All posts by Jan

#43 Garment of Change

Dear Jeanne,
What would you like to talk about today?

Find your center now. You know this place inside you. It is familiar and known; you recognize its calm and the perfect fit of it. Substantiate your place there, find your wholeness and your strength and your wisdom there in this time of change, and allow yourself to acknowledge the solidity of your being. As you become quiet in this center that you have trained and sculpted within you, know that you are on the right path, for this is your inner place of knowing and balance. Begin your day there and your next step will, assuredly, be correct.

Empty your mind, your head, your thinking, unplan your agenda for a few moments of calm, and in this place of emptiness find your deeper connection to your own inner voice. Without trying too hard, let it begin to have volume and tone, and await your knowing of its familiar call. It will not surprise you because you will recognize its familiar language and find its rightness to your liking.

Find this voice inside your calmness and begin to make your way forward now into trusting and proving your abilities to be daring, but with full knowledge of your direction because you have sat and contemplated long enough now, and the rightness of your next move is undeniable. Begin to put into action now the progress that has been pending and the growth that has long been awaiting your spirit and your humanness to catch up. Go back to the precipice now, having understood that life calls you to live it, and the energy dares you to take a step forward now in order to move out of your place of stagnation and to breathe new air and new life.

I urge upon you, those who have remained uncertain and hesitant, to take now your own hand and reach forward with it into the unknown that awaits, full of the rightness of your life, and dare yourself to follow that hand now into new experiences. See where this takes you. There is no going back anymore. Either you move forward with all that you have learned or you stay in your old place repeating your old habits, and replaying your old records, and playing over and over the same old films of your life that you already know so well.

Time now to create new life, to breathe new air, and to dare yourself to wear the new cloak of change that awaits you. There will always be time to contemplate as you move ahead now into energetic change. Change is necessary for growth, without it is there but repetition of old tunes, old wounds, and old ideas that have no life or hope left in them. Change requires daring, and daring requires trust. This you must begin to exercise and test and see what happens next as you step forward into new awareness. You will find that if you maintain awareness it will reward you with the ability to see clearly the signs in your life that lead you and point you in the right direction. If you dare to trust that you are ready for new life, then will you be open to new life, and it will unfold before you in ways unimaginable. Your daring itself will open doors, and your trust in yourself and the guidance that will come to your aid will prepare you well for future growth.

Take on the new garments of change now. Replace your old worn shoes and socks, spring into new life draped in the colors that suit you best, and drape yourself for good weather and fair skies ahead. Your traveling companions will delight in the change in you, and your company will be of the pleasant sort as you allow yourself the freedom to change with your new calm and your trust in your knowing to guide you correctly.

Are you ready to begin this journey today? Are you holding your breath before you leap? Are you afraid and quaking in your boots? Are you full of fear and trepidation for the unknown ahead? Well, Good! That is exactly what you should be feeling, even though you also find yourself in your calm. These feelings are present in order for your daring to take you by the hand and say, come on, we’re going anyway. And then will you discover that the first step wasn’t too bad and that change is good, and that you actually feel quite good in your new clothes, for they fit you perfectly, and the color of your spirit is the right color for you.

Look for your energy now, find it and feel it. Allow it to circulate and become known to you again as you experience its vigor and life inside you. It awaits to carry you forward with that daring, that trust, and that newness that you are draping yourself in. All these things combined will now allow your innocence to come forth and be present with your mature knowing self, and the two of you will find your way together now, as traveling companions, ready to take on the journey of your life in a different manner.

There will be challenges. Have no doubt that life will continue to be full of interesting challenges, but your new abilities, if you remain aware and spirit driven with clarity to guide you, will enable you to experience them differently and you will find that everything placed before you is a necessary lesson in your evolution. Stop often and question, so that you will understand and learn fully what you must, in order to be correctly guided. Ask for help when you need it, ask for guidance and ask for clarity when you need those things as well. But, most of all, ask yourself to be your guide now, and trust that this is possible, and know that you are fully capable of being present and spirit driven in your life.

Where is your spirit taking you now? Do you dare to go? Be daring, be bold, and accept yourself on this new adventure that is life beckoning you to live it fully now. Why not get the most out of it now, while you have awareness and clarity and guidance awaiting you? Why not give yourself this gift? Let go of the old resistances, the old worries, the old cares, and be now spirit driven, and spirit fulfilled. The times now are good for this, and your progress will be assured, as you trust your spirit to guide you on your way.

Do you not trust your guidance thus far? Do you not see the journey thus far as having gotten you to this place in life ready for more adventure? Free yourself now to the guidance of your own spirit. Shake yourself awake, and look around, and you will see those new garments of change are right there beside you waiting for you to put them on and step outside, the new you, beautiful and alive and ready for adventure. Go for it! You will not be disappointed. It is just your own life that awaits, and what can be scary about that? It will happen anyway, why not make the most of it, fully aware, alive, and cognizant of all that awaits? Pull aside the veils and step out now fully clothed in your newness, steady in your calm balance, with the voice of your spirit guiding you. Welcome to the world you, the new you. It’s nice to have you here!

#42 Step Back From the Precipice

Dear Jeanne,
I know a lot of people are heeding your messages and being challenged to make changes in their lives and their relationships. Do you have something to offer those who stand on the precipice gathering their courage?

Step back from the precipice so that you are in your calm and you do not fall or leap unaided by your knowing. You do not wish to tumble off or fly off as you wrestle with your petty tyrants, or fail to make the proper choices. This time of awakening calls not for abandonment of self, but inclusion of self and the ability of the self to participate fully in the next step you take in life.

When I speak of petty tyrants I seek to alert you to your own worst enemies and give you insight into how these enemies work, and perhaps even sabotage your efforts to grow. Do not become overwhelmed by them. Do not let them push you over the edge and do not let fear of them push you over the edge either. Remain calm, remain centered, and work diligently from this place of self-reflection in order to understand the truth of your place now in your life.

Do your petty tyrants exist in a past that no longer exists? Are you facing the real truth of now, and perhaps forgetting that time has passed, and things have changed, and you are also different now too? Step back or roll back a little now from your precipice where you perch ready to make a leap into change and evolutionary growth. Yes, I challenge and I dare all of you to grow, but I do not expect you to do so without first understanding and knowing why you must go forward. Investigate for a moment how you arrived here. Why are you standing here? What has driven you? What is the truth behind your recent actions? Have you been spirit driven? Have you enacted change lately from your spirit center?

This is your inner self that desires change, this spirit that drives you, but that also requires deep contemplation and inner knowing to be your guides as much as my advice and my teachings. You must follow, at all times, your inner knowing, even above the advice I urge upon you. Do not create a petty tyrant out of me, but place me firmly in your knowing where you want me and where I should be in your life. Yes, I offer much guidance and I have access to knowing that is hidden from those of you who reside among the veils upon that earth. But you have been lifting veils and seeing what lies behind them. You have been seeing and learning and understanding much at a very rapid pace. You are, ultimately, your own guide, and this you must begin to acknowledge.

When I present the idea of petty tyrant, and I ask you to become an intern, what I really ask of you is that you take full responsibility for your life, your past, present, and future, and I also ask that you put into practice more fully the ideas I have been teaching you. Become an intern in your own growth process in a hands on, interactive approach to your own growth by resolving issues in your life that hold you back, utilizing the techniques you have learned through my guidance.

In order to utilize my teachings and take on the challenges I offer, yet keep me from becoming just another petty tyrant in your life, must you take upon yourself full responsibility for your growth now and use me to your best advantage. This I offer. All my guidance is free and available, but you must use it wisely and maturely in order to benefit from it so that you evolve.

So, step back today a little from that heady place you now inhabit. Feel the energy that has had you in its grip, tossing you up and down, and swirling you in its vigor to wake you up. Calm down. Step back and look at yourself now, at this very moment, and discover where you really are as a result of your desire to evolve and your participation in this mission I have embarked on with you, and you with me. I do not wish to become just another petty tyrant in your life. Yes, I will continue to push. I will continue to cajole, and I will continue to introduce you, at a rapid pace, to many new ideas and new outlooks on life. That is my method to shake you up and wake you up. But, I also expect you to act according to all that you have learned, to remain open to my guidance, and to truly take in and contemplate everything you learn on a personal level, and see where all of this fits into your life, and your spirit orientation, on a daily basis.

I push you, but I also ask that you stop and look for resonance in your own life. I ask that you question everything regarding your own situation. I request that you ask yourself daily: what is the meaning of this for me in my life? You are in charge of your life, not me. You are responsible for your evolution, not me. You are totally behind your own growth, not me. I offer guidance. But, your own guidance is more important even than mine, for you are your ultimate guide.

In my efforts to guide you I do push you to accept new challenges, to change, to evolve, and to grow with your inner spirit because those things are the most important things I can offer you. But, you must be a pro-active spirit and a pro-active human being in order to fully benefit from any guidance I offer. I cannot do anything for you except offer challenge and point out to you the opportunities for growth as they appear in the energetic framework of the times you live in.

So, do not throw yourself forward simply because I say it is time to do so. I do not ask or desire blind allegiance to my guidance, that would be absurd. You must use your knowing and your own inner guide as much as you use my advice to find your way in your personal life. Your internship has begun in earnest. Become the wise intern I know you are fully capable of becoming. Question everything. See how it fits into your life. Question its relevance, and question its meaning, and question how it fits you in your day and in your life now. Not all of my advice may at first seem pertinent, but if you wait the resonance will come. But, will you connect it with what you know? That is the other question. Are you retaining your knowing, your awareness, and connecting it to the events in your life that are there to aid you on your journey?

I know that many people now upon that earth are being encouraged by circumstances, challenges, and urgencies, to come to terms with many things, both inside the self and as a result of decisions made in their lives. Both the inner self and the outer self are involved in this time of decision-making. And these two aspects of the self must now maintain their balance, and unite in friendship and conviviality in order to embark on the journey into this grand energetic force that offers itself to those who are ready.

Are you ready? When you have calmed yourself down, joined your two halves, and made your decisions based on your inner knowing firmly situated in your reality, then will you know when the time has come to make your leap and benefit fully from the energy that awaits. And, it will wait for you to get to that place of calm and of knowing a little longer. If you stand poised in contemplation, rather than jump headlong into it or abruptly choose an old path, it will know you are on the brink of accepting this grand challenge and its energy pull will not desert you. But, it will require that you commit fully to growth.

Hands await you. Do not worry. The energy abounds with helpers. This I can assure you. But know also that the old path still holds along its waysides the old helpers you have relied on all these many years. They too offer their old comforts and this I understand. But, are they not just your petty tyrants waiting to welcome you back into their grasp with talk of comfort that is little more than oppressive and routine? Do you not wish to engage a new energetic force that will grasp your fingers but lightly and allow you to steer your course, offering the careful guidance you need, but only gently and sparingly? For they know you are fully capable, you just need to practice your skills and continue to learn new ones as life evolves.

All of these lessons are good ones to learn as you travel your life. But, as always, I request that you stop often and look for resonance in your own life. Feel it, see it, experience it, and look constantly for the meaning of each day and you will do well on your journey. Continue your self-work, and your next step will bring you closer to understanding why you are now perched on the precipice and when the proper time for you to make the leap that will take you where you need to go next. Your leap may be a small hop or it may be a drastic jump, but either way must you see and understand its significance in your own life and appreciate it for what it gives you as you continue your journey. You will not go unaided. Trust this and you will do well.

