#372 Each of You Has a Choice to Make Today

Dear Jeanne,
Can you offer us some guidance today?

Do not falter in your progress by attaching to old ideas of the self. You are all on new paths now, changing every day because you are choosing to live life in a different manner now. This is your changing self who pushes for enlightenment, experience, and who is eager for new adventures, not the old self. The old self must be left behind now.

You come seeking advice on spiritual growth and revelation because your spirit draws you to seek. Do not hesitate to acknowledge this strong aspect of self, this character within who speaks so clearly at times, who allows you to grow and acknowledge the mysteries of life, the joys of life, and the interesting possibilities of life.

I am here as a guide, but all of you have within you your own guide, your own spirit who knows exactly what I know, who seeks even as I do, and who wishes to invite you to keep learning about life, even as I do. Your life is not just as you see before your eyes because your eyes do not reveal to you all that is there. Your eyes see only what you already know, but they do not see that which has not been revealed. Only your spirit can lift the veils from your eyes and allow you to see all that is truly right before your eyes.

I ask you to be daring in order to access your own me, your own inner spirit connection. I ask you to trust, to determine that yes; you are fully willing to take the journey that is proposed to you. Each of you has a choice to make today. Do you choose to dare your self, or do you choose to keep the veils in front of your eyes?

Do you desire change? In order to have access to change must you decide to accept the change that is now possible. You must dare your self to accept your choice of change. You must allow your self to take a new step on your journey. Your next step may be tiny and incremental, or it may be giant, monumental, and without a doubt earth shattering to you and others in your life. Your choice may be an inner choice, or it may be an outer choice. It may be intensely private and personal, or it may be a choice that encompasses many worlds. Your choice may be sad but necessary. Or it may be delightful and heart-flutteringly loving. Your choice may be full of fear, yet also full of courage. Your next step may lead you into the unknown, or it may lead you into the known. It may be avoidable, or it may be unavoidable, but whether clear or not, so is it necessary to make a choice today, to do something that will aid you in your growth.

There is energy to accompany you now. As I have said over the past few weeks, so must you accept this fact of energetic support. Do not fixate on it, but do allow it to be your partner, your silent partner who knows all the details but remains incognito, while at the same time powerfully present.

Know that you are supported. Know that your spiritual, evolutionary growth is desired, is anticipated, and that victory is undeniable. Know that whatever you undertake during this time of strong energetic, structured support will succeed.

The only thing lacking is your total acceptance of and trust in your self to take a new kind of journey based on your own yearning spirit for a journey that is directed from your truth. So that may be your first challenge today, to discover just what that first truth is. What is your spirit asking you to do today to stay in your place of truth?

Find your voice that speaks your truth. Stay with that voice of truth and allow your outer self to recognize this inner self who has been waiting for this opportunity to speak. This is a day for you to hear what it says. Rely on it, for tomorrow will be different. So don’t miss the opportunity to hear what your inner truth has to say to you today. It will be something quite necessary, quite enticing, and quite appropriate for where you are now and where you are going next. And then see what happens!

#371 Mirrors of Self

Dear Jeanne,
What guidance can you offer us today?

Do not forget that you are energetic beings. Do not forget that you are there upon that earth, inhabiting a place of life, for purposes of energetic growth. Without that learning ground would your progress be without beginning, for your time there is your beginning of opportunity.

This time now, of constant reminder of your humanness, must be utilized for your energetic self, utilized to grow, mature, and understand your place upon that earth and your reason for being there; your ultimate gift of life to your self. Why are you there? What gift do you offer your self?

You must answer these questions, but they are best answered in relationship to others. Your interactions with others, whether close and heartfelt or distant and narrowly connected, are your mirrors of self. Do not dismiss what you see in those mirrors so swiftly or easily, but peer into them and find the familiar. Only in seeking self in the actions and habits of others will you grow and evolve. To shut oneself off from the world will not serve you well. To branch off into self-centered or self-contained living will not allow you to ply your gifts among the many who will graciously receive them. To desert your own cause will not do anyone good, but may in fact cause harm; for loss of reflection will result in despair and depression.

