#616 Transition is Inevitable

Jeanne Marie Ketchel
Channeled by Jan Ketchel

Dear Jeanne,
I am a little late with our channeling today due to a winter storm in the Northeast. We had to get out early to shovel and plow the snow that had accumulated during the night. Today is a special day, the day you died in Heiden, Switzerland eight years ago. We honor you by continuing to be open to the new you, the evolved you, and the guidance you offer us. What message do you have for all of your readers on this day?

Do not look with sorrow at the ability of life to transform, but look upon it as evolutionarily proper and right. Know that all must pass from that life. All will be confronted with the instant of transition. Though it may come in many forms, through many circumstances and many different chains of events, so is it the goal of every being upon that earth to eventually pass from that life into new life.

You know that I proselytize only about this new life. I do not make judgments about your process upon that earth, but only seek to remind you all that transition is inevitable. How you elect to transition is a personal issue that no one else can really be decisive about. You alone are responsible for your awareness at the moment of most importance. In order to train your awareness I offer you much advice but, as always, it is up to you to work upon the issues of the self in order to evolve and maintain awareness at all times.

I suggest that you study your guidance and the signs you receive for the greater, deeper truth in them. Keep in mind that you too will transition into energy one day. Your challenge is to determine how you are being guided and what you are really being shown. Your assessment of the guidance you receive may keep you bound to comfortable interpretations so that you continue to feel good about your life, your decisions, and your actions. However, I suggest that you look at the guidance and signs that come to you from an uncomfortable perspective, rather than a comforting one. Most likely, that which makes you uncomfortable is a truer message of guidance.

Guidance comes to challenge. If you were not on a path of growth, the guidance and signs you receive would not be challenging you. They would merely keep you in a place of unchanging complacency, and you would not grow or evolve in any aspect of your life. I understand that it is quite nice to receive signs of assent and acknowledgment that you are indeed taking the right path, but look also at the challenge that rides atop each right action and each new step.

Your journey is continual. It never ends. Look not for guidance to show you how to arrive some place or to be done with your life and your challenges, but look for your guidance to show you where to go next, what to learn now, and the greater meaning of your existence.

In offering you this advice on how to read the signs in your life, I offer you a key issue on a path of growth, that of properly assessing the guidance you are given. The guidance that comes to you is rather pushy. It desires you to not only notice it, but also to take it into your life and work it. It asks you to find what your next challenge is, rather than simply find your same old comforts.

Often guidance is present to comfort you, but it will most likely be only a momentary comfort as the ego self, the big baby self, and the desiring self feel loved, protected, and attended to in whatever way you wish to interpret. However, the greater reason for guidance is to push you to evolve, to become a new person upon that earth, to fulfill your life’s purpose, to discover your spirit’s reason for living that life, and to offer you all the challenges you need to discover the answers to these personal problems that you are so inflicted and gifted with.

Though I passed from that life on this day many years ago, I do not sorrow for the life I departed from. I have pursued an evolutionary path and my connection to those of you upon that earth, my dearest ones and the many who have found resonance with my words, remains steadfastly connected to a mission of evolutionary growth.

In conclusion, I always advise that you enjoy your life, accepting the signs and the guidance you receive, in whatever form or shape it appears, knowing that it is asking something greater of you, something evolutionary. It is up to you to figure that out in the context of your personal life. But be assured that if you ask for another sign to guide you, it will arrive. Be also sure to seek its challenges rather than its comforts, for that is what it expects of you as an evolutionary spirit.

#615 A Day of Alchemy

Jeanne Marie Ketchel
Channeled by Jan Ketchel

Dear Jeanne,
What guidance do you offer us today?

It is time now to take everything you have learned, everything you know about the self, everything you know about energy, about spirit, and about how you personally operate and sit quietly surrounded by this knowledge. It is time to be plainly frank with the self first and foremost, then to acknowledge your faults but also your brightnesses and your most precious assets. It is time to sit in balance and make some concrete decisions, based not on what the outer world expects of you, but based on the truths of the self.

Today is a day of consolidation and of taking self-knowledge to a new level. You have all the ingredients you need to bake a delicious cake. You have gathered the finest of components, perfected your techniques, and longed for the time to come when you would use what you have gathered. If we stick to a metaphor of baking a cake, then today is the day to finally surround your self with all of the ingredients you have so diligently and carefully collected and begin to assemble them. It is time to begin the process of constructing the cake, knowing full well that you have done your work of preparation. You have determined what kind of cake you wish to bake and you are perfectly contented to calmly and quietly go about the process of mixing the ingredients in a new format.