#41 Petty Tyrant

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have a message for all of us today?

I speak of internship today, of study of the principles of detachment and learning to be active in a new world. To become an intern in a new reality is the biggest gift now available to mankind. To learn to engage in practices long buried, but unique to humankind is what I mean when I speak of a new reality. All upon that earth have innate abilities, long buried and long denied, that now must be resurrected, and learned to be utilized, in order to grow in awareness and knowledge.

Study of the world you now live in is essential. Clarity of your own situation and your own reality from a new perspective is your first lesson as intern. Become aware of your life differently now. Note who exists in it as having important roles that will move you along to learn awareness, and recognize what those roles are and the significance in your life. Learn the meaning of petty tyrants, and the meaning of attachment to old ways, in order to enlighten yourself, and in so doing unburden yourself of old ideas that keep you bound in blindness and unawareness.

What is a petty tyrant you may ask? If you care to look it up in the dictionary, be my guest. But, my definition is much broader. For I determine a petty tyrant by how fiercely they hold on to you and seek to constantly feed off your energy, desiring your attention, your comments, and looking constantly for the means to hassle you and make your life miserable. This pleases them and makes them important and that is what they desire most, to be important in your life, the tyrant who wears the crown. And you become caught by the petty tyrant in the crown of power and neglect your own knowing as it becomes overshadowed by the needs and desires of your most hated enemy and your most diligent and unrelenting teacher.

Look on your petty tyrants as your master teachers. They seek to teach you the ways of detachment and warriorhood. Yet do they also seek to hold you fast to them so that your main focus becomes to spend your energy upholding their importance in your life. Do you choose now to learn detachment and become an intern in learning the means of growth and awareness? Or do you choose to continue to remain bound in servitude to those who seek to drain you of your energy for their own consumption?

In allowing the petty tyrant to gobble your energy do you deny yourself access to knowledge that is present and obvious, yet do you not have focus enough to notice because your attention is constantly drawn to distraction by the petty tyrants in your life.

What is a petty tyrant? What does it look like? What form and shape does it take? Human form, human shape, and human desires and needs of the best and worst kind are attributes of the petty tyrant. The most perfectly described human and the most despicable of human beings have equal opportunity to become a petty tyrant in your life. Perfection of attitude or perfection of despair, either extreme, or even much in between, is the sign of tyranny.

Look in your own life to discover the energy drain, the focus of your life. Where do you focus your energy? Who receives it most? Who continually asks for more rather than attend to their own needs and their own growth? Who continually asks for more, yet gives so little in return? Who refuses to grow?

Are you your own petty tyrant? This too is possible if you remain fixated in stagnation, unable to unleash your spirit, and caught in repetitive behaviors, attending to your big baby, rather than freeing your spirit into adulthood. Is your own inner child your biggest petty tyrant? Or do you allow someone else’s to destroy your growth opportunities?

Find the petty tyrants in your life and seek to discover what they teach you, what they are capable of doing for you in your growth. Study how you react to them as much as how they react to you. Bring your attention to your calm place of balance, your center, and from this place look coolly and keenly at all who intercede in your life and interrupt your own growth.

Next, look at your place in the lives of others. Are you not also a petty tyrant in the lives of those in your nearness? We all have the ability to be both tyrant and servant of a tyrant. We all have the ability to remain stuck in those roles or we may choose growth and clarity instead. I urge you to begin to examine your life outside of you now more closely to see where your energy is going. Find where your energy drains are and from your place of centering discover what this truly means.

This is beginning detachment on a far greater scale than previously experienced. This method of allowing yourself the freedom to truly step back and observe your place in your own life and the place you maintain in the lives of others is a significant step in learning detachment. Find your equilibrium and allow truth to enter your calm center as you see yourself in clarity now. As this clarity dawns upon you understand also that such clarity is going to be necessary to maintain in order to fully appreciate and notice all that exists waiting for your discovery.

So, today, begin to examine who or what exists in your life to truly act as your teacher, seeking to invite you to see life differently, and to learn detachment as an act of growth. In this lesson will you gain greater awareness of life as a journey, each of you on a separate journey, detached from even those you hold most dear. But, the question is are you allowing each other to take the ultimate and necessary journey or are you inhibiting growth for your own petty needs and desires, or because you feel you must attend to the petty needs and desires of those close to you?

Seek understanding of this concept of petty tyrant that you may already be familiar with but you will never be fully relieved of, for the petty tyrant’s job is to seek you out and discover where your weaknesses are and drain your energy through these weak points. See? This is how you train. This is how you learn awareness and become attuned to the mysteries and magic of life, the things that in true reality are available and commonplace, yet do you not have awareness of them in this way yet. I speak of knowledge that you have learned to dismiss or ignore as you are, continually, drawn away from your center, and your knowing, by the petty tyrants in your life.

Seek to destroy the connection to these tyrants. Seek to adhere to your inner calm and your inner knowing rather than constantly get drawn to fixation of them and the needs they express to you, making you see how important they are, and in so doing distracting you from your path, your truth, and your clarity.

With fewer attachments to the constant needs of petty tyrants do you allow yourself to see and experience your world differently. This will enable you to understand the meaning of the word warrior as someone who is learning to advance in awareness and learning to focus on spirit growth and truth of life and journey.

Stand alone now, as observer of life, both your own and those in your nearness. Do not judge yourself or others, but do seek clarity of you and your own situation, truthfully seeking to understand your place in the lives of others, and your job to allow others to take their own journey, so that you may free yourself to take yours. This is the biggest gift you can give yourself and others: remove yourself as petty tyrant and in so doing understand the meaning of petty tyrant personally in your own journey.

Find your calm and stay there. This is always step one as you undertake the challenges I pose to you. Continually do this and your internship will progress at a rapid pace, for your clarity will have the opportunity to be gained, and your awareness of truth will result.

Truth in all that matters, in all worlds, is the goal. Truth brings clarity, clarity brings awareness, awareness brings knowledge. Invite them in to your life one step at a time as you work your way through the process of your life as a warrior now. You are doing well. You are not allowed to hide anymore. Be brave and carry the flag of your crusade, your own peace symbol of inner calm. Allow others to experience this new you and your journey will become acceptable to others, even as you learn to accept it yourself.

Your guidance is assured. Your helpers are ready. Your place is secured for the next phase of your growth. Do not doubt this. Go forth with dignity and knowing that you are on the right track, but also with the knowledge that you are always learning and always available to growth in your daily life. What is today meant to teach you? What are the things in your life trying to point out to you today? These are the things that show you where you need to work and where you need to focus your attention. Find your petty tyrant, find your role as petty tyrant, and resolve to take on the mantle of intern as you grow on a daily basis. This is all good.

#40 A Leap of Knowing

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have a message for all of us today?

Free yourself of the bonds of humanness as often as possible. Uncork your vessel and allow your energy to flow unimpeded. As you have learned, so are you capable of much more than you have ever imagined. I speak of energy when I say this, your very own profoundly capable energy body.

As you deconstruct your life, as you shed your attachments to the past, as you work your way through your old deeds, your old problems, and your old habits are you also uncorking your energy from the bonds that hold it captive. In your blindness did you take on life and allow for layers of unknowing to block your energy from you. As you grew and experienced life did you also bind your spirit energy deeper and deeper inside you. As you made your way in that life so did you also lose sight of all that you once knew, and in so doing contain your energy far from its original source.

