Chuck’s Place: Still The Wheel Of Waking Worry Mind

We are in a new Eon...Aeon is the twentieth card of the major arcana in Aleister Crowley’s Thoth tarot deck. In traditional tarot decks the twentieth card is named The Last Judgment. Crowley, however, changed its title to Aeon, representing a new beginning versus the end of the world. The destruction of now is the impact of labor pains, the precursors to new life, not the final judgment and end of the world.

The new eon is that of Horus, Egyptian son of the Goddess Isis and the God Osiris. Horus ushers in a time of greater consciousness and spiritual awakening, a step beyond the dogma and drama of the patriarchal Abrahamic religions. The eon of Horus represents humanity’s gradual withdrawal of the projection of divine power onto deities, as it awakens to, and becomes responsible for, its own divine power.

The eon of Horus parallels the astrological eon of the Age of Aquarius with its emphasis upon consciousness beyond narcissism. This is the perspective of an interconnected we, as opposed to everything being just about me. Aquarius, the water bearer, from the mental plane of thought, waters the Earth, nurturing it with healthy solutions and community spirit.

The downside of these shifting eons is the duration of their destructive labor. We could be looking at 500 years of Dark Ages, not terribly comforting to our current generation. However, as Crowley suggests, “today we have brighter torches and torch bearers.”

I submit that many of us alive today are here to provide that bright light, as we move rapidly through these dark times and pass on that torch to the future of the human dream.

Our greatest power in this Horus/Aquarian eon lies in the actualization of our divine powers of conscious suggestion and subconscious manifestation, in the service of the greater good. The first step in consciously engaging in this divine process is to still the ever-turning wheel of waking worry mind.

Since the subconscious mind is deeply engaged in supporting the activities of daily life, we first disengage from physical activity to free up subconscious attention. I suggest the use of autogenic phrases, repeated quickly and redundantly for several minutes.

The subconscious, which totally dominates physical functioning, responds to these commands by literally putting the body to sleep. Mentally we enter a hypnagogic state, the intermediary state between awake and sleeping consciousness. To arrive there, state these commands several times without pause:

“Feet relax, ankles relax, calf muscles relax, thighs relax, pelvis relax, stomach relax, chest relax, shoulders relax, arms relax, fingers relax, sacrum relax, back relax, neck relax, head relax, face relax.” Repeat several times until drowsy

Now, having arrived in the hypnagogic state, shift to mental focus. State a simple, prepared suggestion to the subconscious mind, such as: “Peace of mind is mine, thank you.”

Say this out loud, or quietly inside the mind with accompanying lip-syncing, for at least 5 minutes. The subconscious absorbs this intention and prepares this mental template for physical manifestation.

Finally, imagine someone of significance to you congratulating you, shaking your hand and hugging you for your achievement of deep inner peace. Feel the joy and calm of such deep inner peace. This mental completion in the imagination will be matched by the subconscious, in its own time, with its creation in physical form.

Perform this practice 3 times per day. Persevere with this practice and see what happens, sooner than you think!

This practice produces the fuel for the sacred eternal flame of conscious truth, as we endure the labor of new and glorious life.

Let not the flame die out,

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