All posts by Jan

#33 Habits

Dear Jeanne,
What message do you have for all of us today?

Where are you going with all of this? Yes, my messages guide you, you follow my advice, but why, and where are YOU going with all of this? Do you stop to think about your reasons for desiring change and for entering in to this contract with evolutionary change? Do you stop to wonder about your own deepest reasons, aside from my advice and urging?

When you contemplate the patterns in your life, your habits, your relationships, your tendencies, your fears, and your daring, what do you see? Do you see someone who desperately desires adventure whenever it appears to entice you? Or do you stop and think before you leap, before you grab at the desire before you and wonder, is it necessary, is it growth oriented, is it going to take me to the next level of understanding, will it enhance my awareness? Or, am I just following my wild side, my adventuresome side into oblivion with no real and redeeming value?

Why do I have the habits I have? What are they trying to teach me? I urge all of you to stop and quietly contemplate your lives in great detail during this time of assisted energy. Take the time to study yourself, find out who you are underneath all that you present to the world, and pay attention to the truths behind the actions you enact in your everyday world. Seek realness in yourself, in your habits, and in your interactions, for you will not be whole until you are truthful with yourself.

And, most importantly, do this contemplative act for yourself alone, not for any other in your life, but for your own growth and your own eventual wholeness. This activity of self-study ties in very succinctly with your learning of detachment. You will not be able to fully engage in active detachment until you learn the reasons for your own attachment to aspects in your life that have become routine and that you activate merely through habitual actions.

Do not underestimate any routine as being mundane and of no importance. Any activity that you habitually engage in is of importance as you study and learn detachment.

Do not reprimand yourself as you go through this process of self-study, for I do not advocate self-hatred, or anger, as useful. But, I do insist that you give yourself plenty of time to understand the full implications of your habits in your life and what they really mean to you in the context of your life, as you now understand it.

As you follow my guidance, as you learn to view your life in a different manner, and your own life from a new perspective, so are you being given the gift of new insight. This insight may not make much sense at first, but, as you repeatedly hear it, over and over again, for I do repeat everything in many different ways, so will your understanding grow, and eventually will you understand what I’m talking about at a deeper level as it suits your own life.

I urge, as always, that you take meaning from my messages as relating to your own life. As you read my guidance, ask always, okay, so what does this mean in the context of my own life? What is the significance of this message for me, today? Where am I in my life that I have received this message? Look for the personal meaning in your own life, and then look for the signs that will validate this message in your own life, for there will always be repercussions in your own situation of the meaning of my messages, but this you must look for, understand in your personal life, and understand how it fits in to your journey.

I urge that you continue to contemplate, deeply, the issues of habit and attachment in your life. Question everything you do. Ask why, and do I really need this? Ask for the significance of this habit becoming known right now; why am I being drawn to focus on this habit today? What am I supposed to be learning?

Allow the content of my messages to guide you. Utilize the skills of balance and centering that I have been teaching you. Use your new abilities of awareness and alertness to gain clarity in your life. Trust your knowing; trust the phenomenon that strikes you as most significant today, as being meaningful, and worthy of further work.

When I say work, I mean contemplation, deep pondering of the habits of the self. Look for the why, and search for the root of this habit. Discover in the process, not only the root reason, but all other activities that that reason has spawned, other little roots that have also grown out of that key root issue and become firmly embedded in your daily life.

We all have habits that keep us bound and incapable of growth. In spite of this knowledge is it the duty of the spirit to forge ahead, but not with blindness or with abandon, but knowing the truth and seeking resolution, so that not only distance is covered on a journey, but so that true growth is accomplished.

The energy now is ripe for true growth, for the revelation of truths, for realness, and uncovering of falsehoods, and the ability of the self to expose the lies that have kept one habitually spinning for little reason, is now upon you. Do not squander this time of self-confrontation. Are you in fact spinning your wheels; standing still in fact, though you have been expending tremendous energy? Or have you been careful and methodical in your energy usage in spite of the desire to push ahead unprepared?

This is a time of preparation now. I gather that you have decided to join in the energy of growth and evolutionary awareness. But, are you also following my guidance that you prepare well for this journey of growth? Clean your houses and organize your lives, inside and out, inside you and in the world that is around you.

Prepare your inner world and your outer world for this journey. It takes a lot of self-work, but this will lead to tremendous growth and a new sense of self worth! Not in the vain sense, but in the evolutionary sense, as you take yourself seriously, as you prepare for your life differently, with a new sense of control that will guide you as you go and not inhibit you, as old habits now do.

To become a warrior, one who knows the truth of the world, and is aware of all that it holds, and is ready to take on all that is yet to be revealed, must one be prepared for anything. This is what I am teaching you about and preparing you for, to become a true warrior in the world of that earthly reality and other realities. Your strengths must be revealed, accepted, and honed; your intentions set and allowed to grow to fruition; your abilities allowed to become as natural as breathing; and your trust in the self must be a firmly established and tight fitting aspect of your identity, with all of these aspects part of your new self.

A warrior flows with life, but a warrior also knows everything there is to know about life in order to choose well the next step that appears, the next path to take, and the next decision, based on his intent to grow and move forward with dignity and grace. A warrior takes nothing and leaves nothing, for a warrior desires only to learn from every experience and move on to the next, living with love and compassion and true gentleness for all that is encountered while on that journey.

It is not the warrior’s job to solve the issues of others, but it is the warrior’s job to teach all that he knows, so that others may access the same opportunities and learn what life is truly meant to be. Simply by his actions and his choices is a warrior a true example of growth and this is important to remember.

Not only by example, but also by our very energy do we impact others and the entire world around us. Do not be afraid to take this journey. Remind yourself that you seek, within your own life, to learn the ways of the warrior, that your time there may be well spent, not only for your own journey, but the journeys of those around you and the entire planet, as well. Remind yourself that your actions affect everything, and this is the reason for contemplation of the self, and the true desire for the evolution of the self.

As you grow others grow, and as others grow so does the evolutionary process continually advance. The reality of my words awaits you daily. It is up to you to seek their meaning in your own life, find the significance of my guidance for today in your own world, and in your inner world, and begin to more fully embrace the warrior’s way.

I do not mean to place upon you any form of army, or recruitment into a cult, or form of black magic, for when I mention warriorhood I do not do so in any form you are currently familiar with. My usage of the term is strictly individual, as are all of my teachings. To be a warrior means simply to live your life impeccably, to the best of your ability, fully knowing of the self and the world around you, and full of love and compassion for your fellow journeyers, no matter what stage or form they may be at. All things matter and all things have potential for growth, yet all things must grow at their individual rate. When I invite you into warriorhood I invite you in to discover your own potential, that’s all.

So, continue to contemplate your own potential and see where this takes you now. You may be surprised at what happens as these new ideas seep into your being. As I said, the energy now is ripe for such incubation and contemplation. See what happens! This is good for now.

A Note from Jan Ketchel

During the writing of today’s message I was aware that I was not capturing all that was being said. Normally the messages come in a mixed form of words and images, which flit by rather quickly, like a deck of cards, out of which the words flow. I want to embellish on two points based on the images that accompanied the words today. When Jeanne speaks of contemplating our habits she is not just speaking of physical habits, but also mental habits and habits of thought, such as old assumptions, untruths, or worry, or even too much attachment to the world around us. And the second point is that when she speaks of cleaning our houses, this is meant literally and metaphorically. She means for us to attend to our actual physical houses and responsibilities so everything runs smoothly in our lives, but she is also referring to our bodies as houses. By this she means keeping balanced and centered while at the same time keeping our selves physically healthy and fit. Remember, you should always look for resonance of the content of the messages, including these points, in the context of your own life.

#32 A Life of Spirit

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have a message for humanity today?

Yes, I do. I would like to firmly establish that life is of the spirit. Once you have firmly planted this in your knowing can you more often focus on the desires of the spirit rather than the desires of the body. Allow your spirit to guide you in your decisions and in your desires, and you will discover what a life truly can be.

