#338 You Have Santa Fe Inside You

Today, Eva asks a question.

Hi Jeanne,
Several years ago, I lived in a very spiritual place called Santa Fe, New Mexico. I feel my journey towards awareness began there. It is where I first began to have memories of my abuse. I moved away about 8 years ago, and much has happened. Not a day goes by, that I do not long to be there, however, it just doesn’t feel like it is some place I should be living right now. Though, my longing to be there is incredibly deep.

My question is, where is this longing coming from? Is it from a place of truth, or a place of distraction? In some ways, I wonder if it interferes with my journey.


My Dearest Eva, in one sense is your awareness of Santa Fe as a spiritual place rooted in your ancient wisdom, your inner recognition of energetic connection, vibration, and resonance. But in another sense have you been drawn, by your spirit, to this place of magic for evolutionary purposes. Your longing stretches now beyond the physical spot to your own inner longing to recapitulate. You are aided in your search for meaning by your connection to and awareness of spiritual desire.

(A crow is CAW, CAW, CAWING in a tree outside the sliding door right now, VERY LOUDLY! … Now it moves off…. The crow of recapitulation?)

Your intensity of feelings regarding this prominent spot signifies your deep spirit, stirring already those many years ago, urging you to do your inner work. Your awakening must continue no matter where you live. Your recalling of past events must not be smothered by a greater longing to escape your present situation. For there is no escaping that which calls to be known, that which seeks your attention, and that which must be processed in the context of your greater life.

Your time now is within, and in your heart center do you carry still the knowledge of this beautiful spot in New Mexico that calls your name and stills your spirit. Yet does it also stir up memories of horror and confrontation with truth, devastating and abhorrent though they may be. Your place of calm resides inside you. You already received the gifts from this place, this Santa Fe. You received knowledge of its ancient wisdom and power, and its energetic force that seeks to jolt awake those who are truly alive and aware.

But many get caught in its magic, captivated by the ambience of its power. Yet do they not utilize it. I find that your truth spoke to you there, yet were you not allowed to stay and sink into the reverie of its somnambulant power. You were offered its gifts to carry forth with you, rather than become enthralled with their powers, and not have the catalyst needed to send you on your journey by sitting pretty upon its sandy peaks and calming hills.

So look on your time there as your time of true awakening. Your journey has led you now to find your inner work, to a place where it can be done without the distractions of the ancients, who still reside in the atmosphere of Santa Fe, interrupting the lives of many. And those who live there must contend with their interferences. Such interference is not conducive to the work you now do. But you have been imbued with the ancient spirit powers, to go abroad and do the inner work, even as the shamans of that place did once go off to their own inner experiences and returned when their journeys, there recapitulations, and their lessons were complete.

So to answer your questions, know that your longing comes from an ancient connection, and your ability to recognize its resonance. Once experienced, of course you could not ever forget it, it is powerful! But its gift is tremendous, for it opens the door to your inner work, and this is your place of truth. Do not wonder where the longing comes from any longer. It comes from you, in resonance with the holy atmosphere, the spiritual atmosphere that shook you awake, and that is how it should be.

Do not seek to distract your self with wondering about your longing. Your longing must now be directed toward a longing to fully know and understand the self, the journey you have taken, the journey you are now taking, and the journey that lies ahead. Take with you into this inner work the knowledge that you have been offered; that you do feel and connect properly with the right resonance. You do not need to doubt your ability to recognize your proper path. Use that ability now, as you continue your work, as you learn to trust the ancient truth of life as a journey, as a challenge, and as a growth-oriented journey that will lead you to the proper place of resonance within the self first, so that no matter where you are in the world your inner spirit will be your anchoring place. And you will be free to live a calm and quiet life, full of the kind of resonance you felt in Santa Fe, no matter where you physically reside. You see? You have Santa Fe inside you.

You are right, in that you must not allow your longing for this place outside of you to interfere with your longing for seeking it inside you. For that is where you must find it, and that is where you must return to it, in the resonance of self, the recognition of its power and magic within.

Your journey has been sparked with great powerful potential. Your issues of abuse that emerged in such a place of ancient wisdom are drawing you to them, asking you to recall them, learn from them, grow from them, and find your own magnificent inner power and magic as a result.

All of you, My Dear Readers, have Santa Fe, New Mexico inside you. All of you have the inner wisdom, the resonance, and the connection to ancient knowing. All of you are seekers, spirit beings, and wise ones. Continue your good work on the self. Reside in your heart centered knowing that you are doing the work that is right, that is necessary, and that is going to free you, so that you may enjoy your inner sanctum, your inner Santa Fe.

And perhaps, My Dear Eva, you will also one day have your inner power in good balance, so that, if you choose to return to the real Santa Fe, you will be in tune with the resonance there, rather than overwhelmed by it, or enthralled by it, but truly at one with it, resident in its resonance. For that is how to truly live in such a place of power, fully aware of the self as journeyer; doing constantly the inner work; unafraid, freed of the old covers that seek to smother your awareness, and able to utilize the energy of that place to continue your journey.

Who knows where you will go in your future. But I see that you are beginning to trust your own abilities to take the journey, to handle the pressures and the revelations of your recapitulation, and to acquiesce to the inevitability of taking such a meaningful journey. That is what you have carried forth from your years in Santa Fe, and it is powerfully aiding you now, as you take your next steps in your growth.

Accept the gifts you have been given, and keep taking your journey forward, into the self.

#337 You, My Dear One, Have Been Learning From the Masters of the Dark Side, Some of the Greatest Teachers in the Universe

Today, A Seeker asks a question.

Dear Jeanne,
I am struggling to accept that my soul chose a path of incest and abuse. Not only because it is so painful, but I cannot grasp how to view the perpetrator. If it is all planned beforehand, then is the abuser never held accountable? Should humanity not stop criminals, as it is all chosen? Of course I totally disagree with the previous statements, but it truly, truly does not make sense to me. I find it hard to believe that if someone had stopped my father from abusing me, it would have interfered with what I chose. I would most certainly stop someone from doing such things if I knew about it.

From what I have been told, these things may be premature for me to comprehend at this stage of my work. But I would love to have some clarity about this.


Yes, My Dear Reader, when you are ready will these things appear differently to your rational mind, which I see struggles greatly with evolutionary ideas, so far removed from the pain and intensely personal hurt of your situation.

In cases of criminal behavior, whether sexual abuse, incest, murder, or any act that intercepts the path of others, whether known or unknown to them, by evolutionary standards is no one ever freed to move on, unaccountable for their actions. There is no freedom in such cases. Everyone must and does pay, in some fashion, for the crimes they perpetrate upon others.

The only place of freedom must be within your self. You must allow your self the freedom of detachment from the perpetrator, in this case the father, in order to recapitulate your journey. You must find the aspects of the self that not only chose such a journey, but chose to confront you with your father in the role of your abuser, but also as your teacher. For he was both, My Dear, though I know that idea is far-fetched and totally unappealing to you at this point in your work.

I do not advocate that you approach him on the subject, for his own awareness is not keen enough to understand, nor factor in, any evolutionary path, such as you seek. His own path will present him with his actions, first in this lifetime, and then more fully in the next, as he seeks resolution for his decisions and choices made with you, his daughter. His choices affect you, and he is fully aware of this. His daughters are not given as play things, yet has his entire being been presented with beguiling enticements that perpetrated, within his journey, a path of deception, intrigue, and possession that he alone is responsible for.

Keep this in mind as you do your inner work. He is completely responsible for his actions with you and others. He is not your lover, your mate, your friend. Yet is he your greatest teacher, your master guide, and your leader along your rocky path. But he has left you along that path. He has deserted you; left you abandoned; forfeited his truth, and his tender love for you by leading you unsuspectingly, and wrongfully, along such a path. His own work haunts him. His decisions and choices do not sit quietly buried as you might suspect, for he hides and keeps himself buried in delusion and deceit.

These things you can have access to regarding him: know that he is punished continually for his actions, thoughts, deeds, plans, and for the many years of devastating activities that have led you along his path of choice, as his unwilling, unknowing, innocent partner. But he abandoned you along the path. Before he even took you one step along the way, did he remove his father self from the path. He took off his fatherly shoes, his fatherly socks, and walked upon the path in the feet of the monster of desire and deceit.

I do not tell you these things so that you may be enticed to feel sorry for this man, but instead for you to understand that he was not your father, but a possession of a monstrous sort. And that possession was a transmogrification*, an entity, a being who paraded in your father’s form, teaching both of you the ways of the world, both the seeing world, and the unseeing world.

So now you are a child in the arms of an entity, who has usurped another’s life in order to abuse? Is this what it was all about? No, not at all. It was far more complicated than that. Transmogrification can happen for many reasons, but always does it take place in order for learning. I myself have transmogrified, changed my shape, my energetic shape, in order to teach. But I have chosen to do so on the light side. I intend my energy only for good, and I use it only for good. As I learned to do this, so was I tested by the negative side, as there was always the possibility for that side to usurp my energy for its own purposes. This I was able to thwart, time and again; at each test gaining more awareness of the process; clarity of how to utilize my own powers of energetic intent; learning the ability to transform, transmogrify, and change, in order to be of aid to others.

So, this possession, this entity who parades as your father is your biological parent, but that is where the connection to reality of that world ends, and the world of the sorcerers begins. For in his own choice, to allow transmogrification to take place, did he enter the sorcerer’s world, where dangers lurk, but masters as well. And those masters are the ones who became your own teachers. You, My Dear One, have been learning from the Masters of the Dark Side, some of the greatest teachers in the universe.

We all had to and have to encounter them, as we learn evolutionary progress. As I explained above, I did also have to learn from them, both upon that Earth, and as I learned what it meant to truly evolve. The teachings are not necessarily pleasant, but the gains in growth of awareness are phenomenal.

So to return to now, to your specific situation, and to your questions. I would advise you, My Dear One, Skeptic and Doubter, Seeker and Spiritual Being, to follow now your own path. The transmogrified being is not in your presence, nor are his touches upon you. You are in a place of limbo, that land of uncertainty, struggling with the past and not quite fully aware of the future. But that limbo is your work area, your place of putting together all that you have experienced in the context of an evolutionary life. I believe that this concept of a life is not at all foreign or distasteful to you. I believe you seek fulfillment, you always have, though you also get lost in your whirlwind of decisive thoughts, your rational mind seeking to place the events in your life into compartments. But you have not as yet learned what those compartments should be labeled. You keep changing the labels, and that is a sign not of confusion, but of seeking for truth.

As you do this truth-seeking work that perpetrator’s life will disappear, further and further from your own awareness, as you discover the reasons for your own path. The journey that you are on will lead you to your work, your true life’s work, as a guide to others who have also taken such a journey. As a guide to those who do not understand why they hide from life and seek oblivion, as you also have done, and still do, in your obsessive and dismissive thoughts regarding growth and evolution.

I know that it is much easier to pin a label upon your man, your father, and call him evil lover, faithless father, criminal mind. But in the end will you find that another label will fit him perfectly well: evolutionary being, who struggles to gain awareness and clarity of his own deeds, and learns that the only means to salvation is through truly accepting and reliving his actions, in total responsibility. That is his journey.

Your journey will eventually evolve, from obsession with the journey you have thus far taken (and this is your recapitulation), to resolution, and finally to detachment from the ties that now bind you so forcefully still to this haunting situation, and to this man who so direly abused your innocence and your trust. And yes, if you are able, your duty to halt such perpetration upon an innocent being must be uppermost in your awareness. But not all are present enough or willing enough to confront such truths, for their own reasons. And to fault such behavior is to once again deny that each life leads to growth, and each being upon that planet is truly upon a journey that must be attended to. It is not your job to judge others for the choices they make, but to find your own path, and stick to it in spite of the hurt and the denials being spoken all around you.

You are now relearning what it means to trust a man. You are now relearning what it means to be innocent. You are now relearning what it means to take responsibility for the journey of the self. And even though you do not, at this point in your work, understand why your soul chose the path you have thus far lived, so will those questions resolve, as you continue along your evolutionary path.

A thoroughly lived life carries forth all the pain, bringing the inner hurts and the outer hurts forward. Bringing them in to the light of day, so that you may have the opportunity to examine them; with clarity spreading out before you, lighting all the pieces of your life, so that you may put them together in the intimate context of who you are NOW, in THIS life, able to clearly see what those pains have taught you about your self, and what they will mean in your future.

