Take care of your physical body. As much as you seek to take care of your mental and spiritual self, do not forget that your physical body deserves attention too. It is your vehicle through life, your sailing ship, the body your Soul has selected for you in this lifetime. And so do not forget to tend to it. Mend it with rest and sleep, with good food and nutrition, with time for calmness and peace, as well as work and play. If your body is not in good shape neither is the rest of you. Even a strong spirit will not thrive in a tired and depleted body. If you let your spirit take care of your body, you will naturally be taking care of everything else that you are too, for it knows you better than anyone. It will tell you what is wrong and what is right, how to correct and how to proceed. Listen to your spirit, for it has only your greater good in mind. Give your body its proper place, as home to your spirit, your Soul in this lifetime. Hone its shape, keep it in tiptop form so that your journey is smooth and without incident. For you are both body and spirit, and each is of equal importance and value. Let the inner you decide what’s right for the outer you. And with them in synch, your body will be pleased and your spirit will rejoice.
-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne