-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel
The vast majority have chosen. The energetic wave of competition has settled upon a new state of physical reality, a new configuration of All That Is. Victory and defeat are equal parts of life. When we can greet either outcome with equal serenity, we practice equanimity.
The Four Fold Way of native traditions counsels us to be open to outcome without attachment. If we linger too long in attachment, we are absent to the nuance and opportunity of oncoming time. If we linger too long in attachment, we bind our vital energy and resist union.
I am grateful that the outcome of the election is so definitive. At a collective level we cannot advance beyond the choice of the majority, it’s the law of democracy. We clearly must be where we are. We must live through the changes that will become manifest through the mandate given. The challenge is to suspend judgment and see what happens. The challenge is to meet each day with love and equanimity.
I referenced, in my last blog, the I Ching reading I threw before the election. I present it here in the spirit of equanimity. Hexagram #12, Standstill and Stagnation, depicts heaven and earth pulling away from each other in complete opposite directions, with no possibility of union.
The ruler of this hexagram, the 9 in the 5th place, was highlighted in this reading. Wilhelm comments, “The time undergoes a change. The right man, able to restore order, has arrived. Hence “Good Fortune.” But such periods of transition are the very times in which we must fear and tremble. Success is assured only through greatest caution…” (I Ching, Wilhelm edition, p.55). The future, Hexagram #35, depicts a coming time of rapid, easy progress.
To acquiesce to the majority’s choice does not mean that one should surrender one’s values nor inner truth. All should tend the flame of their inner spirit as it speaks to them in their hearts. “Give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s.” (Mark 12:17) When we are in that alignment, our being will radiate right discernment and manifest necessary action.
The lesson of this election is Lincoln’s proverbial wisdom, “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” Many of us seek change in our lives but are haunted by blocking beliefs that make us a divided inner house. The subconscious mind requires a determined suggestion, empowered with strong emotion, to manifest the changes one seeks.
Just as at a collective level a majority is required to set the course, we are tasked inwardly with consciously arriving at a majority intention to engage the services of the subconscious mind. This will require some shadow work. We must discover and reconcile with our deeply hidden divided house within.
This might involve some soul retrieval work via recapitulation of past trauma that has given rise to energetic defenses that have created divisions within the self. The freed up energy from this release and reconciliation then becomes available to join in the call for unified change.
The golden rule for manifestation is ultimately inner unity upon what one emphasizes. What we emphasize, by way of thought, feeling and habit, will become our manifested reality. If we have cleared ourselves of the divisiveness of the repressed within, we do well to observe the thoughts, inner dialogue and mood states we habitually reinforce.
With awareness and intention we can release these energetic fixations to All That Is with the intention that the energy from these beliefs be recycled for the greater good. Furthermore, we can lay emphasis upon our truly desired intentions through conscious positive inner dialogue rather than continuing the undermining drone of habitually negative self statements.
With these efforts we will accrue the inner majority to influence the divine intelligence in our subconscious mind to manifest the changes we seek. May all arrive at this new wholeness with gratitude and AWE.
With gratitude and AWE,
NOTE: After Jan edited and illustrated this blog, she spontaneously opened Activation of Energy by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, to page 61, and read me this quote, which we found to be particularly meaningful for our times: “…the true cause of what is happening in the world today is to be found not in some collapse of former values but in the eruption, within mankind, of a flood of new being which, precisely because it is new, comes initially as something foreign and hostile to what we ourselves represent. What takes us by surprise in today’s events, what so upsets us and terrifies us—but what in fact we must look straight in the face of so that we can analyze its mechanism and its phases, and distinguish what good effects it has side by side with what evil effects—is, in my view, the implacable cosmic tide: it is this that, having first raised each one of us up to its own level, is now at work, beating in a new rhythm, to expel us from our own selves: it is the eternal ‘rise of the other’ within the human mass.”