Category Archives: Questions for Jeanne

#347 She Chose You As Her Parent

Today, A Reader asks a question.

Dear Jeanne,
I have a daughter who I feel is very empathic and sensitive. I feel the same way sometimes as well. Is there a way to protect us energetically?


Today, My Dear Eva, I address your question by speaking again of children and the responsibility you have to raise the new children of that world in a different manner, aware of connection to all things and aware of energy. But in so doing, do I speak of all who reside upon that Earth now, for this is a time of awareness building, and it is crucial that not only the children are allowed the freedom of such awareness, but all of you as well.

Find your child, your young daughter, as an energetic being who has come to reside in your presence, eager to learn about life and once again, perhaps for the final time, to live and learn upon that realm. She chose you as her parent and that in itself is significant. This is true of all beings; that they have chosen the parents they were born to for evolutionary purposes.

The reason you chose your own parents is still mysterious to you, I know, but do not dispute me in this statement. For your own growth and evolution are intimately tied to your parental beginnings. As you all look upon who your parents are or were, so do you confront your own reasons for coming into that world. Your parents are your greatest teachers, especially in your earliest years, and even later as you seek resolution of your disputes, conflicts, and charges against them for how they treated you while you were in their care. Understand that now, as the mother of a young child, will you be confronted with your own childhood and your own parent’s methods of rearing, faced with issues of how to do this or that based on your own training from parents who were not as enlightened as you are, My Dear.

But so must you first set aside your anger and sadness at what they perceived was correct action to take in your own young life, and start fresh in your new life as mother. Set to rest your parental images as you do your recapitulation, knowing that your past was necessary to jolt you forward now, to a place of newness so that you might reject the old fashioned ways of an old fashioned world and become a leader in a new world. Your leadership now comes to you in your role as parent.

Wash from your mind, and your mouth, and your body the old words, actions, and deeds of your parents and replace them with nothing yet. Watch your own daughter for signs in how to deal with her in a new world of parenting where nothing is hidden, nothing is false, nothing is taken for granted. In fact, everything that you are learning about the world is that it is a world of wonder, but it was hidden from you, disguised and kept secret, until you were ready for it.

The children of now will not tolerate such divisiveness, such mysterious denial of truth. They are ready to take on the world, in all of its horrors and all of its glories, for they carry a new seed of enlightenment.

You, as parents, are the tenders of those seeds, and it is your job to watch the young sprout into full-fledged energy beings, able to have access to everything they need in order to grow in an evolutionary manner. Would you elect to shield them from what you know as truth? Would you elect to disguise what the world holds, simply because you have fears?

As I mentioned in a previous message (Message #344), is it your biggest challenge to not burden the children of the world with old fears that you hold still within your framework of self. You must free them to walk the Earth fully aware of its challenges and intrigues, but fully alert to its magic as well. You must present life in a balanced manner, so that new generations may carry forth a new pragmatic awareness, knowing of the challenges, but alert to the fact that energetically are they free to explore to their fullest potential.

You wish to protect your daughter, but that is a misleading proposition. For you can no more protect her than you can protect your self. It is only by fully presenting the world to her, by exposing her always to truth that you can offer her access to her own means of navigating life. That is what you, and all who have children, must instill in your own hearts. You are parents so that you will have the opportunity to teach navigational skills to your children, energy beings who are in your care for this lifetime. You must prepare them for their own lives, which they must live without you, as they grow and enter the world.

Prepare them fully by teaching them truthfully how to navigate life, fully aware that they are beings comprised of energy. My Dear Eva, you speak of your daughter’s empathic and sensitive nature, and this you must allow her to hold sacred, for this is her energetic composition. But you must also teach her to recognize resonance in her world, but also must you teach her to recognize dissonance.

To wander the world in an energetic state these days is to be fully present in both worlds of inner self and outer self. Teach her balance of these two selves, awareness of these two selves, and resonance of these two selves. Allow her to find out who she is, over who you think she is or should be. Allow her to find her path separate from your path. Allow her to learn the skills from you, the skills of world navigation, but allow her to step into her own boat at all times, free to try out her newly learned skills, guided by your own knowledge, as you teach her all that she needs to know in order to pilot her boat and truly become the captain of it as well.

These are two different aspects, you know. To be good at navigating is one thing, but to truly be aware, as captain is another. The one who steers the boat is quite good at maneuvering along the waters of life, perhaps good at bypassing trouble, able to skim along at a good pace. But it is the captain who knows what to do and how to do things when crises occur, when life rises up as a big tidal wave, or rocks appear upon the shores, as life presents the possibilities that offer growth and evolutionary progress. To be captain is to be in charge, but in an energetic, evolutionary manner is one fully aware of how the world works, aware of what is necessary now in a changing world, and how best to proceed in life as the old world crumbles and a new world emerges.

That, My Dear Ones, is your challenge, to produce the children who must be fully aware that they have been born during exciting times of change. They are on the cusp of new energy that is asking them to be the forerunners of change, bringing awareness of human evolution in a new manner. It is not their job to perpetuate life upon that Earth, but to carry forth a new message that Earth offers human forms the opportunity to understand energy, how it works, and what it is truly capable of.

You, as parents, are being given the opportunity to nurture these energy beings now, the new generations of awakening spirits, truly eager to hear the messages that you speak, for they already know what you will tell them. You just need to remind them that, yes, they are in human form, but they are first and foremost ENERGY.

So that is how you can protect your daughter. Protect her from the lies and untruths that are spoken all around you. Break the chain of lies, and proclaim a new way of interpreting life and human evolution. Introduce your own newly acquired awareness of life as energy, and allow these new children to fully accept this aspect of themselves. Protect their energy by reminding them constantly that they ARE energy. Bring their awareness to this fact, and in this manner do you protect them from losing contact with this true aspect of self, as you once lost yours.

Allow energy to be the buzzword in your family conversations. Allow your mouths, as parents, to speak only truths to your children. Do not present veils of illusion to them, for there are already far too many, but teach them how to remove the ones they will encounter by maintaining awareness of their energy body, their knowing of themselves as energy and the world around them as energy too.

They will learn by your own example. So show them that you too live a life of energy, unafraid to meet your challenges, preparing always for new life as changes occur, fully mature, the captain of your ship. Show them that you love them; that they are safe in your care, but that you are fully capable of teaching them how the world works, how energy works, and how you your self are living the life you preach about.

Be sure to show them your own evolution. And this must be full-fledged learning, allowing for growth at all times, protecting your own energy by reminding your self that you are comprised of energy, and energy is everything!

#346 Your God Must Be a Total Package of You in Your Universe

Today, A Reader asks a question.

Dear Jeanne,
I belong to a church/organization with very strong ideals, most of which I believe in. And although the vast majority of what I am learning through this work (with you) resonates with those ideals, my faith is being challenged in some areas as well. Do you have any advice on this and on religion/faith in general?


My Dearest Eva, look not outside of your self for the answers to your inner questions, for in looking outward do you intercept only other outward seeking concepts and propositions. Faith and religion have been misconstrued as fact, and as God-proclaimed annunciations that may have little to do with inner truth and the inner reality of your own life.

I do not dismiss such attachments to religions as wholeheartedly distant or indistinct, for I know they do offer anchors to many who struggle greatly upon that Earth. These are struggles not only within the self, but also with the world at large. Religions offer a basis, a grounding in order to make sense of all that life upon that planet offers, giving anchoring ability to those who struggle. There is great force in such anchoring, great strengths and teachings offered as well. There is the possibility to connect to spirit, to experience God as one, revelations of the self as all-inclusive in the universe and connected to all things. But I do also instruct those of you who seek innerly, to ground your energy from being invaded by too much doctrine that may hold you back from such experiences of oneness and wholeness. For not all can travel the same path, for not all have thus far traveled the same path.

Your own path must direct you on your journey, no matter what religious or faith-based connection you now caress. There are many, many fabulous lessons to be learned among the religions of the world, just as there are many fabulous lessons to be learned among the humanitarian groups as well. I speak also of the creative spirits who live among you, who offer their own connections to the wholeness of the universe in their music, poetry, and artistic endeavors of all sorts.

Do not dismiss the teachings of one religion over another, nor the pursuits of one individual over another to achieve connection with spirit. For all are valid, and all are holding within many aspects of spiritual enlightenment that fully explore and offer guidance.

But not all guidance resonates. Not all guidance is truly meaningful. Not all guidance is individual enough for you, My Dear One, or any of you. You must be allowed to explore your own inner truths. You must be allowed to think and feel freely your own discoveries of what spirit means to you.

