Seek resolution in self-regulation. For if each part of the whole takes responsibility for its own small part, the whole too will resolve its issues. Excess damages in the long run. Large waves pounding constantly upon the shore wear it away. Strong winds leave damage behind. Incessant thoughts in the human mind wreak havoc in worry and fear. In excess the human body suffers. Even depravity, denial, and control can be excessive, leading to imbalance. Not enough water leads to drought and dehydration. Not enough food leads to starvation. Self-regulation will lead to balance and balance will lead to stability, calmness, and peace of heart. Do your part so that the world too may find stability, calmness, and peace. Self-regulate in mind, body, and spirit. As within, so without. And do so in a kindly manner, for that too should be part of a new balance, loving kindness all around!
-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne