#172 Abide by the Rules of Life

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have a brief message to offer us today?

Abide by the Rules of Life. Curtail them to your own life, with conscious decision and care to take seriously all that comes to guide you. Your participation in life is not a game but an endeavor of the utmost importance. I do not wish to impose any doctrine upon you or your journey, but I do wish to aid you in growing exponentially, both as a person, a human being, as well as in your spirit potential. The two are inextricably linked, and this you must retain in your conscious knowing even as your inner knowing does seek to alert you to this fact. There can be no growth if you remain separate in thought and action from the spirit self. The same is true if you are too far removed from your human self, and the hidden potential of your humanness remains distant and buried. For complete wholeness in that life, do I offer knowledge of the means to balancing and merging these two selves, both equally necessary, and equally eager for life and participation in growth. Do not deny the abilities that lie hidden deep inside your human potential by holding on to old configurations of the self. Allow newness to seep in to the musty old rooms of the inner human you, and clean house, so that your spirit gathering inside you now will have a place of calm residence. The Rules of Life, and of the inner self, will become clearer as you allow this new occupancy to become the norm.

Continue to watch the energetic configurations that abound, for though there may appear to be calm and lull, do not be fooled by this trickery. Find your strength in your own convictions to remain steady upon your path as you await the next wave of disturbing energy that seeks your attention, not to aid you, but to feed off you. Remain turned inward, solving the riddles that control your life. Remove the riddles, and apply the new Rules of Life as I have laid down. Study them; for both focused intent, to enable inward turning; and also for what they offer. They have worked well for many eons, not so vastly different from the one you now live in. The times do not change that much, you know. Only you have the potential to really change and grow radically, if you dare.

A note from Jan: Jeanne appears to be speaking of the previously channeled 10 Rules of Life for Evolutionary Living that appear in the Guidance sidebar.