Beware not to impose upon others what has been imposed upon you, whether events from the outer world or cruel tirades or actions from the inner world of another being. Resolve your issues within yourself, those that fester and erupt, so that both your life and the lives of others may not be negatively impacted by what you carry around inside you. In resolving your personal issues, one at a time, whether simple or complex, you will positively affect the world around you, becoming one less angry person, one less demanding inflated ego, one less broken heart, one less dampened spirit. Let yourself heal so that the world may also heal and so that the love within you may be available for the good work it was intended for, within and without. You and your loving spirit matter. Allow them both access to all that is possible, for it will do you good and it will do the world good to have your loving self more fully present, available, and unafraid to be active and truly alive. Heal yourself.
-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne