#390 Be Riverwalkers

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have a message to guide us as we begin a new week?

Consistency is now called for as you walk your path alongside the flowing river. Be Riverwalkers, as I have often recommended. It is not time to become overly confident or strongly opposed to anything that might come to wake you up. In order to flow with your life, with consistency, is it most necessary to remain calmly balanced and steady in your chosen direction of resonance.

Do not look for outer energy to calm down soon, but do look for it to push you, confront you, and ask you to stay alert. Your job, as Riverwalkers, is to acknowledge the outer energy without getting caught by its disturbing and often destructive impulses. Do not sit and weep upon the shores of a river gone wild, but observe that now is the river in such a state of total abandon to the energy because it is necessary for the river to shift and disrupt its own course.

Remark upon the world around you; observe it, learn from it, and take in what you must in order to grow. Engage in the energy that resonates, keeping your intent focused on good, on growth, and on the evolutionary potential for all mankind.

During this time of current turmoil, of energetic flow that may not be quite resonant with what you most desire, so do I ask that you consider your own pace, your own progress, and your own thoughts, actions, and deeds. Are you living the life of a good and energetically aligned individual? Are you learning what it means to hold good intentions? Are you learning what it means to understand compassionate love?

These times of turmoil, which often pull you outside of your self, drawing you to notice so much of the world outside of you, are good balancing times. Allow your focus to reflect inward now, even as you are eager to experience the excitement and the possibilities of change and transformation outside of you. Seek inner calm, inner balance, and the inner steadiness that you so admire in others, so that your walking life along the banks of the river of energy may be one that is well taken, well utilized, and well learned.

Your time upon that earth grows in meaning each day, but it is not until your recapitulation is well underway that you will learn your true purpose. You may have to engage in many activities before your true focus is achieved, and this is good. Do not scold your self for your lack of direction, or your inability to find a focus. For as life progresses, with you following its energetic flow, so will you find your true place, if you continually recapitulate your life thus far lived. I cannot overstate the necessity of recapitulation, nor the deep inner satisfaction you will achieve in discovering and understanding the truth of who you are, why you are, and where you are going.

As I suggest walking beside the energy that teases and tests, as a Riverwalker, so do I also suggest that constant recapitulation and seeking of resonant energy should also become your focus. In order to truly grow, to maintain health in mind, body, and inner spirit self, so is truthful balance always a good idea.

So as you now begin a new week, that may continue to be fraught with energetic turmoil, confusion, and disruptions to nag at you and seek your attention, so do I suggest that you maintain your image of self, walking calmly. Remain steady upon your path, with growth, evolution, and completion of your life as meaningful and full of purpose uppermost in your intent. Continue to learn the truths of the self in relation to you and the outer world in resonance, in balance, and in compassionate living.

This is good advice, if I do say so myself! Continue to be my loving Riverwalkers. Continue to grow, to discover who you are, why you are there, and for what purpose. It may not be what you think, but it may be more than you could ever imagine, if you do the work of the true self. Seek the true self in all that you do and you will have utilized your time and the energy well.

#389 Barack Obama: A Grand Example of the Potential for all to Reconcile the Differences Within

Dear Jeanne,
Chuck and I have been discussing the overall pattern of the content of your messages. You make a statement or point at the beginning, then basically give examples and explanations of those points before wrapping up at the end with a repetition of your original statements. (Good writing techniques, I admit.) Chuck mentioned that this is very similar to the way you operated in your sessions as a psychotherapist, making the same points over and over again from many different angles. I find the similarity between you then and now very striking. I also find your insights very unusual and I like the different perspectives that you offer. I guess my question to you today is twofold. First, why do you find it necessary to be so repetitive when perhaps just a concise statement might suffice? And secondly, are you continuing to work in this manner because you are Jeanne Ketchel still and that is your personal style? Actually, I have a third question. Do we retain our personality after we die; does it transform with us, as we become pure energy?

I will answer your last question first, for in so doing will the answers to your two other questions become more apparent. Personal style does remain intact after death. It has been intact through many lives; that I can attest to. Your personality, although quite plainly focused in this life as Jan Ketchel, for instance, has been present and nurtured through your many lives too. As you have progressed, these and other traits of sameness of character followed with you. By sameness, I mean they remain present. Key aspects of your soul-centered self are with you always, defining who you are now, who you have been, and who you will be.

You carry your personal traits from one life to the next. Gradually, over time, they are more fully developed and utilized in the growing process. In my earlier lives, though I had certain traits, I did not use them all; they remained dormant until necessary; and others that I utilized early on, did not need to be so apparent later, in other lives. You see?

Now, as far as my messages go, I perceive that you are getting bored again? Do I bore you with my long dialogues on one thing and another? Are you wondering how many times I will say the same things over and over again? I perceive this is true. Is it not?

Yes, I tend to get bored if things stay the same for too long. I like change. I am wondering if your repetition may not begin to sound like the same old thing to many people. I wonder if they will miss the finer points of your insights, because I do know that each message is different.

Well, the process of repetition is so necessary, My Dear, because there are far too many people who are not quite getting the true messages, which is that now is a time of transformation and direct growth, if you are ready, aware, and daring enough to take the steps to evolve. But in order to be daring, must one completely trust the guidance being offered. And that is what I am attempting to present to our readers, and to you and Chuck as well.

I offer a process of learning to trust the guidance by repeating my mantras to you so that you may find, over time, that they are indeed not only helpful, but truthful as well. You may not see results for a long time, but if you look back over the guidance that has been offered, and your process of learning to trust by following it, so will you see that it has been quite beneficial, as well as truthful. So you see, it is quite necessary to repeat my messages of guidance, not only often, but in many different ways, in order for you to understand my meanings in your own lives. As you progress, learn, and grow, so will the messages prove true and your trust may grow as well.

I do not anticipate that everyone has read the same thing so many times, as you may think. There are many of you who will read and comprehend ideas only when they are necessary for you to read and comprehend them, only when you are at a point in your life when they are meaningful, appropriate, and timely. You see?

So, although I say things quite often, and I even refer to the fact that I do, I do so in order for all of you to discover something you have perhaps not noticed before because it was not time for you to learn from it yet.

So you see, my method is practical and it is also awareness, on my part, of how evolution works. It is a fact that everyone is evolving, all the time, at different rates. Messages of guidance are always necessary. Many times are they necessary to repeat over and over again and, as Jeanne Marie Ketchel, that is my style. I hope you will not be bored by my means of projecting these messages upon you, for they are meant to aid you as you grow.

Do you have any other guidance for us today?

Do I dare state, again, that the following is so necessary now? I do! Find your calm and your balance, your steady place upon that earth, as you move forward now, trusting your own journey.

I can’t help but see this steadiness and calm balance in Barack Obama, as he moves forward in his presidential bid against John McCain. It is striking how calm and detached he appears. Can you comment, briefly, on this political process now going on in the United States?

If I might be so bold, I say that yes, this man, Barack Obama, does exhibit balance and steadiness. His place upon that earth now is not only in striking contrast to his opponent, but is filtered through many opposing sides. He is a man in solution, a fluid mix of black and white, a resolution of many years of struggle; a chemical balance representative of the inner and outer choices all must confront within themselves. He is not just a man who walks the earth, but a man who represents the future, the evolutionary potential of all beings, a marker of truth to come, a beacon of light, evolutionary light.

Can you not project into the future, a process upon that earth where inner and outer beings, spirit and human, interact and resolve to grow together. This man, this Future Man, represents this process and this ideal of balance. You see it most dramatically in his demeanor, his process of remaining steady upon his path; focused, yet constantly challenged and confronted on all sides by the old ways of doing business. I do not offer political information here, but I do offer this insight: that all of you must look upon this man, who walks now among you, as a man who is truly embodying the evolutionary potential of all mankind. His mix of races, his mix of spiritual self with outer physical ego self, his struggles and challenges in life are grand examples of the potential for all human beings to reconcile the differences within themselves, the two selves who must work together in order to grow. He is a good example, no matter what his politics, of the merging of the two aspects of self in balance.

Continue now your own growth and your own attempts to remain in balance, My Dears. Do not push aside my messages as the same ol’-same ol’. You may have already learned some of the lessons, but I guarantee you have not leaned them all. I’m sorry if I may, at times, bore you, but even that is necessary. Why are you bored, if that is indeed true? There must be something that you are not quite getting, for how could any aspect of that life be boring? Keep going. Keep searching. Keep growing. I love you all! Keep trusting that you are on the journey you should be on, looking always for where to turn next.

#388 So How Do You Become More Aware?

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have a message for us today?

Struggles in life are necessary, as signposts and guideposts along your path, offering you opportunities to change your route. Are you upon a path of growth? Do you wish for change? Do you wish for progress, and for enlightenment about how things work, what life is about, and what comes next? If so, then your struggles, confrontations, and challenges are all asking you to proceed with a certain amount of awareness, coupled with alertness to the fact that you are on a journey of purpose and meaning. Can you accept the fact that your life is full of purpose and meaning? Yet must you discover what it is, by continuing to shift and flow with what life offers you.

If you remain stuck, or with little growth, even though you may desire it, so are you not properly reading the signs in your life, or taking them seriously. The process of growth must begin with desire, but without action on your part will there be no fulfillment of desire. And how do you take action if you cannot properly see or read the signs in your life? Well, I can tell you this, life is offering you signs leading to growth all the time.

So how do you become more aware? I ask you, today, to dare your self to notice some thing about your self that has kept you complacent and resting upon your backside for far too long. All of you have some challenge that is overdone, overused, overcompensated for, and overly boring in your life. Look first at some habit, behavior, activity, relationship, agreement, contract, or even your own internal chatter that has been keeping you from changing. You may be stuck, really stuck, or so you think, without possibility to change or remove your self from your stagnancy. So I offer this to you:

You can change, if you want to. You can offer your self the challenge to do something differently, no matter how small. But in order to do so, you must be willing to take on the challenge, to follow where it takes you, keeping always in mind that whatever comes your way is actually leading you to fulfillment of your purpose for living, and offering you meaningful progress as a result.

Now is a time of great confrontation. Energy is present that is proposing change. Yet is there also other energy that is pulling you back to your place of stagnancy. To be between these two types of energies is to be in a place of confusion. But do not allow that confusion to turn to disillusion with life, with your situation, or with your spiritual self. Distance must not be created between your inner spirit self and your outer worldly self, but union must be maintained.

Now is a good time to go innerly, to enjoy your inner work, detaching from the outer turmoil, with compassionate understanding for the journeys that all must take upon that earth. Now, in turning inward, will you be rewarded with many signs, as you become attuned to your own resonance and heightened awareness by your connection to self, to your dreamworld, and to your spirit’s desire for meaningful and positive progress upon that earth.

Find your place of inner/outer balance, your true place of spirit. This is very different from your usual place of stagnancy and complacency. Do not confuse the two. Remove your inner chatter that seeks to confuse you. Then look inside and outside your self, comparing your two worlds, of spirit and of human being. What are they asking for in life, as a unit? What are your two selves truly desiring of that life you live?

By remaining connected to these two aspects of self through this time of magnetic pulling apart, so will you be better able to maintain your awareness through the coming days and weeks. As the world around you continues to appear chaotic, as it continues to create veils of illusion to trick you, and as it proceeds on a well-worn path, so will your awareness speak your own truths, more clearly, if you remain turned toward the truths of the self.

I know I repeatedly ask that you turn toward and accept your own truths. That is the most important aspect of evolution. You will not grow any further if you do not read the signs that your inner self presents to you, and understand them fully as true signs of self and of your life past, present, and future. Accepting them and changing, by what they reveal to you, are your next steps to growth. Where else will your signs of truth come from, except from inside, from your true self? How can you expect to change if you do not accept what you know is true about your self, and actively do things quite differently.

Of course, all of this is very challenging, but do you not realize that once you take on your first challenge, so will your following challenges become easier to accept and easier to flow with? Dig your selves out of your ruts, My Dears. Challenge your selves to get balanced and to practice detachment from the energy that seeks to confuse you. This is truly a time when you can make tremendous progress, if you are willing to give up your old comforts.

That is all I have to say today. Question your self, regarding what that means to you. What are your old comforts that are simply keeping you from growing, from changing, from living a life of true spirit? You have the opportunity to experience new life, based on truth now. How can you deny your self that? It’s waiting for you. Go find it. You won’t have to look very far because you are already in it, living it. Read the signs differently now. Read them truthfully.

#387 The Black Crow of Recapitulation is Sitting Nearby

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have a message of guidance for all of us today? In the Northeast, we’ve been having beautiful fall weather and that is energizing and calming at the same time, but it also feels so precarious, with an underlying feeling that caution is needed in order to stay aware.

Your assessment is not too far off the mark, though I caution you in your use of the word caution! It is not quite caution that is called for now, but alignment with the truth that is being revealed and an awareness that truth is the necessary means of remaining steady and trusting as you take your journey. Yes, the energy presents the dual aspects of intense energetic charge and the need to balance; of negative and positive, of alignment and pull off alignment, of magnetic pulls in one direction or another completely separate from your own intent, and this is what you must now be aware of.

