Soulbyte for Friday April 12, 2019

A warrior maintains balance in all ways, at all times, physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual, no matter the circumstances. To stay in balance is to constantly walk the razor’s edge, staying in the tension of each moment, neither pulled one way nor the other, neither too much nor too little but finding life’s thrills in each moment of holding to that razor’s edge. A warrior knows that to step off the razor’s edge thwarts the journey, slows progress. A warrior’s intent is to withstand all bombardments from all levels of life, conscious and unconscious, with sharp precision. A warrior holds to the razor’s edge knowing there is no greater purpose in life than the intent to maintain balance. A warrior does this, sharp as a razor, without judgment, maintaining a path with heart, a mind filled with compassion, and loving kindness for all, including the self who may occasionally slip. But a warrior always remembers the intent of the path with heart and immediately returns to the razor’s edge, for a warrior knows that it is there that a warrior is most alert, aware, and alive.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

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