#572 Raising the Alarm

Jeanne Marie Ketchel
Channeled by Jan Ketchel

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have a message to guide us over the next few days as we go into the weekend?

Channel from your heart, My Dear One, so that my words may be clearly heard.

Do not allow the outer forces of darkness to usurp the light that attempts to shine more brightly upon that earth. Remain keenly aware, at all times, that the forces of evil are returning in full force, attempting a takeover. This is a worldwide phenomenon that occurs quite regularly, throughout all time, and has been historically documented.

How often does this occur?

Within a hundred year span upon that earth it can occur many times.

Why does this happen?

The forces of evil stir when awareness is low, when times are hard, and when the people of earth are troubled by the problems of daily life. When they are forced to attend to domestic and social ills their focus is outward on the world and on simple survival, rather than inward and on what is right. Such a time has been building upon that earth. Attention caught in mere survival results in energy turning bitter and angry, and this becomes the focus, projected energy of blame and discontent. This is now a season of much disturbance of energy and many are swept up in the fires of bitterness.

What should we do?

Clarity must be maintained, and this clarity must be attributed equally to compassion and right action. I have long been speaking of the need to learn what it means to attain a place of compassionate loving detachment for all beings upon that earth and to understand, by remaining in such a loving place, what steps of action to take.

Goodness must not fall by the wayside now as the darkness stirs into hatred. Despair must not instill fear in those who normally do not speak up. Even the silent ones among you have power in energetic intent. Now is a time of action for the simple fact that if you do not act and react to that which is obviously wrong in the world, then you will not have room to change things again for a long time. It does not matter where you live in the world; this is a time of stirring of the dark side. My warning is not unique. You hear such warnings all the time, but do you really understand what is happening?

I think we do, and many people are aware that false accusations and blatant lies are being spread in our own country.

The machine of denial and untruth is enormous. Do not doubt its power, for it is heard by many who live in fear and discontent. It is not a time to be ignorant of what is happening in your world, but a time to stand for justice, love, and compassion for all beings upon that earth. It is time to dismiss the so-called fears, for most of them are falsely constructed and have become contorted and used beyond all sensibility, merely as fodder for the fires.

The fires of discontent will continue to be fueled by false rhetoric because the energy of darkness understands how important an element fear is in the context of inciting and arousing anger, a most necessary aspect of its energy. Without anger there would be little progress. It is time for the good, the light, the energy of compassion and truth to use its own anger of discontent to put out the fires. The problems will not go away on their own. The fire will rage and destroy everything in its path, unless the energy of awareness attacks it with far greater force. By turning against it with a mission of truth as the catalyst, bringing waters of clarity to squelch the flames fueled by lies, one anger may control the other and hatred, fear, and the loss of love and compassion may be quelled.

But it must happen now. Now is the time to look at what will be lost if love, compassion, truth, and awareness are not brought out into the open. Do not keep your goodness locked inside you now, My Dear Ones. Each one of you has enough good energy to change the world. Each one of you has enough awareness of what it means to act with goodness. Each one of you knows what is truly right.

Alarm is my intent today, to arouse you all to the intent of the dark side to destroy the progress of goodness by gaining entry into the psyche of each individual who is caught by the fears and lies and to use such individuals for its own purposes. (See NOTE at end of post.)

This sounds very dark, almost evil.

I do not jest, nor do I threaten that which is not true. I beg you, My Dear Readers, to look around you. The world is not on a collision course toward annihilation, but it is enroute to a new phase. Either it heads straight into the darkening storm on the horizon, unable to see what is before it because of the smoke caused by the fires of discontent, and simply because someone says it is the right direction to take, that there is nothing to fear in this direction, or the world may choose to look with eyes of clarity and speak the truth, rising above the crowd, instinctively aware that there is trouble ahead if that route is taken and provisions are not made to take a new course.

Do you choose to run with the crowd, into the flames, simply because that is where the crowd is going? Look around you. What is truly the right direction? Use your awareness, your clear vision, and take action rather than follow the leaders who are attempting a takeover.

Save your energy for useful thinking, for truthful thinking, for right action. Thank you for listening to my admonition today. I seek to warn the loving gentle ones upon that earth that fear alone can change the course of history, but so can clarity.

Seek to understand the truths beneath the rhetoric. Which fears being promulgated are true fears and which are false fears? That is where you will find the answer to how to combat evil with good. Act with goodness at all times, within the self and without. Find the true answers deep within and you will find the answers to what to do without. You, by your true goodness and compassion, have the energy to change the world. Remember, first and foremost, that you are an energetic being, and so are all upon that earth!

NOTE: At this point in the channeling I was aware that Jeanne was indicating that the energy over the next few days has qualities to blanket our awareness, so that even though we are seeing what is happening, we are not alert and reactive, so it is a dangerous stratum that may help the overall dark energy. As she queries us at the end of the message, are we just cattle going to the slaughter?