What I am saying today is that in spite of the energy around you, seeking to push and to disrupt, so must you remain aware that it is necessary to be a part of the world, involved with others, for your sake and theirs. Do not so easily push others from you if they offend you or ask for your assistance. Find what they seek in you and allow your self to own that aspect. Do not deny the self, the human attributes that so beautifully define who you are in that world. Once you allow for your humanness to become acceptable to you, so do you offer it as a good reflection to others.

Today is a day to learn to love your self. Love the one you are right now, and begin with offering new energy to that human self by aligning with who you truly are. Do not deny aspects of the self, but accept them fully. Expect to have difficulties with this process, but allow your innocent self, your hiding self, your healthy self, your sad self, your off-kilter self to enter into your awareness and be acceptable, accepted, and known to you.

You are not bad or good. You do not have any firm commands hanging over you except to accept the truths that are waiting to be accepted and the truths that already exist. Can you not allow your self this luxury of acquiescence to the facts of who you are?

Once you do that, then do you have the opportunity to begin anew. If you can accept your humanness, so can you fit your energetic self into that human companion. If you can accept what you see in your mirrors, so can you accept what your spirit is urging you to do as well. You may not feel ready to combine these two aspects of self, but they are necessary for growth.

The human body is your vehicle. You must be in it in order to navigate your world. You must know it full well in order to be able to return to it when the time is right. When your spirit asks you to take a little trip to another reality, so must you always be able to return to your body, fully, so that you can function in the world you live in.

Your body is the vehicle for your spirit, but it will not last long or suit you well if it is not protected and tenderly treated as your worthy companion. Find today a new and stronger connection to your human form. Do this by confronting your truths. Keep your eyes wide open. Notice how you treat your self, how your body reacts, and then decide what is right for your vehicle.

Who drives your vehicle? Who takes care of it? Who is in charge? Remove the big baby from the driver’s seat, if that is who has slipped in unnoticed. Remove your parents, your old teachers and mentors from your vehicle too, and learn to drive it your self.

This energy of now will seek to overturn your convictions. This energy of now will introduce whacky ideas that are not conducive to true spirit growth and need. This energy of now will attempt a takeover, as I have said, but only you can allow that to happen. And I don’t think you are really interested in getting stuck by the side of the road any longer.

Perhaps your vehicle needs a nice shiny cleaning and that is all you will need to set you straight upon your path, proudly inhabiting your physical self and feeling like you again. Get back into your vehicles and drive well, with all your new rules well-learned. Be perfectly open to new growth and adventures as you go off into the next phase of your future, fully in charge, the real you. Be the right mature you, the one who can handle anything, the one who fully resides in human form.

It’s a day to be in your body and discover your truths, accept them, and take them forward with you, using them to grow.

#370 Your Own Power of Self

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have a message for us today, perhaps following up on the previous one offering guidance for growth and contemplation?

I do entice you all to regard the energy as your companion and your partner as you take your journey, even as I ask you to disregard it. The energy offers you access to its power, yet it asks you to be equally present as its companion, offering you access to your own power in the process as well. In this manner of high regard, respect, and pragmatic understanding of and for each other, can you and the energy outside of you work and travel well together.

Abide now by your own truths, both as they are already known and as they are further revealed. This is your anchoring place, in your own deepest truths. This is what must come first now to guide you as you ask for a message to aid you. My awareness is only of help to you if you remain anchored in self, in spirit self, in truthful self, and in evolving self.

Today your biggest challenge will be maintaining that connection to self, as you are pulled outward. Now I suggest that you note but, for the most part, disregard the outer energy. It will seek to interrupt your connection to inner self. It will attempt a takeover, to sabotage your contemplation and to, in turn, disregard your energy. But keep in mind that this is how it works, how it conflicts with you in order to challenge you to ignore it and sink yet deeper into your own knowing of truth and right action.

