All posts by Jan

#38 Stormy Weather

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have a message for us today?

Take nothing for granted. There is now stormy weather, both upon that earth and intimately in the lives of many. Do not partake in life to your disadvantage, but do partake in quiet self-focused attention to details in your psyche and your life. Allow the disturbances in your life to teach you so that that which has been revealed will guide you properly and allow for growth. Do not dismiss anything as inconsequential. Do not allow there to be disregard of any aspect of life around you or inside you now during this time. Stormy weather will abate, but it is what you take with you from that time of turmoil that will allow you to evolve.

Insecurities abound, but this is not to be misconstrued as inabilities. Insecurities are merely reminders of your humanness and your learning state. To acknowledge that you are a pupil of life is to correctly place yourself so that you are ready to learn, and available to notice what comes into your life as meaningful and necessary.

As this energy force upon that earth finds refuge in action, whether inside you or outside you, do not become entangled in the fury of it, but quickly regain your place of calm, and look outward at your life and your learning so that you will understand and grow from this encounter with such forceful energetic imbalance.

Your own encounter with this energy may be minimal in your personal life, or it may be profoundly moving and revealing of underlying aspects of life that had not yet been uncovered for you. To lift off the roof and reveal what was underneath, to dig deep into your own being, or that of another, is the property of this energy that is beneficial, though at first you see and feel only destruction. If you experience little of this in your personal life look then outside of you and around the world, for you will see echoes of this energy as it reverberates now for many days until sense is made and balance regained.

Allow your own life and your own path to remain focused and in focus. No matter what approaches you during this time of great shift upon that earth remain cognizant of your steady path, focused always on growth. Aside from this technique of steady balance have you also learned many other helpful techniques in order to stay calm in chaos.

Maintain detachment, maintain awareness of truth, maintain alertness and knowing of your own direction at all times. These things will keep you focused on the greater picture, the long view of life as a journey and all that occurs as necessary. Even while you may feel attached, and drawn in to an abrupt aspect of life that had previously been outside of your knowing and your attention, so can you pull yourself out of it to regain balance and perspective aided by the new things you have learned about life and spirit and energy.

Reset yourself firmly on your path of growth again and again, and find your balance so that you are steady as you walk and less likely to topple of your own accord or be toppled by outside influence.

I do not mean to frighten, but I do mean to warn and to guide. You must remember that I have been talking about energy, building in waves, over the past few months. There have been times of lull and times of quiet, but underneath has there continually been a power storing energy that now is surging forth affecting many.

You may be one of the few who is only minimally affected, or you may be so focused on your path that its affect is minor, for your balance is keen and your skills advanced. But even so, do not disregard the affect this is having upon many others. For it is meaningful, for the earth and all of you who now exist upon it, and it will affect you eventually, in one way or another as the truth of the repercussions of this energetic time eventually are revealed. It may not be clear at first, but truth will out. Before long will there be clarity, and then will the consequences of actions become known and impact felt.

Continually find your own truth, and act according to your own spirit knowing. Actions of spirit will have impact as the collective energy of such actions counters the energy that seeks upheaval, and eventually that good energy of truth and of spirit awareness will calmly blanket the earth, weaving an interconnectedness that will aid and provide the necessary steadiness so that life can once again return to normalcy of a sort, of a new sort.

Once this normalcy returns will there be the added benefit of underlying truth now being revealed and never fully buried or forgotten, but instead laid as the new foundation upon which new life and new awareness may be constructed. This will allow for future growth with true spirit energy as the building blocks and awareness the compound that holds them together. This new material and this new mortar will do well as it replaces the old crumbling foundations riddled with imperfections and hidden flaws.

Stay now energetically focused. See what affect this time is having in your own life, your inner life and your outer life. Ride the energy with focus on spirit growth, and keep the knowledge always present that this is a time of awakening and growth for all mankind. Be alert to your own growth and point out to others the deeper meaning of this time of upheaval. For in pointing out the underlying truths do you enable others to participate in constructing a new reality, along with you and others, focused on spirit energy and spirit journeys.

This is good for life, good for spirit awakening, good for mankind, and good for evolutionary growth. Find your positive, your optimistic perspective, and you will find your own growth, your own learning, and put your new skills to work for you. Focus always on your future and you will do well no matter what comes to awaken you.

Contain your knowing. Pull it in to your center with you as you go deeply into balance and contemplation of all that you now are learning. Enable yourself. Take your power inward now and utilize it. Stay in your calm and you will do well. All of this is good. Stay spirit focused, stay spirit focused, stay spirit focused…

#37 Sail Your Boat

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have any messages for us today?

Be aware that time of culmination is soon upon you, that the energy that has been building and sweeping you into its powerful flow is soon to erupt. It will have consequences, but it will lead to resolution, both of purpose in life and purpose of spirit intent. Do not await this with trepidation, but do embrace it as energizing for your growth.

Focus your intent on growth so that this wave of energy does not spill you out of your boat into the icy water, but that your new skills enable you to remain steady, on course, and capable of handling the turmoil that will result. Calm your center of balance and remain firmly planted at the helm of your rig. Sail your way through the debris, the firestorm, the oil spills, and the blood spilled from bodies that will float past you. Do not leap over board, do not tip your vessel, do not exhibit inner turmoil, but remain calm and on course. This you are fully capable of, and this you must remember as you guide your boat through the storm and into the calmer waters that lie waiting ahead.

After the crash of this energy wave will there be dead calm. During the time of calm will there be uncertainty, but do not allow yourself to become confused or lost in that time of unknowing. Contain your internal knowing that you have learned, and remain focused on the journey that is your life, and wait and wonder where all of this is taking you. Await your next adventure with calm certainty that you will recognize the signs pointing you in the right direction, and when the time is right new energy will blow in and the moment will arrive for new action on your part.

Do not jump to conclusions or judgments during this time of turmoil or the ensuing calm. Read the signs in your life; remain balanced, remain firmly planted in your new knowing and you will navigate this energy phase well.

See what happens as this energy time that I have now been talking about abruptly shifts course. This is the time to note, to take up the challenge of riding with it so that you do not become swept up into the whirlwind of its fury and become buried in its undercurrents. Better to stay steady and afloat, utilizing all of your skills to maintain balance and direction. That you can do, for you have learned well the techniques of detachment now that will enable you to carry out this first real test of your progress.

In the calm that follows will there be clear insight and you will know what you must do, but take your time, sit with your knowing, for there will be no pressure to act quickly or rashly, but there will be plenty of time to act reasonably, and with calm intent and detachment, as you see in your life the next step in your journey unfold before you.

I do not mean to create fear or instability by mentioning this threat of violent energy, but I do mean to forewarn so that you are prepared to remain steady and firm in your knowing and your evolutionary growth. Be assured that calm will ensue, and time of contemplation will return. Be certain that life will return to some semblance of normal, but with a great shift having taken place, so that your outlook and your knowing will be firmly established and resonate more fully in your life now.

This spirit driven aspect of your life and your knowing will be firmly planted in your future as a result of the consequences of the energy culmination I speak of, and you will be well versed in your knowing so that your future will be quite visible and clearly presented to you.

Do not hesitate to take the path of spirit, for it is the most desirable and fulfilling, though the consequences of earth bound needs may appear to have great draw as well. The greater path is the path of spirit, of detachment, and of growth, for by its example will this path lead eventually to greater progress upon that earthly plane, and those who exhibit the path of spirit will be the ones who choose correctly for others to follow their example.

The future of the earth is uncertain at this point in time. In order for the earth to regain balance is it necessary for the inhabitants to regain balance first. There are many, many factions now at work to invite this human balance in this energetic and spiritual manner that I speak of. We are attempting to alert as many as possible to the need to reassert awareness and realign the spirit energy so that all energy upon that earth may be positively affected and reconnected in growth of an evolutionary sort.

Refocus now your own intent on positive energy and growth that will propel not only you in your vessel through the rough waters, but others as well. Your own focus on remaining calm and swiftly guiding your vessel with your knowledge, your awareness, and your skills of detachment will enable you to connect and interconnect energetically with others equally aware and alert.

Keep your focus on the intent of others on the same mission to remain in calm steadiness and each of you will have affect, both in your own life and in others around you. This energetic balance will reverberate and allow for many to achieve the calm that is also coming to greet you.

Keep this in mind as you travel now. Utilize your knowing, your intent, and your energy well. Maintain your balance at all times. And daily practice your centering, your meditation, and offer your emptiness in your beautiful bowl of intent.

You will be fine. All of this is good for growth and for evolution of man and of the planet too. See what happens. These are exciting times. You are surrounded by compassionate helpers. Keep this in mind. Your struggles are not in solitary confinement, but being shared by many in voluntary alignment with all who seek evolutionary growth.