All mankind has this habit, the habitual practice of creating the world to suit his needs rather than the needs of the spirit. He does not allow the truth of the spirit to be known. He does not listen to the inner spirit, but instead listens to the voices of authority, dictating, over and over again, the same basic tenet, that man’s inner voice does not speak the truth and the only truth is that created by man, for the minds of men are made to conceive and produce the perfect belief system and the perfect path. But, this is not so. Is it not obvious that the inner voice of your own spirit is the only guide that you need? Is it not clear that what others construct may not fit, and is not meant to fit, your own energetic knowing?

Reconnect with your inner spirit as you connect also to the energy that now is being made available to you. Do you not see reverberations of this energy around you? Do you not hear of the desire to tap into the energy of intent and personal growth of spirit? Do not fall into the trap of following the flurry of activity that rides now this wave. Sit back and watch as the force of it takes many away from their own center and sends them off in search of wealth and riches that have little meaning for actual spirit evolution.

Sit calmly in your center and intend your own energy on its own journey. Allow it to seep out of the bonds of your humanness. Even as water flows and connects to other water so will your energy find the right energy to connect to if you remain in a state of calmness rather than a state of excitement. Yes, there is also underlying excitement that you may feel, but recognize this as excitement of spirit to finally be on this journey, and not excitement of desire, which will only contain you in your humanness. Seek now your way gently and slowly outside of your body and your ego, and the needs and desires of that capsule you call your self. Are you not spirit first? As spirit are you energy, and as energy are you connected to all other energy and all knowing, all knowledge that exists upon that earth and beyond.

As you allow a little of your energy to escape the rigid vessel that you have kept it tightly capped inside, let it test the waters of that energetic force. Let it be careful and slow to recognize when it feels right to take the leap. For now is the time to take the leap, but even so must your leap not be one of abandon, but one of calculated knowing and understanding of the desire of your spirit to explore further life and all that it offers. To throw yourself blindly into whatever appears to catch your attention is to lose sight, once again, of your own knowing, as you did upon your birth into that life.

Your spirit has now awoken you to the fact that you are fully capable, with diligent listening, to hear properly and clearly all that you must do in that life to proceed on your journey. You must allow this knowing to guide you, even as you now make your leap into the energy that flows and asks you to leave behind the old vessel of self and become once again an energetic spirit being, full of knowing and evolutionary potential.

See what is happening now in your own life. Are you being urged to make a leap that will take you off on a different path? Is that path right for your spirit? Or is it your ego that desires it? You now should know how your spirit speaks to you, how it quietly nudges at you, and how you have been learning to recognize it. In order to choose your next step properly, that will take you far in one direction or another, must you act from your calm center and not your excited thinking or outside self.

If you act from your calm knowing, then will your leap take you where you need to go. It may not be as big a leap as you suspect, or as your ego desires, but it will be the leap of knowing that will allow your energy to join the greater energetic source that desires only growth of spirit.

That world has much to offer, much to entice, and much that offers comfort. But how much do you actually need? Are your needs not adequately met? Even if you struggle, do you not find that you still have life, and you still progress day by day? Where are you really going in your life? What does it mean? What are your choices directing you toward? Are you listening to the right voice, the calm one that says, yes, this is the time to leap, but only in spirit? This is a time of spirit leaping, out of the confines of human bondage, and that, my dears, is where you must stay focused in order to tap into the energy flow I speak of.

Turn down the volume of the outside world, turn down the volume of the ego self, turn down the volume of others around you, and the desires of so many. They do not matter. The only thing that matters is to connect with your own spirit, to learn to understand how it speaks, to trust it, and then, to act according to its instructions. They may not be exactly what your outside self desires, but they will be what your spirit knows is right.

Take time now to feel the energy both outside and inside you. Sit with it swirling around you, as water swirls, as it invites, as it entices. Calm your center down, and await your knowing to speak clearly to you. It will tell you what you need to do next on your journey of spirit and evolutionary growth. It will not want to engage in the outside world, except to the extent that is necessary for your progress. Listen carefully, and you may even receive the gift of knowing, clearly and keenly aware of what awaits you, as you follow its guidance.

You are well trained now and ready to interpret your own inner guide correctly. See what happens as you first take the time to listen, then test the waters of knowing, then take the leap into your future, one step at a time, unbinding your energy and accepting it as your perfect guide.

As you await the results of your decisions and your actions, stay calmly centered and focused. Remember to act always now from this place inside you, this spirit center and you will do well. All of this is good. See where it takes you. You may be surprised!

#39 Illusion

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have a message for us today?

Do not get drawn into the forces of energy around you that seek to distract or impinge upon your knowing. Stay centered, and allow your inner calm to keep you on a path of spirit growth unattractive to the feeders who seek to drain you of your energy and feast upon your intent.

On the road to development and growth of spirit seek always inward and you will allow for direction to be spirit guided and in this manner will your path be acceptable and enjoyable as you travel. Do not get caught by trying too hard to make anything happen, for in this intent do you serve only to waste your energy, for this will not invite the proper use of energy but squander it in the desires of the body. With openness of intent do you, instead, give yourself the gift of free access to the connection to pure intent, which weaves its way throughout the atmosphere of earth and into the universe beyond.

With your openness to this connection, do you offer yourself the freedom of movement into new worlds and new experiences, both in your daily life and in other worlds as well. For with this openness do you allow your innocence and your knowing to guide you, and this is good. For innocence has no judgments and no preconceived ideas to clutter it and muddle it with distractions or possible influences to take you from your pure spirit focus. It is your attachment to the world that keeps you from enjoying this connection.

As you know, I do not advocate total disregard of the world you live in, for that would not serve you well or those around you, but in order to access pure intent must you learn that all that surrounds you in that world is but illusion, and yes, even as illusion must it be acknowledged and dealt with, but also as illusion does it offer you greater awareness of everything else that exists beyond that illusion.

This fact of illusion opens the door to greater understanding of the self and the world around you. Begin to look at your world differently now. If it is but illusion, energetic illusion, what then are you and those you hold dear, but also energetic illusion? See? You are all nothing but energy, vibratory energy that maintains form, and that form is what you have become attached to, but in reality are you capable of much more than maintaining that form. You are capable of dispersing that form into pure energy, but this takes much practice and understanding of how illusion and energy combine to create what you now know as reality.

Let’s start now with knowledge that now exists upon that earth, that man is but a form of energy solidified. Look at a cube of ice. Is it not but solidified water? And is water not much more than air compressed into liquid form and this, when freed of its earthly form, but pure energy? Do you not need water in order to survive? And what is water to you when you take it into your body, but oxygen and pure energy? You then consume energy, adding it to your own pool, in order to maintain a certain level that allows for life upon that earth.

Now, as you consume this energetic source, this water, imagine your own form taking on the properties of water, becoming liquid, and flowing into the molecules of air, of energy that is invisible to you, but exists nonetheless. As you begin to see that all things are energy can you also begin to see the self as energy, and beyond that can you also begin to see the potential you hold for growth and exploration beyond the illusion of that world that holds you in its form. If you take a glass of water and pour it out onto a tabletop, what happens to the water? It flows outward, freely, with no bounds and no barriers. This is what your own energy is capable of doing if you take away the illusions of the world, the body, the mind, and the constructs of life as you have been taught and learned to understand it.

If everything that you have thus far been taught about life, about yourself, and about the universe were removed, imagine the freedom your energy could enjoy. Imagine the boundless energy you would feel and experience as you freed yourself of all that now keeps you fixed and locked away in everyday life.

I offer this new view of life in order to give you a glimpse of possibility, in order to allow you access to a greater perspective, a new perspective on life, and your own life in particular. If you are but pure energy, do you not see the possibilities this idea offers you? Do you not understand the potential this holds? Do you not begin to see that if all is illusion, then all can change, simply by your intent to change?

