Tag Archives: energy body

Chuck’s Place: Losing the Human Form

Losing our human form makes us fluid…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

In a very real sense the events of our world are shattering the solidity of all that we hold dear. We are, quite literally, being forced out of the world of ordinary reality. Our reason makes a valiant attempt to restore its normal premises to explain all that is happening, but, by being saturated with such a constant barrage of uncertainty, we are being thrust into other worlds of possibility.

The human form is the shaman’s term for the fabric of archetypal programs that govern our world of ordinary reality. Having a parent and being a child are examples of archetypal structures that generate uniform roles, expectations, needs, and relationships. These core archetypes can define an entire life in ordinary reality.

Beyond ordinary reality is the solitary journey of the soul, an incarnate life that was fashioned with a human form in order to experience archetypal life in ordinary reality. Nonetheless, that soul must one day exit from its life in ordinary reality; and though the life it has lived in ordinary reality will never be erased, it must journey beyond the limits of ordinary reality into new worlds of non-ordinary reality.

In ordinary times many do not encounter this greater reality until their moment of great transition, at death, from ordinary to non-ordinary reality. All religions, in some form, focus on preparation for this great transition. Thus, all religions strive to prepare one to smoothly lose one’s human form.

The ruptures to the basic fabric of our world, currently generated by both nature and human nature, are forcing a collective encounter, while in human form, with states of non-ordinary reality. Lack of preparation for such encounters is often the true precipitant of psychosis, where one loses the command of attention needed to navigate the rapid influxes of such jolts.

Evolutionary urgency appears to be the underlying culprit heralding our current world crises. Human attachment to material accumulation, human insistence upon unlimited growth, particularly of the human race itself, and human hegemony over all life, other than itself, are all archetypal programs gone awry.

Survival requires the voluntary acceptance of limitation in all aspects of life. Survival requires a meeting of all races and social strata at the heart center, where the true needs of the planet’s survival trumps all individualistic agendas. This evolutionary advance means meeting at an energetic level, where family is experienced as everyone and everything.

Energy medicine, energy body travel, and energetic connecting are the evolutionary waves of now. The human form of ordinary reality must release its fixation on a material world as the only potential world and prepare for other worlds and other realities.

Energetically shifting emphasis to the capabilities of the energy body is the greatest solution to the fossil fuel energy crisis. Even the internet will prove obsolete in a world where thought transmission and akashic record consultation replace social media and Google.

The magic of now is that our world is evolving into a world that opens up to life at an energetic level, the soul’s greater journey, while still in physical life. Though we must surrender our outdated human form, we needn’t relinquish physical life as we open to greater exploration of infinity, through actualizing our energetic potential.

Dreaming is our most immediate access point to that dormant energetic potential. Remember, write down, think about, talk about, and bridge your dreams to waking reality. Take seriously this portal to the energy body, with the intent to sharpen attention while exploring this ethereal dimension of being. You won’t be disappointed.

Lose human form, dream on,


Chuck’s Place: Relativity and Dream Space

What Einstein proposed, and proved, is that time is relative. When matter moves at great velocity it ages slower than it ages on Earth. Time is relative to the velocity we travel at. It is not constant under all conditions.

Frozen leaf energy body?
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

This is most noticeable in dreaming. One might drop into a REM dream state for but a few real-time moments and then awaken. As  dreams experienced just moments before are recalled and recorded, one might find oneself writing for an hour or more, as one documents the many adventures from the just dreamed dreams.

The time it would have required to actually experience these adventures in real time would have taken hours. Nonetheless, as dream recall proves, they were fully experienced, almost instantaneously, in dream time. This is an example of how consciousness can travel and live in different, even very elongated timezones. Consciousness, the active force of the soul, lives and travels in different dimensions.

As Einstein discovered, the significant variable in shifting time dimensions is velocity. In dream state terms, this is experienced vibrationally. When we go to sleep our soul energy body prepares to leave the timezone of waking life by revving up the velocity of its vibrations to a very high frequency.

This increased vibrational state normally occurs when we fall asleep. If, however, one remains conscious during this process it is frequently experienced as increasingly higher vibrations sweeping over the physical body, as the soul energy body prepares and then launches out of the sleeping physical body. Energy body dimensions then experienced are increasingly subtle, with their own different timezones.

The first energy body timezone is actually the real-time zone of waking life, where out-of-body explorers travel our world and solar system in real time. More subtle dimensions—where time is elongated and many dream adventures occur in very few real-time minutes—reflect energy-body adventures beyond this real-time dimension.

The ancient Hindus called these more subtle dimensions the astral dimensions, where one engages in interactions with deeper parts of one’s own soul, as well as with guides and teachers intent on supporting life in this densest energy region, that of real-time waking life in the physical body.

In the truest sense, the soul never sleeps. When the physical body goes into deep sleep it enters a state known as REM sleep paralysis, where the motor cells of the body are switched off, as the soul ventures in infinity. Basic logic explains the need for this temporary paralysis, as without it the downloads of dream energy-body experiences to the sleeping physical body would result in physical movement that might be both awkward and potentially hazardous. In fact, sleepwalking is an example of what happens when the normal shutting down of motor activity in the body does not occur and the physical body acts out the energy body’s movements.

Normally, the body is completely still and asleep in unconscious semi-paralysis while the soul ventures in infinity, both processing the previous day’s waking life experiences, as well as being schooled and guided in spiritual advancement by the higher self and guides that live in the higher astral dimensions.

If you successfully meet a challenge in a dream, it is likely to reflect in similar success the next day. It matters little if we remember the actual dream, the lesson has been learned and will unconsciously benefit the ego’s knowing in the challenges of the day ahead. Sometimes the experience of deja vu reflects this awareness, that I have been here before; yes, in my dreams!

Sometimes, for a variety of reasons, such as simply having to pee, our soul may be called abruptly back to the body before a dream is complete, or before the body is ready for reintegration with its soul. This is often experienced as a powerful waking vibrational state in the consciousness of the energy body, as it is confronted with the physical body’s inability to move.

This is a very temporary out-of-phase experience that quickly passes, as we are restored to full body motility. Should this happen, simply realize what is happening, stay calm, and await the transition into familiar normalcy. It may take a few moments. It simply reflects the recalibration of soul with physical body.

Whether we are aware that we are in our soul state when physically sleeping or not, our soul has its rich experiences, which both rejuvenate mind and body from the prior day’s activity and present guidance and exercises to prepare us for the coming day’s challenges. We can enhance and more volitionally participate in these journeys if we cultivate the intent to remain conscious in our dream and out-of-body states.

As the outer world continues its major transformational activity at this time, relativity and dream space offer us avenues of exploration and preparation to meet the challenges of oncoming time in waking reality. Intend awareness in your energy body and see what happens! The soul offers many blessings.

Pleasant dreams,


Chuck’s Place: Build That Wall

I recall, as a young boy, the delight of constructing Lincoln Log forts, safe places on the outposts of the American frontier. I could play alone for hours, fully engaged in the interplay of battle and retreat to safety.

Walls to an open path…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

Perhaps the number one obsession of the current world leader is the construction of the Great Wall of America. His supporters often break into a deafening chorus at his rallies, exclaiming: “Build that Wall!” My intent in this blog is to find the place in our current state of evolution where that battle cry might indeed find its rightful home. We all need to find the safety behind the walls we call home.

Perhaps the number one focus of any psychotherapist is to enable clients to ground themselves and withstand being overtaken by powerful forces, both within and outside the psyche. Plainly speaking, that is, to shore up the ego; to build a strong wall to withstand a psychotic coup, which could swallow up or permanently fragment identity, consciousness, and a consistent reality-based sense of self.

Biology teaches us that we are constantly under assault by predatory viruses and bacteria that seek our energy for their own sustenance. Thus, our immune systems are programmed to build walls around these invaders, blocking their access to our vital energy.

Structurally, this self protection is also reflected in the two separate hemispheres of the brain. Roughly speaking, the left hemisphere provides the physical operating system for the intrapsychic ego, the etheric executive in charge of decision making in time/space. By carving out a rationally based interpretation system, the left brain creates walls around energy and transforms its interpretation of it into a predictable world of discreet solid objects. The ego grounds itself, categorizes the world it lives in, identifies its operations in terms of cause and effect, and defends itself against thoughts and perceptions that threaten its control.

In contrast, the right hemisphere of the brain remains open to the far more inclusive, free flowing, interconnected energy that exists outside of the left brain’s categorization system. This is the home of creativity, psychic knowing, and the Soul that lives beyond space and time, that is interconnected with and communicates with everything. Although both hemispheres of the brain interrelate and contribute to a balance in life, the left brain dominates in ordering how we interpret reality.

The right brain is the physical operating system of the energy body, or the Soul, that assumes dominance of our being when we sleep. During dreaming the energy body separates from the physical body and ventures into infinity, the true home base of our energetic existence. Though the energy body appears largely dormant in waking life, access to it can be cultivated or spontaneously reached under extraordinary circumstances, such as through blunt trauma or ecstatic experience.

When psychics or remote viewers utilize their parapsychic abilities, they relax the typically dominant left brain and enter into the timelessness of the right brain, while still maintaining left brain awareness. From there they can delve into the Akashic record of all life lived, or to be lived, as they have access to the oneness of everything.