I prefer to call religion and faith the broader term of SPIRIT. Within the self is spirit defined as: resonance, knowing, clarity, and truth of awareness of place in the universe. Have you found your own place in the universe, My Dear One? I think not yet. I perceive your seeking self is pushing you to question and explore further not only your inner self, but your outer place that the inner self must one day enter and reside in. This is the ultimate test of spirit.

Where is your spirit? Is it emerging and seeking a place of residence in your life? If so, then must you discover how and where it will fit into the outer world. Perhaps your church is offering you a place to seek this inner/outer resolution, guiding you to find your inner/outer balance, in a place that truly resonates with you. But you are the ultimate captain of your ship, and you must know who you truly are, who you are fully capable of being, and then must you not be deterred from fully experiencing your self as captain and first mate combined.

Your God must come from within. Your God must be total resonance; resonant with who you are on your path already completed and on your path yet to come. Your God must be a total package of you in your universe, and that, My Dear, can only be achieved if you are allowed full exploration of what it means to be you.

If you are your own God, what does that pose in the context of your religion and your practices of worship? Who now directs your thoughts, your ponderings, and your experiences of God? Who now approaches you with questions and offers you explorations of the self? Do you give these things to your self? Do you dare guide your self through your own discoveries of who you truly are, as a spirit, based in that physical world?

You are but energy in a world of matter, there for a reason that may have much to do with religious faith, or may have little to do with such structural beliefs. You may find your resonance in what is outside of you first, and then be drawn to seek what is inside you as you see reflections of self in that mirror of faith-based ideas. Or you may be the kind of spirit energy that must turn only inward for resonance. Only you will know these things about the self.

There are so many options and means of seeking resonance. But ultimately, what I am teaching in my mission is for you to recognize and have experiences of self in that world. Only in experiences of self, of your own resonance, will you discover your perfect balance, your place in the universe, and your energetic potential. That is what you seek fulfillment of, you know. You seek fulfillment of your energetic potential. And if you break your struggles down to that simple statement, perhaps will you find your inner quiet self is perfectly contented to slow down the looking and simply BE.

To simply BE in your self, without attachment to anything, may at first seem impossible, or even quite a fearful prospect. But if you trust your inner self to the point where you know that it is all-encompassing; your friend; your guide; your companion; and your leader-self, so can you rest there a moment perhaps, and have experience of this calm inner self and learn to trust its desire for acknowledgment. With knowledge of self as whole, all-containing, and all-knowing can you then seek outer connection.

This is why I stress recapitulation, so that you may find your inner connection to self as wholeness. Then may you understand your place as spirit in the world of matter, and then is your job simply to discover what truly does matter outside of you. If you can achieve true knowing of self, then can you achieve true knowing of right resonance outside of you.

I hope this answers your question. I do not dismiss any thing that truly resonates as having importance. But in order to discover both resonance and importance of factors in the world of matter, must you first fully know the self. And that is what matters the most, no matter what you believe otherwise.

Continue seeking knowledge of the self. That is my best advice to all of you, My Dear Readers and Seekers. Question the self, but also ask the self to reveal what it knows as you struggle. You may be surprised to learn that the inner you is already quite connected, and fully aware of just what resonates and what is spiritually important to connect to in your outer lives.

Keep doing the work on the self. It is your greatest chore, but also your greatest joy. Do not hide from the challenges life offers; they are your guides, letting you know you are truly on the right track.

#344 It Is No Accident That You Have This Child

Today a Reader asks a question.

Dear Jeanne,
This time, I am asking a question about my youngest son. He and I have a very special bond. “He marches to the beat of a different drummer.” My sense is that he is an old soul. He has always been intuitive. He now seems ready to learn more. I want to gently encourage him to develop his intuition. Is now the time to give him the opportunity to ask for guidance from you, Jeanne?

My husband and I have been teaching him about the Universe, and God, and Spirituality. We are not involved in a church at the present time. We are Catholic, and we have exposed our children to the Catholic religion, but my husband and I prefer to look at God, Spirituality and the Universe in a different way.

I look forward to your guidance…Sincerely, D.A.D.

Children, My Dear Reader, have access to far greater than you imagine. To be in a state of pure innocence allows for a natural flow of intuition and spiritual connection, especially if given permission by the parents, or others in authority. To stifle or discourage spiritual connection, no matter what form it takes, is to cover over the natural aspects of youth. But one must also be aware that each young journeyer upon that planet Earth must make the journey firmly rooted in that world in order to evolve. But that being said, so is each person’s journey relative to their spiritual presence.