This is a day of alchemy, a day of contentment mixed with desire for change based on truths you have revealed to the self, gained by dissolution and deconstruction of the self so that new energy may result. Begin with the basic ingredients of self in order to begin a new alchemical process, using only the finest ingredients, learned, culled, and perfected by your hard work on the self.

This is a new day, and to begin each day as an opportunity for new growth and new life is an essential ingredient in alchemy. Each day offers the opportunity for purity to become the most important aspect of who you are and how you elect to conduct your self and grow. Purity in intent, in action, and in every step of your daily process offers you the opportunity to really change.

Each and every one of you, My Dear Readers, is asked to change each day when you wake up in the morning and begin a new day. Each day is a new opportunity to evolve. Today, look at what you have prepared in order to accept your assignment to keep going, to truly live upon that earth. Look closely at the ingredients in your life, at the recipe you have chosen for your own alchemical process to proceed.

Are your ingredients as pure as possible? Are your motives equally pure? Are your intentions pure? Are your techniques honed and ready to be utilized? Are your circumstances ready for the great cake baking alchemical process to take place? Are you ready to put together your new life and truly ready to watch it grow? As you begin the process of assembling your new life each day, keep in mind that you are responsible for your creation, for each step in the process, for baking the life you desire, and for being responsible for the outcome because this is your life.

Consolidate the self to a point of purity in all things. Find the basic truths of the self, the purest ingredients of self, and begin to accept that in order to evolve further some action on your part must be taken. An alchemical process, a process of transformation, like a cake being put together, baked, and tended is really what life is all about. You can use any metaphor you like if you do not like my cake baking metaphor, but I contend that the process is going to be the same. In order for life to truly evolve you must become the catalyst in your life, become the baker, become the person of action who knows that everything you need is present in your life to take the next step.

What are you waiting for? Look forward to the process as much as you look forward to the result, for it is in the process that you will learn much more about the self and truly grow.

#614 Chuck’s Place: Love Lessons

Welcome to Chuck’s Place, where Chuck Ketchel expresses his thoughts, insights, and experiences! Many of the shamanic and psychological terms used in Chuck’s essays are defined in Tools & Definitions on our Psychotherapy website.

December ninth marks the eighth anniversary of Jeanne’s transition into the fullness of her energy body, in infinity. I have never wavered in my emotional reaction to her death, though I feel deeply the sadness of our children who lost their earthly mother before they themselves reached adulthood. I still find deep contentment at having successfully guarded Jeanne’s intent in this world up to her final decision of when to leave. Since then I have allowed myself to participate in an evolutionary journey of love beyond the personal.

I am most thankful, though not surprised, that Jeanne found a way to turn her attention back to this world, as we had intended, if at all possible. After her death, as she united with the fullness of her lives and loves through many journeys in this world, she chose to open the channel back to our journey together and share her ongoing lessons in infinity. Sometimes I am simply spellbound at her ability to still mother her children. Today, I reflect upon my experiences of, and personal transformation through, these lessons.

I love; I love deeply, but I am no longer attached to the specialness or the possessiveness of love. Had I not learned this lesson the door to a continued relationship with the evolved Jeanne would have remained closed. This is the challenge of death. If we cling to the specialness of what we had we can’t go forward in an evolving relationship.

My family now is far more comprehensive. It is the family of energy, with no special distinctions, no special advantages. I travel with those with whom there is resonance and connection because it is energetically right, not for reasons of self-interest. I have learned, over time, to clarify and understand and not dismiss non-resonant energy, to respect its purpose in our energetic family. The energy I flow with is of an evolutionary bend, as if the head of a fish is the resonant energy, while all energy is included in the body of the fish. The rear of the fish is as significant as the head. It is evident that many in the world today are resonant with this evolutionary energy that seeks a dramatic shift.

I live a life of evolutionary change. I totally trust energy. In my career I seek no advantage. I push not to make connections, to market, to manipulate, to survive and prosper through winning or being special. I will not enter any agreements of self-promotion. I trust that my intent to be aligned with evolutionary energy will provide. This has been proven in the signs and guidance I have received and the decisions I have made based on my reading of these synchronicities. I constantly refuse the urging of the old ways to take advantage. I am certain that our next global state of evolution transcends markets, consumers, accumulation, and unfair advantage. For me, it’s all energy; reading it and acting in the right alignment versus reading it to get rich. What this boils down to is decision making that is right, not decision making that seeks only personal gain, turning a blind eye to the needs of the whole.

We are all interconnected. In order for there to be global advancement, self-interest must expand to include the greater self, the world. The old paradigm of Us against Them is so played out. I must admit, though my love for Obama is deep, and I wanted it to be different, the truth is, this old story was putting the cadets to sleep this week as Obama spoke at West Point. Why couldn’t Obama have watched Joan Baez on PBS’s American Masters series before he made his decision? Joan, the Quaker, walked with Martin Luther King in deeply resonant non-violent revolutionary energy. Obama is the maturation of that energetic dream. Why more troops and CIA drones? We are back in the old boring story of the good and the evil ones, completely separate entities.

The new paradigm truly acknowledges the interconnectedness of all things. If there are terrorists, and there are, then we are connected and part of that terrorism. It is not a separate entity. We are acting in such a way as to create terrorism as a necessary balance, letting the tail lead the fish. We cannot separate ourselves and simply drone out the terrorist extreme. In fact, the more we attempt to obliterate it, the more tenacious we invite its extremist counter reaction.

Can we be courageous enough to reflect upon why the world has come to need terrorists? Can we look inside our own inner truths and see our own deep attachment to self-advantage, self-interest, self-accumulation, and self-comfort at the expense of, and exploitation of, others? Competition is a vital energetic reality but, honestly, when have we ever really played fair? Terrorism both reflects and matches unfair play. If we can embrace a policy of fair play that truly respects the whole fish, we dismantle the compensatory need for terrorism. The real enemy is quite personal. In my view, we all need to examine which self interest we truly serve: our personal wants and desires, those of our immediate family, or those of the greater family of all interconnected energy? To balance that energy and move it forward in a new way now is our evolutionary challenge of survival for this world. The head of the fish must consider the whole fish as it navigates now, or the tail will continue to spin us out of control in its own effort to awaken the head to the needs of the whole.

These are some of the love lessons I have learned as I continue my journey with the evolving Jeanne.

As always, should anyone wish to write, I can be reached at: chuck@riverwalkerpress.com or feel free to post a comment.

Until we meet again,

#613 Make Your Journey Be Your Own

Jeanne Marie Ketchel
Channeled by Jan Ketchel

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have a message for us today?

My Dear Ones, do not become morose or complacent regarding the position you find yourselves in. It is only through truly embracing and living the life you are challenged with that you will change and grow. Though you may regret decisions, impulses, judgments, and unproven tales of wonder, so must you learn to be open, flowing, nonjudgmental explorers of your world in order to evolve.

That being said, I do contend that you are responsible for where you now sit, for the place you have landed, and the dilemmas you face. In taking full responsibility for the self, in pulling back projections and blame, and finally taking up the challenge of your own journey you will finally get your self to the true starting line of your true journey in that life. Only in fully realizing that you are not only responsible for every action and choice in your life, but that you are fully in control of every move you make will your journey finally begin as yours alone.

Make your journey be your own. Fully own your self and your life by determining how you wish to live that life. In what state of energy, in what frame of mind, in what type of body, and in what personal manner do you wish to conduct your business? Who is the you that you have always wished to be?

Begin the process of becoming. Begin the process of fully owning the self by taking full responsibility for past, present, and future actions, by reacting to the self in a different manner, beginning right now, at this very moment. Change who you are by fully taking over who you have become, with all of your issues as your dearest and most trusty traveling companions. These traveling companions are so well known to you that you do not have to ask who they are; you know them inside and out. You do not need to fool your self about them any longer. They will not go away or simply shrink to nothing if you continue to pretend they are not with you every minute of every day.

Acceptance of self as is, right now, will aid you in accepting responsibility for the self you have become. Perhaps you are quite happy with the self. Perhaps you will find it easy to take responsibility for the self because that is what you have always done. I request that you more fully embrace, love, and accept this self as your true self at all times, not just when you are feeling strong and in control, but also when you are confronted with greater issues that life itself may throw at you. Do not be so quick to judge your reactions to life’s challenges, but methodically confront them, seeing them as meaningful for you at this moment, and meant for evolutionary growth.

If you are unhappy with the self, if you find your self in quite a bind and see no way out, I suggest to you that the same process of self-acceptance for the journey taken, the choices made, and the place you find your self in must be more fully explored, owned, and truly taken as your true responsibility. Only you are in charge of you. Even if you wish to look outside of you to blame, I ask that you look deeply into the self for the true reason for your position in life. Somewhere along the way you made decisions that have put you here now.

This self-acceptance and taking back of responsibility is not meant as a reciprocal blaming process, you are not meant to blame the self, but to use your experiences as eye-opening realizations that you, who had the power to get you into the position you are now in, also has the power to get you out of it. By being totally honest, truthful, and accepting of the self as fallible, as sometimes confused, as affected by outside energy and your own inner desires, you are indeed taking responsibility for your life.

Your true power now lies in learning to love and accept the self for the journey thus far taken, with respect for all aspects of the self that have come forth and revealed themselves to you, your trusty traveling companions who are just trying to figure out what is missing in your life. Turn to them now, to those aspects of self that you have been traveling with all these years, and love them, simply because they exist; they are you and they are worthy of your love.

Are you ready to come to a new starting line? Are you ready to unconditionally accept the self you have become, the journey you have taken, and the companions you have traveled with, inside and outside? Are you ready to face your truths and carry them forward, now fully revealed, into your new journey? Are you ready to run, taking full responsibility, into new energy, fully aware that this time everything is up to you? Do you dare to go beyond the old self? These are the questions to pose and mull over, though you must not stay in inner conflict or inner work alone, but act upon the energy of the life you are living at this moment.

Something in your life is pushing you to dare the self out of your doldrums. What is it? In order to discover your true power of self as unconditional traveling companion, you must not only show up at the starting line, but begin the race when the starting pistol is fired, whether you feel ready or not, because this is where your inner and outer worlds have gotten you. If you show up at the starting line, be prepared to run, to take full responsibility for the choices you make, have made, and will make. Be prepared to discover more about the self as you take your running, changing journey. Be prepared to confront your old traveling companions as you move forward and, if you have not resolved your issues with them, boldly ask them to show you what you must learn about them. Be prepared for anything, but also be wholly responsible for what may come to lead you on your life’s path and your next encounter with the self.

The energy expects change. The energy of truth expects acceptance. The energy of daring expects reciprocal daring on your part, fully knowing that you will come up against your fears, your old demons, your old decisions, your judgments, your habits, your past, your confusion, and that these things, and many more, must be truthfully acknowledged, clarified, and trusted as your true guidance upon that earth. The energy outside of you directs attention to the inner you, so that you may have the opportunity to change, and that is what the energy of now offers you, the opportunity to change. Are you honestly ready and willing to take the changing journey?

The starting line is right before you, at this very moment, as it will be there in the next moment too. It is always right there, at your next step, but it is up to you to wake up and notice it.

#612 Stay Focused on Reality

Jeanne Marie Ketchel
Channeled by Jan Ketchel

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have a message for all of your readers today?

I encourage a conscious effort be made to combine heart-centered knowing with the truth of the world now being revealed. Do not fail to separate truth from fantasy, nor fail to separate your own inner knowing from the path you are on. This is a time of great frustration and purpose, a changing, shifting time. For many it will come in drastic and abrupt change, while for others its shift will be a simple progression as it rolls out the carpet upon the path of life. Whether the carpet before you is bright red and quite visible, or merely hinted at in the rubble at your feet, I advise caution at each step, with attention paid to the truths of the heart and the knowing of the clear thinking head. Heart, head, and feet combined now are essential components of a journey well taken.

Question your every move over the next few days. Do not rely on the stories of others or the facts thrown at your feet, but look for the deeper meaning in everything. The moon, though it shines brightly, does hide the truth at the same time that it exposes the mysteries of the night. The night revealed in this manner is not simply the same world as revealed by the sun, but a new world altogether.

This is a time of duality, mystery, covertness, and deception. Be careful. For even as the moon and the sun are opposites, so is the energy that accompanies them. In the moonlight you may become attached to one aspect of self and others, finding truth and experiences that appeal to you, while in the light of day your perceptions may appear quite different, with new mysteries and unclearness, though equally enticing as during the moonlit encounters with that which has crossed your path.

I expect that over the next two or three days you will find yourselves in quite a tizzy. This is to be expected as the outer energy calls for such enticement and playful bantering. Yet do I suggest that you remain totally focused on growth, centered on balanced movement, heart knowing, and head thinking, aligned with progress of evolutionary growth.

Stay focused on reality, My Dears, though it may be difficult to determine what that means, as the definition of worlds begins to blur, as energies clearly define themselves as separate and then blur together, offering first one truth, then another, and then finally a third less clear one. The problems arise as you begin to feel confused by so many truths colliding at once, less clear now, less enticing, and less resonant as the days progress.

Allow for the flurry of activity to settle. Allow the heart to slow down. Allow the head to mollify and the physical self to gain balance, even as the outer energy continues to rev its engines and produce quite a lot of smoke. Once the smoke screen clears you will see where you are, and then you will know exactly what to do next.

Back down a little. Back away from the intensity of the pull created by the moon and the sun, the heart and the head, the clarity and the confusion. Back down and wait for the smoke to clear. Stay in balance. Do inner work. Be patient.