#64 Take Knowledge from Devastation

Dear Jeanne,
Our country seems to be steeped in calamities and miseries with the Iraq war, droughts, tornadoes, floods, fires and now hurricanes. What does all this mean for those of us on this path of individual awakening and growth?

Focus, always, inward first before you expend your energy outward. Teach those in your care to chart their own paths from this awakening place of center and balance. The strong individual centered spirit is the greatest asset to the problems that abound upon that earth. The individuals drawn outward too soon do not contribute enough, but merely disturb the energy that should be focused intently, but this takes much knowledge of how energy works and good guidance to accomplish.

I do not mean to imply that intent of any sort does not have affect, for you know that I advocate using energy and intent all the time, but in the long run the more firmly grounded the individual is in understanding and knowing personal intent and journey the more powerful becomes the outwardly directed intent.

My own mission regards planet earth as quite far gone, as you now know it. My group’s mission has been focused on evolutionary spirit growth in order to release earth from the burden placed upon it by the number of souls overloading its space and over utilizing its bounty.

There is no longer bounty enough to sustain those who reside upon that planet in the manner that they now inhabit and utilize both the natural resources and the manmade ones. My soul group’s mission is in teaching and aiding the awakening of inner spirit in order to evolve so that fully awakened entities do not need to return to earth. As I have said, there is a backlog of souls clogging the passages and keeping the smooth flow of spirit beings from achieving growth beyond that plane.

Earth is being protected and watched carefully by other groups, and although I have often spoken of the devastation and waste now so apparent there, my focus has remained, wholeheartedly, on aiding you to understand energy, spirit awareness, and your own innate abilities to know and grow. Look inward and pay attention, even in these times of destruction and devastation, for your own spirit balance, so that from your stability you may have affect. For what good is a strong mountain if it is not arisen upon stable ground? A fault line beneath even the tallest mountain proposes a disastrous future some day. Your own grounding must be stable and solid, your knowing firmly established that you are energy first and foremost, and your direction clearly open and available to you, both your path upon that earth and your evolutionary path as well.

To understand your inner self, and to understand your outer self fully, will direct you properly to the job that suits you best in that life now upon that earth. To fully engage knowing of the self, to empty of all desires and needs, of the ego, the inner child, and the outer adult, but to stay focused on mature thinking, knowing, and desiring will lead you to your true path. Once this becomes clear so will your route reveal the true meaning of your life and what you should be doing with it for universal giving. It will become as natural as breathing.

Some of you will find yourselves working within the groups that have concern about the very soil of the earth, the water, the air, the plants, and trees, and every bug and creature that walks upon that earth. Many of you will choose to focus your intent on energetic use of prayer, and your direction will be compassionate and growth oriented in this manner. Many of you will stay locally focused, or even privately focused, for this matches your inner spirit, your inner guide. You will all know your place eventually, as you engage in learning how your spirit works with your physical present self.

Your ability to evolve will be contingent though upon your willingness to leave behind the past that you have carried now as a burden upon your shoulders. Your comfort has remained centered there as well, in spite of the devastation and heaviness of such a burden. Allow your comforts now to come from knowledge you have gained about your own abilities to guide your outer self and your inner self. Do not remain so heavily focused on your past now. Allow it to be picked over, take what you learn from it and move on, freed now of it. Your past may lie in devastation as though a tornado had interrupted your life, but that does not mean you should sit down on that heap of debris that once was your life and remain there forever. Life would be meaningless if you did that. Take your necessary knowledge from such devastation, learn what you must, and move on now, for the universe is moving and pushing quickly for growth and evolution.

Are you flooded with problems? Well, think of a flood as a time of washing out, of cleansing, of burying, and discover, when the flood has passed, what it is that is revealed to you. What do you now have access to, what is gone forever, and what is too deeply buried, or too badly ruined, to be useful now. Such is the guidance offered during such times. The flood reveals to you what is truly necessary in life by removing and destroying the things that do not really matter.

Take now the time, during this high energy period, to understand that devastation itself is not all that devastating if you understand that it takes, but, above all, gives clarity of life, clarity of purpose, and the knowledge that life, that energy, is the most important aspect of existence, and that you have inside you, well protected and available at all times.

Find this energy inside you now. Find your clarity and your knowing of direction, of path, of spirit, and remain always cognizant that your energy desires growth, desires movement, desires strengthening, and desires to be utilized to its full abilities. Do not deny your spirit access to all that it desires. Learn what you must from all of your experiences. Pass along this knowledge to those in your care and look forward to discovering the path that will bring you forward to a new level of awareness.

Do not lose or forget the lessons you learn. Do not become bogged down in them, stuck in the mud or buried under debris, but do take with you the truths you discover, have clear insights about, and go forward with the knowledge of these insights clearly planted in your mind so that your gaze does not sway from the direction that is so right for you to take.

As you become that stable mature spirit-oriented being so will you have all that you need to be the parents, the teachers, the guides that are necessary to aid in the growth of spirit now so desperately needed upon that earth. There is a great awakening taking place there now. This you are probably aware of, but it will not have fuller impact until those of you who are spirit-focused stabilize and become firmly rooted in your own individual awakening. Once this has happened in your own life, allowing your inner self to be truthfully and freely outspoken, will you then have energy to impact the world outside of you.

In calm centeredness can you begin to send out your good energetic resonance to the places where you know it will have impact. Direct it to those within your nearness and you will have affect. You will see this and understand the power that your own solidly stable and focused intent has. As you experience and discover this will you eventually have gained enough to broaden your energetic field and affect many outside your realm of family and friends, tenderly giving your energy where you feel it is most needed and most deserved. Do not waste it frivolously, for that will not be energetically life giving to anyone, especially you.

Seek resonance of spirit in those around you and in your quiet meditation time. For in this manner will your own stores of energy be replaced and revitalized, even as you extend outward in small amounts, if you are ready. Test your intent and see what happens. Your energy is life, growing inside you now, producing a great ball of love and compassion that you will, one day, release to the world, and you will know it is right and good and pure, and your life’s meaning will become ever clearer as you go through this process that you have now embarked upon.

#63 The First, Second, and Third Awarenesses

Dear Jeanne,
We are all being tested in many ways right now. Your descriptions of energy pulling and distracting seem accurate. Can you offer us some insight and guidance for today?

Remind yourself often of your path, your goals, your new orientation, and the gifts you are given. This clarity of direction will aid you as you travel your journey, both the day-to-day journey and the long-term journey. A goal may, at times, seem far off, hazy in the distance, but if you clear away all the distractions, and tune out the noises that seek to disturb you, you will regain crystal clear vision again and the long distant goal will pull closer and become your focus again.

Remain steady on your path now. This is the best advice I can give during this time of energy turmoil. You see, what is happening is that there is an energy war going on right now. There is a strife, a vying for energy, and it is being grabbed and taken from all sides and by all kinds of needy entities, and the power of those needy ones is great. Distraction is a common factor in life. Have no doubt that it will remain solidly planted in your lifetime, popping up continually to consume your energy. Your training must also pop up equally strong and needy to direct your attention continually back to your path, your focus, and to what is truly spirit-oriented and right.

Your training now is at a place of strength, so that your reminder to remain calm and balanced is now a habitual mantra, and your systems, mental, physical, and spiritual all engage in it automatically now, or almost so. Your time under my guidance is now apparent as you find yourself more aware than ever before of your own fallibilities and your new capabilities to reassert yourself almost immediately back on track.

To be pulled at, to have to acknowledge weakness, compassion, humanistic qualities, and the reality of life is always going to be partnering you on your journey. Accept that you are human and do not fault yourself for being so. It is who you are, along with being pure energy and spirit. It is the balance that one must engage in order to fully live that life there upon that earth. But, your spirit is more aware now of other aspects of reality, and these aspects must balance you and keep you focused. They are all handy and available as you navigate your life. You have abilities, awarenesses, and clarities that previously were hidden, dormant, or unknown to you. Now are you well equipped.