Your future bodes well for being actively involved in stopping such painful perpetration, by becoming involved in dealing, on some level, with the underworld, the dark side, that does inhabit people such as your father. You are tender now in your protection of the child, but the ultimate protection of the child comes in understanding the dark side, the propensity for foreign energy to take possession of those who are aware of its power, and make the choice to allow it to take over their journey. With a mix of awareness and desire for the power that such energy offers is such a choice made. Yet is there still resident acknowledgment of the other self, who gave up the struggle to stay in the light, on the side of good.

Why? Perhaps that is where your future will take you. Perhaps your fine mind and your adventuresome spirit will lead you to encounter this aspect in all beings upon that Earth. For all have to make a choice, at some point in life. And all are presented with the light and the dark. Why do some choose the dark? Are they but, as yet, unevolved? Do they desire the challenges of the battles they will undeniably be presented with? Or are they but weaklings, unwilling to fully take responsibility for their energy, lazily allowing themselves to be used, without thought or care for those they come in contact with? All of these propositions may be true, in any person you meet. Your future work may lie in deciphering the truth of these statements. You have the mind and the spirit capable of tackling such mysteries.

But for now, My Dear One, you are confronted with learning what it means to become fully aware of your own journey, to fully comprehend the meaning of it for you alone, without attachment to the others involved in it. For at this point, must you find YOUR truth. Only once you fully accept your past, the truth of it, can you fully accept responsibility for your future, but ultimately your present because that is where you live.

Each moment is your present, it is where you live, it is your NOW, and it must be sought out, as clearly as possible, as you live responsibly, fully aware that you are on a journey. And yes, you did make some choices ahead of time, but then you got confronted with things that you perhaps did not anticipate in full awareness. But once encountered did you act according to your soul’s journey, staying on the side of good, maintaining your powers of light, with your intent focused upon your spiritual path. In so doing did you not get drawn in to the dark side, as your father did. You maintained your integrity, your boundaries, un-invaded, though your body did suffer greatly in the battles you were led to fight. But you must stay firmly aware that you did not lose one battle, you remained a warrior child. And you continue to grow with that battle scarred body, and that powerful, winning spirit still leads you on.

Your work lies ahead of you, but you have opened the door once again to seeking clarity. And this clarity I speak of is not just clarity of what happened in the past, but it is also your seeking of spiritual clarity. Your inner desire to understand the spirit that drives you, and the energy that seeks to fully comprehend and understand what is truly meant by evolution, evolutionary growth, and an evolutionary journey.

So My Dear Warrior Woman, maintain your balance, but also maintain your awareness of your spiritual self who has pushed you far, to where you are now, being presented with mind-shifting ideas that you are fully capable of understanding. And you will aid your self greatly by trusting this amazing journey you are on, trusting that you chose the side of good a long time ago. You fought desperately and bravely to remain in that world of light, and you have already succeeded in that. You already won your battles. So accept that.

Now it’s all about learning. You, and many others in the world, are in this place of learning what it means to be an evolving being. You, and many others, continually seek clarity. Accept that this is who you are; and keep learning, keep trusting, and keep going. I await the results of your hard and determined work. You have amazing potential to really be a part of a changing world, to offer what you are learning to many, in the future. Your potential to change the world is unlimited. Good luck, My Dear One. You are safe. Trust the journey.

*Transmogrification as discussed in a previous message (Message #328) is defined as a change, a transformation, often to something grotesque, but can also refer to transforming into something delightful or humorous.

#336 This Really is a Time of Metamorphosis

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have a message of guidance for humanity today?

If you can get on the right path, the path of growth, progress, and positive intent, the energy of swift referral and nudging guidance is available now. Even though this time of lull may hold you in a place of old resistance, so may it also provide you with the time you need to contemplate your reality. I suggest that you use it to your best advantage. See your truths clearly, from a place of reality, with a slight detachment, and utilize the energetic build up that now swings the lull toward a more companionable energetic surge. Prepare for that coming surge, for it will carry you far if you have done your self-study.

This is a time of clarity. This is not a foggy lull, but a lull that offers revelation, and it should be used for growth, not for complacency and retirement from life. Have you lately discovered some core truth of the self? If so, what are you going to do with that nugget of insight? Turn it into a golden opportunity to grow, to push ahead now to another level of growth on your journey.

Leave beside the path your hurt, your big baby paraphernalia. You are an adult now, taking a journey that only a mature and advanced spiritual intellectual can make. The concepts, the guidelines, and the propositions that are placed before you are not easily confronted or processed. Your attempts at discovering your truths are commendable, but I also urge you to keep going. Do not turn down your spirit’s urgings, or the signs, or synchronicities that continue to pull and push you forward. You can do this work, and so far I would have to say that you are all doing marvelously.

Find today the energy I speak of, the beginning of the buildup, subtle at first, that is leading to a new surge of vital, positive energy. You want to be able to tap into this energy; you want to be available to ride its wave. To be ready entails maturity, reasonable thoughts and actions according to evolutionary growth, but most importantly this requires acceptance of what you have recently learned about your self during this down time, this time of lull.

If you can truly accept your imperfections, fully own them as part of you, knowing that you have used them well but no longer need them, so are you acceptant of them. If you can release those well-used aspects of the self, and travel onward now without the comfort of them, so will you be able to advance as the surge comes. And it will support you with its energy, filling the gap left behind by the loss of your comfortable habits with new energy that will carry you far into your future.

To be able to release the comfortable habits, even the deepest inner ones of resistance, avoidance, and trickery, difficult though it may be, will provide you with quite an opportunity now, as the next shift approaches.

You know, each one of you, My Dear Readers, what your own issues are and what truths have recently been revealed to you, for you are all thoughtful, intelligent, consciously seeking change in your life, or you would not be here, reading my messages. As your truths are revealed must you process the deeper meaning of them. What do they stir up in you? Feelings of inadequacy, of abandonment, of control; the need to be perfect; to hide, to close down your feelings, to go into oblivion, to run and hide your physical body, and to seek refuge in old habits so that your tenderness is not pummeled and hurt? Are some of these things true?

Your old defenses have been available to you for a long time, but they are grounded in your youth, your time of limited awareness, in a time of unclear purpose, and in a time of confusion about the world, how it works, and how the people you came in contact with were acting towards you. You needed good examples for how life was supposed to work, but often you got only more confusion, as the adults in your life stumbled along, caught in their own oblivions.

But now you are an adult. You are a grown up; a person who has gained awareness and clarity, and you are operating at a new level. Your head is above the clouds. Your view is from a new perspective because you have desired change. Your position is well fought for, and progress may have been slow but steady. Remind your self often that this is the new you, walking upon a path that is progressively becoming clearer and clearer. Both your past, when you glance back at it, and your future ahead are looking clearer and more concise as you hone in on the details of truth that have been revealed and continue to be revealed.

Keep this clarity about your self in your presence now, as you prepare for this next stage in your growth. This is a time of advancement, of opportunity, and of personal revelation. Do not be afraid to shed the garments of old, and take on new lighter, flowing clothes that will lift your spirits, and allow your wings to unfold. This really is a time of metamorphosis, My Dears. And you are fully ready to take flight as the energy soon arrives to tickle your wings up and outward, and provide you with just enough lift to get you off the ground, out of your slump, your bed of lulled slumber, and send you flying.

It’s time now to take the next step, to make the choice to grow another spurt, or to stay in the old place. Do you choose continued heaviness and darkness, or do you choose lightness and light? I look forward to watching you as you continue your fascinating journeys. Good luck, My Dear Ones, you are all doing well.

And please, don’t despair over your choices. Feel the truth of your own place, your own revelations. Learn to accept them. Let them go, in the sense of their attachment to your spirit, but only once you have truly owned them, their meanings, and why they have up until now been necessary baggage. But now your body, your soul, and your mind are desiring less baggage.

What can you afford to leave behind as you move forward now? You are not allowed to bring everything with you. You have to decide what is most important, and what you can let go of? Look always at the deeper truths as you make your selections. Some things are truly worn out old habits and behaviors, boring burdens that you know you don’t need or want any longer. Those are the things to leave by the wayside now, releasing your self from them, and lightening your energy load, so that you can truly free your wings and have the energy to take off, as that breeze, that shift, approaches to lift you out of your burrow and into new life.

#335 Protect Your Self With the Energy of Mother Earth

A Seeker asks a question today.

Dear Jeanne,
First, I would like to thank you for the opportunity to ask questions, and seek guidance, which I feel is a gift for me, as I am feeling so many changes and shifts in my energy, the energy of others, and the energy of the universe.

