consequence of my lack of sleep, the humidity and poor oxygen intake. I might have associated it with prodromal symptoms of a stroke or heart attack. I might have driven myself directly to the hospital if I’d settled on that set of associations to define my reality. Had I given it that definition, perhaps my body would have heard that intent and generated a series of more disturbing symptoms requiring immediate medical attention.

Seth, in Jane Robert’s channeling, spoke similarly of the sequencing of time, a proclivity of the intellect or the narrowing of the intellect into its rational mode to structure a world of cause and effect, with its sequencing of the day into logical components.

From this perspective, night is for sleeping. If I don’t sleep I will not rejuvenate; I will be tired and testy the next day. The other night I slept, by this logical definition, “poorly.” Yet, I resist this definition. I resist the instruction to my body to be groggy and unfocused.

The  known world distorted... - Photo by Jan Ketchel
The known world distorted…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

I realize that I was treated to a journey outside time and space the other night. With each awakening I had the sensation of much time having passed, yet it hadn’t in “real time.” Despite my lucidity in dreaming, each time I awoke I could not orient myself in my room, regardless of my rational knowing of the layout. I was fully awake, but not in the room of my rational knowing. It was fascinating to walk about in such a “known” space with no sense of orientation. How relative reality really is!

I seek out disorientation; I intend it. Disorientation releases us from all the familiar places of our well-worn world where we have deposited the lion’s share of our energy to generate a known, definite world. The more I enter the portal of disorientation, the more I recover energy I once invested in living comfortably in a solid world. I find each time that I pick up increased freedom to journey beyond the narrow compound of reason.

Seth remarks that the intellect has far greater capacity than its logical reason. When the intellect is narrowed to logic, it cuts itself off from all the natural portals of information available to it from the multidimensional self, such as intuition that peers beyond the senses, to telepathy that reads the interconnected energy all around us, to clairvoyance that has access to information that can inform the present with future knowledge.

The shamanic key to these portals of experience is disorientation: the interruption of the typical flow of energy that defines our reality and suppresses our fuller potential.

The world is in free fall now, ever since the election of Obama. Obama’s rise to power interrupted the flow of world energy at the seat of world power—The White House—forever. It matters not that his ability to effectively govern has been so ridiculously undercut. Most important is the rupture to white power dominating the world. It’s like the rupture of the Catholic world with a retiring Pope. It just doesn’t happen that way!

Through the portal into the unknown! - Photo by Jan Ketchel
Through the portal into the unknown!
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

Who could have imagined gay marriage becoming the law of the land at this time? Who could have imagined the legalization of marijuana either, rapidly advancing through the land at this time? The wars rage throughout the world as the energy of change exhausts in destruction. Disorientation does destabilize, but it also opens the door to a more inclusive world, seeking now to find its way to new balance.

What a joy to be alive and participating in such an adventure of freedom and change as we traverse this portal of disorientation!

Breathe, stay calm and focused as you grip the wheel,

A Day in a Life: The Bardos & The Reality We Create

The consensus reality we all uphold... - Photo by Jan Ketchel
The consensus reality we all uphold…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

“The earth will never be destroyed,” said Chuck to me last night. “It’s a consensus reality.” What he meant was that there are millions of people upholding the idea of earth and everything in it as real. Each person now alive would have to drop their projections, lose their belief systems, free their minds, and release their attachments for the earth to suddenly fade from sight. It would be like taking a mass psychedelic trip or a giant thick fog rolling in, hiding from view all that we consider reality.

Does that idea send shockwaves of fear through you, the idea of having nothing to hold onto, nothing familiar in your life? Personally, I find the idea utterly freeing, the notion of all of this disappearing and there being nothing but the ethers: defined as a formless, infinitely elastic medium, also known as the space above the atmosphere of earth, the heavens composed of the moon, the stars and planets. Imagine the energy we’ve all projected into creating this reality, that we’ve spent our lives upholding, finally released, to be used for something far greater.

The bardos, negative emotional states, beliefs that we project within the consensus reality of this world, are always right next to us, ready to snag us and pull us back, away from such ideas as the one I postulate above. The bardos make up not only our consensus reality, the world we inhabit, but the world within as well, the world of thoughts and ideas that keep us caught in the repetition of our behaviors, habits, beliefs, stuck in the core issues that keep us from evolving, such as rejection, abandonment, entitlement, victimhood. The bardos are where worry, fear, indolence, strife, and negativity reside, popping up to defeat us in endless battles with the projections of this world. We turn to them more often than we turn to our spirits, which seek to be freed of all that is in this world so that we can enjoy “All That Is” in the ethers of infinity.

Our projections keep us bound to the bardos. I create my reality by that which I project. My needs, fears, and worries create my reality. If the consensus reality says that my symptoms indicate a certain condition, then I get sick. If I project my fears into the world, those fears come to haunt me. If I am certain that something bad will happen, then it will happen. In the bardos of my projections, in the thoughts I create, the ideas I uphold and the fears I hold onto, my world is created. If I am aware that I am doing this, however, I can change how I attach to the consensus reality. I can decide that no, I am not sick, I am not afraid, and only good things will happen to me. Suddenly, my reality shifts.