#571 Put on a New Pair of Glasses

Jeanne Marie Ketchel
Channeled by Jan Ketchel

Dear Jeanne,
What message do you have for us today?

Today is the day to question your reality and your dream world alike. Do not question the truth of them, but question what they are attempting to show you. Question what you are being taught and what you are asked to open up to. The Universe supports you at all times, though you may not be aware of this. The Universe, encompassing everything seen and unseen, spoken and unspoken, clear and unclear, is prepared at all times to guide you, but it is up to you to wake up to its teachings.

In order to understand how the universe works it is most important that you accept the blurring of worlds as natural, as appropriate, and also as confusing, for the Universe, in its attempts to get your attention, must often shake you up, shattering your illusions, and creating a new world in which you are more open to accepting the gifts it offers. If you remain solidly planted in your so-called reality, your every day world of work, worry, and little enlightenment, you will not be in a position to notice that you are being offered many options for growth and shift, many gifts that have the capacity and ability to jolt you out of your daily slumber.

However, if your concrete reality, with its sharply defined rules and edges, becomes indistinct, shaking you out of your slumber simply by appearing differently, you may begin to question it, but also your place in it, and this is good. Are you really present in such a place of stability and unrelenting boredom, or are you simply passing through on the way to other worlds?

Offer yourself some questions, but do not stay stuck on the questions themselves. Instead, pose the questions and then ask the Universe to offer you a glimpse of a new reality, another reality, as perfectly viable as the one you daily exist in. In so doing you will learn that it is just a matter of shifting your perspective on life and reality that allows you to experience the magic of life upon that earth.

Accept the true fact that life upon the earth is full not only of magical moments, but of magical signs, ideas, and opportunities. Simply by shifting your thoughts from their usual well-trodden paths, you will be offered a new direction for interpreting your world and accepting new ideas. In this manner, that which is before you each day will suddenly take on new meaning as a magical place of learning, and life will shift from the mundane to the exquisite.

Experience your self differently today by allowing the Universe to show you something. Ask the question: What is reality? Then defy every known interpretation of what that means and allow the self to perceive it in a different manner. Is the world around you beautiful, or is it sinister? And why is it either? Is the Universe attempting to show you the side of the self you have neglected, or is it showing you the side of the self you have right before your eyes, but have been too cautious and afraid to trust as truthfully your reality? Is the Universe challenging you to accept something painful or something strange that you have not fully understood about the self?

The Universe is there to guide you to that which you must learn about the self. By accepting your challenges with an open mind, without attachment to worry, fear, the big baby, and the life of victimhood that so often strangles growth, you have the opportunity to open a new door to interpreting life as a journey.

Where is my journey taking me now? Where am I allowing my journey to take me? Do I go, or do I stay where I am? Do I acquiesce because I know that I must keep going? Or do I say: Stop pushing me, life!

As you learn who you are, as you accept the truths of the self, you will find that your awareness of gifts from the Universe will increase. I urge you all, My Dear Ones, to drop your old ideas of the self, of your reality, of your expectations, and adopt an open mind, a freer spirit, and step into the magic that surrounds you. Put on a new pair of glasses, so to speak, so that you will be able to see differently. And then accept what you see and experience as equally real and valid as the shoes upon your feet and the skin upon your body, the feel of which may change as you allow your self to drop all pretenses and take off in a new direction.

Do you dare? Do you dare see with new eyes, feel with new touch, sense with new senses, and accept the magic all around you? What are your challenges and your magical gifts today?

#570 Change the Self a Little Each Day

Jeanne Marie Ketchel
Channeled by Jan Ketchel

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have a message of guidance for us today?

I must remind you, once again, to stay upon your path, seeking always the truths of the self and walking always toward the light of greater good. Though I send you many words of wisdom and connection, so do I know that from one day to the next those words fall from your present attention and become lost in the dreams of yesterday. But I ask you to remember, at all times, your reason and your purpose for living that life, and if you have not found it do not judge the self harshly, but do not either forget to continually seek this true aspect of self.

Remain aware today, on this day of shift and transformation. Look always for the small shifts that you alone can make in your own life in order to transform the self in some manner each day. Do not look outside the self for signs of such transformation so much. Look instead to the self and demand greater effort for your own life’s progress. This is your challenge at all times, to transform the self so that you may grow and evolve.

Growth and evolution require that you change. They require that you continually challenge the self to become a spiritual being, in human form, to your fullest potential, wholly present in both human and energy without ego domination. Remain in perfect balance, perfectly aware, and perfectly humble as you face your truths and live your life in this state of merged balance, but do not look for perfection as your goal. Look instead always to change the self a little bit more each day. Do not treat the self harshly nor berate your progress thus far, but ask the self to continue always forward, shifting into new awareness, and utilizing it for change of the self.

Do not forget what you have learned about the self as energy, nor forget to remain aware of the energetic form of all things. As you grow bring your awareness always back to this truth of the self. This is the main feature of the self to grasp and retain as you do your work of self-discovery and evolutionary exploration: You are energy. Everything is energy. Explore that phenomenon more thoroughly!

#569 Chuck’s Place: Ultimate Health Care

Welcome to Chuck’s Place, where Chuck Ketchel expresses his thoughts, insights, and experiences! Many of the shamanic and psychological terms used in Chuck’s essays are defined in Tools & Definitions on our Psychotherapy website.

This morning, as I pondered my topic for this blog, I struggled to find a clear focus. I opened Castaneda’s Wheel of Time to page 165 and the following: “The human form is a conglomerate of energy fields which exist in the universe, and which is related exclusively to human beings. Shamans call it the human form because those energy fields have been bent and contorted by a lifetime of habits and misuse.”

What is the relevance of this quote to now?

The shamans contend that we generate our world by contorting energy into habitual patterns which then encapsulate our lives. In so doing we lose access to possibilities beyond those habitual patterns. As I observed the health care debacle this week, with its enactment of good and evil energies, which I previously wrote about in Darkening of the Light…, I pondered the habitual category health care, a major component of the human form.

When Jeanne and I first confronted her diagnosis of breast cancer, we were seized by the conventional wisdom of health care that demanded immediate surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, etc. Due to a fated pause, having to wait for an appointment, we were able to step outside this powerful habit and examine its energetic consequences from a place of calm sobriety. As a consequence we chose to by-pass the conventional habit, as its energetic contortions were simply unappealing. The components of the conventional habit consisted of submitting to accepted procedures and treatments that debilitated, poisoned, and weakened; rendered the individual powerless; appeared at root to be driven by greed as it carefully and thoroughly discredited and shut down possibilities for cure outside its rigid categories; and defined cure with an illusory cloak: five years of survival. Obviously, many people take this route with success. However, for us it was not energetically viable.

We chose instead to be guided by the intent to heal, synchronicity, and the conviction that everything is possible. Our journey is well documented in The Book of Us, but the end result was both magic and death. We are beings who are going to die, yet we spend the lion’s share of our energy preserving our bodies through obsession with the habit of health care in a very narrow sense. Meanwhile, we miss the real show: our inevitable energetic transformation into infinity. What is the state of our energetic health care? Are we prepared for this transition? Have we discovered the true purpose of our life? Have we accomplished it? Have we achieved completion? Are we ready to evolve beyond the human form, or must we return due to incompletion?

Jeanne’s transition was sheer magic. She not only achieved completion, but was able to forge a channel of connection to those who reside in human form. This she accomplished through her healing efforts in this world as she stepped outside the poppy field of conventional health care. I am reminded of the sage comment made by Dr. Incao, an anthroposophist who we met early in our journey, that sometimes real healing requires death.

Many look at Jeanne’s outcome and see failure, after all, they observe, she died! I myself have been judged by some as delusional, the product of pathological mourning because I communicate with the dead. These judgments are the guardians of the conventional human form, encased in its wall of rationality. After all, the dead don’t continue to communicate to the living, that must be the product of some form of delusional wish fulfillment! Sometimes my own rationality can emerge strong enough to entrap me in a mood of doubt, with its tempting invitation to return to the comfort of the tried and true human form. I had such a moment earlier this week when I questioned everything that has happened over the past eight years. That night I had the following dream.

I am with Jeanne. We have met a couple with a teenaged daughter. We walk about, freely sharing our unconventional journey through the cancer world. This young daughter suddenly stops and states: “I don’t agree with what you’ve done, and you should be careful, not talk so freely.” The dream progresses. Jeanne and I are to be married. We are older. We go to a doctor who lightheartedly asks if there will be witnesses at the wedding. He is considering foregoing the required medical exam before marriage when he realizes that there has been illness, hence an exam is required. I am immediately frightened. Once he examines Jeanne we will be discovered; all our unconventional treatments will be exposed. Then I realize, the whole time we have been out and about Jeanne has exposed her neck. Her collarbone on the left side has two deep holes in it, shaped like a double-barreled shotgun. Apparently, I had forged those holes as part of her treatments, and they were deep. Jeanne had been exposing them the whole time, quite carefree, without embarrassment, no concern for infection; in fact, she displayed them almost like ornamental jewelry. I thought maybe we should fill the holes. As the doctor started to undress Jeanne, I suddenly became aware, with great amusement, that she is dead! It didn’t matter, the examination was immaterial. With that I awoke.

