#183 Access Your Heart-Centered Self

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have a message for us today?

Create now your own energetic world within your self, allowing your self to utilize the energy inside that does seek growth and vitality, that does seek entry into your everyday life. This energy is brewing inside you. Even as you turn away from attaching to outside energy now do you allow your own powerful life energy to percolate and brew a warm fountain of your own resonance. Allow this inner energetic brew to become your focus now as you go into your inner sanctum. Study it. Learn how it feels. Even if it is but stirring slightly. Even if it is still buried, allow it to awaken now, and feel it. Feel the truth of it, this, your own energy, pure and innocent, uncontaminated by outside interferences.

This personal fount of energy is to be treasured and cultivated. It is the essence of your own being, your spirit energy that you are beginning to recognize and will learn more about as you evolve. Take time today to go deeply into calm and quiet. Give yourself a few minutes of utter removal from your outside self and, under perfect circumstances of quiet removal, find first your heart center; then feel your resident, personal energy, sitting there, calmly waiting for you to recognize it.

This involves drawing your self into inner calm, and inner silence, closing your self off from the outside world, and from the constant chatter in your head. Shut down your mental thinking. As I like to say: Take off your head! Without it will you be able to access your heart-centered self, where thinking is pure and easy, and your voice honest and truthful. From this heart center feel your calmness, and allow it to radiate outward into the far reaches of your body and go still further into calmness.

Prop your self into a comfortable position as you do this, so you do not need to uphold that heavy physical body. With it safely supported, can your attention be placed solely upon your inner you. Allow your calmness to guide you to your energy. This energy, without thought, without distractions, can become yours with daily practice. It is the essence of life, of you, and how you will access your inner spirit self.

By allowing for daily calmness, in quiet removal, leaving your head outside the door of your inner sanctum do you offer yourself access to your truth. This is good for today. Incubate your self in a warm incubator of your own choosing, and find your innocence there, waiting for your mature attention. In the final analysis, is it this self that you will follow into new worlds, so it behooves you to begin accessing it now, and even access those other worlds, which await exploration now too. You are fully capable, all of you, of finding this resonant energetic self, this calm innocence, and learning to play with it. Begin to invite it out to play a little at a time. You are in control, and you are the only one it trusts. But you must be in your own truth, your calm mature knowing state, in order to access it.

Go gently, go softly, go calmly to your innocence today, and sit together, feeling your energetic resonance. It’s a great place to begin recognizing your energy body. Then who knows what may happen as you explore further!

#182 Build Your Own Inner Sanctum

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have guidance for us today as we deal with this energy of culmination?

Do not get caught, My Dears, in focusing on the end result. Do not allow the idea of culmination to captivate your attention, for in so doing will you miss the beautiful nuances that await your attention, aiding you in your growth. The culmination should not be the focus, but the minutiae of your every day life are there to teach you, occurring when necessary to lead you to your inner work. The culmination is of no greater consequence now, for you do not know what it carries in its energetic force. It may carry good will and intent, or it may catapult you in a forceful manner, but of this you have no knowing. At present, are you but on the path, and the details of the path are where your attention must be placed as you deal with your daily life, asking always the question: What does this mean for my inner journey?

Your inner journey, and your inner exploration are your path. Each step along the way is as important as the one before, and the one to come. Find always meaning in each step. Find always growth in each step. Do not waste your energy, worrying about what is to come, for it will come of its own accord, when the time is right. Be prepared for it, by concentrating your energy and your attention on the work of the self. The inner turning is the way to allow for this work of the self to have focus and impact.

As you turn, both inward and away from distractions, examine your motives, your habits, your avoidances, and your behaviors with others as meaningful. Everything is meaningful; so do not dismiss what you experience as insignificant. Do not place responsibility for your own feelings and reactions upon others. Do not judge or criticize your self for having such feelings and reactions, but learn from them. What do they mean? Why are you having such feelings? Not related to what is outside of you, but why as related to the inner you? What is it, deeply hidden inside you, that seeks your attention, by acting and reacting in such a manner?

Find your place of calm and of balance. Find a place, a physical place of retreat where you can go in order to do the work of the self. Break some of your old habits, one at a time, by shifting away from them, and returning to your place of retreat, and allowing your self to go into calm investigation of the self. Even as energetic tension and pressure do continue to build all around you, continue your process, and your quick movement of shifting, turning away, and build your own quiet sanctum where the outside interferences have no entry point. Build your self a cozy nook, a sealed container, where only you and your inner self are invited. This can be a physical place, constructed as a meditation spot, where energy is good for you, or it can be a quiet turning inward that you can hone and access no matter where you are. But remember, the point of such turning away, such retreat, is not for purposes of hiding or sulking, but for specific intent: to learn the whys of the self.

Your inner you awaits, and deserves your undivided attention, especially now, as the energy is available to aid you as it pushes you inward, if you dare to turn your back on it, and allow it to shove you into your inner sanctum. It may even aid you, by slamming the door shut behind you! Allow your self this quiet place, this quiet time. You do not even need to do much when there. Just sit quietly, and see what comes to greet you. It will, undoubtedly, be the issue most pressing and necessary to work on.

This is good for today. Do not get caught in the energy of culmination. Do not get lost in worry about the peaking of this energy and what it will bring you. Remain calm in knowing that it brings exactly what you need, and turn away from it now, and focus on the facts of this day. What does this day present? Nothing else matters, except this moment, and how you deal with it. Are you doing it differently now? That is all that matters, that you change, shift, turn away, sweep clean and clear your energetic field, and turn inward, allowing the energy to close you in to your inner place of self-study and calm. And once there, await your lessons; and do them well, for they will come to aid you in your growth.

Have no doubts, now. Push your doubts away. They do not have a place in your calmness, nor do they get invited in to your inner sanctum. Only truth is invited in to your inner place of learning, and only truth will speak, if you go utterly quiet and allow it to have voice. You may be surprised at what it says to you, but study it for the lesson you must learn today. This is good!

#181 The Light to Come

Dear Jeanne,
What message do you have for us today, any guidance for the coming week?

My Dear Ones, it is time now to be alert to the signs of change as the culmination I have spoken of is soon upon you. Do not fixate on or judge your progress as this time approaches, but instead be alert and aware that signs are all around you, showing you your path, pointing out what you need to know in order to make the choices that will lead you unencumbered through this time of turmoil.

Even as darkness does descend in blackness before dawn, so may it seem that your life may accumulate its own last dark struggles before this time of culmination soon arrives. Do not get caught in the contemplation of this darkness, but look forward, through it, to the light to come. Peer through the darkness, avoid attachment to the old habits, and sweep aside the hands of desire and attachment that seek to grab on and feast upon your growing energy. Allow focus to remain on growth, on the light at the end of the tunnel that will bring purity and calmness to your inner spirit, yearning for this growth experience.

For this culmination bears within its energetic configuration much possibility, much to aid you, but much to satisfy you as well if you remain steadily focused, alert, and clearly aware that this is a time that, if utilized properly, does carry within it all means of enlightenment to enable you to step up to a new and calmer level. All energy and energetic potential is individually available, and your acceptance or rejection of it is relative to your own journey. Your step up to the next level may be a giant leap of clarity and knowing that will transition you to a new phase, and this will be good if taken with awareness of the fragility of such success, for your attention must remain steady upon your path for such abrupt growth and clarity to have long lasting and sustaining victory. In other words, you must continue the dedication to such a path, or this leap will have little impact. It is up to you.

In similar fashion, if this time of culmination allows you to gain but a small measure of awareness take this also in as a treasure to be accepted, studied, and held with utter respect for the ability you have learned, and the progress you have earned. But in likewise terms, is it up to you to utilize your treasure of growth and accept the responsibility of learning what to do with your new knowledge.

This time of culmination may also slip past, slip right past your awareness if you are too heavily steeped in your daily world. You may feel the energetic tension seeking to alert you, pressuring you to notice it, to shift you, to ask you to turn away from your distractions and go innerly. But the choice will be up to you. Your awareness, and your focus on your inner journey must remain a part of your daily life in order to hone these skills of knowing. Even if you miss this coming time of great shift, do not become disheartened, do not punish, or degrade your self in any fashion. For even in such times of unawareness will you be affected by the energy, and a subsequent growth spurt of some sort will take place in your life.

So look now, over the next few days, for your energetic calm to guide you. Use your skills of awareness daily. Allow the moments of calm, and of lull, to energetically re-charge you. Use quiet contemplation to re-balance you, and practice your turning-away method that I suggested you prepare for your self; a useful tool as you journey. By honing this skill during even the times of lull will you have it viscerally memorized so that it automatically appears to aid you when necessary. Make such tools appear when necessary by practicing them until they become your new habits, habits suited to growth.

Be alert, My Journeyers. Be calm and considerate of your humanness, but also be alert to your inner spirit’s fierce attempts to awaken you to your true potential. Your moment of culmination will come now, in one form or another. What are you preparing your self for? Are you ready for what may seek to overwhelm you? Are you ready for what may sneak up and pinch you? Are you ready for both; the knock-you-over-the-head kind of culminating knowledge, or the sly, and sneaky, needling kind that you may prefer to dismiss, much like a pesky mosquito? Do not dismiss these attempts to alert your inner spirit, though use your skills to brush aside the distractions. How will you know which events are which? Ask your self, your inner self, to guide you in resonance, in calm, and in inner answers.