If life is spirit oriented, then what does that mean in the context of the life you now live? Have you accepted this fact? Are you certain now, that you are spirit driven? Have you decided to go with this notion in order to see where it takes you? Well, in so doing have you solved one of the mysteries of life, for to understand that you are spirit first and foremost is to solve the puzzle of life. The spirit desires growth. The spirit desires experience. The spirit desires fulfillment.

To be caught in old habits and stagnant in life is to have lost touch with the spirit entity that wishes to drive you forward. To reconnect is to open the door to fresh air and a release of pent up anxiety and fear that has long been sequestered, held back, and stopped from evolving.

When I suggest that you daily take time to contemplate your life, I mean that you should look at all aspects of your life and how they have remained stagnant, as habits, over time, or how they have burst forth in order to move you forward at other times.

What are the patterns in your life? Where do you see the synchronicities that have sought to alert you to the fact that there is something else driving you? Where is your spirit now? Where does your energy blossom, and your resonance hum, so that you respond with joy and happiness and absolutely know that your spirit desires new life?

You are totally in control, but the question is, are you reading the signs in your life? Are you acknowledging the synchronicities pointing you in the right direction? Are you discovering that you need some new fresh air? Are you looking for something to shake you out of your doldrums?

Look no further than the self and the world you now inhabit. All the energy exists inside you already. All the signs are already there, pointing you correctly for your spirit growth. Do you accept the challenge to change?

As you contemplate, try on new identities in order to find the one that truly fits your spirit. You may have to try on a few, until you finally get the right one, and that is fine, for all experience is valuable. But, your spirit will continually push you, until you have landed in the right place. Once you are there, and it is right, then will your spirit fight to remain there, even if you seek to wander.

Today, I urge that no abrupt changes be made, but that your houses be put in order, so that when change happens you are well prepared and not frantic about sudden newness in your life. You never know what may happen next, but if you are diligent and conscientious you will be prepared for anything. Do not force change upon you, but allow change to find you and present itself before you. Your assignment is to prepare by allowing the self to accept the fact that change is inevitable, and change is good, and change is part of evolutionary growth.

Train yourself to accept change by making small adjustments in your day, and in your habits, as I have instructed in the past. Do make minor changes that will prepare you for gradual change, and train your awareness to notice how you feel and how you act with even the most subtle of shifts in your daily routine. Give yourself the gift of slight change in routine, even as you contemplate your life and its routines so far.

Allow yourself, during this time of contemplation, to take note of change in your past, how it affected you, and how it led you to new life, or to accept something you had previously been unaware of. As you review this process, notice the subtle hints of new life that will now approach you as well, and notice also how you react now after these many weeks of training your awareness and your spirit to awaken.

Man’s greatest fault is complacency, which leads to stagnancy and life as routine and boring. But, life does not have to ever fall into this rut if man seeks the truth of the spirit and understands that life is a journey of the spirit rather than a journey of the body.

Your body is your vehicle, and as such it requires good care in order to complete the journey that your spirit requires. Ask your spirit to guide you in your decisions and in your contemplation of your life as it is now. Your spirit will respond with good advice and expect you to take it. Try to pay attention, raise your awareness to a place of quiet listening and you will find the right connection to your spirit knowing.

At all times in your day reconnect often with this spirit. Ask it for help and see if you can hear its advice, even in the noisiest or most obnoxious situations. Learn to understand how it speaks. Is it with clear voice? Does it send physical sensations? Does it knock you over the head with loud sounds or bright lights or bold signs? Does it show you something meaningful? Does it soothe you and take care of you? Look at the many ways a spirit can call your attention. Remember to be alert and to notice all the signs in your life. Everything has meaning.

Keeping this possibility in mind, see what happens in your day, each day. See how you notice the changes in your life differently. Watch for the signs in your life with your new awareness, and as you change your life little by little notice how your spirit grows more firmly apparent in your body and in the participation in your life. Tune in to your spirit now more fully and see what happens over the next few days. I guarantee that you will be guided. The energy is good for this. Wonder how this guidance will come. Be alert. This is good.

Do you have anything else?

Remain firm in your convictions to change. This is the greatest challenge to those who have many habits to break. Remaining on the course of change without too much backsliding is the biggest feat now before you. If you revert to old behaviors do not admonish too sharply, but reset your convictions more firmly and you will advance a little further each time.

Allow for the quiet that I suggest. It is time well spent and time well earned. Give the self guilt free time alone in order to work on this idea of change and growth, and in order to begin to understand the inner voice, and the synchronicities in life, and the ability to remain aware at all times. It all takes work; so don’t deny the self the preparation time to learn all of this I speak of. Be kind to the self, but also be firm with the self in order to enact change.

Create the balance that works for you in your life and, one small step at a time, begin to change as you order your life and prepare for greater change down the road. One thing at a time and you will not be overwhelmed or overtaken by too much at once. Trust your spirit, for that is the reason you exist. Your spirit desires that life. Your job is to reconnect with it and remember why you are there and where you are meant to be going.

These are exciting times!

#31 Path of the Individual

Dear Jeanne,
What is your message to humanity today?

I have been presenting many ideas and introducing many techniques in order to promote healing and progress toward wholeness. In the assimilation of ideas are there also many subtle underlying ideologies that need to be addressed. I teach evolution and growth, but understand that there is no hint of religious practice here, except as you choose to embrace. The nature of my instruction is based solely in learning the art of detachment from the things of the world that pull you from your spirit.

I offer guidance and the means to enjoy life more fully, but on a strictly individual level and within your own capabilities, going as far as you are able, one step at a time. I require no allegiance nor do I request anything in return. I leave it up to you to choose the path you wish to take. But, I do offer alternatives to life. I offer a different view of life, a different perspective on many things in order to allow for growth, if you choose to accept such a challenge.

This is, as I have repeatedly said, a path of the individual and each of you will have a journey that is solely your own. As you delve into your inner being will you learn that this path you choose now will allow you access to deeper recesses of yourself, of your being, and of your strengths and truths, than you could imagine. As you continue in your appreciation of my offerings so will you find that you are really discovering aspects of the self that have merely been buried and awaiting uncovering.

Allow yourself to explore your inner truths by detaching more fully from your outside distractions. Give yourself daily more time alone, in quiet contemplation or meditation, in order to more fully appreciate your understanding of your place in the world. As you discover who you truly are so will you enable your spirit to be more fully active in your life.

How do you now make your important decisions or even your small decisions? Are you making them from that place of calm I speak of so often? Or are you still making them based on your attachment to the past and the material world? Where does your inner self reside? In the present or still buried? These are good questions to pose as you contemplate your situation in life and as you bring yourself into your knowing center.

Re-evaluate yourself often from this place of calm and discover how you are changing. Review your decision-making regarding yourself, and your reactions to others. Are you now more calmly detached and able to understand better your own journey and that of others? Are you more easily adapting to the flow of your life, accepting your challenges with curiosity and a new sense of adventure? Are your fears lessening as you view life from a new perspective? Are you learning to tackle life differently now?

Sit today in this state of quiet contemplation as you look upon the next step in your life. Remind yourself that your life is an adventure, and that all aspects of it are meaningful for your spirit and your growth and the evolution of your soul. Do not look upon your struggles with sadness, but look upon them as challenges and lessons that will lead you always forward to a new place in life.

Look how your life has unfolded thus far and study the way it has allowed you to be here today, allowing you not only access to your spirit in a new way, but also access to life itself in a new way. Allow both of these things, your spirit and your life as it unfolds, to bring you continually to the right place on your path, to the next step on your journey.

Your journey awaits your participation in this new fashion. It awaits your spirit evolution, and it awaits your full participation as your awareness grows and you discover all that truly exists in that earth time for your discovery and your contemplation. As you continue to venture into your own true spirit, and learn to trust the decisions that it guides you to, so will you also begin to trust what its awareness will lead you to. And life on that earth will continually reveal its wonders as you allow yourself this adventure.

