#175 Continue the Inward Turning

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have guidance to offer for today and over the weekend?

Do not lay aside your vigilant behavior, for this time is fraught with unsettled energy that will continue to seek out sustenance. It is your job to protect and nurture yourself, staying continually aware that negative and uncouth, undesirable forces abound, and are seeking attention. Do not latch onto that which stirs from outside you, but do seek contained confrontation with that which erupts inside you. Continue to turn inward, and investigate the self. Doing the work of the inner self, constantly focused, and diligently heeding this inner tenaciousness, is most important business. I suggest, that all continue the inward turning that I have spoken of now for many days, for it will aid you on your journeys. Outward turning, and attention placed upon the pulls of the moon and planets, causing havoc worldwide, will do you no good. Guard your own energy carefully. Remain steady in your trust of the inner self to do the necessary work and be your stable, centered guide throughout this time of outer turmoil. I do not advocate much participation in the world over the next few days; far better to remain quietly meditative and fixed on inner work, with reading, writing, and dreaming as your companions. These things will be fulfilling enough, for the energy will see to it. Even in keeping energy outside of you, and away from your awareness, so will you be affected by the disturbances it creates, for even as all energy affects all other energy will you not escape its force as it seeks entry through your closed and locked doors. Even this disturbance outside of you will be felt. Use it to force concentration upon the inner you, and seek not distraction from it, but meaningful work. Ask for help, ask for guidance, and ask for dreaming companionship so that your lessons may be taught, and learned, in that vital state.

Nestle in for some inner work this weekend, fully aware that you will be tested. The grand construct of energetic tutors is about to release the test of the greatest magnitude, requiring all your skills thus far learned. So, prepare for this; keeping yourself alert and fully aware that it is outside of you, this energy that requires such diligent work; and keep your focus on your inner work. Thus will you succeed in passing this most important of tests.

This time of intensity will pass in a few days. Good luck, my friends. You will do well because you have been preparing for this, all this long time we have been together. Do not become overly anxious. Use your calm to your greatest advantage, and remain in your steady and balanced place; knowing that you alone control your vessel, your life, and your journey’s direction. Keep to the path; stay on course.