Soulbyte for Wednesday January 7, 2015

Body, mind and spirit make up the exceptional being that you are. Find connection to each of these aspects of self, not just on a mundane level, but on an ever-deepening inner level. Connect and coordinate these aspects of self, finding your center point, your way to love and respect who you truly are. In contrast to these intimate parts of self, find also new ways to live in the world, bringing them in tune with nature all around you, with the sun, moon and stars, with the earth and all that they offer. Bring body, mind and spirit into alignment with that which is innate within and without.

You are more than you give yourself credit for, but you hold yourself back. It is time to honor and hone all of your connections and coordinates. Like a live wire, allow your energetic current to cut through now and take you forward with full awareness of your deeper inner self and your greater contributions to the world outside of you. You not only matter greatly, you are the world. Make it and yourself be all that you wish to be. That too is your power, your intent, but above all what you choose to do with it. Everything you do, think, and say matters, to self and other.

Soulbyte for Tuesday January 6, 2015

Hold yourself accountable for your own life, your own issues, and your own journey. No one owes you anything. You are in charge. If you have not learned this yet it is time to do so because everything is changing and if you do not take responsibility for yourself you will be left behind. What you have been anticipating is now underway. Remain calm, but do not rest in complacency. Remain focused, but do not ignore the larger picture. You are all part of the greater world and what happens there matters to you as an individual. Remain aware of your own issues, but do not forget that you are on a journey of many lifetimes, that the greater intent is that of your spirit. So don’t forget to include your spirit in all of your decisions. Prepare for your future; it is now. And don’t forget to have some compassion, for self and other.

Message from Jeanne: Train Your Mind

Our minds like to confuse us, presenting us with a tangled and confusing mess of thoughts that have nothing to do with our truths... - Photo by Jan Ketchel
Our minds like to confuse us, presenting us with a tangled and confusing mess of thoughts that have nothing to do with our truths…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

Here is this week’s channeled message from Jeanne. She suggests that a New Year’s Resolution of the highest order would be to take back our power over how we think and speak. Think positive! Speak from the heart!

Soulbyte for Monday January 5, 2015

Here is today’s Soulbyte. An audio channeled message will be coming later as we get back into our normal blogging routine after a nice two week break!

On butterfly wings continue the journey into the deeper self, exploring who you are, who you have been, and who you are to become. With gentleness and tenderness, with intent set, make your way closer to your truths on your fluttering butterfly wings. Require honesty, integrity, kindness and compassion of the self as you venture deeper so that the completed self who emerges at the end of your reveries may advance you both inwardly and outwardly in the world around you. Your journey inward is solo, but your outward journey must include everyone else in the world, for you are all connected. The fluttering butterfly wings of your spirit have impact. The reverberations of your inner work do make a difference, effecting everything and everyone else. That is the true life’s work of every being upon that planet, to fix the self so that all may rejoice.

Soulbyte for Sunday January 4, 2015

Stay connected to the essence of who you are. Take care of the body to free the mind. Take care of the mind to free the soul. Hone your awareness of yourself as a spirit on yet another journey through the veils of earthly existence, seeking always the higher self residing within. All beings are spiritual entities of the highest magnitude, energy beings seeking wholeness, no different from you. Respect each other as you wish to be respected. That is the highest compliment you can pay another, respect at all times. No matter the journey selected or the choices made, grant respect to the struggling spirit within.