Detail of the Indolence card, the 8 of Cups from the Thoth Tarot Deck...
Detail of the Indolence card, the 8 of Cups from the Thoth Tarot Deck…

I also know that if I project my needs, fears and worries outwardly onto others then other people in my life will not advance either, even if I hold onto them with my deepest love. My sense of owning or entitlement to another human being only holds them back. We must let all beings go. Others will not move out of my sphere if I hold onto them with negative thinking either, with jealousies, hatred, or even with perceived brilliance, with adoration or worship. I must own and learn from all my projections if I am to free myself too to move on.

We have the power within us to change our reality, but do I really want to see the world obliterated? I don’t believe, as Chuck suggested last night, that it will ever happen at this worldly level, but it is what we are all charged with doing at an individual level. We must accept also that the world we have created is here for us to fully engage and learn from. We must fully live in this world—do our time so to speak—if we are to be at a point of detaching from it for the last time.

To fully live means that as we grow up and seek to make a mark in the world, we must encounter all that we project, all the challenges that belong to us in this lifetime. It’s so easy to fall back into the slumber of the bardos, but the true work of individuation is to journey through life becoming increasingly awake and aware of how things really work, and that takes work.

As we do our deep inner work, as we attempt to free ourselves of our personal projections and issues—in a process such as recapitulation, for example—we do free ourselves of this consensus reality in a step-by-step process of eliminating from our psyches all that once held us bound to the bardos. In the bardo states of this world we churn away overdoing, over indulging, over eating, over drinking, over stimulated to the point where our energy reserves are depleted and our spirits sunk to the depths, far from contact. In this depleted energy state we no longer contribute any energy either to the advancement of this world. As our own energy flags, we become nothing more than entities draining the energy that others contribute to a changing world.

Do I really want my world to disappear? - Photo by Jan Ketchel
Do I really want my world to disappear?
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

If we are to be part of a changing world we must constantly contribute new energy to that change by changing ourselves. It is not healthy to stay in the bardos, dulling our energy and the energy of the world. If we are challenged to do anything during our lives, it is to keep the flame of change burning by adding to its potential by challenging ourselves to constantly shift into states of higher awareness.

Just as the bardos are there always ready to grab us, to sabotage our progress, so too are our spirits right there too, ready to connect with us. Our true work of individuation is the work of gaining knowledge of our spirits, of learning to trust them as we allow ourselves to drop our projections and have experiences of the ethers, of our energetic selves, even while we are living in this consensus reality. It is the work of the human being who is aware of reincarnation to live up to the challenges of each lifetime and gain the momentum to move beyond continuous cycles of reincarnation.

In pulling our heads up out of the bardos long enough to grasp the possibility of the disappearance of this consensus reality as we know it, we offer ourselves new energy and new momentum. Without fear that we are missing out or losing something, as we grow into later adulthood we must learn how to let go of our attachments to all that is in this world, knowing full well that each of us, even those closest to us and whom we love the most, are on the same journey.

Each individual is challenged to move out of the bardos and advance to a higher level of consciousness. In so doing, at our death we do not leave this world a more depleted place but a brighter place, our evolving energy feeding the fires of change. I feel this kind of vibrant energy every time I communicate with Jeanne. Her evolving beyond this consensus reality has left a brightness in my own life, and I have learned more from my connection with her than had I not dared myself to trust her and take up the challenges she gave to me during my recapitulation.

We are all as separate and individual as each drop of rainwater on this leaf... - Photo by Jan Ketchel
We are all as separate and individual as each drop of rainwater on this leaf…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

And I am aware now too that my true purpose extends far beyond this life and this reality. And so I am not afraid to imagine the world disappearing and all that is in this reality releasing—as it will upon my own dying—because I know that all of us are part of something greater, just as Jeanne and her soul group are.

Just trying to add to the energy flame of changing consciousness,

Random Act of Guidance #1: Jane Roberts & Seth

Committed to our paths of heart, we present a channeled message inspired by our recent immersion in Jane Roberts conversations with Seth and descriptions of the life that she, her husband Robert Butts, and Seth shared. We read of many similarities and feel inspired by the dedication that they espoused to getting out the messages they received, in spite of doubts, fears, and stumbling blocks.

It has been our personal intent to get out the messages from Jeanne and we have been doing that for nearly the past decade. We are inspired to take it all to a new level now, and so we introduce a channeled conversation for your listening pleasure should you be interested.

We find that to inundate oneself with that which is meaningful allows for a more holistic experience. As one is enveloped in that which is meaningful one embodies it more fully, almost effortlessly, and so we send out into the world our conversations with Jeanne as our own contribution to inundating the world with that which we find meaningful. We lay our offering on the altar of intent, to be taken up should you pass by and should it catch your eye. Perhaps it will be meaningful to you too!

Sharing our paths of heart, we send love, gratitude and best wishes,
Jan and Chuck

Here is the guidance channeled on the evening of July 14, 2014. And don’t forget to check out our daily Soulbytes on our Facebook page, inspired from the energy of each day:

July 14, 2014-Random Act of Guidance #1

Readers of Infinity: What Is True Reality?

Sometimes the world blurs and it's hard to tell what's real... - Photo by Jan Ketchel
Sometimes the world blurs and it’s hard to tell what’s real…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

Here is today’s channeled message. You might hear the birds in the front yard feeding off the seeds we put out for them. When the words “when you dream, you are in your energetic form…” came, there was a rush of bird energy, a flock of blackbirds suddenly flying up into the air, an affirmation of the true reality of that energetic self and a synchronicity underscoring just how experiences do come to support our search for wholeness.

July 14, 2014-What Is True Reality?