#175 Continue the Inward Turning

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have guidance to offer for today and over the weekend?

Do not lay aside your vigilant behavior, for this time is fraught with unsettled energy that will continue to seek out sustenance. It is your job to protect and nurture yourself, staying continually aware that negative and uncouth, undesirable forces abound, and are seeking attention. Do not latch onto that which stirs from outside you, but do seek contained confrontation with that which erupts inside you. Continue to turn inward, and investigate the self. Doing the work of the inner self, constantly focused, and diligently heeding this inner tenaciousness, is most important business. I suggest, that all continue the inward turning that I have spoken of now for many days, for it will aid you on your journeys. Outward turning, and attention placed upon the pulls of the moon and planets, causing havoc worldwide, will do you no good. Guard your own energy carefully. Remain steady in your trust of the inner self to do the necessary work and be your stable, centered guide throughout this time of outer turmoil. I do not advocate much participation in the world over the next few days; far better to remain quietly meditative and fixed on inner work, with reading, writing, and dreaming as your companions. These things will be fulfilling enough, for the energy will see to it. Even in keeping energy outside of you, and away from your awareness, so will you be affected by the disturbances it creates, for even as all energy affects all other energy will you not escape its force as it seeks entry through your closed and locked doors. Even this disturbance outside of you will be felt. Use it to force concentration upon the inner you, and seek not distraction from it, but meaningful work. Ask for help, ask for guidance, and ask for dreaming companionship so that your lessons may be taught, and learned, in that vital state.

Nestle in for some inner work this weekend, fully aware that you will be tested. The grand construct of energetic tutors is about to release the test of the greatest magnitude, requiring all your skills thus far learned. So, prepare for this; keeping yourself alert and fully aware that it is outside of you, this energy that requires such diligent work; and keep your focus on your inner work. Thus will you succeed in passing this most important of tests.

This time of intensity will pass in a few days. Good luck, my friends. You will do well because you have been preparing for this, all this long time we have been together. Do not become overly anxious. Use your calm to your greatest advantage, and remain in your steady and balanced place; knowing that you alone control your vessel, your life, and your journey’s direction. Keep to the path; stay on course.

#174 Turn Inward and Protect

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have a word of guidance for today, something specific and significant for just this day?

Hold steady now in your place of calm, though the energy abounds to ignite tempers and begin a war, either within or without. Do not go to battle, either against the self or against others, but simply remain in your firmly grounded position of calm knowing of the self. Disregard the barbs and the spears that may shoot past you, or the untruths that arise from within to disrupt your quiet journey. Outside influences seek to invade, policing and protecting what they ascertain belongs to them, but your inner you must remain keenly alert to such invaders and reject their attempts to infiltrate your boundaries. This sort of surprise attack will be observed outside of you as well. Do not be fooled by the fact that it is outside of you, in the world around you, or in others. Do not think you are exempt. The energy that now abounds is tenacious and deviant, and will find openings in order to feed its greed and its insatiable appetite, for it fears its own demise, and will fight ferociously to sustain itself.

Turn inward and protect and nurture your inner boundaries, even as your outer boundaries must also be protected. Reserve time for quick security checks throughout this time of energetic consequence when the unwanted seek entry for their own purposes alone. You have now honed your skills to a good point, and must aid yourself by using what you know works for your calm and quiet alertness to remain intact, and actively protective of your inner you.

The outside world may reflect such consequences of aggressive behavior that you also exhibit and experience. There is great energetic force now upon that earth that seeks change, and change often happens as a result of devastation, and so may it be now. But keep always in your knowing, that such change is necessary, cannot be avoided if it is truly the only way that progress can be made. Seek, even in times of destructive energy, the calm inner self; look for resonance in your own life, and understand the signs of change all around you. These signs are also meant for you to notice and pay attention to for what they signal in your own life that desires, and needs, and knows that change is now of utmost importance.

Do not be afraid of change; it is how evolution and growth spur forth new life, and new adventures. But do be concerned for your own growth now, remaining alert and aware, so that you use this time of energetic absurdity to advantage. Do not get caught in the war, but do use it to turn inwards and discuss your own shortcomings, and your own needs for resolution, and positive, healthy change in your own life, both your outer life, and your inner life. No matter what happens, remain focused on spirit growth, spirit resonance, and spirit knowing to guide you. Be brave, and steady warriors of the spirit revolution, and enact great change in this new and so desirable manner, for in so doing will there eventually be an energetic shift that will benefit all mankind. Even as the Dark Ages do loom in your knowing, so are you fully capable of changing the outcome of your own life, and the world around you. It all begins with you. Stay spirit energized and focused. This is good!

