#78 Universal Love and Compassion

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have a message for all of humanity today?

Learn compassionate love, all encompassing love, even as you desire love for the self, and even as you learn to truly love the self. This is the only way to truly evolve and understand the concept of journey, with love and detachment, so that those in your care may be properly sent off, and those in your dispute may also be lovingly sent off.

Do not dismiss love as an option in all manner of relationship. For universal love and compassion are the cornerstones of life, life on earth, and all life after that journey has ended. Do you wish to be withholding in this manner? Do you wish to not solve one of the greatest mysteries of mankind’s life on earth? That is, how to truly love, all-freely, with true compassion. Even as you watch the struggles and vicissitudes of life around you must you allow the universal light aspect of compassionate love to be felt in your own energy field, and in your own heart system, in order to truly evolve to a place of calm generous spirit and love of all mankind, both near and far, no matter what issues arise to dissuade you from this universal understanding of life’s journey, your own, and everyone else’s.

Look closely now upon the turmoils in the world and understand the concept of universal love and compassion as the only system that will solve the disputes now upon that earth. This system has the ability to open hearts, open doors, and open a pathway to new understandings of human nature and the reasons for human existence. But this concept is universally dismissed as being naive, and impractical, and too soft an approach for the likes of murderers, warriors, and those who fight life the most.

But the energy of life, the energy of spirit existence, does not dismiss this concept, nor does it refuse it when it encounters it. Even within the hardness of hearts, held enclosed by the disputes of man, is there knowing that one crack of the facade of hatred will allow spirit energy to escape and become known.

Universal love and compassion are meant to ride the energy that now encompasses that earth. The energy of spirit awareness is all that is necessary to stir up this truth in all of you. Have I not spoken often of your own powerful energy, and how, if interacting with other energy, does it have the chance to change the world? Well, it will be more powerful as your intent spurs it on if it is laced through and through with powerful doses of all-compassionate love. This love comes from the universe, through you, and your job is to spread it further on the waves of your intent for good and evil to cease their warring and lay down their arms and become as one, intent upon solving the problems of that earth with a new approach.

This is not only a huge and seemingly totally insufficient approach, but it is necessary for existence upon that earth to continue. For the way that now runs the energy there, is the way of destruction, and that will not stop until there is a laying down of arms and a taking up of spirit awareness to redirect the focus of world intent. Domination and power remain the driving force in the hearts of men, desire and greed pocketed in their every thought, action, and deed, and these fallacies of true life are but hindrances to evolution.

I do advocate a quick turn around, a renewal of focus from fighting, arguing, and more brutal forms of domination in order to slow down the progress of destruction. I mean this, not only on a universal level, but the personal. For what matters, that one dominates another? There is no true purpose in such action, but only the delay of evolutionary progress. I suggest backing down now, from all disputes. Look clearly upon each other as the same person, as having the same struggle, to figure out life and the reason for being. Use the mirror of self-reflection to guide you to understanding your opponent, and to aid you in your own struggles. Back down from interferences, from all manner of negativity, and from all confrontations. Simply stand still a moment, and take in the essence of each other, find yourself inside that other person, and send waves of energetic love, pure and generous, to that person, whether they be spouse or lover, mother or father, child or children, business partner or coworker, or simply someone you encounter throughout your day.

Feel your own feelings of struggle. Do not doubt that similar feelings abound in that other, for all are you human. Even the person most foreign to you, on the opposite side of the world, has similar feelings. All are born in the same manner, entering into life with a contract to fulfill, challenged to gain awareness, and expected to take up the challenge to finally meet the consequences of life head on, with clarity and desire for growth of spirit energy. All must discover this aspect.

Love others for the journey they are on. Love others for the challenges they must face. Love others for the mistakes they make, the deeds they enact, and the terrible consequences of their actions. But love them most because they are all like you. Love them because you know that you too deserve this love and compassion on your journey in return, you too have need of universal compassionate love pouring towards you to aid you on your journey. Do not deny others what you too so truly need, for that is denying the self the ability to truly evolve, to give, and accept from the universe, and to become open to the possibility of change.

Life is all about change. Are you going to fight? Are you going to embrace it and make it your companion as you go forth, or are you going to stubbornly refuse to grow with it? Life is about growth. Change signals that it is time to grow. Times of growth allow for experiences of spirit awakening, a little bit more at each challenge. Each time of change, and at each opportunity is there also the possibility to open the heart and receive universal compassion, and then is it time to spread that freely upon the earth, for there is unlimited access, and unlimited amounts of love available for use upon that world.

Our soul groups offer this bounty. Your desire for connection to us all is linked to this inner knowing of universal love and compassion, and your desire for connection beyond the veils shows your inner spirit knowing of such love. Your spirit wishes for reconnection with the source of inner power that will reunite you with not only your own abilities to love truly compassionately, but also the connection to greater universal love through your eager spirit energy.

Begin to test my proposal. Find in your own life the instances of knowing when to back down from your anger, your frustration, and your exhaustion at the struggles of those nearest you. Back down into your centered calm that we have focused so much on maintaining, and from this place of no judgment allow your heart center to feed you the line of connection to universal love. Breathe it in through your heart, allow it to swirl into you, and then gently and compassionately send it forth to those you love. Wish to release upon them the knowledge of spirit and spirit energy, so that you may free each other from holding the other accountable, with blame and anger, caught by the desires of ego and the big baby. Cut the old lines of connection now, replacing them with this new line so directly attached to all love, and all compassion, the universal system that awaits your remembering of it. For in your past, have you had such knowledge and felt such connection. Now is it time to remember it again. Allow the familiarity of it to enter your own system of energy and become once again part of your functioning life upon that earth.

Begin small, with the self and those nearest you. But do begin to be aware of life as energy on this level as well as the physical level. This energy of universal compassion and love exists waiting your reconnection. As you find your center, so can you tap into it, and find that your way upon earth will become more focused on spreading this good energy, less on the self, and more on the world at large. This is the energy that allows for connection to universal truth, to spirit awareness, spirit guides, and the ability to access such knowledge as this that you are freely given, and freely accepting because this is universal love and compassion for all mankind in action. Understand and acknowledge this and you will begin to understand how your own life is leading you where you need to go.

So, become more fully aware of this outside you. Where are you being pointed? What has recently occurred that has placed you just where you need to be? What are you being offered? The veils are dropping all around you, but do you clearly see what is behind them? Or are you too focused on the self, the ego, the big baby? Are you truly ready to accept this strange and wonderful connection? I hope so, because the time of awareness is now. And the time of alertness and connection to all of this I speak of is now. Accept your place, accept your own journey, and then send out your connection to truth on an energetic wave of compassion and love that will interconnect, through you, everyone you meet with this universal energy. You are all meant to be part of this progress, this evolutionary growth of spirit that is now being so widely encouraged and cultivated.

Begin to find your own place in this greater plan for evolution, and see where you should be now in your life. This is a significant time for growth in this manner. You have been invited to participate and become an example but, even more so, a connection to all truth as you enact in your own life the calm centered balance of a seeker, living life with compassion, gentleness, and energetically connected.

#77 Heart-centered Breathing

Dear Jeanne,
Where are you going to take us today?

Into the world of knowledge, the encyclopedia of knowing, making it available to you for your scrutiny and your study. I offer the acknowledgement of other realities, and the ability to discover, within your own time and place, the means to accessing those other worlds. Your time upon that earth is meant to be both a time of learning and a time of discovery. So, for today, I wish to emphasize your need to dig deeply into the encyclopedia of all knowing, and to trust fully what you learn as you encounter the sometimes bizarre and wild suppositions proposed there. If you constantly keep in mind my favorite mantra, everything is possible, then do you remain open to experience of these strange and weird phenomena, that I pose as being available.

The book of all knowledge, the encyclopedic guide to a life fully lived, is at your fingertips. Place it in your hands now, and learn from it, but most of all, utilize it, use the knowledge you learn from it to further your trust in all that is truly possible, and open your mind, and your sprit, to the experiences in life that point out what possibility really means.

I have spoken often of the need to learn to trust your experiences, your dreams, your intuition, and that allusive, yet very real phenomenon called, your own knowing. This knowing goes beyond simple intuition, and simple clairvoyance, and guesswork. It is at the core of you, at the quiet spirit core, and is your connection to everything else, the greater world, to all energy, to all knowing. Your own personal packet of knowing is universally connected, and you have access to this universal knowing, this great encyclopedia of fact, of spirit connection, and evolution, deep inside you.

In your calm centering, in your inner silence, do you find this knowing. You hear it speak clearly when you need it. That doesn’t mean you always listen and take the advice of it, but all of you have had experience of it. Do you choose to be scared of it? Are you afraid of the truth? Do not turn away from this true knowing, for it is only urging you to connect to it, use it in your life, and follow its good guidance. This knowing is not centered in your head, or in your brain, or your thoughts, but is a separate intelligence, far removed from the intellect, as you know it. Your head has nothing to do with this knowing. You do not need your brain to access it, but you do need your trust in your own spirit potential, and your own sense of the ability to have access to this knowing voice deep inside you.

I am aiding you in discovering this trust at each message I give. You are learning by my guidance to discover many new things, and you are finding the connection to your own spirit knowing as you read my words. This builds your trust, first in the guidance I offer as you use it and see results in your own world, but more importantly as you begin to trust yourself now more fully. Your experiences of truth lead you more deeply into your own knowing. As you trust this guidance from me, your spirit wakes up a little bit more every day and acknowledges the truth of learning, and enjoys being trusted, and given a place of importance in your life.

Seek connection to this spirit inside you often throughout your day. Allow its good knowing to guide you. Test what it tells you and see where it leads you. As you begin to trust the messages from this part of the self, will you begin to understand what I mean when I say that all have the ability to access all knowing, the great book of knowledge, but more importantly, for right now, do you all have the potential, as a result of that inner spirit, to connect with guidance offered by me and others. Your abilities are being honed at each experience you take in, and trust, and learn from.

You make yourself available and you make yourself aware at each new encounter with your own spirit, and this enhances your growth. When I suggest that you embody your own knowing, I suggest that this is where you must begin the process of all connection. This is the seed inside you, that I have recently spoken of, that needs nurturance and attention so that it may grow under your own caring, so that you will be the observer and recipient of its growth.

There has been much turmoil of late, much energetic activity, and there is much to come. Many are being confronted with big decisions, major challenges, and incredible opportunities. It is important to not get too swept up in the turmoil of activities and the energy that seeks to disrupt you, and push you from your path. The way to maneuver through this time of energetic turmoil and disruptive behavior is to remain calmly centered and balanced, keeping anchored to your spirit knowing that I speak of today, to keep you aware, alert, and cognizant of all that you must be constantly and keenly connected to. Your trust in yourself as guide is being tested, not by you, but by all that is outside of you now. And this is what you must learn now to listen to and to follow, for your inner guide, your spirit, speaks only truth, and that truth is connected to the greater truth. If you can begin to make this connection, now, during this time of turmoil, will you succeed in making great progress on your journey. To avoid the distractions of that energy, to stay strongly centered and focused, and to avoid the outside disturbances all around you, to remain focused on quiet and calm listening, of your inner spirit knowing, is a great feat, a great accomplishment.

I urge calm, quiet, self-indulgent times of meditation in order to access this knowing. Seek inner silence. Learn to empty the mind of all brain activity with quiet, calm, heart centering and heart breathing. This type of breathing exercise will allow you access to your quiet inner knowing. As you practice it, will you discover that it will aid, not only in this, but also in instantaneous calming during times of stress, or emotional upheaval, or distraction from outside you, including mental distraction caused by that busy mind you carry around with you inside your head. Such a burden!

This is what you do in order to center yourself in your heart. Simply adjust your breathing to your heart center. Instead of breathing through your nose, imagine you are breathing in through your heart. Start gently, breathe in through your tender heart chakra, slowly, and as fully as possible, allow the breath to swirl gently there in the center of your chest, and then release it by pulling it up and out your nose, then breathe in again gently through your heart in a circular pattern.

This I have taught before. Jan knows this as the self-caring breath, heart centered, and sometimes heart breaking, for it may cause your chakra to crack and creak as you allow it to open and become your focus. Allow the breathing to gently open your attention of your heart as a breathing mechanism. You can breathe in anywhere on your body and make it come alive.

In times of stress, remind yourself, “Oh yes, heart breathing; that is what I have to do, heart breathing.” Save this special breath for your self to use often, in both quiet times and stressful times. It will enable you to remove your head more often, so that you can access your inner silence, and your inner knowing. As you breathe, allow your attention to focus on the breath, as it goes in to your heart, gently swirls around, and then travels up your throat, and gently out your nostrils, and loops around again to your eager heart.

Practice this often. Learn to love and care about yourself, with this breath as guide, and you will begin to access your spirit knowing. You will find your connection to your own knowing. You will begin to trust and find that your connection goes far beyond the self, and far beyond just that simple reality that you experience. You will find connection to those of us who eagerly await you. Find your connection to spirit self and you will find connection to spirit guidance. Have no doubts, and you will do well!

#76 Look into the Mirror

Dear Jeanne,
There are many people eagerly awaiting your messages of guidance. Do you have anything to offer today?

You may see all around you the struggles of others. But do not judge those who live upon that earth and have issues of common sense and adjustment to make, for even you have these same issues within you. No person is free of struggle. It is the way of life, and the challenges may be great or few, yet are they all challenges of significance. I do not see how perfection can be achieved, without longstanding questioning of the inner self, and the direct access to who you really are. Your questions of the self must be honest and true, without comparison to others. For there is no bar by which to measure progress against that of others, but only within the self.

Take focus off others. Use your knowledge of the struggles of others to pinpoint your own, and turn your beacon of searching inward, taking it off the scrutiny of others and scrutinize yourself more deeply now. Others are merely examples to you of your own deepest issues. They are not meant to draw your attention outward to them, but to point you back at yourself. All in your nearness are but mirrors of your own inner conflict. Do not blame or judge others for the struggles they must endure, but ask what does that action mean to me? Why am I being shown this level of dysfunction in another’s life? What must I learn from observing this person’s struggle? For I, too, am just like them. I, too, have within me the seeds of such actions. I, too, am full of imperfections. Look into the mirror that is presented to you by others, and find the real you hiding there.

Are you not willing to seek your own depths? Are you not willing to find your own darkness, and probe it for truths of the self? Are you truly willing to investigate who you really are, so that you may flow more readily into balance of spirit and earth reality?