#36 A Beautiful Bowl

Dear Jeanne,
Many people continue to benefit from your guidance. What would you like to talk about today?

Today, I speak of merging your intent with the knowledge you have now gained, both the knowledge of self and the knowledge that I have imparted to you over these many weeks. Find your calm center, your balance, and in this place of quiet bring together all that you now know and understand, and allow it to sit quietly in your place of knowing. Allow it to filter through your cognitive process of acknowledgment that has been growing as a result of your experiences over this recent learning period.

You have now gathered, not only information that is beneficial to your growth, but also experience. This experience is the key, for it allows you to more fully understand, but also more fully accept the guidance that is offered. As your own life has begun to change as a result of your time of contemplation so have you seen resonance in your daily life, firm examples of my meaning of life and of the significance of that journey you are on.

As you have learned to trust my guidance so have you also learned to trust yourself more fully. With this double trust are you now more able and ready to embark further in your growth and your acceptance of my guidance. For, as you see its significance in your own life, as you feel more certain of your own role in life, and as you experience meaningful happenings in your life so does your trust continually blossom inside you. With this new bond of trust will you be able to grow exponentially, and with further guidance find your way in that life more trustingly, and more eager for what each new day will bring.

With this new sense of trust, with the new awareness you have gained about yourself and this process, and with your desire for continued growth so are you now able to tie together all of these things and make them work for you. This involves allowing yourself to trust all that you have learned, allowing yourself to firmly sense your place in life, and allowing yourself to involve your intent more fully in your daily life.

Intent also involves trust. It requires that you become ready to accept all that approaches you as necessary, and the knowledge that you are capable of attending to that which comes, seemingly out of nowhere, to interrupt your goals. Understand that nothing is interrupting your life; everything is placed before you in order to allow for growth.

Place your intent before you as an open bowl, a beautiful bowl in your hands, empty and ready to receive what you need in order to grow. This is intent, a desire for life and growth and challenge, a desire for all that is necessary in order for your life to be lived with awareness and with possibility.

As you hold your beautiful bowl in outstretched hands ask for it to be filled with all that you need right now, today, in order for your life to be fulfilling, meaningful, and growth oriented. Do not ask for wealth or commercial gain, do not ask for the things of that world that are unnecessary and directed at the desires of the body. But, do ask for emptiness of spirit in order to accept the gifts you receive. With emptiness of spirit I mean ego, I mean desire in any fashion. Simply ask with openness, as a channel, and you will receive the exact gift that you need today.

In order to send intent must you have emptiness of spirit in all ways, you must be plain and quiet in your body and your mind, and you must present your empty self as you present your empty bowl, awaiting all that will arrive in your life as your next gift of challenge, of help, of guidance, and of growth.

This concept of asking for nothing is, in essence, the act of asking for everything. It involves total trust in the ability of the self to take on life in a new fashion, with awareness, alertness, and total trust in the self now, in a new way. This new trust you have been developing over the past few months will not desert you, but will remain steady, for it involves many truths, and those truths will not disappear once discovered and planted in your knowing.

If doubt comes to haunt you and pull you from your path, I request that you find again your calm center, and revert to your newly learned truths and study what you have discovered, and look at your life as you have recently progressed. Speak your own truths to yourself and get back on track. Doubt will seek to distract you. It will seek to dissuade you, and it will seek to interrupt the flow of your life, but this is merely momentary if you remain fixed on your intent and the knowledge that life is meaningful and full of challenges that also have meaning, and the ultimate ideal life is to live fully in spirit with awareness and alertness. In your alertness, and with your new knowledge of life’s meaning, can you look at doubt as it seeps in as just another challenge to encounter, to study, and to place aside as you elect to continue on this path of spirit.

Find today your beautiful bowl, whether it be real or imaginary, place it in your hands, empty and awaiting the nothingness of your intent to embrace life and all that it has to offer. With this beautiful bowl always present in your life can your intent always be ready, and your growth always acceptable.

Trust the process of your life as it unfolds. Ask of yourself that you go forward always centered in your calm spirit knowing, and with openness and no regrets, but eager for life. Study continually the events in your life for their meaning. Find your way by knowing and understanding how your life itself leads you where you need to go if you trust that it is meant to be as it is, as it flows, as it daily unwinds and greets you with all that you need. Your beautiful bowl is always full of life, waiting for you to notice and waiting for you to trust it and live it to the best of your ability. Trust this knowledge, trust yourself, and trust your spirit to continually guide you, and you will do well.