Is she really dead? Am I too uncomfortable standing behind the energetic facts of our journey? Does my rationality prefer that I fill up the channel we achieved? I believe the dream was a course correction for me, Jeanne reminding me of all our truths, most importantly the two-way channel we have forged between worlds. The guidance that flows through this channel from Jeanne in infinity has opened up the possibility of an expanded configuration of the human form, which corrects its limited habits and misuses. What’s more, she raises the focus on health care to a new level, that of energetic health care, with its practices supporting the successful completion of life in the human form and continued evolution in infinity. This would be the passage of the ultimate health care reform bill, which is completely in the hands of each individual.

As usual, should anyone wish to write, I can be reached at: chuck@riverwalkerpress.com or feel free to post a comment.

Until we meet again,

#568 Take Out Your Magnifying Glass

Jeanne Marie Ketchel
Channeled by Jan Ketchel

Dear Jeanne,
In the last message you reminded us that we are energy beings seeking evolution through our human experience and you urged us to REMEMBER this at all times. Many people who we work with remarked that this was a very good message for them to receive on that day. Today is the eighth anniversary of the fall of the World Trade Towers and other acts of destruction in America, a day when you still resided in your human form. As we try to hold onto our awareness of ourselves as energy, we continue to be confronted with very real and challenging experiences here on earth, such as you battling breast cancer eight years ago and the attacks on America. From an evolutionary perspective, what should we remember and learn about our human condition, physical and otherwise, as the anniversary of this day is once again noted?

Take a magnifying glass to the self today. Look closely, and then more closely, at the evolution of the self over the past eight years. I myself, Jeanne Ketchel, have evolved since that great day of transformation. Many suffered on that day as many suffer each day. Do not take it out of context, for it was a most propitious and dreadful day in America and New York City and it continues to hold both mystery and sorrow, but turn away from the engineered sorrow and look more closely at the feelings and issues of the self as related to the time span of eight years.

In my own time I lived upon that earth but a few more months, already aware and noting that I was on a journey that would move me beyond the human experience. Although I fought until the very end, with my loving husband, My Chuck, at my side, I did not turn one moment from knowing that I was a being who was going to die. And did I die? My human form did die, and had already begun a process of decay, but my energy form did not die at all. The shamans whom I learned from reminded us always to retain awareness of our deaths, that yes, we are going to die. As you look upon your selves on this day, today, look for significance of the self as an evolving being. Look for what you have learned about the self as an energy being. Look for what you now have learned about death, evolution, awareness, and the understanding you have gained about life upon that earth as well.

You are a being who is going to die. I died. Yet did I also pass on to new life, as did all those who died upon that momentous day eight years ago. I urge you to treasure the life you live, but do not lose sight of your moment of transformation, whether it comes quickly and abruptly or slowly and ploddingly. Your moment of death is your moment of transformation, release from human form and the issues and problems of that human form, but it does not mean that you are done with life, for life continues.

Today I pose these ideas:

1. Remind your self, each day, that you are an energy being. This will aid you as you experience the unexplainable and the mysterious happenings in your life.

2. Remind your self that you are a human being who is now living upon that earth in order to learn certain things that you alone must learn. Your job is to learn what those lessons are and to resolve them.

3. Remind your self that you are a being who is going to die. In so doing may your awareness be captivated by this thought in order to turn your focus back to your physical form and the life you are living, refocusing you on your tasks.

4. Each day, ask your self: Am I learning my lessons, seeking the answers that I alone must discover for my own evolution?

5. Remind your self, each day, that the people in your life are necessary for your growth. Look around at who you have closest to you. What are they teaching you? Who else is present in your life who is your teacher, your guide, your protagonist, your catalyst to deeper understanding of the issues of the self?

6. Remind your self that although your journey is very important to you so are you very important to the journeys that others are taking beside you. Are you a good partner to those who travel through life with you? Are you learning what it means to be loving and compassionate to others, as well as the self?

7. I also urge you all, My Dear Ones, to never forget that you are upon that earth for other reasons besides growth of the self. Each one of you has other tasks. Each one of you has something to offer humanity. This may be something quite simple and beautiful, such as joy and light-hearted vigor, or it may be a serious and quite distinctly darker task, though equally beautiful in its necessity. Each of you is asked to evolve the self in human form, seeking always to discover what more you can do upon that earth to change it, so that evolution may take place. I do not mean to charge you with a task that you are not ready for, or to push you to do something for the sake of doing. No, you are each charged with discovering the true task that is yours alone, done without ego attachment, but purely for the evolution of others. Many of you are already doing what you should be doing.

8. This is the final thought that I offer you today: Are you truly fulfilling your destiny, the destiny of your spirit in human form? Do you dare to accept it, flow with it, and allow it to show you your true purpose in life?

Once again, I urge you to take out your magnifying glass and upon closer examination of the self as energy, physicality, ego and non-ego alike, ask the self: Who am I?