This is what you can learn to do in your everyday life. In order to both live in that world and adventure beyond it with your spirit energy, can you begin now to change that everyday world so that it may align with your spirit intent, rather than continue to change your spirit world to align with it. Change your illusion by your intent so that it becomes more focused on allowing your spirit to have more freedom, and more access to your energy.

If you begin to shift your perspective of life as this unfathomable, solid, and unbending reality to nothing more than energy in the shape of everything in your life, because you see it that way, then can you use your knowledge of energy and intent to change it. Do you wish to sit in your solid chair and stare endlessly at the illusion of life as depicted on your TV screen? Or do you instead wish to dissolve all of that into pure energy and discover the possibilities that exist as you change the structures and the illusions in your life to meaningful energetic forces that seek to instruct and teach you how to grow?

If all is illusion, and thus all is but energy, what is all of this teaching you? If everything you encounter is meaningful, what do the things in your life seek to point out to you? Are you being shown the truth of illusion? Are you being asked to notice the direction your life could take? Are you being urged to look at life differently now? Are you noticing energetic phases in your life now more fully, and beginning to understand their significance?

What does all of this mean? How can you use any of this in your real life, your reality, your illusion of reality? Well, that is what we are doing as we daily live and interact with reality and with our growing awareness, we are learning what life’s greater meaning is. We are learning that energy is life, that energy is the life force, and that energy is what we must preserve and protect in order to evolve. Look on your own energetic force now as separate from the illusion of you, of your body, and of the world that surrounds you. Seek to find your pure energy source separate from the illusion of the world, seek this pure and innocent energy that is your spirit and your intent, and sit with it in calmness, and begin to know it more intimately now and, as you really begin to understand this aspect of yourself, allow it to guide you and direct you in your life.

I know I push you now to accept ideas that you may have preferred to avoid. For life on that earth can appear so real, so solid, and so necessary. But, in reality, you will all die, and what do you take with you? Nothing! Except your energy! Your life is your energy. Your energy is your life. Everything else is present for you to learn about this energy source. Do you choose to learn about energy, or do you choose to ignore the fact of its existence?

Feel your own energy differently now. Feel it not as heavy body gravity, but as light vibration, tingling inside you, eager for you to discover it and understand the potential that exists, awaiting your discovery. This potential means access to everything that exists outside of the body self and the illusion of reality as you have created it. Die a little every day from that illusion, and you will live a little more fully in this new spirit awareness.

A new balance will ensue and your reality will eventually become more spirit known, and spirit infused, and this will offer great changes as your new perspective will open you to new adventures and new views of life, and the freedom that is available to you.

Uncup your energy; break the illusions that you hold, and allow your energy to go exploring with me beyond the boundaries of your current reality. Give yourself this little gift of a spill upon the surface of intent and see where your energy wishes to explore. You won’t get lost. You are still wholly you, but you are freer and purer as a result. Give yourself this gift of freedom, a little at a time, and see what you discover and what you become aware of and how it offers you the gift of change of perspective in return. Allow your energy to guide you. Know yourself now more fully as pure energy. The time now is good for this, and when you understand yourself in this manner so will you understand better the force of that energy that I speak of that now swirls upon that earth and is ready to guide you and travel with you on a journey of growth and energetic evolution.

I hope this message will guide you further in your discovery of your own self and your place upon that earth and the meaningfulness of your energy as necessary and affecting all that is around you. Have understanding of your own energy now in a new way, and you will begin to understand all other energy as being pure and seeking to evolve as well, and perhaps you will view all of life differently, and this in turn will allow you to better understand what I mean when I speak of illusion, for life, as the illusion you now know, is energy trapped and unutilized for spirit growth. That’s all. Think about it, but not too hard. Instead, feel it, and find the illusion of life as simply a container, and a trap, holding your full potential until you are ready to recognize it and claim it as your own.

All of this is good. See what happens next in your life! Is it but another illusion? Or is it pure energy?