Tag Archives: Hillary

Chuck’s Place: Hillary As Hermaphrodite

The hermaphrodite is a being that overtly embodies both male and female characteristics. The name itself is the merger of the male god Hermes with the goddess Aphrodite. In ancient alchemy, the hermaphrodite symbolized an important stage in the merger of chemical products leading to the ultimate goal of the alchemical opus, the creation of gold or a diamond.

Masculine & Feminine together... - Photo by Chuck Ketchel
Masculine & Feminine together…
– Photo by Chuck Ketchel

The significant achievement of the hermaphroditic stage during the alchemical process was the incorporation of opposing elements into a single entity. This incorporation did not ensure a fruitful union of these elements, called the conjunctio, however, it did set the stage for this possibility by ensuring that all the opposing or warring elements were present to undertake that unifying process.

At present, America, indeed the entire world, is sharply divided into opposing, warring factions. The only hope for future progress, even saving the world, may be predicated on an hermaphroditic container that can set the stage for a unified whole.

Also at present, Donald Trump has embodied an exaggerated defiant masculine energy that relegates the feminine to a youthful sex object. Beneath the surface, however, he is driven by a Dionysian energy that promises renewal through the destruction of the gridlocked established order. His appeal touches those who identify with the beleaguered masculine, as well as with those excited by the spark of spontaneity he offers and the change it promises. Mr. Trump expresses no interest in integrated wholeness. He boldly extolls the one-sided solution of masculine power, control, and domination. Mr. Trump does not contain all the elements of the hermaphroditic symbol; he represents one exaggerated side only.

Hillary Clinton has been dubbed the establishment politician, identified with an untrustworthy old order that needs major revamping. Of course, this characterization is highly suspect and lacking of many facts. However, the public has been highly conditioned to view her through this filter.

Though far from perfect, Mrs. Clinton does present as a mature, steady person who embodies the caring side of the feminine and the clear thinking side of the masculine. With respect to the feminine, Hillary does not present as a mere sexual object but rather as a wise and stately, beautifully aging crone. I assign her the symbol of the hermaphrodite for her ability to incorporate both the mature yet opposing elements of the masculine and the feminine, the unity of which has the promise of leading toward a reconciling process for America and the entire world.

The other night, the collective unconscious sent me a dream to weigh into this process. I was in a YMCA gym. In one corner of the room, a woman’s basketball hoop was centered on one wall. On the other wall a men’s hoop needed to be put up, centered, and anchored. The set up made no sense. If the men and women played at the same time they would occupy the same space, clashing into each other. It became my job to put up the men’s backboard and hoop. I lifted it up and walked up a ladder to set it on the wall. As I got to the top of the ladder I realized that the backboard was wobbly and unstable. I took a hammer to pull out a flimsy nail, thinking I would set a screw in its place, when the entire thing suddenly fell. Immediately, the scene shifted. Now I was on the roof of a ten-story apartment building. A young teenaged girl was sitting on the ledge of the building. As the backboard fell it turned into a flat TV screen, hitting the girl. Both the girl and the TV screen plunged to the ground, ten stories below. I woke with a start.

Cornered! -Photo by Chuck Ketchel
-Photo by Chuck Ketchel

The salient feature of my dream is its “cornered” setting. First, there is no escape; the masculine and feminine basketball players cannot escape each other. They must contend with each other as they occupy the same space. Secondly, the fact that the masculine and feminine occupy the same space points to the alchemical hermaphroditic container of both masculine and feminine features in one being.

The central problem in the dream is the masculine backboard; it suffers a weakness and ultimately is raised way too high—ten stories—clearly a very unbalanced state of inflation that must be brought down to earth. Here we see Trump’s bombastic inflation, symbolizing the high and mighty abuse of masculine power. This inflation is then characterized as a projection—the TV screen—and a teenaged girl, what the exaggerated masculine, in its high and mighty state, reduces the feminine to, a sex object. The death of the young girl and that projection point to the need to destroy that projection, allowing for the mature feminine to assume its rightful place. There was, in my dream, after all, nothing wrong with the sturdy women’s backboard!

The backboard and hoop are the circle and square of the mandala, the ancient symbol of wholeness that points the way to individuation. The appearance of this symbol and the action connected with it—a repair that destroys an immature feminine projection and brings the exaggerated masculine down to earth from its highly inflated state—are the necessary actions to create the hermaphroditic condition of equally containing these opposing forces in one being, i.e., in one space, the shared basketball court.

Of course, this containment is not the final resolution. One can imagine that once the hoops are properly mounted according to my dream—in the corner—that the masculine and feminine players will have to find their appropriate places and relations with each other to reach a harmonious solution to their competing needs in order to play the game in that cornered situation. This indeed will be Hillary’s task should she be elected. The Dionysian energy demanding genuine change that Trump has tapped into, that is indeed needed, must be incorporated with the balanced steadiness of her mature mind. This will be an evolving process should it come to pass.

On the other hand, Trump’s one-sided passion is such a throwback to the ethnic cleansing of Hitler’s regime, a volatility that the world can hardly afford in our fragile times. The challenge to world survival requires world unification. Only leadership that begins with hermaphroditic inclusiveness has the potential to evolve into a much-needed union of masculine and feminine. May the right being be elected.



Chuck’s Place: Twilight Of The Gods

The aspiring goddess, Hillary Clinton, states: “I believe in science. I believe that climate change is real and that we can save our planet…

This is a very different “witch,” as she is currently cast as, than those once burned at the stake for evoking the beauty and instinctual power of nature, simply because they were women.

How high is enough? - Photo by Jan Ketchel
How high is enough?
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

Once upon a time the great religions had to tear themselves away from the dominance of instinctual nature to achieve spiritual heights. Women, the feminine, and the Earth, were the scapegoats of this developing spirit mind, an ego striving to rise above and separate itself from its lowly animal nature.

By the age of the Enlightenment, for all practical purposes, that rising spirit of reason abandoned the God of the heavens. The masculine ego of reason could no longer believe in a power beyond itself and secretly crowned itself God Almighty instead. As Almighty God, the masculine ego claimed complete domination over its heavenly entitlement, Earth, which it divided up and from which it extracted its riches, the true material signs of its godliness: money, power, and control.

With the recent dawning of the Age of Aquarius a radical shift ushered in, the New Age, with its valuing of both spirit and matter, consciousness and the interconnected wholeness of the feminine placed on equal terms. The time we live in, right now, is the most dramatic demonstration of this evolutionary transition from the dominance of the Kingly Ego to the inclusion of the Queen, the rebalancing of yin and yang that restores the Tao of our Earth.

This transition has been long in the making. Hitler was the first modern Ego King who sought to consolidate the total dominance of masculine power over the world. His social alchemical ethnic purification efforts were geared to arrive at Nietzsche’s Superman in the form of the blond beast. This was a dramatic expression and foreshadowing of where we have finally come to, masculinity’s last stand to rule the world in the person of Donald Trump.

What goes up must come down! - Photo by Jan Ketchel
What goes up must come down!
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

The difference between our current election and Hitler’s rise to power was that Hitler was democratically defeated in Germany in the 1932 elections. When von Hindenburg died in 1934 Hitler declared himself head of state. Hitler mesmerized and tapped into the latent collective undercurrent of unrest and desire for change in Germany at the time, which he then materialized in his Nazi regime with its resultant holocaust.

In our time, evolution has insisted that we, the populace, face the energies before us and consciously choose who will lead the country and, ostensibly, the world. Trump has emerged as an extremely worthy representative of one-sided masculine dominance and control. Like Hitler before him, Trump has his scapegoats, currently people of color, people of the Muslim religion, Mexicans, and women. His ethnic cleansing strategy is remarkably similar to Hitler’s; eliminate in one form or another the blackness of the Earth.

Blackness is the darkness of the night, the color of the rich earth. Blackness is the color of yin, the eternal feminine. Like Hitler, purification and cleansing, a restoration of pure whiteness is Trump’s recipe to make America great again. Evolution absolutely insists, however, that consciousness, the hallmark of the New Age, squarely face off with the old age of total masculine control and this time choose to advance itself.

This is the election we are currently in. Hillary, for her part, is the aspiring Goddess who looks at the sun and sees it rising rather than setting. She mirrors an integration of the value of the feminine, an interconnected world and saving the Earth, with the spirit of science. She includes, powerfully, the mind and its virtues, science, with the feminine perspective, love. Though cast as a witch, she is a worthy representative of an evolutionary transition.

I am so appreciative of both Hillary and Donald’s willingness to completely play and be their parts in this Twilight of the Gods contest. And we, the people, are not simply a vicarious audience; we are part and parcel of this divine play. And it must play out, with all its twists of comedy and tragedy. And in the final scene we must cast our deciding vote. Consciousness must fully participate in this ultimate reality show.

Love... from the Earth - Photo by Chuck Ketchel
Love… from the Earth
– Photo by Chuck Ketchel

If consciousness chooses Hillary, it marks another milestone in the settling in of the Age of Aquarius where the feminine is granted its equal position next to its masculine half. If Trump wins, it means we are simply not ready for this great transition, that we need another chapter of Earth life for the all-powerful masculine to rigorously live out its power and control before consciousness may be ready to reconcile with the feminine in all her godly manifestations: Blackness, Woman, and Earth.

What an extraordinary time to be alive and participating in this world!


Chuck’s Place: It’s A Matter Of Necessity

A masculine symbol... - Photo by Jan Ketchel
A masculine symbol…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

Got into a heated argument on Independence Day. I maintained that, despite her lackluster performance thus far, it couldn’t be more appropriate that Hillary become the next President of the United States. Indeed, in part, I objectify and symbolize her, but I see it is time for the beleaguered feminine to come to power and cleanse itself from its distorted masculine wrappings, a necessary event in our transforming of the world. In my opinion, Hillary fits the bill! My debating partner was so incensed by my argument that he stopped just short of committing his vote to Jeb!

On Sunday, a far more meaningful Independence Day occurred. Greece, the birthplace of democracy, resoundingly rejected the Euro Zone’s “indentured servitude” referendum via popular vote. The beleaguered feminine has taken on the masculine greed.

The feminine is Gaia, the manifested world. It it because of the manipulation of Gaia, through the distorted masculine self-serving materialistic aims and games, that we find ourselves so dangerously out of balance.

Interestingly, the US Women’s Soccer Team emerged victorious the same night of Greece’s victory. Indeed, the feminist must and will come to power now to stem the tides of destruction and move us toward a new balance.

This morning, as Jan and I entertained Robert Monroe’s Ultimate Journey, we were led to his encounter with an eighteen-hundred-year-old human, still alive in human form, though Monroe met him on the astral plane. Monroe called the being Heshe, as his appearance reflected a moment to moment shifting of masculine and feminine, the ultimate balance. Heshe spoke of the role of being an organizer, a facilitator awaiting the time of necessity when change would not only be needed but would happen on a grand scale. “This will happen through recognized necessity, not through religions, race, or political beliefs, or force of arms.” Basically, Heshe explained that this would come about because the world would be in rough shape.

We are in that time now. Greece’s defiance, just like Iraq and Syria’s ISIS, is the rumbling of the ancient archetypes seeking change. Gaia herself is delivering the greatest blows in our rapidly changing physical environment.

The change that is coming is the Heshe of necessity. Human beings will become beings whose masculine spirit will serve the true heartfelt needs of the material feminine. Governance will transcend the selfish to arrive at the selfless. This is not about a world of unbridled caretaking and entitlement, of being overtaken by the feminine, but a natural merging of masculine and feminine. No one can be rescued from the challenges of their life, and we cannot be rescued either from the challenges of our time. We must all assume responsibility.

Heshe of necessity... - Photo by Jan Ketchel
Heshe of necessity…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

On the other hand, the time of unbridled greed will have passed of necessity, simply unsustainable. This will offer the gateway for Heshe. And thus the ushering in of Hillary as President of the United States makes perfect sense.

Of course, I don’t know what will happen. As Greece has proven, you never know what choices will be made. But what is clear is that the feminine must be redeemed and assume its rightful role, come to equal power with its Heshe partner. It’s a matter of necessity, now more than ever.

Always optimistic,

Chuck’s Place: Hillary, The Pope & Ken Wilber

Excavating the feminine... - Photo by Jan Ketchel
Excavating the feminine…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

Ken Wilber, one of the greatest philosophers of this century and one of the leading transpersonal theorists, reflected back in 1993: “And is not the alienation of women precisely parallel to the alienation of the body…and nature? And is not global alienation what we now see in the environmental crisis? Far from “saving” us, aren’t the Great Traditions the root of a crisis that very well might kill us?” *

The Great Traditions Wilber refers to are the world religions; Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism. What Wilber points to is the negation of the feminine, at least in part, in all these religious traditions. Woman, body, nature, reflect matter and instinct. It is the degradation of the feminine that now threatens the survival of the planet, yet also points the way to its cure.

This week, on Thursday, Pope Francis is set to release his encyclical on climate change, which reportedly calls for an ethical and economic revolution to prevent catastrophic climactic destruction. Here, one of the Great Traditions is turning its attention to the Great Feminine, asking for the world spirit to humble itself to the true needs of the earth.

Senator Jim Inhofe, global warming denier, has already rebutted the Pope’s encyclical: “The Pope ought to stay with his job, and we’ll stay with ours.” Well, the Pope has already crossed over and asserted that resuscitating the feminine is the job of the Great Traditions and, in fact, everyone’s job. When the encyclical, leaked on Tuesday, is further unveiled, the Pope has arranged for three speakers to participate: a Vatican Cardinal, a Greek Orthodox Theologian, and an Atheist scientist. The Pope is elevating Mother Nature over even spiritual belief!

When I view the upcoming US Presidential race, I can’t help but be drawn to the possibility of a Hillary Clinton presidency. The truth is that Bernie Sanders is far more progressive and speaking the necessary truth. Hillary is still way too attached to Bill’s old world manipulative strategy that seeks to placate the wealthy and the powerful. But the truth also is that Hillary became New York’s Senator through a collective support for the degraded feminine subsequent to Bill’s faux pas a la Monica Lewinsky.

Hillary’s power grew as she proved her independent ability, nearly becoming President of the United States seven years ago. Although Obama won, he acknowledged Hillary’s abilities by appointing her Secretary of State, a position that she mastered despite the Republican attempt to make Benghazi a failure in her leadership. I could see a course of Hillary as President as representative of the transformative symbol of the healing of the feminine, just the thing that Ken Wilber hints at.

The work of nature... - Photo by Jan Ketchel
The work of nature…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

At present, Hillary is still quite tainted by the power of the manipulative masculine. She must undergo her own journey of feminine mystique, even while the world mirrors a similarly necessary transformative process. She, like the world, is a work in progress, only the “work” is more one of shedding third chakra control and allowing for heart-centered leadership instead.

In heart-centered leadership the feminine assumes its rightful throne, next to and in union with its masculine partner: action based on truth, nature’s truth. This is the necessary corrective implied by Ken Wilber back in 1993: action based on true need, not on power and greed.

Whether Hillary goes the distance is anyone’s guess. Whether the Pope’s encyclical will have the desired effect is also anyone’s guess. However, the elevation of and healing of the feminine is the winning ticket for world salvation—and we’re already well along in that race!

Hoping for the best results,

* Quote from: Paths Beyond Ego, 1993, Ken Wilber contributor.