I give you these insights now in order to spark your interest and your confidence in yourself to continue to move forward on your journey. Do not be afraid of the changes you are now being challenged to take. Do not worry so much about the things in that life that you are attached to, but think more on the growth of your spirit.

As you discover how your inner spirit guides you, so will it become easier to know exactly what it is saying to you, and your actions will be more decisive, as well as easier to make. For as you train yourself in centering, in balance, so are you also paying attention to that inner spirit and it is responding by becoming more of a partner on a daily basis, even if you are not fully aware of this. Simply by acknowledging its presence and allowing access to it, so are you allowing it to wake up and begin to guide you more fully.

So, continue the practices of centering, of moderation in all things, of contemplation of the inner spirit, of your inner voice, and continue studying your life’s journey, and the deeper meaning of your past, your present, and look forward to encountering your future with a new sense of the self and a new anticipation for the adventure that is your life. Who knows where it may lead you?

But, go now into life with knowledge that you are not alone on your journey, that there are helpers along the way, that there is guidance, and that, no matter what step you now take, so will it be the right step for now, and it will lead you where you need to go. Be certain of this and you will have good success. Trust your journey, and trust yourself as guide, and you will do well.

#30 Maintain Your Balance

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have any messages today?

Focus first on your balance today. Find your left side and your right side and slowly fill them to an evenness that will allow for stillness in your being. Resolve to begin each day in this manner so that your energy will flow and your humanness will allow for less constriction in your physical self. With better balance, equilibrium, between your physical and your energy self, so will you have better access to the natural flow of your own energy. With this equilibrium established, and the feel of it known and felt in your body, so will your life be more flowing in all aspects.

Once you have achieved this calm and centered balance, even if it is just to the point of holding it for a few minutes at a time, try next to focus your intentions for the day. Your intentions should be to achieve some aspect of change in your life every day. This I have spoken of often. Do not ever lose this practice either. Your maintained balance and your focus on change are your underlying modes of evolution. With these fairly simple methods will you enact growth. So, set a small intent for the day; do this daily. Find your place of difficulty, perhaps, and use that as the area to begin enacting change in.

Allow your own calm energy to guide you and point out to you what you should do and how you should proceed. It will tell you what changes to make and how to go about making them. This you already know. You know how the truth speaks to you. But, as always, the question is, do you listen, and do you then act upon this knowing?

As the energy upon the earth now pushes for change, so are you at a good advantage to be able to tap into it and utilize it for your own purposes of growth, since you are aware of how energy works, either in your favor if you harness it, or against you if you allow it to take over. To harness that energy flow, utilize the skills of inner balance and inner intent, and you will begin to feel the result of that energy, as it becomes your catalyst to growth.
Do not worry about outside entities at this time. Do not worry about tapping into the wrong energy that also seeks to interrupt your growth and feed off your personal energy. With your balance achieved, and your intent on change, will that energy steer away from you. It seeks weakness and easy access, for it does not like to fight too hard for its food. In a weakened state of balance, without the focus of intent, are you a less formidable target. For those who live in oblivion, and unawareness, is there a greater possibility of becoming a target. Even your awareness of such energy, as it attempts to find access to you, keeps you generally safe.

But, of course, we are not, as human beings, perfect or totally aware at all times, and yes, there is the possibility of small feeders nibbling away at your energy as you remain unaware. Do not let this bother you. Focus instead on keeping your balance and maintaining your intent on change, and this will, as it gradually becomes your strength, leave you as a less tasty morsel for those hungry entities.

To obsess on them leaves you vulnerable to them, for then do you send them your intent, and they understand that energy of obsession and are immediately drawn to it. Focus away from this kind of energy and instead focus on the pure energy of goodness that seeks to stir up the stagnancy that has long swelled upon that earth, leaving many in its heavy muck.

Has there not been talk of war now for many years? Has there not been talk of destruction and talk of earthly fallibility? Have there not been times of grief and times of poor assimilation of spirit? Where there is power and greed is there much imbalance, and that is what the conditions upon that earth now reflect.

