Soulbyte for Wednesday February 11, 2015

Even while one is deeply working through personal issues one must maintain greater awareness of the world and what is happening outside the self, for all is a reflection, and the issues of the self are simultaneously being played out on the world stage. A warrior knows this. A warrior does not ignore or turn from the world, but uses it to great advantage. A warrior finds the self in everything and everyone, and thus realizes that no one is special nor exceptional nor in deeper conflict than another but all are equal. Thus a warrior learns compassion through deep work and conscious realization that all beings are one energy and on the same journey, seeking wholeness in the confines of this world and their human form, equally inhibited and equally granted all they need.

Soulbyte for Tuesday February 10, 2015

Don’t take everything so personally. That which bothers you so much is merely a lesson, and your challenge is to determine the deeper meaning for you specifically. Some lessons are helpful, others are warnings, others are directly related to choices being made. Perhaps the lesson is compassion for self and other, for the struggles that all must encounter in life. Perhaps the lesson is an awakening to your true reality. Perhaps the lesson is a wakeup call to change. Perhaps the lesson is a much needed change of heart and change of direction.

When you project your feelings, thoughts, emotions, likes and dislikes onto another person, you refuse a part of yourself and part of your unfolding journey and the lessons that are specifically yours to encounter. A warrior refuses nothing, but a warrior examines everything objectively. A warrior makes choices that are responsible, mature, and growth-oriented. A warrior knows that everything encountered in life is part of the bigger picture, part of the journey to wholeness.

Refuse nothing, study everything, and choose wisely. Seek deeper meaning. And with compassion for self and other, love your challenges, for they are your salvation.

Soulbyte for Monday February 9, 2015

What is the best possible scenario for your life’s path to take on this day? How will you navigate this day? Even as you must be open to how this day approaches you, so must you decide how you will approach it. You know what you have to do. Do it with sincerity and honesty, with compassion and kindness, but stick to your guns, so to speak, to your hard-earned knowledge and insight, to that which is crucial and right, in spite of what you may hear. Be also flexible when possible. Negotiate that which you can and yet remain solid, like a warrior who has trained long and hard, who has learned how to strike and how to hold back appropriately so that energy is conserved. And don’t forget to be nice. Sometimes that’s all it takes. Being nice to another human being may really be all it takes to have a great day!

Soulbyte for Sunday February 8, 2015

Worry is a figment of the imagination, the mind on fast forward, spinning intricate tales of woe. A warrior knows that worry is an energy thief, a by-product of life upon that earth. And so, a warrior steps away from worry. Shielding the self from its sneaky approach, a warrior stands aside and looks in a different direction. For the warrior knows that there is something else that is more important and that worry comes to distract from it, to confuse the mind and distance the heart.

When worry comes the warrior refuses it and turns instead to the path of heart and compassion where the worry thief dare not tread. For the heart allows only that which is positive and good into its chambers. There are no worries in the chambers of the heart, for only the language of truth is spoken there, only that which truly has heart.