#641 You Are Liquid Energy

Jeanne Marie Ketchel
Channeled by Jan Ketchel

Today, Chuck asks a question.

Dear Jeanne,
Yesterday, a reader, Pat, commented on having an experience of your presence as she struggled with her responses to Message #640 regarding a relationship. Her description, in the comments section of that posting, of your energetic presence was unmistakable. Jan and I have felt you in exactly the same way. I wonder if you can explain what your own experience is, Jeanne, as you respond to those of us in dire need, in the midst of deep torment, tumult, or disaster. By describing your experiences you may provide a link for someone here to find that place of utter calm and love within themselves. If we can feel it so intensely in our bodies as it comes from you, from without, can we not conjure it up ourselves, from within?

Right now there are many people struggling with so many financial and economic issues around money, job loss, illness, etc., unable to cope, as our world is in such a state of deterioration and conflict. It feels like a lot of people are just coldly unresponsive to the true nature of the human condition and unable to feel love and compassion for others. At the same time that many are suffering with very basic needs to survive from day to day, others, in Haiti for instance, are suffering with the loss of thousands of lives due to a horrific earthquake and its aftermath. Compared to being here on earth, in the midst of calamities of all sorts, what is your experience of our situation, from your far greater energetic reality?

My energy, My Dears, is totally detached from the world you live in, detached from the troubles and the concerns of that world. As energy unattached, it finds no hold in that which so deeply holds you bound to that earth. This is the energy that I impart in making myself known upon that earth, pure, unattached energy of love and compassion. This is certainly the state of energetic self that you seek as you learn what it means to be an energy being. If you consider that your training is to understand energy and the self as energy, then you will also understand that you are all fully capable of producing a state of utterly calm energy from within. Although I say “from within,” I also add that it is achieved through knowledge of all energy, without as well as within, an understanding of energy of good as unattached and free, as evolutionary, as all loving and compassionate.

If you can find this description of energy to be understood within your mind and body, by accepting your experiences of it, you will have achieved the intuitive first step in knowing that energy exists as a pure state, which you are fully capable of accessing, now, upon that earth. In fact, this is the whole point of becoming spiritually awakened and evolved.

In channeling experiences, and in many other forms of spiritual encounters and experiences, in out of body and dream exploration, for instance, you gain access to the energetic self. These processes are your training. They have been training you your whole life. To realize and acknowledge this and allow such experiences to grow, accepting them as more than just coincidences but true wake up calls, is a true deepening of your energy process.

To find the self in a place of utter detachment allows for a greater understanding of pain and disaster. I see your world from that different perspective of utter detachment and, not only that, I also experience it from the energetic standpoint where nothing truly exists as you know it. You see, all that you perceive and experience visually, emotionally, and physically, etc., only exists in your reality and only for the time that you exist in it. As you are given experiences of other realities, energetically, as you describe with Pat and yourselves, you are offered true knowledge of the unreality of your present reality. You see?

In such moments, you are shown the truth of energy as pure experience, unattached to what you perceive right before your eyes. Your reality melts before you as you access experiences of pure energy. And, if you can allow the self to hold onto the reality of energy, as Pat did, you are offered enlightenment related to the energy that truly exists for you, in you, and all around you. It is an experience of the interconnectedness of all things, as liquid energy, rather than the solid world you normally perceive and experience.

When I enter your energetic fields and unite with your liquid energy, I offer you access to experiencing interconnectedness. You may experience it as utter calm, as loving energy like nothing you have experienced before, but, if you think about it, you will recognize it as utterly familiar. In accepting its utter familiarity you will reconnect with your own ability to access it more fully, knowing that you are also it, that you are liquid energy, at all times.

I know this is not quite as plausible when you are fully immersed in the cold reality of economic and social upheaval, war, disaster, and the natural calamities such as that which now exists on the island of Haiti. I know that life as you experience it is rarely liquid, but once having felt it you will understand the truth of it as another reality. It may not be easy, but if you can accept it as true fact, it will become more accessible. Your interactions with energy will broaden as your own experiences show you the melting point, the moment of disappearing into pure energy.

At such moments, your challenge is to consciously state, so that you track your experience, that: “I am going into the liquid energy field now. I am experiencing the interconnectedness of all things. I am energy.”

In such a state, you will have a glimpse, or longer, of what it means to be unattached energy. You will have clarity of your world. You will understand the greater interconnectedness, the meaning and purpose of all life, all experience, all disaster, pain, and death. You will simply know. And it will be as utterly familiar knowledge, even as your experiences of my energy have been, as interconnected energy. In recognizing this familiarity you will gain in energetic experience and you will become more fearless in your pursuit of it.

I ask that you open yourselves to such energy, liquid or otherwise, by asking for it, by requesting help, by trusting that you are fully acceptable to those of us who are waiting for you, by accessing your innocent self, as Pat does, as your trusting readers do, trusting that you will receive energy in return.

In death, liquid energy is accessed, all is known, and release from that which so holds you and confuses you is achieved. This is what you are describing and experiencing now in life, and to have such experiences, while in that reality, is your ultimate spiritual goal and achievement. It allows for greater growth as a human being. To access liquid energy, true loving compassion, and the utter detachment of such energy, is a gift showing you what you truly seek in that life, leading you to the true self, the utterly familiar energy self. Ultimately, it is leading you to knowledge of how to utilize that self more fully in your life. Eventually, you will discover, as Chuck asks, that this energy self is fully within your grasp. You just have to allow your self to trust that this is the self you seek, even though it may require that you detach from so many beliefs and perceptions of the world you live in, difficult and disintegrating as that detachment may be.

In life, as in death, you have access to liquid energy. You have access to clarity, to knowledge, to complete understanding, to love and compassion, in the broadest sense imaginable. And that is what you must remain open to, a new idea of your entire world, both without and within, now, in order to access that which my energetic companions and I so readily offer: pure energy, interconnected and fully available. But this is so only if you can believe it, and that is only achievable if you allow for experiences. Experience is your true test of everything, as it is mine.

In conclusion, I offer that in collusion with you upon that earth I too am allowed expression of my current state and I thank you for being open and asking for me. I will come to you; to all who ask. How I come will be right for each one of you.

Trust your experiences. Trust you own energy, and then experiment with it, without fear, for there is nothing to fear. But you already know that!

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