As you speak of, with this boy, so does he appear to you as an ancient soul, ready to explore the realms of knowing, seeing, and awareness of other worlds; and this you cannot stop, nor can you control it either. For his own spirit will pull and direct him either way. His own abilities do not seem to be in question by you, but he must find his own comfortable manner, in his own world, for dealing with what he has been entrusted with at such an early age. I speak of awareness, for that is what he holds most apparent, and that will also be his challenge, to continue holding on to it, in spite of the world around him and the confrontations to come, as he grows, matures and understands the world.

This is a grand time to be such a child, a child of intuition and awareness. It is not easily dismissed either, for there are many who have entered that realm lately, who carry such abilities. But he must not be signaled as special in any way, nor provided with separate attention, for his journey must be what it will be, for his own sake and his own growth.

Be aware that the ego must grow and develop, but he must not be burdened with ultra-ego for what he cannot help. He carries already the burden of awareness, and that is not an easy one to bear, or to produce before the world, as he must encounter it. His world is different from your own, yet must you be his guide, for you are in contact with and have knowledge about the greater unseen forces that do exist.

His own awareness is accepting of your perspective, for it gives him permission to be accepting of his own abilities. However, I do not encourage leading him in any direction, including to me, for in so doing will you interrupt his natural inclination to explore his own inner world. Allow him to explore, even as you now seek to explore.

Your own spiritual self was stifled and misdirected, yet have you now found your way back to Self. You explore your inner self in relationship to the misguided, misdirected, and perhaps mistaken perceptions that you encountered as a child. Your own journey now points you to reinvestigating your own life, so that you may find clarity and reason for your past, freeing you to find clarity and reason for your adult self in that world.

Your own journey must be your focus, for only in resolving the riddles of the self will you truly be available to guide your young child. Look upon him now as your mirror. Do you not see that his innocence, his clairvoyance, and his powers of spirit knowing are also deeply embedded in your self. It is no accident that you have this child in your presence. He offers you knowledge of your own truths.

Treat your self as lovingly and tenderly as you treat this child. Be as cautious and careful with your own inner child, wanting to encourage immersion in inner exploration, yet also cautious to not misdirect or offer too much. Allow your son to lead you now. Allow the utterances he speaks, to teach you what you need to know about your self, your inner child, and your direction now, as you explore who you are.

I do not think you need to worry about him. His journey must be supported, and he must be offered access to all that you, his parents, can offer him. But he will follow his own path, and you cannot sway him from what he must learn about life upon that Earth, just as you too had to learn about life upon that planet, as a young and tender child.

Do not direct his life, but do not misguide either. Allow him to find his ancient spirit within, by his own explorations. Do not thwart his grounding in that world either. Protect his innocence, his physical being, but do not protect his adventuresome spirit from being offered the opportunities to grow and to evolve. Know his spirit as fully capable of finding what it needs, both in the physical world and in the spirit-seeking world.

Do not burden him with your fears, or with your desires. But show him what you have discovered works for you; but also allow the truth of exploration to be known to him, and your other children as well. For his explorations should not be limited, nor yours either. For there is always more to discover and find resonance with as you change and do your own growing.

The souls of the young ones are not unevolved, but so have they turned to life upon that planet once again, for a reason. And this is also what you must keep in mind, that each one of them has returned to do life again, for their own evolutionary purposes. And that is what you, as parents, must remind your children, that they are there for evolutionary purposes, choosing to take the journey through life for growth, and for learning what they must learn, in order to evolve to a new stage of energetic life.

Do teach the laws of energy, and the rules of evolutionary growth. Do teach what man has not dared to speak of, except in hushed tones, and as alternative and esoteric thoughts of spirit centeredness, that all of you are energy beings, encompassed in human form for a reason that only you will know and must discover.

Life is more than a journey. It is a constant uncovering and revealing of purpose, both purpose for that life, but also purpose for evolution. Why is he here, and where is he going next? Those are his questions to seek and find the answers to, as all must.

