All posts by Jan

Soulbyte for Wednesday June 3, 2015

A time of change naturally invites the opportunity for new insights, new behaviors and new adventures. Allow the changes in life, whether small and seemingly insignificant or large leaps of faith, to guide you forward. And yet constantly study your inner environment for signs of progress, for deeper insights, and for the clues that will tell you that you are going in the right direction.

To fear change is to fear life, and to fear life may lead to stagnation. Stagnation may lead to withdrawal, to obsession, to paranoia, and to unexpected occurrences of inner reality abruptly departing from outer reality.

To remain clear that change is inevitable and eventually good for you learn how to let go, not of the mental mind or the physical body, but of that which has you stuck; most likely such things as old rules, old ideas, old thoughts, old lies. Allow life itself, its natural progression, to guide you forward with clear mental mind and new energetic body-self, free to roam in conscious spiritual awareness.

Soulbyte for June 2, 2015

Change is dynamic, alive, progressive, and in the moment. Thus, like synchronicities, change comes at the right time. To avoid being overwhelmed, or to avoid the old phrase that “things always happen to me,” remain alert. As adults it is these moments of change that allow conscious awareness to develop, the hallmark of the warrior. This is not about predetermination, destiny or fate. This is about taking full advantage of what each moment offers.

A warrior does not fall by the wayside weeping and feeling sorry. A warrior takes note of that which has occurred and finds a way to use it for advancement, consciously aware that in its very occurrence it presents something meaningful. And so, a warrior studies what happens and, like a good student of life, asks: Why is this meaningful for me at this time in my life? And then a warrior takes the time to find the answer.

In this manner, the warrior soon learns that every occurrence in life, bidden or unbidden, comes at the right time. In knowing this, the warrior’s conscious awareness is honed and ready to receive future changes with a keen sense of anticipation and eagerness, for a warrior knows that these are the pivotal moments of advancement, bringing insight, offering the right change at the right time.

A Message to Humanity from Jeanne: The Challenges Of Change

We can see change happening outside of us, but it's happening inside too! - Photo by Jan Ketchel
We can see change happening outside of us, but it’s happening inside too!
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

Today’s audio message is a great addition to the recent daily Soulbytes dealing with the changes that have been so apparent and which are affecting everyone in some way.

We are in the middle of some very important and powerful energy. Mercury retrograde, which we have been experiencing for some time now, and will continue to do so until June 11th, is a powerful time to discover what is still sticking around and keeping us stuck. The challenge is to face it in a new way and finally let it go! That’s one way to work with the energy as it winds its way through this time of retrograde. Today’s channeled message offers some great insight on the process! Change how you think and you WILL change!

Soulbyte for Monday June 1, 2015

Change that you have not anticipated or intended is change nonetheless. Sometimes change calls to you rather than the other way around and so you must be prepared to meet it with open heart and open arms. If it has arrived it is meant for you, and so the only appropriate response is to embrace it as it wishes to embrace you. Your greatest challenge, however, is to not be swamped by it but to ride it into new life. That is how to make a change of journey into a journey of change!

Soulbyte for Sunday May 31, 2015

Observe how intention to change begins to take on its own momentum. Notice how, before long, the intention that once felt strange and impossible becomes more naturally part of one’s life. So is it with change. Pretty soon it is no longer a stranger in one’s life but a well-recognized friend and that which once had to be constantly attended to becomes normal behavior. Pretty soon the process of change is taking you forward rather than you having to push for change. Pretty soon everything is different.

It is then that a new self begins to emerge more fully, the changing self that you have longed for. Pretty soon you find that all of your intentions to change are more easily accomplished and you realize you are where you once thought it impossible to be. So is it with life, with nature; change happens constantly. Embrace that knowledge as you continue along your path of change, knowing that wihtin the self all is changing too. YOU are always changing. Observe that!