Readers of Infinity: From The Deeper Within

Here is a channeled message brought to you by Jan and Jeanne. May your week be fulfilling as you allow your true self to emerge more fully and really begin to live!

For this day, flow like the river, allow the true self to forge a channel to new life… -Photo of the icy Hudson River by Jan Ketchel
For this day, flow like the river,
allow the true self to forge a channel to new life…
-Photo of the icy Hudson River by Jan Ketchel

Be yourself. Allow the true self to emerge and be a part of your life. A little more each day, ask this self to put aside all fears and negativity caused by outer forces, and dare to speak, act, and make choices for you.

In allowing this true self to emerge from the deep within, bypassing all that usually blocks it, you will find that your life will flow more purposely. People will react to you and you will react to others differently. You will be more in alignment with your true nature and the nature of the earth and the universe around you.

Begin by calming the mind. Ask it to be quiet while you ask the true self to dare to step out a little bit more each day. Be kind to the self and others, but also be direct. Do not withhold the true self. In order to allow the true self to emerge, a new self freed of attachments, desires, and needs must be cultivated, bypassing all that now interferes in your life. Your resentments, angers, fears, negative thoughts and ideas of failure or inability must be pushed aside. Know that the true self is fully capable of being present in the world. This true self will not fail you.

It’s time to turn your own world on its head. It’s time to change. You must be the catalyst to your own change. Begin today. Take it one step at a time—for this day be your true self.

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