Be his guide; be his companion; be his mirror, even as he must be all of these things for you and your husband. Teach your children, but allow them also to teach you. Guide, but do not attempt to constrain or hold back what the spirit in each child must do. Do not hold them back from encountering the world they live in, for that would be as damaging as holding them back from encountering their spirit selves.

Your jobs as parents are fraught with delicate situations, as you know so much, too much, about how the world works, yet do you not want to discourage growth and independence in any child. Allow your children, all of them, to know that there is no one right religion, nor any right path, but all must have the freedom to be guided by their own inner spirit knowing. Teach them to follow always their heart, their inner guide of resonance, combined with their knowledge of how the world works. For only with such balance will they make good choices, even as you must also function in a stable and pragmatic manner in order to grow.

Teach them responsibility for the choices they make. Teach them to fully embrace and own the mistakes and missteps they take. Allow them to discover the power they hold within, to be cognizant and aware that they are on a journey, that they are spirit seekers, and that they are charged with becoming mature adults, available to learning how energy works, and how it can be available for them as they grow and learn about life.

My Dearest Reader, you cannot overly protect this child, as you wish you had been. For in protection is there denial of life. Allow him, in his innocence, to lead you along your path. Allow his guidance to show you where he chooses to go. As for introducing him to the likes of me? Well, I think he already has found his own Jeanne, (Genie), and his connection is strong. That is not the world you need to instruct him in.

Find your peace in knowing that you are the right parents for him. Watch the wonder of him and your other children, as they grow away from you and become citizens of the world, with the viewpoint you provide them with. It is not so confusing a world if you comprehend at an early age that life is a journey, and that every one you meet is on a significant journey leading them and their soul to completion. That simplification can have great impact upon the choices one makes in life.

Watch the grand unfolding of life taking place all around you. Love your children. But also learn to love your self, as you take your own journey. Become as unafraid as you want your children to be in the outer world. For their own protection comes in nothing being hidden, denied; but straight talk about the realities of the world will prepare them well for life ahead. Do not deny your own straight talk either. That is what you all need, in order to mature and grow, accepting your own journeys for what they truly are, spiritual journeys in a changing, evolving world.

Stay connected. Find your center. Live lives of meaning. Find always the connection that will lead you forward, the resonances in your life that reverberate through your heart center. Guide your young ones to understand that their own heart center is their truth center, and your parenting will be well done.

#343 When a Parting of Paths is Encountered

PLEASE NOTE: Changes to the Channeling Schedule Have Taken Place.

We have instituted a new process on the channeling website, and in the use of Jan’s channeling ability in general, by leaving some time each week for private, in-person channeling sessions. The daily messages will now appear on the website three times a week, on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. These channeling times will be devoted to answering your questions, which we heartily encourage you to ask, or if no questions are posed Jan will ask for Jeanne’s guidance in general. One day of each week will, most likely, be allotted for a weekly interpretation and understanding of the energy, since it seems to be a good topic, one that Jeanne is in tune with, and is helpful to the majority of readers. For information about scheduling a private channeling session, now available in our office, click here.

Today a Reader asks a question.

Dear Jeanne,
As I am moving along on my journey, I am changing. However, some of my friends are not. I am not sure how to handle this. Could you please give me some advice on this?


My Dearest Eva, your journey must proceed in the direction you are pushed. You must pursue all avenues that open to guide, direct, and also lead you along your path. Doors will open, places will be revealed, recapitulation will be taking place everywhere you look, but do not fixate on the slowness of the world around you as you do your inner work.

For the outer world will appear to you in a different manner as you do your deepest work. It may slow down, disappear from view, become amorphous, and not as real as your inner world. The outer world may simply appear as less important too, and that is as it should be. As you resolve your innermost issues, as you take your own journey, do not be surprised at others who do not comprehend the need you have to do this inner work, for not everyone is prepared, or daring enough, to investigate their inner being.

As you progress along your chosen path, so must you confront what it means that friends become less friendly, less interesting, less inviting. You may tire of others who at one time meant much to you. You may find that others do not hold what you need in order to move along at your pace, but that they hold you back. You may get tired of the same mirrors being held up to you by them; for once you have investigated what that mirror holds, so do you no longer need to keep looking in to it.

Friends who remain friends will accept the new and changing you. They may not completely understand your journey, and that is not expected, but they will hold respect for your means of growth, and that is the important factor. Even as you fear you will lose friends, become bored by them, or dispute with them, so must you, in turn, respect them for the decisions they make, the paths they take, the conflicts and the choices they have. You expect to be respected, and so do they, even though you may look upon them and see stagnancy and missteps, not in alignment with your own choices.

To venture into the deepest realms of the self, must you be prepared for a solo journey, available to undertake your solo tasks and your solo issues that will require you to understand life as a solo journey. The people you meet along the way may venture forth beside you for a time, but then depart from your direction when a parting of paths is encountered. This is how journeys through that life are set up, so that companionship and company are enjoyed, but ultimately is the journey a solo one.

Maintain focus on respect for the self, as well as the journeys that others take. Utilize your deep feelings of love and compassion to send others off on their travels, and utilize the same attributes toward new faces that look to you, a mirror of themselves. Meeting people on your solo journey reflects your own passing phase, for separate reasons, but ultimately are the deepest reasons because you give and take something from each person you interact with on your journey, no matter how tiny or seemingly insignificant.

Discover what your friends offer you. Discover what the significance is of your journeying together. Discover where you are now, and discover where you are going next. See who is ready to flow with you a while longer, and discover who lifts a hand and waves now from a distance, your companionship meaningful for a time of importance and significance, but now done, completed for this journey.

Absolve your self of feeling responsible for others, for those you come in contact with who desire your energy. Be compassionate toward others; be loving and strong. But ultimately, must you decide how, where, and with whom you will spend your energy. You will discover that people will fade from your energy field when the time is right. Do not pull them back, or disrupt their need to move in a new direction, for even as they shift and change so are your own changes being noted and respected, even though closeness is no longer shared.

To miss the company of others one once held close is, of course, a tender area, where feelings may arise. But that is a signal of recapitulation, and it is in the act of resolution that closure comes. As you evolve, learn what it means to recapitulate, for that is what you speak of now, in this question. You attempt to understand the need to grow and evolve, juxtaposed with the need to maintain a semblance of connection that, in reality, is no longer alive.

Allow your heart to guide you, your spirit to direct you, and your evolving self to release you from your old ties that have already loosened and are flowing behind you in the wind. Your recapitulation is freeing you in so many ways. Do not doubt the rightness of your journey, or the confrontations with the realities of life that you must encounter. You do not lose friends as you travel. You take with you the gifts they give you, the experiences, and the participation in your journey. Your journey is one of learning to accept that a life truly lived is one of love, compassion, and openness to change, with the ability to flow, continually grow, and move onward, without regret, if your job is well done, your inner issues resolved, and your future allowed to remain an open door.

Your path is full of twists and turns, but your view from the path, if you care to look up and out, is quite magnificent. Lift your head from the stones at your feet, and look out at the wider picture more often, to give you incentive, eagerness, and the invitation to discover the possibilities that truly do lie ahead, as you do your inner work. Seek always balance, maintain awareness of future life, and you will do well, as you take your heart-centered journey.

#341 Your Heart is Your Center, Your Connection

A Reader asks a question.

Dear Jeanne,
I have a question concerning my heart center. I have been told, many times in my life, that I “wear my heart on my sleeve.” So over the years, I have come to regard my heart as a source of vulnerability, not as a place of safety and strength. Now as I do my inner work, I feel both safe and unsafe in my heart center. I have no problem keeping my heart “physically strong,” but I have much confusion as to keeping my heart “emotionally strong.” In giving outside sources power over my heart, I gave it away. How can I work on returning my heart to me?

Thank you again for your guidance, as I continue on my path through life.

Sincerely, D.A.D.

Your heart is your center, your connection to the inner you and the outer you. It is the place of confrontation and love, the battleground of good and evil, of temptation and desire, as well as your emotional and vulnerable companion. Your heart center is your place of longing for spiritual content in your life, for it holds within the means of connection to all-knowing and to infinite possibility. It hides within the seeds of your evolutionary potential. More than any other part of your body does it hold your powers of possibility.

It is your center. It is your circle of protection as well as your circle of strength. It offers not only your inner self to you for exploration and learning, but it offers you the opportunity to bring that inner self out into your outer world. And that is your dilemma. How can you be a beautiful spiritual being in a world that does not seem inviting to such a pure and truthful being? How can you expose your tenderness of spirit to the cold and confusing world outside of you? How can you safely live in your place of centeredness, while exposing your vulnerabilities and truths to the world that appears to desire so much of that which is opposed to such spiritual yearnings?