Seek always balance, but do not neglect to know the self. Look into the mirror more often, not the shiny one on the wall, but the gritty real one that talks and shouts, smokes, drinks, fornicates, lies and cheats, and does other thoughtless acts of abandon to highlight the darkness of the soul. All activity is valuable, whether good or bad, whether spirit driven, or ego-desire driven. All activity, whether deeply thought out and acted according to the laws of goodness, or flippantly acted upon, with little or no thought, is meant to teach and guide. Every action taken upon that earth offers a new opportunity to learn, to understand the greater meaning of life, and the ability to evolve another step.

As you look upon those in your life who struggle, look back upon yourself and find where you too struggle in a similar fashion. What gift does that person offer you by exposing these trials to your view? What must you find in yourself that mimics similar actions? Many problems and issues are but issues of control and the means of keeping away the necessary in life.

Know that all are afraid. Yet all do not react to fear in the same manner. Many seek oblivion, a means of controlling perception so that the fears are blurry and dulled. Many seek the opposite, and hold tight to rules and laws that must be followed or fear may crack through and disrupt the normal calm. But, in both cases are the controls but facades themselves. Fear is persistent, remaining curled up at the door, awaiting access at the first sign of a slipup. To always remain so vigilant, constantly listening for the scratching at the door, running for the means to combat it and hold it away yet a little while longer is a tremendous strain on, not only the physical body, but the spirit energy as well.

To be so vigilant is a supreme waste of energy. It is but an effort to hold back the truth that must be confronted, or it would not be there waiting for you. All fears are but issues that must be addressed in order for growth to happen; otherwise they would not be present. What good are useless challenges? Infinity and the universe would not waste time on meaningless triviality. Only challenges of growth and evolution are worth the effort, and only such challenges are presented to you. They will be presented as many times and as for as long as it takes for you to notice them, understand them, accept them, and leave them in the dust as you proceed forward, unburdened of them.

Your path is littered with the challenges you have already undertaken. Whether large of small have you already had plenty. But, the deepest issues remain the ones most difficult to see, most obviously presented in others, yet still allusive. For they seek to teach you very meaningful lessons, yet must you work hard to learn them, or they will not be fully understood. Trust the universe in what it presents to you. You will most likely not understand the meaning of your biggest challenges until you turn the mirror inwards and allow it to penetrate deeply into your core where your own hidden agendas of control and fear lie, propping you up so that you can continue to make poor choices until you accept your imperfections.

With clarity of self will fears and blocks be removed, but not instantaneously as many prefer, but only with deep soul diving and probing of the depths of your actions. The mirror is presented to you daily, and your task, as you hike along the path that is your life, is to take your walking stick and use it to help you sift through your inner debris, and discover your true reason for seeking out fear and abandon to control your life. With removal of those controls will you discover much.

Many do not understand that always “being in control” is as bad as always “letting go.” These aspects are facts of the big baby syndrome. And the big baby remains at the root of most issues and repetitive challenges. I have now urged you on many occasions to become the adult, the parent to your own big baby. Do not parent the big baby in others, but do so for yourself. As one lives life, does one take in all that is in view, and the best way to have affect on others is to work on the relationship with this ever-present aspect of the self, first. Actions do speak louder than words where learning about how to truly live life correctly is concerned. Utilize the knowledge you have gained about the big baby syndrome to understand this mirror affect I speak of today.

Your big baby loves to look in the mirror, but it is up to you, the adult, to firmly grasp the mirror and turn it inward. Allow light to seep in under the crack of the door that holds out your fears and is your control, and see what you see sitting there waiting for you to discover and challenges you to accept about the self. How do you expect to fully evolve if you do not solve your deepest issues? Do you like having the wolf always at your door? Do you like always having to be in such rigid control? Do you not wish to release yourself of such burdensome self-practice, and allow your spirit a new freedom, and an opportunity to be better known? You hide your truth and your spirit from you in your actions, your habits of old. You do not give yourself the true gift of life if you hold fast to those old habits, those old methods of protection, those worn out activities that have become mundane, and probably boring now, to you and others.

Do not drag your big baby around visiting any longer. Do not leave your dirty diapers lying around so that others have to deal with your droppings. Do not waste your time now crying upon the shoulders of others who must also tackle their own issues of babyhood. Take instead a good look at yourself in the mirror. What have you been up to? What have you really been doing with your life? Does your big baby control you and keep you from your truth?

Big babies have a habit of engaging in very adult activities while the adult in you nods off to sleep. Well, wake up you lazy adult! Time to get off the old couch and become fit and lean and energetic now. Tackle your own issues. Leave others to tackle theirs. As you grow, so will they, for your energy will be different, your stability obvious, and your maturity in better balance.

Find your sense of pride in yourself. Where is your knowing of all your true abilities? Why are you not allowing all of those truths to come out and enjoy life? Why do you keep them hidden? They are necessary for your passage into living a spiritual life, both now on earth, and later in your passing into new realms. I seek to aid you in gaining access to them. Am I not offering you a mirror too, the mirror that reflects this aspect of yourself, your true spirit yearning to awaken? Look in that mirror and see what you have been missing. It is all within. I keep saying this; that you have within you everything you need. Do you not understand that it is not in your head or your ego, but in your bare-naked truth, your innocence so buried?

Well, I give you the mirror that will enable you to have x-ray vision into the self. Your opportunity to discover everything is available. If you accept this mirror so do I expect you to use it, to use it wisely, and to use it well. Your spirit desires discovery, and you have the means to finding it. Are you going to squander it yet again with your issues of fear and control?

I await your decision.

#75 Put on Your Sturdy Hiking Boots

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have guidance to offer us all today?

Unearth now your traveling shoes, your hearty solid-soled hiking boots and make ready for the time of culmination. In sturdy wear are you best prepared, comfortable, and secure in your knowing, shored up by the proper attire. Your way now will become clearer as you traverse the terrain that is your life. But, preparation is key to success, and the knowledge that rugged paths and consternate weather are to be expected will aid you as you prepare. Guard yourself against too many difficulties by preparing well.

If you are to set out on a long hike, exposing yourself to all of nature, carrying your home and your health upon your back, must you be practical and use plenty of common sense, but also keen awareness, and also have a few quick tips ready, should the need to be resourceful arise suddenly. Prepare yourself for life in this manner. In reality, is life no different from a hike into the peaks of your own journey, through your existence on earth. Your path may wind high into the mountains, down into the valleys, across the woods and fields, and through streams, over seas and rivers and all manner of terrain. Inclement weather will arise, insects will bite, food may be scarce, and water must be protected and coveted. You are responsible for your safety and your speed of travel when you depend solely upon your own two feet, your back as carrier, and your foresight and insight as guide.

Take on your life now in this manner as you go forth on your path into the wilderness that is your life upon that earth. Expect adventure and thrills and you will have it. Sit at home and take off your shoes as you sit by the TV and you will have nothing but fat laziness as your companion. Do not be so afraid of life. Do not be so scared of adventure. Do not hide any longer in the safety of your comforts and your old habits, but instead take up your backpack and go on the adventure that awaits, that knocks at your door, and that tugs at your heartstrings.

Now is the time to take up the staff of a journeyer. Now is the time to taste the good free air, breathing in the fragrances of true life, and allowing it to fill your lungs with desire for true growth of spirit. I am not advocating running from your life. You know I speak metaphorically, but you also know that I mean what I say. And now is the time to get up off the couch of life, you potatoes, and become instead as a seedling that is planted inside you, waiting for you to nurture it and give it new life.

Find your resonance, find the direction your spirit seeks to grow in and allow your roots to plant, and your green leaves to seek sunlight, as you dare to venture forth out of darkness into new life. Your seeds await your tending. Take them into the pocket of your knowing, sprinkle them liberally with love, and plenty of awareness, and carry them forward with you on your journey. Each step of the way, remind yourself to tend them. Check how they are doing, feed them, and speak to them, those seeds of your soul, and allow them to direct your progress, even as you direct theirs.

For you are well prepared for a journey into the wilds of your spirit potential. You have everything you need within you. Your seeds are well planted, offering you always focus on spirit growth as you go, allowing you to look forward each day to observing and feeling the progress of your growth. Now is the time to gather your belongings of spirit travel, and begin your journey. Each day will you become stronger as you traverse the path before you. Your strength will increase, your spirit excitement invigorate you, and your experiences prove to you that now is truly the right time for action and change.

The truth is in the experiences you will have. Become self-sustaining in your deepest spiritual self, and you will begin to know your own deepest strengths. Become aware of your talents, and your maturity, as you progress. But most of all, become aware, fully alert, looking at life around you differently now, so that you don’t miss the succulent berries along the way, and the moist drops of dew to wet your lips, and the shady spots of refuge to rest your head. Life awaits you differently now. Spirit life, as your guide, awaits your participation. Aren’t you ready now? Even if you feel but only partially prepared, go a little way along your new path, and see what happens, what comes along to guide and protect you, what presents itself as true and correct help along the way.

We have spent now many, many weeks discussing your own spirit power, the strength of its desire to lead you. Know that it will be a wonderful leader. Know that it will take you where you need to go, to fulfill all that you must fulfill in that life. It will present you with much that you must determine, must choose, and must ponder. But in your resonance, which you now properly understand, can you choose with a greater awareness than ever before.

Do not be so afraid of life! It offers but possibility for growth and for adventure. And your spirit knows this, desires this, and urges you to pay attention to its urgings. For life is meant to be lived, with full spirit awareness, spirit driven, and spirit intent as your guides.

Go take up your backpack. Take with you your new tools of awareness and the budding seeds of your spirit potential. Put on your sturdy hiking boots, first knocking off the dried mud of old journeys, and put your feet into the comfortable knowing of your own ability to guide, and dare yourself to take an adventure. Go forward now. Do not look back, for nothing lies there, except the things that you have already experienced. Look at them clearly when they catch up to you. For they will. They will seek to distract you from your forward focus, running up behind you on the path, tapping you on the shoulder, and asking for your attention. Do not be fooled, or full of pity for them, but be firm in your intentions. Tell them they are to retreat from your presence now. Look them clearly in the eyes, know what they once meant to you, take the clarity of this knowledge as lessons of life into your knowing, and turn your back upon them, with full freedom from their inclinations to draw you away from your new life.

Focus forward. Deal with issues that arrive, succinctly, and with full knowing that the past is past, the future awaits, and now is the place of all meaning as you learn your lessons of spirit, of awareness of knowing, and clarity of vision.

Give yourself these gifts now, so that your journey may begin. You are well prepared and properly trained. This I know, and expect you to dare to test and trust. And one more thing, go forward now with wide open trust that everything is possible, and believe me, it really is!

#74 Ultimate Wholeness and the Importance of This Life

Dear Jeanne,
In addition to your usual daily guidance would you speak to us today of the experience you had of converging with your past lives and joining in your wholeness? Can you offer advice on how we can both experience and benefit from that possibility, now, while still here in this present life? Many people have explored past lives, but how can we learn to utilize what we learn from previous life experiences? Is it possible to experience the wholeness of our soul now? What does that wholeness mean for us, in our everyday world? What is the best way to use such knowledge?

I will gladly answer those questions you ask of me today, but first I must stress that life on earth is meant to be lived fully and wholly, for itself, now, and it is meant for you to grow from it. This I have been offering guidance on so you come to a full understanding of your place now, that life you live now, and this must continue to be your first focus. For without understanding of the present self, will there be no complete understanding of the wholeness of the self.

That being said, I do advise that, over the next few days, attention be paid to the energy that will seek to disturb and disrupt the good progress now being made. Institute firm resolve to maintain your path, your balance, and your calm, for energy does exist that seeks to pull you from your straight and sober road to development, and feed off your energy while you are unaware.

Notice that, if you sway even slightly from your path, so are you still alert now to energy that disrupts you, for your awareness is keen. This is felt in restlessness, in faulty sleep, and in uncomfortable feelings during your waking hours. You may feel tugged at, pulled at, teased by outside influences better left untouched. Those pulls are the attractions of entities that wish for fulfilling satiation from your energy. If you make it available, do you offer them a feast.

Hold yourself accountable for every action and decision you make. Do not hold others to task for what you do, and must do, in your own life. No one else is responsible for you and your growth, except you. And likewise, no one is responsible for your failure to grow, except you either. Take your focus off others now. Do not blame or find fault in others, for others do not live your life, only you do. Only you are responsible for you. Only you are in charge. To place blame on others is to fall from your path, as much as any other indulgence, for it does not serve your growth, and leaves you available for disturbances from your own big baby, and also from outside energy seekers.

So, stay firmly on your path. Focus on your own problems and your own ego centered diversions. Remain in your calmly centered balance, and pay attention to your own deepest truths. Focusing on accepting these personal truths, and working toward another step being taken in your evolution are good counter activities to take during this energetic time that now is upon you. A time of wavering, of being pulled in old directions, and a time of being teased into sloppiness in your habits will undoubtedly be presented. Firm decisions must be taken in order to maintain your balance, and this, I stress, is what you must hold the self steadily aware of. Be aware now of your world, of your energy drains, and of your personal focus on growth. Assess often, throughout your day, where your energy is being invited to go, and decide if it is truly appropriate for where you now stand upon your path. What is at stake? What really matters? Where is your focus best utilized for progress and growth? Treat yourself to your future, not your past. Treat yourself to your evolution, not your dissolution. Resolve, not dissolve, your energy over this time of potential and possibility towards steps in growth, firmly decided, and firmly taken. If you resolve with truth being first and foremost in your intentions, then will your path not dissolve from view, but remain clearly marked and available.

But, do know that these next few days will harbor outside energy and hunger that will seek to disrupt, and this you must hold in your awareness at all times. Make this knowledge available to you often so that you may use it to question yourself often with it, and make the right decisions. Temptations and desires will arise; have no doubt about this! But firm footedness, and focused intent, along with knowledge of your evolutionary growth can aid you as you sweep away from you such troublesome interferers.

All of that being said, I wish to address your other questions, for they do relate to growth of your current spirit being, as well as your evolutionary wholeness, which is what we’re all about. Your life there is essential in this growth towards wholeness. It is the most important focus that you must remain thoroughly intent upon resolving. All other lives are less significant at this moment in time. They have but led you where you now are, even as every day in that present life has led you where you now are. Find yourself in today. This is where you must begin from in order to understand your past, first your present life’s past, and then your past lives’ pasts. Learn first what this present life is for, or you will not have use for past issues and past lives. Focus first on now, that is the greatest advice I can give in order to allow for growth and understanding of all other lives.