What has this meant in your own life? How has that energy affected you? Has it captivated your own spirit energy, unbeknownst to you? Have you fallen under its heavy spell and become part of an energetic flow that is not growth oriented, but hell-bent on greed and destruction seeking to take over? Or has your own spirit noticed that this energy is not compatible, and has it fought to disengage from it, and seek instead its own individual energy path?

I believe, I, Jeanne Marie Ketchel, that those of you who read my messages have been the restless ones who have known that the energy upon the earth that has caused that stagnancy is not the energy of truth, but the energy of mass destruction, and though it purports to carry messages of growth and evolution does it so at the exploitation of many and the eminent demise of civilization as you know it. That energy reserves growth only for the few. It is not an energy of spirit and truth, but instead full of feeder entities who delight in its deliciousness and easy pickings.

Your own sprit has sought to alert you to the fact that you are not truly drawn to such energy. Your own spirit has been pulling you inward, back to your center and the knowing of itself as your truth and your guide.

See this pattern of spirit in your own life. See how your journey has continually turned you in the direction that your spirit has steered you, offering you opportunities of growth away from the mainstream consciousness and the energy of mass destruction and that mass consciousness that is easily tapped into, easily drawn into, and easily fed off of. Your own spirit has instead sought to teach you balance, in the self and outside of the self, in order to guide you to this place of knowing and this place of awareness that is now upon you.

So, as always, I instruct you, as you continue your journey, as you seek to find your place and your reason for that life and your next step, to balance and maintain calm at all times. This you will find will become your place, eventually, for connection with, not only the self, but those of us who guide.

As you strengthen your trust in this place of balance and inner calm, so will you find that you will also, one day, be able to trust more fully the knowing that arrives for you from this place. As your calm center becomes your everyday place for longer and longer periods so will you find that you will hear more clearly the inner voice of truth. Eventually, will you trust it and understand how it works to guide you, and it will become as familiar as your hands before your eyes and you will trust it to accomplish, with dexterity and innate ability, as much as those hands now do.

Everything must be learned and tried out and proven in order for you to trust in it. That, you already know. Find in your balance, and in your calm center, this knowledge and allow it to guide you as you daily set an intent and make a small aspect of change, and teach yourself that you can do this and then, watch the results. Then make another small change in your life with a new intent, and see how you begin to train yourself to do this on a daily basis and how you begin, not only to expect results, but also desire them more fully. Your spirit loves this desire. Your spirit loves your focus on change and growth, and your spirit finds happiness as you continue to seek this avenue of expression, leading you to continually seek your realness and your truth.

As you focus on the self now, as you begin to more fully engage in change, remind yourself that this time of change is necessary for you to become, not only a more loving and compassionate human being, but also a more fully realized spiritual being. In the long run, as you learn to tap into the new energy that sweeps into the atmosphere, will you grow into wholeness and maturity that will bring you into contact with others who are of similar character and on similar journeys.

Abide now in this balance and calm of self. Find your equilibrium and know that your focus in life is spirit growth, first and foremost. Expect this of others as well in your life and allow them access to their own spirit being in order to go on their own journey. Do not hold another accountable for your spirit journey nor be accountable for another’s. Do teach this balance and centering as a means of accessing the spirit though, and you will have given the gift worth giving at this time of energy shift and energy change.

Allow your spirit the freedom to seek the uppermost flow of energetic force that now desires sweeping change, rather than staying caught in the murky stagnancy that lies below and hides the awareness from you.

Where are you in your life today, right now? Go calm and centered as you ask yourself this question throughout the day. Pull in and see where you are. Check around you from this calmness and see what is surrounding you that you don’t need, and detach from it, dismiss it! Is there really anything outside of you that you need right now? Stay in your calm for as long as you can and discover this quiet spirit self that is so capable and so guiding. This is good for today.

Good luck on your journey. May you find joy in your own goodness of center, and your own knowing, and delight in your own spirit. Stay with this path. You are doing well.

#29 Doubt

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have a message today?

Do not doubt your own abilities to heal yourself. Do not doubt your own strengths and your own cognizance to find your way through the realities of life. Do not disregard your abilities to deal with the distractions and the intrusions in your life. I have taught you now, for many weeks, to understand that you have deep within all that you need to deal with that life you now live.

Your journey is important. Every step of that journey, and every aspect of that life you now live, is significant and full of strength building progress. You are fully capable of enticing yourself into trust and understanding of the meaning of your own journey and the road you are now taking to further your growth and your prospects.

Your progress is phenomenal, for at this point in your life have you made the decision to follow your instinct and your inner knowing to the deepest level yet. You have decided to trust, not only my guidance, but also your own inner self and your abilities to follow your awareness where it leads you.

Do you doubt? Well, that is fine and even good. For I always say that doubt is useful, in that it teaches you to question and test all that you are learning in order to prove, without a doubt, that what you are experiencing is real and useful. But, this you must discover on your own terms and by your own means, and this testing of my proposals and my guidance is exactly what you should be doing in order to procure your own knowing.

Experience is, indeed, the only proof you have and need. So, do not hesitate to have doubts. Do not feel that you must constantly accept and trust me without your own resonance and proof. For, just because I say something, does not make it so until you have experienced it in your own life and see how my guidance is not only handy, but also pertinent, and meaningful, in your own life.

I do not want sheep blindly following me or taking my guidance simply because it sounds good, I want you as an individual to seek resonance in your own life, to discover for yourself the truth of what I speak of, and only then will your trust be firm and your continued progress certain. For my guidance is useless if you do not practice with it in your own life. What good is a lot of information if you do not utilize it.

Today, I speak of doubt because I know that this is a time of great contemplation now upon that earth, that many decisions are being attended to, and pondered over, and that there are, on the horizon, many important issues pending. To sit now on the brink of change, and to seek rightness of purpose, and deeply realistic progress is a time of trepidation and doubt. For, how does one choose the future when there is little vision of it before you? How do you make a decision when your progress is so totally unknown, as it is now? There are so many variables, and so many conclusions and outcomes. But, I say to you, that if you sit quietly within the self, in the quiet center, and allow this self guidance to be your leader now, so will your decision be right for now, and your own knowing will not guide you incorrectly, but take you to a new level of life, but also a new level of trust in the self as guide.

Why is that world now so crazy and energetically frantic? Well, it is a time of great shake up and it is necessary for all to understand, at this time, the affects of decisions made in the past, and to clearly see what has resulted from improper choices being made, choices made with the wrong purpose, and the wrong self in charge. Now is it time to allow the inner self, the knowing self of right, to make the decisions rather than the outside self. Even on a larger, collective basis, the world-wide basis too, is it time to become innerly cognizant and make decisions that place the country, and the world, on a new course away from greed, commercialism, and exploitation, and back on a course of spirit, and respect, and universal love and compassion.

For these things are at the root of that human spirit, the eternal spirit that resides in all of you, and seeks to wake up, and become part of life, and lead you in a new direction, with that spirit fully awake and alert to all that is around it, and all that is available for your use upon that earth.

So, test yourself; know your path by your experiences, trust your own inner guidance as you learn what that means from the guidance you gain under my tutelage and elsewhere in your life. Look around you often as you learn and see what is there that you have failed to notice before. As your awareness grows so will you begin to discover that the veils that have kept you ignorant of your true place in the world have been hiding much else from you as well.

Your life is exceedingly meaningful. Your inner spirit is strong and capable of leading you correctly on your journey. Take time daily to connect with your inner knowing, your center, that I speak of often, and you will be helping yourself to gain access to your awareness, and your trust will grow, especially as you see the results of change in your life and real examples of your inner knowing.

Hide not from your inner truth. Do not be afraid of it. Do not be afraid of doing what you know is right. Do not hesitate to allow yourself to act upon your knowing, a little at a time, learning to trust it as you see how you follow its advice, and its knowing, and grow in your life. Stay calm and centered, even as the energy around you blows ferociously.