There is now present upon that earth a very powerful energy that if utilized in truthful alignment and steady forward flow, trusting that it is leading you correctly, will result in great progress. But on the other hand, there is a strong undercurrent (and I use that term rather than a negative term) that seeks energetic feeding in order to disrupt the possibilities, offering another alternative. Generally, such dual energy is present in some form anyway. But now is there a greater force at work here that offers transformation, and that is why awareness is now so crucial to maintain. I look upon you all as on the verge, the brink of change, and it can go either way at this point. But I must say that you seem to be learning some good lessons and the flow of good energy remains high.

Your job this week, My Dear Readers, is to remain positively intending of good, aligning with the truths that will be revealed. The time of uncovering remains active. The bedcovers will continue to be pulled back and hidden agendas and intimate secrets revealed. Forthcoming enlightenments are to be expected.

Do not run in shame, or in despair at what you will see and hear over the next few days. Do not deny the truths that will speak louder than words out of the mouths of your great speakers and pundits. Do not dismiss the likelihood of such truths, as yet still hidden, for they will prove true. Such truths will throw you into a time of great uncertainty as how to proceed in your own individual world, in your near world, and in the global world.

Do not fall for the quick and easy solutions of the majority rule, for such solutions hold no substance of change. It is the substance of change that you must focus on now and respond to with true actions. The results of such true responses will prove right, over time. Change is needed now in all aspects of life upon that earth. This must be your guiding intent and focus. How can we do things differently? Which choice is an arbiter of change? Which force of intent will move us in a new direction?

Are you speaking politically?

I speak in terms of growth, necessary on all levels of life. Yes, politically is there great necessity for drastic change and truthfulness to become the energetic intent. But beyond that, must you and your country be daring enough to declare this. In order for change in your country to happen, must there be action, and loss of self-righteous desires and ideals that no longer can carry forth cohesive energy. Too many people have woken up in America, and you do not want to fall back asleep now! Too few remain satisfied with continued desire to defend the powers that seek to maintain the illusions of safety and comfort. Such aspects must be pushed off the bargaining tables. Only true needs and true desires must be placed there for all to see and all to choose from.

Alignment with the truths of the self must be forthcoming in order for truths of the nations, the world, and the universe to become acceptable. If you remain tightlipped and firmly grasping hold of old ideas of the self, what will you offer a changing world? How will you be able to be an active member of a changing energetic environment if you cannot transform your own life?

Now is a time of energetic push for transformative change. It is time for the butterfly to emerge from its cocoon. But beware! The crow sits upon a branch nearby, intently watching its difficult birthing process, ready to swiftly snap out its sharp and mighty beak, ready to snatch that new life back into the darkness.

So please, be aware, My Lovely Emerging Ones, that the black crow of recapitulation is sitting nearby, observing the process, yet also ready to pull you all back into old patterns of denial, destructive habits, repetitive behaviors, and complacency. There are not only personal, but worldwide opportunities for growth and transformation and, equally, opportunities for the crow to feast.

But isn’t recapitulation necessary now too?

Yes, it is extremely necessary. But during this time, is there the possibility to get caught by the talons and beak of that crow of recapitulation, to get pulled back without awareness, and that is key, to maintain awareness at all times of the truths already revealed, the truths to come, and the truths to behold as you follow your path with awareness.

Your awareness will enable you to emerge, to skirt past the dark crow and to continue on, in spite of his presence. Your awareness will be most important as you make decisions and choices based on what you have learned, not forgetting or being drawn into darkness where clarity of vision is lost.

So now, today, do I suggest that your intent be on maintaining your awareness of self, of truths already revealed, and of your place upon a path of drastic change, personally and interpersonally, nationally and internationally. This is a time of great opportunity, My Dear Ones. Be alert at all times. Avoid the veils of illusion, the powers of many to deceive, and the greed of the hungry crows, literally and metaphorically. Good Luck!

An Open Forum

A fellow reader has proposed a Book of Us/Jeanne’s Messages discussion on the Amazon detail page of The Book of Us. Although we are not sponsoring this discussion we heartily endorse this energetic intent. The forum is located halfway down on the detail page. Go to Amazon, scroll down passed Customer Reviews to Customer Discussions where the topic is titled, Sharing Insights. Thank you for continuing to participate in this amazing journey!