Interestingly, to navigate this sojourn in infinity it is necessary to have access to left brain consciousness, with its wall of identity and its ability to interpret the energy it encounters in these expansive journeys. Short of this, our right brained nightly dreams in infinity are lost to integrative consciousness. Though the mood of a dream may follow us or determine the quality of our response to encounters in waking life the next day, without left brain participation we remain completely unaware of our prior dreamland guidance, lessons, and experiences that prepared us for the day.

This amnesic effect of crossing the bridge from infinity to waking consciousness serves the great wall of ego that authoritatively directs waking life. This creates a veil over the infinite underpinnings of Self/Soul that the ego has no time for. The ego must get up and direct real, solid life in time/space. Until the ego is ready to discover its true lineage in infinity it must maintain its blank slate wall. For the ego there is nothing beyond its concrete interpretation of reality in time/space.

Of course, this kind of ego stance must rely upon a good variety of defenses. Ultimately, however, for growth to proceed, ego must willingly walk back across the bridge to infinity via a journey into right brain interconnectedness. This generally involves first squarely encountering the experiences ego has pushed into deep storage rather than assimilate their threatening truths. A major pathway for this clearing is the practice of recapitulation, which requires ego intent and participation if it is to be fully accomplished.

Once ego no longer finds it necessary to hide from the fullness of Self—which includes its energy body in infinity—it can bring its boundaried identity and left brain capabilities into practice, to observe, interact, act, and reflect upon its right brained journeys in both dreaming and waking life. Over time, and with practice, this wall of ego actually becomes more permeable, more elastic, more open to new truths being discovered, as life is enriched and enhanced by greater access to one’s fuller potential, left and right brain in full cooperation.

So, yes, we do need walls of identity, but let them reflect the fullness of who we really are: infinite spirits inhabiting finite human bodies. Let the two hemispheres of the brain more consciously get to know each other and work collaboratively in the dream of waking life, as well as in those nightly journeys in infinity. No need to be fearful of the unknown with the integrated support of that dynamic duo!



Chuck’s Place: Becoming More Fully One’s Self

Becoming more of who we are…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

A seed is what it is. Once it takes root it unfolds according to its innate code of development, greatly influenced by the environment it is born into. Humans are seeds of the soul planted upon the earth, each of us with our own unique innate program for development, which acquires further influence from the unique family we are born into.

The soul is the higher self, whose program steers the greater unfolding of our life. This unfolding is additionally impacted by environmental nuances and a budding ego self, a point of consciousness that gradually becomes one’s central identity. The ego is part of the higher self, as the higher self is comprised of all that we are. In effect, the ego is the General on the ground, charged by the higher self with making  decisions in everyday life that best fit the needs of the unfolding of the greater self in life. This is how we become who we truly are.

Ego inflation is a state of alienation from the higher self, where the ego installs and acts upon its own programs for life that fail to consider the true needs of the greater unfolding of the true self. In effect the ego crowns itself the higher self and exercises its freedom of choice to direct life to further its own ambitions. The political climate we find ourselves in now starkly reflects the plight and consequences of a runaway ego pursuing its own ambitions at the expense of the true needs of the greater whole.

The Tao of the inflated ego is deflation, a natural correction, as the energies that fuel the inflation eventually dry up, as they are not connected to and will not be supported by the higher self. The higher self contains the wellspring of energy for unfolding development. If true needs are not properly funded by the ego the higher self withdraws its energy from the ego, a state experienced psychologically as depression.

On an individual basis decisions made by an alienated ego will lead to complications of mind and body that reflect the split within the self. These complications serve as guides to the ego to adjust its attitude and decision making to better serve the true needs of the unfolding self.  A depression then is a precursor to needed realignment with the unfolding of the true self. A humbled ego can once again become empowered by the self as it embarks upon its corrected path. This is experienced as a lifting of depression, accompanied by a new outlook on life.

Although the ego can greatly obstruct addressing the greater needs of the whole self for a long time, its decisions will naturally be overridden in some form eventually. We see this now in the consequences of global warming upon the Earth. Essentially, we are being confronted with nature’s reaction to our environmental decision making, which has not been in true alignment with the needs of the planet. Thus we are being challenged with the consequences of our decisions by a rapidly changing climate. Our attitudes are being humbled; we are living with the consequences of the error of our ways.

The truth is that the unfolding of who we truly are, the reason we are here, continues to manifest, regardless of our mistaken attitudes. In fact, it may be that our karmic seed led us to be born in this time of great realignment to be part of an evolutionary ego shift. Thus, our unfolding selves are actually reflecting the great polarization we see abundantly reflected around us. We are all charged with reconciling the split between ego needs and the needs of the true self.

Ego has always had to grapple with life in the physical world, thus its focus tends to be materialistic. Thus it focuses on accumulation of wealth as a path to status and security. The ego also puts high regard on mastery in one’s chosen profession as a reflection of its worth and status. The ego also concerns itself with its ranking and desirability in its relations with fellow human beings. The ego’s goals of perfection and possession drive it to compete with or eliminate its neighbors. On the positive side, the ego has the capacity to suspend judgment and see the greater truth.

The greater unfolding of now is teasing us away from this one-sided obsession with material manipulation into a far greater exploration of our spiritual potential in human form. Bringing consciousness to our energy body’s energetic abilities was the hallmark of the U. S. Army’s Stargate program, where psychic abilities were employed for purposes of national defense.

The opportunity for the ego to shift its material focus to a greater exploration of energetic reality beyond space and time is the new frontier. This does not abandon material life. In fact, balance in material life is essential to balance in energy body exploration, where we are simply waking up to a greater awareness of the fullness of who we are. Many who have journeyed in infinity rest in the knowing that, as Robert Monroe’s core mantra states: “We are more than our physical bodies.” They no longer fear death.

We awaken to our energetic potential when we listen to the guidance of the self within and follow the synchronicities that manifest daily in our lives. We awaken to our energetic potential when we grant equal value to our nightly dreams as to the waking dream we begin anew every morning. We most align with our energetic potential when we align our ego intent with that of the higher self, to become who we truly are.



Chuck’s Place: Shaman Meets Science

Our new pathway on the mountain…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

Jan and I have been called to the mountain, specifically Robert’s Mountain, home of the Monroe Institute in Faber, Virginia. Seemed as if it was a choice, but in retrospect, the prompts were so obvious we now see our “choice” as actually acquiescing to the inevitable. Specifically, we realize that we are our future selves fully recapitulating this stage of our lives now.

Carl Jung, in his major out-of-body journey in 1944, encountered a Yogi in deep meditation in a temple. He saw in that moment that his life was that Yogi’s dream. We are our future self’s dream.

Jan and I must experience the fullness of this momentous transition and make decisions and take actions that took place long ago because we are living them now. That is the essence of recapitulation: fully reliving and fully living an experience.

The Shamans of Ancient Mexico called this practice moving the assemblage point, like a stylus that hovers over the wheel of time and lands on a previously recorded life experience and plays that tune over again. Rather than just listening to an old recording we are transported to the recording studio where we live our actual first recording.

The people on Robert’s Mountain call it remote viewing, a process of tapping into the matrix of all experience and honing in on a specific target. Remote viewers tap into the hologram of all interconnected reality, what brain science is beginning to realize is accessible to all through the right brain. For Jan and I, our target in that vast Akashic matrix is this time of great transition to the mountain. For those we are connected to this is a leap into greater energetic connection as well, as we are all challenged now to connect in new energetic ways.

As I look back on my time in the shaman’s world I recall the moment William Buhlman’s Adventure’s Beyond the Body crossed my path. It marked my first introduction to Robert Monroe, whose mountain we will settle upon. I now see how even then I was being awoken to a juxtaposition of worlds, shaman and science, that would be meaningful in the future. (As I wrote this reference to Buhlman’s book I took a break and shared with Jan this memory. She stood before me with a paper in hand, something she had just found. It was Jeanne’s receipt from ordering Buhlman’s book! Incidentally, we recently discovered that Buhlman just moved to the mountain too.)

Don Juan Matus’s final conclusion for humanity was that we must evolve our full energetic potential for our species to survive. Robert Monroe, in his out-of-body adventures, verified that life in the energy body is the future of mankind. We will survive as human energy beings fluidly capable of life in the physical as well as the energy body.

This exploration of physical and energetic body relationship and capabilities was undertaken by Lieutenant Skip Atwater in the U.S. Army’s Stargate program for remote viewing.  Here it was scientifically validated that it is possible for human consciousness to travel anywhere in the universe in present, past, and future time. Jan and I have purchased the home he built and lived in for many years on Robert’s Mountain. He was Research Director of The Monroe Institute for many years and later its president.

Though we are all presently experiencing a physical world fixated on its material gains and losses, our future development must focus on honing the power of intent at an energetic as well as physical level. In fact, it appears that Jan and I were called, at an energetic level, to the mountain to participate in this evolving necessity.

See you in the energy body, if not before…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

Shaman has met science. When Carlos Castaneda insisted we suspend judgment he was the shaman insisting upon scientific method devoid of limiting beliefs. When science uses its technology to relax the left brain to approach the interconnected all-knowing of the right brain, it too is subduing the overarching order of logic and cause and effect that can prejudice our deeper knowing of objective reality.

Let us view the greater world trauma of now as the energy thrusting us all into our greater energetic potential. All trauma has the side effect of opening us to our greater energetic potential, but we must recapitulate first to truly hone those psychic abilities. That’s where shaman meets science, a brave new world indeed!

Living the dream,