All of this does require that you learn to detach from as much of that world that seeks to distract you from your center, but it does not require that you retire from that world. I ask always that you learn balance in both the world of your spirit and the world you now live in. But, I do ask that you allow your spirit to guide you now, and this will enable you to flow more easily, and detachment will become a simpler daily process, more naturally a part of your life as you grow.

So, stay spirit-oriented, focus on intent of nothingness, remain calmly balanced, and learn detachment from doubt and distraction as you work your balance, and your life, in a new manner now. All of this is good! See what happens next, for that is the most exciting aspect of life, awaiting what comes next. Remember always that you are safe, you are protected, you are loved, and you are strong and capable of accepting the gifts that will appear in your bowl.

#35 Be Spirit Oriented

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have any messages for humanity today?

Go deeper now still as this time of contemplation remains. Find your quiet and visit your edge, your precipice, your abyss. Look down into your own darkness and discover what lies hidden there that hurts you still, that harms your heart and your progress. Find the means to understanding why this is so and resolve the issue of it that seeks to hinder your growth. Go forward freed of your old burdens and unfettered by your ancient lives. Live now this life, and allow it to be fulfilled, that your future life may be growth oriented and turned outward and away from the self.

For that is the goal of life, you know, to eventually turn outward into pure energy and evolutionary growth rather than personal growth. Your time on earth is meant to prepare you for this eventual departure from the confines of human existence and allow you access to an unencumbered spirit that desires no attachments and no old worries and no desires of a human sort to keep it bound.

Find this time of growth, of contemplation, and of turmoil to be your nurturing and your education in real life purposes. This will enable you to spend your time on earth in meaningful pursuits and allow you also to solve many of the questions that now haunt your existence. Who does not wonder at the reason for life and the whys of that earth time? These are truly the questions seekers need ask as they ponder their individual paths and seek to understand the meaning of their lives.

This time of awakening, accompanied by positive energy, has not been upon that earth in such magnitude for many years. There have been other recent times of awakening, yet have they lacked the intensity of this one, for outside now is there much energy that seeks to partake and aid, though mankind has come far from trusting such aid. I speak of those of us who wish to guide, wish to be recognized, wish to be partners in the endeavors that are now being attempted upon that earth, to supercede the progress of evil and disharmony that have been building.

Do you not wish to trust and utilize our guidance? Do you not wish to accept our equally strong wish to connect and become known as helping and guiding entities? Have you not heard lately many stories of aid from out-of-body, unseen helpers, who simply appear, do what is needed and then recede? These helpers are sometimes called angels, though they appear in human form, but only briefly. Others do not appear in any form, but simply offer what is needed coincidentally, synchronistically. Energy is available in either manner, depending on the needs of the individual and the circumstances. All have had experiences, yet not all will acknowledge them. Examples of connection abound.

As you continue to work on your issues, as you dive further into your self, as you attempt to empty the self and become as empty vessels and go forward into life unencumbered by human needs and desires, so do I offer you the knowledge that connection awaits you, connection is prepared for you, and connection is purposefully placed in your path. Do not doubt this. This is your next challenge, to trust that this is so, and to begin to notice it, to greet it, to accept it, and also ask for it.

As your state of personal growth from needy inner child to mature disenfranchised adult matures, so will you be more accepting of the guidance that is offered. As you empty and become more spirit oriented, of the individual spirit, so will you find that such guidance will fit nicely into the balance of your life. You will discover that as your life changes, by the actions you now take, so will your acceptance of signs and guidance become familiar and acceptable behavior on your part. The desire for connection, as you progress, will allow for greater openness and you will find that you will flow easily into this new way of life, life as a spiritual being, less caught in the difficulties of life, and more focused on detachment from it and eagerness for spirit experiences.

Experiences will be your guide to understanding life, and your life in particular. As you gain in spirit experiences, so will you understand the journey that is your life, the journey you have already taken, and the journey you now embark on, and this will allow you to continue to experience all that comes into your life as part of that journey. This is evolutionary growth that you now partake in. This time of contemplation and deep meditation on the self is not a time of selfishness, but in fact a time of separation from self-importance. This cannot happen until you understand yourself fully. For how can you let yourself go, detach from all that you consider important about the self, if you do not understand why you have such ideas of the self. To contemplate and understand truthfully the journey you have taken is allowing you the opportunity to drop all pretenses, disengage from old habits, depart from old ideas that keep you bound to untruths and false practices, and allow you to empty yourself of all attachments to that life that inhibit growth of spirit. As you detach more and more, and discover all that you can live without, so do you open your life, your daily life, and your future life, to fully exploring the potential that you have no idea exists, until you detach from all that holds you in its clutches.

In my own case, had I not learned that death was actually freedom, would I not have progressed as far as I did in the few short years I lived upon that earth. Luckily, I embarked on spirit growth in the company of my dear Chuck, always exploring and seeking with him, and usually under his guidance, the potential that life offered, even in its veiled state and in its daily busyness. To learn to explore beyond the body, to understand that I had a spirit that could transcend a body that was slowly deteriorating, liberated me from feeling lost or robbed of life, because I discovered in my spirit work that I had vast potential and energetic life to carry out-of-body and on to experiences that made me realize that life on earth was but a small part of evolution, of life, and of eternity.

Do not give up on yourself. Do not push yourself so far that you wish to give up, but do push yourself to a point of acknowledging some truth about yourself, even daily, if you can handle it. Trust the process of emptying of the self, turning the self inside out and looking at all the things you have done, had done, and could still do. Know that they have all been experiences that were needed, and may still be, in order to bring you to a place of closure, and allow your spirit being to evolve next beyond earth, and into a new energetic level.

Look around you at the people you know. Who do you see who truly seeks spiritual growth? Who is on a path of spirit? Who seems to be ready to evolve into the next life this time upon that earth? Is this your last entry into that realm? Are you ready to finish with it and evolve into a new spirit entity that is capable of further growth?

As you look around you, at your family, your friends, your children, look at each of them as journeyers and look at yourself in this fashion too. Do you not clearly see the journey each of them has taken, or is taking? Do you not see the youth taking on as much life as they can get, for they need this before they can learn detachment. For how can you learn detachment if you have not yet experienced attachment? Are there ancient souls in your company who are now ready to progress into a new stage, no matter what age? Are there old people still unable to let go of the constructs of life that they have upheld and practiced to the frustration of the spirit? All of these practices in life are necessary. All of these journeys are necessary. With this knowledge can you begin to gain clarity on life as a journey, you can begin your own detachment proceedings, and allow yourself the opportunity to let others take the journey they must, and allow yourself to take yours.

I hope this will add vigor to your struggles. These suggestions are aids for you to utilize as you continue your self-work. As you begin to see yourself more clearly in the context of your life, so can you gain better awareness to accompany you in your work. See where this leads you next. We’ll catch up again soon. The road before you is wide open, expectant, and full of possibility. I invite you to continue your journey along it. See what happens next. You never know what will come along and where it will lead you, and if you are open to life, and those possibilities and impossibilities, so are you open to adventure and that is the beauty of it all. Go for it!

#34 A New Perspective

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have any messages for today?

Don’t try so hard to make things happen. Let the energy flow through you and guide you. As you contemplate and find your truth, and the place where you now stand in your life, let it be still in you. Let the knowing calm you, and look not to change too hard, with determination or defiance toward the self, but let yourself be guided by the energy that surrounds you. Allow yourself the ability to flow gently now into life, even as your intent is for change, and your focus is for growth. Intend, and allow the aid of assisted energy to be your partner now.

Find your balance and your calm today and await signs while you also pay attention to your inner truth. Yes, I know that habits are hard to break, and worry is incessant. I know that doubt can capsize you and the penchant to obsess can keep you swirling in bitterness, but do not fall into this if you can remind yourself that you are no longer available to becoming trapped, but instead are open to new thinking and new ideas.

Allow the new ideas and the new means of viewing life to pick you up out of your doubt and your discomfort. Allow a new vision to enter your life, your new calmer life, and rid yourself of the old thoughts and fears. Every now and then, a curtain of uncertainty will suddenly fall between you and your new vision, but this is merely an attempt on the part of the distracters, the outside interferers, to dissuade you from your path.

Acknowledge such darkness, but also dismiss it. Tell it you are no longer interested in being drawn into its dark outlook. Tell it you have changed now and your eyes and your soul see differently now. Swipe that curtain aside so that you once again receive resonance in your life, that thrilling hum of familiarity and excitement that has entered your life as you have ventured, under my guidance, to learn new things.

I believe that you will find you are much happier living in clarity and learning awareness, than if you go into darkness and ponder, over and over again, the same old ideas and remain caught and stagnant. Is it not more thrilling to be in lightness, and seeking truth and connection to your own spirit and your own energy, than stuck in old habits or obsessive thought patterns?