Lately, I have been more aware of breaks in physical time. I can feel “time stand still”. It happened to me yesterday as I was reading some of the spiritual books I have been collecting. It has also happened at other times, when I am doing other types of inner work (meditating, dreaming, talking to friends about their energy experiences). It seems like an odd mix between a dream, and an out of body experience. Is what I am feeling a heightened awareness? How does time stand still, and what does this mean?

Thank you again for the opportunity to ask my question. I enjoy spending time on the website. I always receive the gift of a special message to guide me on my journey.

Sincerely, D.A.D.

My Dear Reader, you are having experiences of awareness. As I have mentioned often, in energetic composition is there no concept of time; in this state is time unframed, undefined, and unlimited. In awareness is it but the moment of now that is perceived and experienced. This appears to be what you are describing.

I would like to point out that awareness becomes critically heightened during times of stress. At those times, is your sense of time perhaps even more noticeably slowed; diminished to nothing but keen alertness, clarity, and awareness of an internal and external sort, beyond the mind and the body. And even though the body and mind become ultra-sensed and ultra-sensitive in heightened awareness, so is your energy also outside of the confines of the body.

In heightened awareness, as you experience your energy in this state of removal, at the same time that you remain peripherally attached to your physicalness, so do you have the opportunity to maintain awareness if you can anchor your self in your spirit training, and not attach to some other reason for your odd experience. It seems that you are able to stay attached to your inner knowing. But I also perceive that you find it an opportunity to let go of your awareness and lose your attention to clarity. However, this process of “letting go” is not the one I condone.

To allow the self to have experiences out of body is to venture into a new realm of self. This is the energy self. But one must be cautious, at all times, to protect the energy body during such an adventure if one is vulnerable to outside energy. If one lives precariously, on the edge of reality, wishing only for the spiritual, does one not favor the spiritual side, as you might think, but become vulnerable to other energy, as one is steeped in imbalances.

These experiences you describe are tantalizing, and very valid experiments to undertake and to allow the self to become aware of. They are good training for your awareness. And yes, to gain a sense of what it means to be in heightened awareness is a most beneficial position to be in. But, My Dear One, I fear that you might overly seek such experiences, spending too much time in your energy body and in so doing, opening the door to other entities who wish to steal your energetic beauty. For you hold in your personal realm much enticing energy of the sort that has great potential. And now during your times of struggle upon that Earth, is there a great battle upon you to give up that wonderfully powerful energy to those more skilled at such battle.

I fear that you will lose your footing, so I suggest that you seek firmer placement in the real world of your grounded life upon that Earth. You already know that you are an energy being, and that you have a well-developed ability to go off into other worlds, suspended in the moment, in order to experience energy, awareness, and the potential of future energetic form. But put that talent aside while you more firmly ground your physical being in the world you live in.

You must anchor your self, most firmly, in the ground. Protect your self with the energy of Mother Earth, so that when you wish to go off on an adventure of energetic proportions, so do you have a tightly woven filament of attachment to the reality you must live in. You must resolve your issues of attachment, My Dear One. You have already worked on your issues of detachment to a certain extent, but now find firm attachment in the world, before you go out into energy form again. That is the inner work you must do now.

This is not just good advice for this Dear Reader, but many of you, who dip into the inner work, seek to go too far too soon. You seek it as release from the confines of that world, and I must warn you that it is not proper to do so. Your inner work is based in your life there. If you stray too often into moments of experiencing “time standing still,” so do you risk losing your necessary and vital connection to your life upon that Earth, which is your most important companion, teacher, and guide. Your reality, fixated on your world, is showing you what issues and tendencies must be addressed in order to solve your life and recapitulate. But you must also firmly ground your self in that world, in order for firm balance to be maintained.

I worry that too many of you seek the out of body experience, and the energy experience too often, that you are looking for a way out of doing life as it is presented to you, rather than doing the work on the self that is required in that very real and gritty world. Your success in the spiritual realm cannot be denied, nor should it be ignored. You are all learning many valuable lessons that will remain embedded in your awareness. But what use will they be, if you have not solved the puzzle of who you are in that life you now live? For only in solving the physically present self; as an entity with issues, problems, feelings, emotions, and mysteries as yet uncovered; and confronting all the whys of the self, will your awareness be of any use. To finish your lifetimes upon that Earth is your greatest agenda; and balancing that work with the work of the spirit is the process. So I urge all of You Beautiful Spirit Seekers, to not neglect one for the other.

And you, My Dearest Reader, who asks so graciously about finding the energy of the inner self, do not fault your self for the adventures you take, and so desire to keep taking, for you prove to your self and your energetic protectors, all the time, that you have what it takes to evolve. But even so, My Dear One, do you have other work to do, and I think you know what it entails, even though you shrink from the door behind which it waits. Do not dread it so, for it is but your truths waiting, lingering in the shadows for your discovery, and rediscovery of who you truly are; and with it resides your true power and potential.

These thoughts of equal mystery and despair reside in all of you who seek. They reside in your lives upon that Earth, where the need to solve your riddles is your greatest challenge. Free your spirit even more by continuing your inner work and your outer work. Do not walk away from the shadowy self who you catch glimpses of every day. Watch your energy at all times. It will show you what is important. But also, guard it. Ask your protectors and guides to stay with you as you confront your demons. In the end, you will discover that your demons are just unresolved aspects of the self.

Do not fear your process. After all, you have already experienced the nothingness of time, as you know it, on a daily basis. You have experienced energy as infinite, and it is showing you that you are well trained and capable of achieving your energy body. But it is also showing you that something else tugs at you and pulls you down into the whirlwind that must be confronted in the shadows of the earthly self.

So, My Dearest Reader and Seeker, I hope I have not been too confrontational. I offer my advice because you asked, though I found your heart center to be a little off balance, and this disturbs me. So please, be aware. This is what you are being shown in your daily life, that you are off-kilter in some aspect of the self. Even though you are highly aware and accepting of the spiritual self, so must you resolve your issues that pull you out of balance.

Thank you for this question. It does bode well for your future (and this is so for all of you Seekers) that you are doing such good awareness work. It is very good to do it, but remain grounded in reality, doing your recapitulation work, for it will integrate every aspect of your past, present, and future potential into a whole and balanced being of light, energy, with firmly grounded awareness in both worlds. Good Luck!

#334 Stay Centered and Aware of Your Path

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have a note of guidance for humanity today?

Find again your heart center, and remain bound by the tenets of a seeking life, an evolutionary life. Even as the energy does entice you outward, and pull at your inner self to remain caught in habits and behaviors of old, so must you remain cognizant of the shifts that have taken place and continue to. Change is happening now, and within your own psyche must you recognize the resistance to such change. The resistance will come forth in various ways to sabotage your growth, your place of knowing calm, and your prosperous path.

I advocate a firm intent and reminder to constantly turn to your heart center as a place of refuge, but also as a place of rebuttal to the resistance that seeks your energy. For in old habits are you an easy prey, less aware, dulled by the nothingness that comes over you as you give in to the energy that thwarts your progress and steals you from your centered path.

This is your most important task today, to stay centered and aware of your path, for the energy of shift does carry with it the ability to push you into many wrong directions. It is up to you to remain focused, aware of the inner self, the inner questions that arise, and the inner decisions that must be made in order to grow.

This is a time of confrontation and growth, and as such will you exhibit and desire signs of awareness, yet find your self struggling with all that seeks to keep you stagnant and complacent. Wake up your inner self constantly. Focus your intent throughout your day, reminding your self that you are seeking something different now; something greater than your ego desires and your ego stubbornness; something that only your spirit can recognize. If you haven’t quite achieved this new place of resonance, so must you not give in to the saboteur, but merely return to your inner place of calm, and wait there, patiently nurturing and tending to your intent to grow and change.

Although a great shift has recently occurred, so is there soon to be another. As you now dip into the time between shifts keep this reminder of renewal, soon to arise, in your awareness. Everything changes and shifts eventually. To be stuck or in a lull is normal, but you can maintain your place of inner focus and intent no matter what the energy outside presents. And that, My Dears, is how to live an evolving life.

So although I know the energy is now forceful on the one hand, and depressing on the other, so do I urge you to not get caught in the tug of war that ensues during such time of opposition. Allow your heart centered calm dignity to keep you anchored now, so you are not pulled and tossed back and forth by the forces of energetic battle. If you must hunker down, do it in the evolutionary manner. Wait out the storm in your inner place of calm. It will soon be over.