Only with firm understanding of your current life’s purpose will you fully understand the true meaning of your past lives. Yes, they may appear as interesting tidbits of information, but what is their true meaning, if not related to where you are now? I do not advocate researching such lives until you are firmly planted in your knowing of this life, with your big baby asleep and truly known and understood, or you may simply encounter this entity in your past lives and get caught by the habits of that aspect of those previous lives, even as you now get caught by this one. Make every attempt to resolve the big baby issue, and you will pave the way to this life’s true purpose, and believe me, it may not at all be what you think it is! Once that is accomplished, and it does not need to take any more years then it takes to grow a head of hair, can you proceed in accepting knowledge of your wholeness, and understand the experience of it for purposes of growth and evolution.

Is it possible to gain knowledge of that wholeness and also gain in evolutionary growth while we are still in this life?

Yes, it is possible, but it has been a rare occurrence. For, in truth, do many simply find it a fascinating study, but remain distant from those experiences, finding them hard to truly assimilate. To regress, and to truly accept the facts of past lives, is as difficult as accepting the true facts of the present life. A person who is able to truly benefit must be of the sort who has done the work of this life, who can truly experience and accept bare truths of the self, and knows that knowledge is truth, truth is experience, and experience is the science of reality. To accept one’s own reality as truth, and to fully assimilate it, is the task one sets oneself up for, if true past life regression is to result in growth and wholeness.

What was your own experience like when you assimilated with your previous lives? You have spoken before about joining and becoming whole, but is this an aspect that everyone will encounter and experience?

My time on earth as Jeanne Marie Ketchel was a culmination of many lives. It was a time of renewal, even as it was a time of quickness, of quick life, and death did not bring anything but a joyousness I could not have imagined as I lay dying upon that earth. In joyousness did I finally fulfill that last life. I made myself available to its fulfillment, that last life’s fulfillment in the moment of death, by finding the last link to my life there. I was given time to resolve final issues, and then I was free to go forward into my wholeness.

What do you mean? Are you talking about your issues of abandonment and control that you have spoken of before?

I speak of the mystery of my life as Jeanne Marie Ketchel. Who was she? I never knew fully who she was, because I did not have available to me the truth of my birth, my parents, or my siblings. For in adoption was that denied me. But it had its purpose, for it catapulted me to become a seeker. Every aspect of that life was ultimately centered in questing for knowledge of who I really was, and this, my dears, is the quest that all should focus on. This is the quest that leads to truth, and eventual wholeness.

I did not find that truth until I had pushed out of that life. I was then given time to resolve that issue and become united with my mother’s spirit, currently upon that earth, to knowingly plant a new baby in her womb. In this aspect, were we united in the bond of motherhood that had been lacking, and was ultimately necessary for the life of Jeanne Marie Ketchel to be completed in true knowing, without question of truth. To complete that life in such a manner allowed me to avoid another return, for I was spirit driven, to seek resolve, even after that life was done. That resolve catapulted me from that life, freeing me of all that I had held close to me during that life: the true knowledge that I, alone, was responsible for finding the final piece of the puzzle of who I was. Once I had given that woman her own knowing of connection to a past life, was I free to move on, having resolved not only my own issue, but reconnected her to her own past life issues, freeing her to now care for her own child, fully and totally, with a unique bond of acceptance that that was her mission now, to fully care for her own child, as she had not in the past.

In my own evolution was I then granted permission to proceed immediately forward into new levels of evolutionary growth. It was at that time that I reunited, when my work with the entity known as Jeanne Marie Ketchel was done. Only in completing that lifetime was I able to proceed, otherwise I would have been in waiting to return, to seek completion. But my spirit resolve, and my spirit awareness, was keenly trained, and I was able to maintain stability of spirit purpose, even as I went through the mystical veils of knowing, where all knowledge passed quickly through me in my essence of spirit energy. I held fast to the knowledge I needed to acquire, in order to fulfill that life, and was able to enact what was necessary in order to continue evolving.

Many people get through the veils without retaining enough details. Remembering is the most difficult aspect of that part of the journey. For bombardment of knowledge, seemingly in the blink of a human eye, yet is it as complete as all knowledge in a nutshell, available, clear, and knowing. To retain the necessary evolutionary data is the task one is faced with at that moment of evolutionary outlook, granted as a part of the journey. Training awareness on earth, now, is key in being available and able to process this episode of growth, so that continued evolution is possible.

I grew from that moment. With my tasks completed, I advanced first to reuniting with my entire being in a joyous reunion of sorts, where all knowledge of self was gained and all seeing was available. My wholeness meant the joining of many lives, but ultimately it meant the joining of complete energy, the being I now am, strongly united in purpose of spirit intent at last. Knowledge of spirit energy in wholeness is something I’ve attempted to introduce you to over these many years of instruction. And this aspect of the total self you do now have access to in small amounts; it is what you are training for, experiencing it at the earth bound level, yet do you have access to it more often than you think. The energy that was Jeanne Marie Ketchel was dwindling, but at my death it was immediately freed of the human form, and in its release reinvigorated in abundance, and I began to know it again as my true self, in that form.