Your strength will come from this place that you now call vulnerable and emotional. Your strength of heart will evolve as you evolve, and as you learn what it means to follow your heart. The heart, the spirit center of your being, will lead you correctly and that is what you must trust. It is the seat of your journey, the truthful knowing center that speaks clearly, and always truthfully. But the rest of you must enter its chamber, and sit quietly, shutting out the noises of your environment in order to hear its clearly chiming message of direction, growth, and presence.

It asks you to be present in now. It asks you to live a balanced life. That may mean different things for different people. Your balance may be a choice between living fully in the world because you have not done that yet, learning how it works, holding your heart center for your knowing guidance as you maneuver the world, the reality of the physical world, the practices of maturing to a responsible, practical, and compassionate being. Or you may be at a place where your balance is shifting now, to a new aspect of life on the spiritual plane. So look at life as being offered to you, as two platters. One is full of all that life and the real world offers to you. The other is a huge platter full of the aspects of spiritual knowing and connection. Both platters offer realities, true worlds of truth and sustenance. Each one must be fully enjoyed, lived, consumed, and taken on during your lifetimes upon that Earth plane. And each can and must be lived with balance in order to evolve.

But there does come a time when a shift happens; a conscious shift, subtle at first, spirit driven; perhaps a lifetime centeredness of intent to go the route of the spirit. A selection is made, perhaps early on, or perhaps much later in life when one realizes that the huge platter of life’s offerings of that world are no longer as enticing as the offerings of the spirit platter. Then is your heart center speaking of a new balance, about to transform you from a person balanced in the physical plane, with a new you, now seeking balance in the spiritual plane.

This time upon that Earth now holds many beings who have finished eating from the platter of worldly enticements, and they are ready, willing, and able to choose now from the spiritual offerings being placed before them. This is a time of transition. There are great forces behind this intent to shift the balance upon that Earth, so that those who are ready may have the opportunity to choose to live life differently, and be accepted now as beings of spirit, rather than solely world beings, or only partially beings of spirit.

The time now is set up for spirit to take over and create a new balance, and that is what you struggle with, My Dear Reader. Your own spirit is not only suggesting to you that you are indeed wholly spirit, but it is challenging you to take on the task of shifting your balance to this aspect of life. You are not alone in your challenges, or your endeavors to seek clarity of the inner self. There are seekers in abundance. Look around you, all My Dear Readers. These words come to you through such seekers. Both Jan and I are of the spirit seeking sort. My Dearest Chuck is wholly spirit driven. Yet do they, my companions in this awakening, reside among you, struggling with the choices that must be made in life, even as you do. But their spirits have pushed forward now, speaking loudly that, yes, this is the only direction to proceed in, for life all around us is changing.

Do you choose to fight the greater intent of the universe, the direction of spirit? I don’t think you do, My Dear Reader, nor do I think many do. But you are afraid to reveal your vulnerability, and your inner tender truths that you seek connection, love, and recognition for your spirit in that world. And that is okay, because you know what? Now is the time for such recognition. Now is the time of shift to spirit balance, away from the golden platter of opportunities in the physical world, now tilting and shifting, and no longer quite as appealing. The platter of light, of true light of self, is available now, and you can safely choose it because it is the new direction for all humanity to go forward in.

Hold your tenderness in your heart center, and know it is one of your truths. Hold your vulnerabilities, your emotions, your fears, and your caring self in your heart center, and recognize these also as your truths. You do not need to hide them, deny them, or bury them. But you do need to accept them as your human attributes that will work well to bring you to a place of spirit balance.

You are safe, My Dear, as you take this journey into your heart centered truths. Your heart-on-your-sleeve approach may not work so well because you deny your SELF then. Put your heart back where it belongs, and allow it to be present for you and your inner work now. Love your SELF for the journey you are taking. Accept your vulnerabilities and your challenges. Don’t hide your heart, or seek to protect it. Let it be your guide and your seeking companion.

Are you choosing this new path, accepting the gifts offered on the platter of spirit, of light, and of evolutionary growth? Yes? I believe I can hear your answer, muffled as it may be. Well, then, My Dear Journeyer, and all of you, My Readers, who also are making choices now, during this time of shift and opportunity, I welcome you to the universe, and into a new way of life!

Allow your knowing heart to reverberate with your choices. You will not be misguided.