So, I suggest that you remain conscious that your energy will be disrupted and interfered with, that your calm reverie will be teased outwardly, so that you will have to deal with the world around you. At first, you will find this quite annoying, but later will you see how it has furthered your growth. This will be an example of the outer energy versus your inner energy. Your challenge will be to stay connected to inner self, and to not be drawn to the outer energy, except to note that it is challenging you.

Do you see what I am proposing? You will be tested today, and even perhaps over the next few days, by the teaching energy that asks you to acknowledge its power, but also prove to your self that your own power of self is far greater.

Your awareness is being asked to remain alert now; to be awake in an inner/outer world; to maintain balance and steady alertness to what is coming to you in your life to teach you. I am certain that you will do well. As long as you place your intent to maintain awareness at all times into your heart center, so do you offer your self the key to solving the riddle of how to work companionably with the energy.

If you insist on taking your tests from your head, from your thinking place, so will you not notice what is really going on around you. If you maintain your awakening heart-centered self, your true and tender self in heart-centered awareness, so do you have the answer to your challenges, but also your life.

Your heady thoughts and scrambling for answers will only confuse you and cause the energy to chuckle. But your awareness of your heart center as your true place of knowing, understanding, and spirit being, will bring respect and winning regard from the energy that is truly there to accompany you on your journey. It is your job to tame it though, to teach the energy that you are capable of handling it, aware that you need it, but that you do not need it alone, but only in compliance with your own energy.

With your own inner energy in partnership with what the outer energy offers, so will you be prepared to take on life in a new manner. So will you be accepting from a place of strength of your truths and your gifts. I ask that you consider taking a new step now, as this energy pushes you to accept your own strengths, even as it shows you its own.

This is a time of learning how to use the energy that is available to you, even as you push it aside in order to more fully access your own energy. This is a time of balance seeking; of inner and outer energy balancing; of truth balancing; and of acceptance of all that you now know and that you are now being shown.

Trust your selves, My Dears. You really are energy beings, and perhaps that is all you need to keep reminding your selves of, as you continue your journeys. You are energy beings and that means that everything is possible, for energy is behind everything.

Use your energy wisely. Use it well. Use it for growth. Use it for self, and use it for others in whatever way you are being offered. Accept your gifts, and then use your gifts. That is what you are being taught to do in this time of energy balancing. It’s really all that matters.

#369 Twelve Practical Aspects of Growth & Contemplation

Dear Jeanne,
A new month and a new week are upon us. Do you have guidance for us as we begin this new phase of life?

My Dear Ones, now is the time to go innerly, to focus intent and attention upon your inner self, your connection to the inner spirit and the inner contentedness of that connection. As you have learned, over these past days and weeks, so is the outer energy present to help your growth. It exists in all of its intensities and tricky ways to present you with what you need. Allow your knowledge of how energy works to sit firmly in your knowing, but detach your focus from it now.

Allow your attention to the energy to wane now. You know how it works. You know that it will always be there to tease you and to push you. You know that it connives and manipulates. You know that it asks you to use it for growth, for good, and for change. But now I suggest that you detach your attention from it. Detach from focusing your every move based on it. Detach from utilizing it to change you, and instead use your knowledge of its powerful existence to go innerly now, with your knowledge of its powerful presence firmly accepted.

The energy outside of you will always be there. It will always offer you what you need. It will always push you, delight you, entice you, and support you. But once this is fully understood and acquiesced to, so is it time to let your knowledge of this powerful phenomenon sink into the background, known, yet no longer controlling you.

Your strength now comes from what you have learned. Your strength now comes from you, as you move along on your journey, as you accept that your life asks for change and for growth. But it asks that this change and growth come from inside you. It asks that you leave the wild energy to do its crazy maneuvering outside the windows of your inner self.

Retreat now from the participation in the outer energy. Go with what you have learned about energy into your inner self, where your own energy resides waiting to be woken up again and nudged along. Take your eyes off what is going on outside of you and turn them inward. Look closely now at the painful truths of self that have been revealed recently and work to resolve your issues that hinder your fuller growth and continued progress.

You all know what this means in your own lives. You do understand what it means to turn inward and do your inner work. I do know that this is a difficult and demanding task and that you would rather focus on what is happening outside of you, looking for what the energetic outer forces are doing and reacting to, rather than investigating your own energy stirring up issues that need attention. Believe me when I say, I know this is quite a task that I present you with.

If it is any consolation to you, be assured that the outer energy will still be here contributing and supporting you, even as you turn from it. It will not feel rejected or deceived by your non-participation, but instead regard your move away from it as mature progress.

So this is what I suggest you do now, as you shift into a new month and a new period of opportunity for growth:

1. Take your own energy back.

2. Turn your eyes inward.

3. Prepare your self for some intense inner work.

4. Find your calm heart-centered place of resonance, your knowing and recognizably balanced place of inner being.

5. Seek to remain in this place of utter inner calm and balance at all times.

6. Turn thoughts, worries, projections, and outer dilemmas inward to this place of calm and allow any such disturbances to sink into the pillows of inner energy that reside there, eagerly awaiting recognition as a place of resource and anchoring.

7. Remain focused on resolution of self now, though still connected to your world. Remain fully committed to being in that world, prosperous and aware of all of your potential, allowing it to be fully realized, but at the same time inwardly doing the work of the self.

8. Find your reason for living. Why are you there? What is your purpose in life? What is your new direction? For if you have not recently re-discovered your direction, so do I suggest that this should be your first question to ask your inner self. The time has come to shift direction.

9. Accept your supports. They are already in place for you to do your inner work. You do not need to worry about how you will accomplish what your inner self desires. By accepting that your inner self is on a truthful journey, by acquiescing to this truth, and by fully accepting that its success is assured, so do you offer your self access to the fullest possibilities of change.

10. Do not allow outside influences to usurp your power, your inner strength, or your calm balanced inner self from the focus of your intent to grow and change. This is your direction now, a turn toward allowing for change to enter your life.

11. So invite change into your life by fully opening your inner doors and windows, revealing your truths, so hard won and so painfully revealed to you over the past few months.

12. Accept your challenges into your inner place of work on the self. Do not push them away or store them for later, but pay attention to each and every challenge as it comes. Keep up with them. Do not allow them to pile up like dirty dishes in the sink. No, now is the time to confront your deepest challenges, one at a time. Take them into your inner sanctum and allow your honest and truthful self to accept them. Acquiesce to your bitter truths and learn something new about your self as each truth is revealed.

With these twelve practical aspects of growth and contemplation firmly established, so do you offer your self the opportunity to not only grow and evolve innerly, but also outerly. Your inner work will reveal itself in your outer self. You will become a more accepting, flowing, non-judgmental being who exhibits the qualities that are now so necessary in that world. That world so desperately asks for all of you to change, to grow, and to acquiesce to new ideas and new behaviors, in order for truth, honesty, and innocence to once again be acceptable and viable means of interacting, connecting with, and trusting one another, as you all move forward now.

This is true. This is what is needed, both inside all of you and outside all of you. Find your true innocent and honest self, and thank your lucky stars that you have the ability to allow for your innocence to be reborn. Then enter the world with this new self leading the way and see what happens. You will be greeted by resonant beings, and that will really make a difference and open yet more doors of change, of truth, and of growth.

#368 The Old World is Trembling and Rumbling

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have guidance for us as we continue our adventures in this time of change?

My Dear Ones, do not get caught by fear or doubt now as you envision your near future in a new and transformed manner. For if you allow fear and doubt to seep into your place of acquiescence, so do you retire your spirit from a journey now so necessary and so profitable. Close the door to such dark and disruptive thoughts and actions and the journey taken upon their unworthy counsel. Shut out the influence of old ways and old thinking. Trust the journey of your self and your world as you acquiesce to safe passage forward now upon this energy of change that is upon you.

I do not suggest that you throw your self with abandon into this energy of change, but that you allow your self, with conscious and well-thought out maneuvers, to become a part of the new awareness that pushes for this change with such forceful intent. Can you allow your spirit, your inner knowing of right thought and right action to guide you forward now? Can you trust your own journey, with your abilities to flow and accept your challenges and your gifts? Can you become now the person you truly are? Can you acquiesce to your own truthful self and really become that truthful being in your inner world and your outer world?

Look upon the leaders in your world. Look upon the rising leaders who so succinctly mirror your own urgent need and desire for change. Do you not see that your own personal urgency for new life is reflected all around you? Do you not feel connected to that greater energy that is so forcefully apparent now? Are you not ready to allow your self to admit that this energy of change is very necessary and very timely?

Look beyond your self for a moment. Look at the struggles in the world. They are not struggles for power. They are struggles for truth, for the emergence of honesty, integrity, and purity. They are struggles for right words and right actions to now become the leading forces, the guiding forces, and the trusted forces.

This time of change, transformation, and transmogrification is a spiritually based force that asks for participation from your own heart-based truthful self. Your worldwide leaders, who have stood now so precariously upon the rock of solid denial of humanity’s inner journey, are feeling those rocks begin to tremble, for they are not the rocks of change. They are the rocks of refusal to grow into a new world of acceptance. They are the old guard who have refused to acquiesce to the truth of evolutionary potential, the truth of reincarnation, the truth of heart-centered purpose, and the truth of right action and compassionate interface with all who reside upon that planet.

The old world is trembling and rumbling. It is cracking and crumbling soon, with the downfall of the once mighty and the uprising of the downtrodden. But all of this will only happen with truth as the new rock, the new base upon which change can happen.

Your job, as aware beings of spiritual intent and direction, is to allow your inner spirit self to lead you forward now, with your old mantles cast aside. Lay those old cloaks upon the rubble that is gathering as the old rocks crumble, and walk upon them as you make your way to higher moral and spiritual ground. Now is the time to acquiesce to the truth of the world as you know it, for all are interconnected, all are mirrors, and all have suffered now long enough in fear, denial, and doubt of spirit strength and spirit character.

It is time now to admit to your self that you need and desire change in your life. It is time to allow your self to also admit that this is true for your own world, your own town, your own country, and for the greater world, so that the universe may also shift and change for you and become known, available, and reconnected with all of you as your guide, your potential, your ancient connection to all history as it has been made, and as it continues to be made.

For this day, and this time, do I ask that you allow your self to look beyond your self. Look outside of your own life’s consuming problems and observe the realities in the world around you. Recognize your self as a member of a changing universe. Recognize, in friends and strangers, the same awakening awareness, no matter how meager or great. Observe, beneath the old ragged clothes of the old ways of living and believing, that there is light pouring forth. This is the light of hope, and trust, and belief in the energy of guidance to take you all on a new kind of journey.

This is truth shining through, asking you to embrace it as you do the new rising sun; to acquiesce to its natural beauty, existent in each and every one of you; to allow it to be your life force now, as you truly begin to move forward with firm intent to remain upon this forward momentum of change, unafraid of the consequences of truth revealed. This is a time of good. If you can just allow that thought to remain planted in your heart center, so will you succeed in nurturing that good within, and without, and that, My Dears, is your greatest challenge.

Allow goodness to reign. Allow goodness to take over your world and the greater world. Allow goodness to be your guiding force. This is what the energy also asks of you, to shift, to change, but to do so on the energetic intent of goodness. Strain for this, and your heartstrings will sing the right melody of perpetual change, and that will propel you forward on your journey, your individual journey and your worldwide journey of growth, of change, and of connection to all things upon that earth, and beyond.

Chuck Ketchel, LCSWR