Upon reuniting with my entire group of selves did I then discover the total calm, but increasingly abundant energy, of my completion. My completion was of lives, of energies, of soul, and spirit energy. This aspect awaits all. Once reunited in this calm knowing of true self was I no longer simply Jeanne Marie Ketchel, but I was merely a part of my wholeness of being, familiar and knowing of every aspect of the self, though wholeness and spirit energy are not individual, nor are there any aspects of ego, or desire, or need. Energy is simply energy, and wholeness is the completion of this energy without confusion, without personality, simply pure ability to function as never before, but with full knowing that it is truly right, home, energetic home.

What happened after that?

Purpose and mission began then, for my individual soul group had destiny with a larger soul group, and this was now the focus to advance through, learning to function in new realities as pure energy, training, even as you train, to learn how to use our energy. I say our, so that you understand that I am a fulfillment now, and not simply Jeanne Marie Ketchel, though I still utilize her connection in order to bring this knowledge to you. I also function as others, to do the same, but all are we of the same group.

Okay, so you trained for this mission, is that it?

Yes, in order to aid in this mission did we train under tutelage of others, who were also working their way to higher levels of evolutionary growth. Our mission is one of awakening, as I have said many times, but even as we have this focus, so do we continually challenge ourselves to continually grow.

Can you fail in that process?

Oh yes, many do not succeed beyond a certain point, but even so do they act as guides. There are many levels, many jobs, and many who stay behind to act as aids along the way; very worthwhile and necessary jobs of their own choosing.

So is that failure?

Not in the sense that you mean, but in the evolutionary sense it can be construed as failure because the opportunity for growth is always available, even as it is on earth, but even here, many do not choose to proceed, even when their jobs become no longer growth oriented, still they chose to stay, rather then evolve. And this is why I call it failure.

My own purpose has been to stay evolving. Once my knowledge is complete at a certain level, I am eager to advance. I do not stay longer then necessary, though, even as I was as Jeanne Marie Ketchel, do I retain my stubbornness to get every aspect of my choices right before I move on. Personality of spirit is maintained even in this realm.

Okay, so if we can attain access to our past lives, and if we can truly assimilate and accept them now, accept the truth of them with maturity and with knowledge of our true purpose in life, will we be able to bypass any of those trainings or levels that you speak of?

Well, that is extremely unusual, for only the highest of evolved beings do skip any aspect of this very essential process. Masters are few and far between who have gained access to that which you call God, but which is actually at the center of all energy, and where we all have the potential to evolve to. But, look upon this next phase as the evolution of your continued truth, and growth, and awareness of everything like you cannot imagine, while in that realm. Seek to escape to this place, seek to pull apart the veils, and gain knowledge, and clarity for use in that life in order to gain knowledge of your true purpose. I do not recommend that you seek to bypass anything, for even if your destiny is to do so, what purpose does that serve you? Your purpose still remains that life now, at this time, and no other, though ultimately is your focus on growth and evolution, and that is essential to keep you forward focused, so that you may maintain knowledge of reason for living.

I have often said that you must not shirk your life there, any aspect of it, for it is all necessary. If you wish to evolve, and no longer be burdened with return, must you focus full heartedly on that life, first and foremost. Make it be your last, by fully living, exploring, understanding, and accepting it in truth, in honesty, in humility, and in energetic purpose of spirit. That spirit, in fulfillment of that life, will then be free to evolve and meet it’s challenges to come, reunited with its total energetic group, so that that group may grow now and evolve. All have this challenge before them. In so doing this evolutionary step do you open the door for others to follow suit, releasing the many groups waiting to advance, perhaps only one or two souls away from evolutionary growth. Your challenge is to recognize your part in this greater evolutionary challenge. Is your group awaiting you? Are you the final one, as I was? Will you make your group complete? Do you wish to hold up true evolution? This is your ultimate challenge; to discover who you truly are, so that your purposes for that earthly life may be fulfilled, that should be your focus. Once you have fulfilled your earthly destiny, then are you free to advance in other worlds, where growth is also expected, and your challenge is to retain knowledge of spirit intent, even as it is your challenge now to recall and reawaken your true spirit residing within you.

I need to stop now Jeanne, although my energy is good I think I need to release from this connection soon. Do you have any last comment to make for today?

Only this, do not get too lost in past or future at this time. Focus on now, on resolving issues that present themselves to you, now. Seek counsel and advice at all steps along the way, advice of true spirit, and question always your self as you progress. Daily request of your guides that they point out your way, that you may know your true path, confront the truths of yourself, accept with humble honesty your innermost truths, and grow with open awareness. Do not seek holiness. Do not seek ego-bearing gifts, but do seek always truth of self, of spirit, and of human self, so that you may understand that life you now live fully, honestly, accepting your true path, and when you see it clearly before you go forward on it, knowing that it is right, and that you will be guided, protected, and safe. For when you are on the right path all of these things are made available to you, and when you are right will there be no failure of purpose, nor loss of focus, but only dedicated direction, focus, and intent that will lead you to thoroughly understand the wider vision of the meaning of life, the experiences of universal love and compassion, and the greater understanding of true purpose in life on that journey.

Chuck Ketchel, LCSWR