So, do not forget these things that you have available to you now as you meet your challenges and feel the energies that abound now. There are many struggling with their own neediness, even as you struggle with your own. This is your first awareness, that all must experience and tackle the issues that arise as they proceed on their journeys. Your second awareness is that yes, you must offer aid, guidance, and positive encouragement to those in your nearness as it suits your energetic makeup, but you must not become an enabler. Become a helper, but do not take the other’s journey. This is often difficult to assess, but keep your clarity about your own journey, and how much energy you need for that before assessing how to aid another, and determine how much you are willing to give and take in order to continually be responsible for yourself and those in your care.

Your third awareness is of the energy outside of you that has seemingly nothing to do with your path, your world, or your focus of spirit, yet it seeps in to distract and challenge, seemingly coming out of nowhere to grab your attention and pull you far off track, or so it may seem. Alert yourself immediately to such challenges. Question them as I have suggested in the past, and seek to understand the reasons why you are being offered such a challenge at this time. Use your awareness, your understanding of energy, and your clarity about your spirit orientation to guide you. Also keep in mind that the energy now abounding upon that energetic plane, earth, is of a turbulence and power that is unprecedented. Use it properly to carry to you forward upon your journey, harness it for your growth and evolution, yet constantly be aware of its power to bury you.

Keep focused forward, keep feeling your resonance, and remain cognizant, at all times, of the lessons and the guidance we have been studying lately. My own knowing speaks clearly of troubled times ahead, but that does not mean that growth and spirit evolution will be affected. During times of trouble is there often great spirit focus and spirit growth. Positive outlook, positive resonance, and positive attraction are all necessary during such times.

Challenges may appear negative at first, but in the long run will be viewed as positive if they are carried out with growth in mind. As always, I advocate centering and balancing, doing this daily, to start your day and throughout your day, calling to mind your direction, your focus, your goals, and placing yourself firmly on that path that you have selected for yourself. Again and again throughout your day, even if you do not see clearly, so can you feel intuitively and with your spirit, knowing that you are on the right path. Even in blindness and deafness is there knowing of correct path, for the spirit will lead correctly if allowed to.

Do not become caught up in causes that are not truly resonant or absolutely necessary and pertinent to your growth now. Yes, I know there are many, many causes upon that earth that need attention. But your focused conservation of energy at this time is far better to hone before you expend it all and have little left to build upon. As I have proposed often, work on building your individual energy and the knowledge of how it works, keeping yourself energetically fit and capable in order to have the greatest impact. Your path must be of the individual first in order to join your strength with others and be available in the future for true universal energetic alliances.

Strengthen first your individual knowing, your individual clarity and awareness before you expend and expand outward. In knowing yourself first will you have better balance as you go outward, better able to remain firmly fixed upon your own path, yet also able to give, as your spirit truly desires, in the future.

Retain your balance at all times as you test the energy, as you meet your challenges, and as you are confronted by life. Maintain your awareness of self, of self now upon that journey, of self as energy involved in energetic flow and energetic pull, and maintain your steadiness as you traverse your day and your life.

Remember to ask for help and guidance. And then use your awareness to recognize how it comes to you. It may not be in the shape or form you expect, but it will come. Have no doubt about that!

So, my fine traveling companions, thank you for your trust in me as guide, and your good growing and your trust, most of all, in yourself as you make this journey of spirit. I am thrilled to be your companion on this amazing journey we are taking together. Don’t lose sight of this, no matter what may come at you. We are on an amazing journey together, so let’s keep going.

A Note on Message #62

A Note to all the readers of Jeanne’s messages: I will be energetically unavailable for the next few days. Jeanne is giving us plenty to be aware of while I am away! I will return with a message on Tuesday May 9, 2007. All the best to you, Jan

#62 Take Off the Blindfold

Dear Jeanne,
I feel your energy very intensely today. I know you desire to continue guiding us and offering your knowledge. What message do you have today?

Acquaint yourselves with the signs that are guiding you during this time of energetic force. Accustom yourself to becoming alert and aware and keenly focused on reading the guidance offered. I am not kidding when I say that there are many, many things being offered to those of you who reside upon that earth. Many hands aid you, offering guidance and direction, and even pulling you up out of despair or predicaments you may find yourself in. But, few take note, and few are aware that this offer exists.