Look for the resonance in your life. Look for the light, for the path that will lead you continually into new thinking and new seeing in your life. Do my words guide you? Have you not had success of growth and new ideas as you have paid attention to my perspective? Do you not feel lighter, happier, and more eager for life as you have listened to my words?

I realize that there is always darkness hovering nearby to catch you unaware. This will happen, but look at it as necessary for future growth. As you feel the darkness pull at you question it as well. Where does it seek to take you? Why is it appearing now when you are feeling so good and positive and actually about to launch into new life? Why does the old stuff seek to distract you from your path?

Look at it as a gift, as a tool, and as a positive means of allowing for you to utilize your new skills of awareness, and the ability to shift with a change of direction by your intent and your desire for newness. Refuse the intrusion by stepping away from it and focusing on your new balance and calm, and remain in clarity and awareness rather than get drawn back into old despair. Test your ability to change, and test also your own desire to grow by questioning your growth, and the changes in your outlook so far, and the real concrete changes in your life as well.

You will constantly feel the pull of your old life and your old habits, but as you become adept at refusing, and stronger in your skills of detachment, so will you find that eventually will you no longer feel the pull so greatly, and instead your attachment to the energy in and around you will be easier to tap into and you will flow more smoothly in your life.

We are all on similar journeys, whether there upon that earth or in other worlds. We must contend with the residue of past lives and habits, even in my world, as well as our desire to remain in comfort and reasonable happiness. The problem of continual growth, of having to prod and push ourselves forward, is a constant chore. Even though I abide in abundant energy, and even though I am eager for growth, so is there also in my world the underlying darkness that seeks to distract and steal our attention and, in so doing, drain our energy. I remain focused on my growth, but even I may get lazy on occasion and caught in a slightly stagnant mode. But, as I have constantly trained my energy to move forward, so have I learned to quickly detach from outside influences that seek to feed off me. As I mentioned, I must be aware at all times, and usually my alertness keeps me safe, but I must confess that I still have moments of fallibility. I too am constantly learning, even as I teach you, and as I encourage you also to teach what you learn.

To safeguard against the distractions of these outside influences I seek always the balance that I also instruct you to reach in your own self and your own world. The more you work this balancing act, the quicker you will be able to successfully return to this place of calm centeredness. Practice it daily, until it becomes easy to shift back on track and remain alert to all that is around you.

Life is exciting and the energy that now flows upon that earth, though it is volatile at times, also has undercurrents of tender and gentle pushing that will take you to the right place in your life. Learn how the energy can be utilized in your own life. Seek to understand how you must learn to use it as well, for it exists ready for your attention. How will you choose to use it? To grow and change you, or to catch you off guard and hold you hostage in one of its whirlwinds?

If you stay in your calm center and look out from this place of calm will you realize that life can be viewed and partaken in in many fashions. Look at those in your life who choose to engage it with either total disregard of energy or are choosing oblivion, while others choose to step back and see it from a place of detachment. You can observe this in others so why not observe yourself? Where do you stand now? Are you on track? Are you calm and aware? Are you silently waiting to recognize the energy that is right for your own? Are you understanding the resonances in your life? Are you hearing the guidance that comes from inside you and outside you? Are you able also to hear the difference between that guidance and the old habits that seek to disrupt your peace and detachment? Which do you prefer today, the calm and detachment, or the covered veil of oblivion and unclear self?

Continue to look for balance, calm, and resonance in your life. Allow your spirit to guide and protect you and show you how to flow with the energy that is around you. Be firmly planted in your mature and knowing self and you will have access to this energy differently. If you are caught in an old place, then gently extract yourself, return to balance, and start over, looking, looking for your calm center and your spirit guide.

Change not your habits too drastically, but change your outlook, your perspective on how you view yourself and this will enable you to shift to a new place where your balance will return. Say to yourself: I’m different now, I don’t want or like this old habit, this old obsession, or this old thought, so I don’t have to engage it anymore. I can change myself simply by disengaging the old way of looking at my life, and look at my life as totally changed and open now to new possibilities. If I open to the possibility that anything can happen, then I offer myself the opportunity to, not only grow, but to begin to shift immediately, and that is good.

Be open to new ideas, new thoughts, and new energy, and you will begin to find that your distractions will have less room in your consciousness and your unconsciousness. Shift your focus and find that you will, as time passes, discover that your energy has shifted with your intent and it too is more open and eager for change. All of this is good. As you practice, so will you change, and change is good.