Perhaps your time of culmination has already arrived? What did you learn? Allow for much time of self-study this week. It’s important.

A Note from Chuck on Message #180

Learning to Physically Shift to Change Worlds

Here Jeanne is giving us another skill, a physical shift that everyone can do in some way. By physically turning in another direction, with the intent to go calm, you leave behind everything that you were just experiencing. Physical turning, shifting, is a powerful energetic movement that will change your perception, shifting you right into another world, instead of staying attached to the one that is drawing you. Use your own specific focus to stay in calm, even saying to yourself as you turn, “Go calm.” Practice it often to access the calm inner world where everything is different. Turn, pivot, walk away, and you will abruptly change your perceptions and your world. This physical action is a very useful skill, and can be utilized in many situations, even when alone and feeling off balance. Turn and go calm. It really can be that easy.

#180 Turn and Go Calm

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have guidance for today and during the weekend for all of us who read your messages?

Do not be frightened by my admonishments regarding the high energetic state that now resides upon that earth plane. This energy seeks to aid you in your growth, in spite of its devastating potential. Do not get caught in fear of it, but do stay grounded in your own inner state of turning away from it. Use this method now more often as you go into the weekend, and the next few days will result in a good time of incubation as you free yourself from the outside attachments and distractions and allow you inner focus to aid you. By turning away, even in simple gesture of movement, by, in fact, physically turning, will you invoke inner calm. Turn and go calm whenever you are approached by energetic forces that seek your attention, that seek to disrupt, or feed from your energy. Turn, pivot, swing away, and plant yourself solidly on the new ground of the inner self, calling upon your own calm to descend, and protect, and nurture you in this much more desirable state of being.

This is the practice you should attempt to master now as the time of culmination arrives on the horizon. As this time approaches must you seek this firm stance, this inner calm, and utilize this turning ability to its greatest potential, for it will be your most useful tool as the culmination approaches.

As I have continually said, do not be afraid. Do not lose your self as the tensions arise and the breaking point nears. Do not allow your old self to sabotage your good place that you have worked so hard to achieve. Remain firmly planted in your adult self, with your newly honed awareness ready to perceive and guide you; and utilize all the skills you have trained so hard to become your instinctual reactions. Allow your calm and balance, your innocence and gentleness, your compassion and love, to be foremost in your heart as you proceed now into the coming culminating force, the fracas that has potential to erupt, and the last ditch effort of this potent energy to affect you.

You know what to do. You know what your own goals are. It is up to you to protect yourself, to be in control, and to evade the invaders. Place your intent firmly in your being. Close your outer doors to the wind that grovels and the energy that seeks inroads to your inner center. Guard your sanctuary, your inner sanctum, and remain innerly focused, even if wars of one sort or another rage on about you. Decide now how you will weather the storm, and visualize your release from the fury of it. Turn your back, sweep the energy from your nearness, and stay focused on your path and the journey to come. This is good for the next few days. Look upon this time with excitement, but do not lose your focus, or your calm, they are vital skills that must be maintained. Use them to pull you back from the door as you listen to what is attempting to grab your attention on the other side.

Do not be pulled by the tantalizing sounds of the cries of big babies, or the sounds of dying and pain that will scratch and weep at your door. These are but temptations and desperate, hungry attempts for your energetic sustenance. Allow yourself the tools of detachment to be now most useful: turn away, go calm, maintain your balance, your moderation, and your focused intent upon the path that is right for you. Use these skills, and the groveling and weeping at your door will eventually slink away, seeking easier prey.

Be aware. Be calm. Be true spirit warriors, protective of all that you have thus far gained. See what happens!

A Note From Chuck:

Here Jeanne is giving us another skill, a physical shift that everyone can do in some way. By physically turning in another direction, with the intent to go calm, you leave behind everything that you were just experiencing. Physical turning, shifting, is a powerful energetic movement that will change your perception, shifting you right into another world, instead of staying attached to the one that is drawing you. Use your own specific focus to stay in calm, even saying to yourself as you turn, “Go calm.” Practice it often to access the calm inner world where everything is different. Turn, pivot, walk away, and you will abruptly change your perceptions and your world. This physical action is a very useful skill, and can be utilized in many situations, even when alone and feeling off balance. Turn and go calm. It really can be that easy.