Begin to study in your own life what has recently been made available to you. Begin to accept that all that you are given is meant for you to experience and learn from. Guidance abounds, but it is up to you to notice, and then to dare to accept it, and take advantage of what is offered to guide you on your path. A fork in the road, a path splitting, is an opportunity for growth and change and a necessary aspect of life. A journey would not be fulfilling if there were not plenty of decisions to be made and plenty of uncertainties to face.

Do not blindfold yourself any longer as you walk your path. Take off the blindfold that keeps you hidden from the reality of your life on earth and from the reality of gifts of guidance being presented to you. Your abilities now must become awareness focused so that you will be able to center yourself in this new life you so desire. Use your awareness to get you there. Use your knowledge of other realities, co-existing with earth time, to aid you as you go. Do not run, covering your eyes, from the knowledge that is offered, but instead open your eyes, and gaze upon it as upon a gift, and take this gift for your own.

Your life is meant to be growth-oriented, your path, your journey interesting, challenging, and always open so that you may travel forward and grow from your experiences. So, center yourself now upon that path, stop a moment and look around you. Take in your reality, see clearly where you are, right now, at this moment, and then decide what you must do to be in the right place in the next moment. Pause and remain focused on your spirit when you take in your surroundings, not your ego or your desires or your wants, but your spirit.

Who are you really? What is it that you must truly do with your life? Are you on the right path? Are you spirit-oriented now? Are you aware that life will not allow you to hide or remain blind? Life and the universe will attempt to show you what you need to know. But, it is up to you to see clearly, accept it, and go with it. Life will not cease to challenge you, at times in big meaningful ways, and at other times in small significant ways. Always is there guidance available.

Even this new clarity and this new awareness I speak of can often seem like a dream world. As you gain your awareness so do you gain awareness of parallel worlds and of your ability to exist in more than one at a time. Begin to enjoy this phenomenon. Your ability to seamlessly transfer your attention, your awareness, from one world to the other will strengthen as you practice. Your ability to flow will gather strength, and your ability to enjoy both worlds more fully will ensue.

Do not be frightened by this aspect of reality. As you feel yourself enter another world, another sense of reality, perhaps in meditation or perhaps in being out in the world, notice the feeling of it and stay there to enjoy it. Bring aspects of it back with you into your other world so that they begin to merge and you will find that your realities are more smoothly blended and your crossovers less drastic.

Eventually, will your realities be better blended, and your awareness will be alert in both worlds. Your life will begin to change as you realize that your spirit-oriented world of magic and guidance is in fact present all the time. Your reality is in fact spirit-oriented at all times. When you arrive at this knowing will you have come far on your journey of spirit, knowing that you took the right path, the right fork in the road.

As your blindness dissolves and your seeing increases, look forward to clarity that you can use to guide you through this time of intensity with the energy of the earth pulling and pushing and grabbing and trying to entice you to join it at all costs. But, you know now that this is not a good idea any longer. Now you stay in your center, in your calm, and observe this energy and the impact it has, but you stay strongly spirit focused and spirit driven. Your mature spirit has contained within it the responsibility for nurturing you on this journey into new life, and your mature spirit seeks to guide you correctly. So pay attention to it!

Do not do anything foolhardy. Do not do things the old way. Do not jump ahead without finding the truth first, whether or not that jump you want to take is right for you. It may be, but now must you make it with conscious spirit clarity, staying always focused on seeking your resonance and your spirit knowing. This is your new guide, your new decision maker, and the new you who will move now more swiftly into awareness of your own parallel worlds and your own realities, learning to flow with your life, taking the path of spirit.

All of this is good, but I request that you maintain your center over the next few days as the energy attempts to override your calm. Do not be tempted by it. It’s the wrong time to engage it, for it is not spirit focused, but of the opposite sort, seeking to distract and catch you off guard. Stay focused!

“I am flowing in my life, I am remaining centered, I am aware, I am knowing and seeing clearly now.” These are the proper words to speak now to remain centered and guided. Good luck in your endeavors. Let’s see what happens next. Don’t be surprised by anything. Just remain centered and say, “Oh, okay, so that’s how it’s going to go, okay, I can handle that.” And then flow with your life rather than fight it, for it is leading you properly, this I can guarantee! But, only if you remain calmly spirit centered and focused, otherwise you may screw it up! I dare you to take off your blindfold and take up the challenge I offer to be alert, aware, and spirit focused!

#61 Keep a Warm Blaze Going

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have a message for humanity today?

Do not get caught now by talk of energy that is not resonant with your own truth and your own inner knowing. I do not advocate getting swept up into something that will only drain you and potentially leave you depleted.

I warn that there is much out there in the world that would love to feast off your growing and vibrant energy. But at this time, and in this state of growth that you now embark on, is it most important that you maintain your energy for work on yourself. Though this may sound selfish, how can it be, when your true goal is in learning to understand how your own energy works in order to utilize it meaningfully in the manner that your life was truly meant for?

This is now a learning process that you have embarked on, and I advise that you stay focused on inner personal growth at this time. Feed your own energy being first, tend to it carefully, keep it calmly balanced and energetically self-focused. Then, if you truly have energy to spare, is it perfectly feasible to practice using it in a more universal fashion. But, you must be able to acknowledge your own limitations, set some rules so that you do not deplete, or empty too far, your own energy reserves. It is important to keep always the embers of your energy glowing, though it is far better to have quite a nice fire going at all times. If your inner fire goes cold because you have not attended to it properly will you have much work getting it started again.

Maintain your inner energy as you would tend a fire, feeding it just enough to keep a warm blaze going and you will do well stabilizing your energy. Look outside of you and decide where your energy is best utilized. There will be much wishing to draw upon you, especially as your resonance is felt more and more now. There will be a time of attraction and a time of interest in your new energetic resonance, but it also a time to sit back and observe and contemplate as well as revel in this feeling of your own energy. Do not give it all away. This is probably the best message I can give to you today. Do not give it all away. Feed continually the fire of your own energy. Keep it growing, and as you select how you will utilize it, keep always in mind that you must maintain more than enough for yourself. For what good will you be to anyone else who truly needs you, or the energetic flow of universal intent, if you do not maintain enough energy to remain functioning at a good energy level yourself. Do not run out of fuel.

So, focus on the self in this manner is important. Watch what comes at you now to draw on your new energy awareness. You may find that, as you are more aware of your energy now, as a separate aspect of your self, so will there be feasters who are also aware of this. Begin to recognize who and what they are, and learn to be protective of your vibrant energy. It will attract the right kind of resonant energy, but it will also attract the wrong kind. You do not want, or wish, to become but a feeding ground, rather than an ever-growing and glowing energy source that you alone control and understand perfectly.

Deflect that which is inappropriate, merely energy-draining attraction. Keep cognizant of how you are using your energy and how you can improve on using it. Yes, your energy resides in your physical body, and your body awareness is your biggest indicator of how you use your energy. Your body will often tell you, enough! But, sometimes your energy body will function completely outside of the physical body and you may not even realize what is happening until it is too late and your energy is gobbled up. So, stay cognizant of both your physical and your separate energy being. Keep them in alignment during your busy working day; replenish them both. Keep them in good condition, remaining aware of how you are choosing to spend your energy, and your physical energy too. Awareness of the self is key to how you will later function as a spirit entity. Awareness of understanding your energy and your spirit being now is extremely important for future growth.

So today, be aware of outside energy seeking to connect and possibly drain you of the energy you are discovering and feeling so intensely within yourself now. Retain it, don’t let it go, it’s far too soon for that. You must remain focused on studying it, how it works, what it is capable of, and how you alone experience it before you should allow it to be utilized by others. Be protective of it. After all, it is like a baby growing inside you, and you are just getting to know the feel of it, nurturing it, and growing it, while you understand the greater meaning of it. It is life inside you, your very own life, and your very own infant energy. Be careful with it!

Life upon that earth is going to get very interesting. See what happens. Stay energy focused, caring of the self, and cognizant of your place in the world now as you go innerly and become spirit focused, and a tender of your own energetic fuel, keeping your own fire kindled and glowing. Keep this inner balance going, even as you deal with life and all the issues that arise and, of course, must be met and dealt with. Never shirk your responsibilities in life, but do learn this new balance now too.

Chuck Ketchel, LCSWR