#173 Stay on Track

Dear Jeanne,
Can you offer a simple word or phrase of guidance today?

Stay on track, that is the best advice I can give you during this time of roughness and turmoil. Do not allow the energy to sweep you up into its negativity, but remain firmly fixed in your inner calm and quiet. This force of energy that now resides within your realm is vindictive in its efforts to attract your attention, perhaps reminding you of previous circumstances in your life that you did not attach to and it seeks your attachment now, in energy similar to previous times. Please note: energy is cyclical; so you may feel resonance with it, memories may appear, but do not attach, simply view the truth of them and move on. Put your little sailboat to the wind, and ride out the storm, staying one beat ahead of it because you have knowing and awareness in your pocket of truth now, to keep you safe from harm. Seek positive energy inside yourself now. Stay away from the negative potential that seeks attachment. Do not fall into the same traps that have been set before. That’s what this energy seeks, to trap you, testing your progress. Have you learned some lessons or not? Stay on track.

#172 Abide by the Rules of Life

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have a brief message to offer us today?

Abide by the Rules of Life. Curtail them to your own life, with conscious decision and care to take seriously all that comes to guide you. Your participation in life is not a game but an endeavor of the utmost importance. I do not wish to impose any doctrine upon you or your journey, but I do wish to aid you in growing exponentially, both as a person, a human being, as well as in your spirit potential. The two are inextricably linked, and this you must retain in your conscious knowing even as your inner knowing does seek to alert you to this fact. There can be no growth if you remain separate in thought and action from the spirit self. The same is true if you are too far removed from your human self, and the hidden potential of your humanness remains distant and buried. For complete wholeness in that life, do I offer knowledge of the means to balancing and merging these two selves, both equally necessary, and equally eager for life and participation in growth. Do not deny the abilities that lie hidden deep inside your human potential by holding on to old configurations of the self. Allow newness to seep in to the musty old rooms of the inner human you, and clean house, so that your spirit gathering inside you now will have a place of calm residence. The Rules of Life, and of the inner self, will become clearer as you allow this new occupancy to become the norm.

Continue to watch the energetic configurations that abound, for though there may appear to be calm and lull, do not be fooled by this trickery. Find your strength in your own convictions to remain steady upon your path as you await the next wave of disturbing energy that seeks your attention, not to aid you, but to feed off you. Remain turned inward, solving the riddles that control your life. Remove the riddles, and apply the new Rules of Life as I have laid down. Study them; for both focused intent, to enable inward turning; and also for what they offer. They have worked well for many eons, not so vastly different from the one you now live in. The times do not change that much, you know. Only you have the potential to really change and grow radically, if you dare.

A note from Jan: Jeanne appears to be speaking of the previously channeled 10 Rules of Life for Evolutionary Living that appear in the Guidance sidebar.

#171 Awareness is the Key to Everything

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have a short message for humanity today, something brief and succinct, meaningful for this day?

Awareness is the key to everything. Take off the hood you have pulled over your eyes and allow lightness in to aid you in seeing what you must, what presents itself, and what lies ahead. How do you expect to advance upon your path, fulfilling your journey if you do not allow for clarity of vision? Remove all blockages to clear seeing and clear knowing. Allow the light to penetrate now when the energy is available to drive it to you with force and with compassion so that you may have the opportunity for growth. Do you not notice the call to face the truths that tug at your sleeve and peek under the tent you have pulled over your head? Do you not wish to have clarity now to guide you on your way? There is no clarity if one remains in darkness, that I can attest to. There are only stagnant behaviors if you remain caught by the old habits. Allow the energy to lift off the veils, the tents, the hats you have pulled down over your eyes. Remove the film that has blocked your truth. Take the fingers from your eyes, and look now toward the energy that seeks to shake you awake. Allow it to push you inward, to your truths, rather than outward to the old distractions. Its purpose is equally forceful in both directions; it plays at tug of war with your seeking self. Remember that the work of the inner self is the path of intent now, and allow the outer self to face now that inner you, and give over its energy so that union and growth may happen. Turn your outer back, and protect your inner you from the distractions of the wild energies that seek to have your undivided attention. Once in your protective inner you, remove the veils, the blindfolds, and discover how clearly focused is your vision when in this place of inner calm. Do the work that awaits in this place of inner calm. That is where this energy should lead you now, as it pounds at your door, inviting you to partake in its offerings. But all you wish to do is turn away, even as it does lift the veils, revealing the light, so must you go to the inner light. That is the path to take in order for there to be growth.

Use the signs in your life to guide you. Trust your journey as meaningful and necessary in order to lead you further along the path to the magic that awaits. Ask for help. It exists in many forms; you just have to be aware.