Soulbyte for Tuesday January 17, 2017

Sometimes rain must fall, blocking the light, bringing nurturance to the earth, sending life inward, presenting needed introversion. For life without change is nothing more than a song with one note, predictable and monotonously the same day to day with little stimulation to do anything differently, a steady beat of indifference. But the beat of the rain falling lightly on the earth or pounding heartily down does much to stimulate and create. Add a little rain to your own life occasionally. Go inward for a while and listen to the song of creation within, sharing with you the marvels of your own nature. And after the rain, emerge with your spirit renewed, ready for a new and different kind of day. May the rain come and with it renewal!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

A Message for Humanity from Jeanne: A Blameless Life


We are here to grow and blossom!
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

We start off the week with today’s Soulbyte, posted below, and this impassioned audio message asking us all to take responsibility for ourselves in a new way. Are we really here by our own choice? Hmm? Something to consider as we go into this week that culminates in the January 20th inauguration of our next president. Look for a blog by Chuck on Wednesday addressing some unique views on that event.

Have a great week everyone!

Thanks for reading,

From all of us at Riverwalker Press 

Soulbyte for Monday January 16, 2017

In each day’s renewal, go find yourself. You are an independent, separate being, a spark of energy that wants to be there. Just like the sun rising each morning, bringing new life, you too were born into life full of intentions. Take on the challenge of your own life and never doubt that you belong there, just as the sun belongs there. Find out who you are. Live your life to the fullest without regret, resentment, or self-pity, just as the sun rises and sets without excusing itself. What are you waiting for? Today’s the day! Go find your Self!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne


Soulbyte for Friday January 13, 2017

You are nature, nature is you, flowing like water, blowing like wind, your blood the blood of Mother Nature, your energy the energy of all of life. Remember this and abide in knowing that you are one with all that surrounds you, the pulse of the planet your pulse. And why should you remember this? Because you forget. You forget who you are. You forget that you are a creature of a greater energy yet one with it. You forget that you are magical, mystical, a force of nature. You forget yourself. Remember. Remember. Remember.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday January 12, 2017

Take care of yourself. Align inner self and outer self each day, reminding your body, mind, spirit, and emotions that your wholeness depends upon you taking steps to assure that all parts of the self are sound and functioning. Do not overdo anything but keep all necessities to a moderate level inside and out. Smooth out the ruffles in your life by incrementally detaching from them and placing yourself in a positive position each day to reap the benefits of life, no matter your situation. Each day offers new light and new opportunity and this day is no exception. May the light and life of this day bring warmth to your heart, energy to your body, clarity to your mind, and calmness to your central nervous system. The rest is up to you!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne