Soulbyte for Friday March 6, 2020

Hold yourself as accountable as you hold others. Take responsibility for yourself and your actions, just as you expect others to be responsible for themselves. Individuation, coming to the fullness of who you truly are, requires that you take on the tasks of life in all forms, including losing your self-importance around being owed anything or being special. It is only through fully owning your own life and what has happened to you as part of the bigger plan to get you to your wholeness that you will truly individuate. Accountability and responsibility lead to fulfillment and fulfillment leads to freedom. And freedom comes not from others but only in freeing the self from its steadfast ideas. Letting go of the known self and discovering the unknown, true self is what freedom is. Stalk freedom.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

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