#550 Chuck’s Place: Recapitulation-The Boredom Cure

Welcome to Chuck’s Place, where Chuck Ketchel expresses his thoughts, insights, and experiences! Many of the shamanic and psychological terms used in Chuck’s essays are defined in Tools & Definitions on our Psychotherapy website.

It was don Juan’s contention that what human beings crave more than anything else is the experience of exploration beyond the narrow confines of the everyday world. From a clinical perspective the shaman’s would diagnosis boredom as the core mental health disease in this world.

All of our spiritual endeavors, be they mainstream or alternative, are attempts to shift beyond our rational fixation and experience magic: worlds within our world, worlds beyond our world. All addictions are similar attempts to experience life from a different perspective, to enter the magic. The trouble with addictions is the small print of this Faustian contract. The entity that grants us access to the magic forever holds the keys and we become its slaves, selling our energetic souls for a few moments of release.

In the area of relationship, the experience of falling in love transforms the mundane into the exceptional, another magical world. So powerful is the energetic transformation of “twitterpation” that, despite its transitoriness and lack of relational foundation, we go for it again and again, hook, line and sinker. Today with our technological wizardry there is no end to new possibilities for connection as we twitter, facebook, share, and match in abstract worlds that conquer the limits of space and time. The challenge of the web is its web. We must be careful not to get caught in giving over to this medium our inner ability to access other worlds. The world wide web can become another addiction, another Faustian permutation. We Americans are deeply challenged by this easy access as it so readily serves our dominant extroverted culture and makes it increasingly difficult to be satisfied with our aloneness and solitude.

The shamans discovered that the practice of recapitulation secures, for the individual, inner access to the magic. Every time we relive an earlier experience in our lives we are practicing entering another world, through our own volition. In this current moment I return to an apartment I once lived in. I feel the textures of the floor, of a golden cover on a pool table in the living room. I am seeing Jeanne in her slender long black dress, radiant. I move throughout the rooms encountering the furniture, the feel of the walls, the colors, as I gently move my head from side to side, breathing the recapitulation breath. I feel the mood of that apartment as I slowly encounter every detail.

Now, as I return to this world, I have experienced a minor shift of my assemblage point, having entered that prior world. The more we practice recapitulation, the more we learn how to volitionally shift into other worlds. The shamans suggest that, along with intent, recapitulation further enhances our dreaming abilities. In dreaming, our assemblage points are naturally dislodged, available to transport us into whole new worlds. Through recapitulation we sharpen our ability to become lucid and take charge of these journeys in infinity. The more we recapitulate, the more we enhance our ability to make these magical shifts in our waking life as well.

Recapitulation is a very pragmatic tool, available to everyone, in any moment, to begin the journey into the magic, satisfying our deepest needs to access our hidden potential, overcoming the disease of boredom. Try it!

As usual, should anyone wish to write, I can be reached at: chuck@riverwalkerpress.com

Until we meet again,

#549 The Moment of Clarity Will Come

Jeanne Marie Ketchel
Channeled by Jan Ketchel

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have a message for us today to guide us through the next few days?

Remain aware of the signs and symbols that appear to guide you. Though you may feel unattached to spirit at this time, so are you constantly being aided and attended to. Though your attention may be busy dealing with outer issues, so are you not left to deal with anything alone. Keep this in mind.

The energy now is forcefully present and revealing all that must be known at this time. Do not push for more than you can reasonably handle or push others to take on more than they can willingly handle either. This is a time of noticing details. This is a time of putting together all the pieces. This is a time of constant revelation. Though clarity may come in bits and pieces a clear picture will eventually emerge.

Whether you are in the midst of recapitulation, change in relationships, dealing with the needs of self or others, finding your way through choices and decisions of importance, or patiently plodding through your life expectantly awaiting the right moment to greet your time of transformation, so do I remind you, today, that this time of revelation may take a while, but eventually the pieces will all fit and the picture will be revealed. At that time your process will become quite clear and your choices will be made known without the foggy distance that now inhibits quick action.

The moment of clarity will come. To some of you it will arrive sooner than for others. To some it will dawn gradually; to others quite quickly, in a single moment’s notice. Your part in the process is to stay on track, to know your feelings, to find your heart-centered truth, and to speak it clearly so that others may know your position though the fog may envelop them. Your clearly stated intent will pierce through the fog no matter how thick or how unyielding it may appear.

Do not retreat from your truths or your knowing of what is right. This is your trial and your challenge during this time of foggy density that may feel as if it will never end. By staying connected to your truths and your right knowing you may even force a natural dissipation of the fog so that things will progress at a faster rate.

Do not get lost in the fog. Ground your self each day in your heart center. It is your beacon of light that will guide you through this time of duality that contains clarity beneath and beyond the density that may feel more apparent. Use your light, your inner light of knowing and truth to remain upon your path. Send your truths straight into the fog and let them land where they must. Follow them with the love of compassion that is your best asset in an evolving world.

Do not hold back, but do not push beyond what is necessary for each moment. You will see that, as each moment arrives, you will know exactly what to do. Keep this awareness present with you each day. You will know what to do as each moment of decision, choice, and challenge arrives, by your heart-centered truth and clarity, and by your inner knowing of right action and right choice.

So you see, My Dears, though you may be feeling somewhat lost in the tumbling energy that is upon you, in truth are you not lost at all. You are exactly where you need to be, living moment to moment, knowing exactly what to do when. Awareness of this is a great tool to carry with you as you confront the fog. Keep in mind that fog is nothing more than a foil, a trick of the energy, a teaching tool training you in awareness of your heart-centered truth. For if you cannot clearly see, what else do you have to fall back on? The answer is: heart-centered knowing, awareness, intuition, truth, and resonance of right action.

Use your inner light to pierce the foggy darkness. The guidance you need is right in front of you. You may not see it, but I know you can feel it!

#548 This is Transformative Energy

Jeanne Marie Ketchel
Channeled by Jan Ketchel

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have a message for us today?

Do not lose sight of your goals and your potential. Do not lose your footing in your inner world or your outer world though you may be drawn out of balance by circumstances beyond your control. Watch, wait, and be present for those who need and those who resist, but do not take the steps for those who must take their own steps in order to grow. It does not matter who you are, or what your circumstances are, you must take your own steps and make your own way through that life.

In order to more fully appreciate the energy of the times in which you live, I suggest a concerted effort be made, each day, to stay connected to your heart-centered place of calm knowing. Let this be your anchor, no matter what is present in your life. At all times, find peace here, find balance, find connection to spirit and to self here.

By your attention to this steady connection will your outer difficulties, problems, issues, and resolutions become more clearly addressed, with natural actions of compassion and care, without forethought or ponderance, because each action and reaction will be truthful and right.

Ease your circumstances greatly by paying attention to this anchoring place. Begin your day, each day, in heart-centered anchoring so that your every choice will be automatically generated from this place of compassion. In caring for the self in this manner you will find that your care of others will be more appropriate and less fraught with discussion and indecision. Heart-centered action is right action, truthful action, releasing action, based in energetic responsiveness and resonance, truly the greatest means of living a life of meaning.

Energetically, this time is greatly pressuring for change. There is outer pressure caused by the alignment of many forces beyond human control. It is a time of acceptance to the facts of such outer power and energy. It is a crucial time in learning what it means to acquiesce to the inevitability of life leading you on your journeys. It is the time that you have always been waiting for, the energy that will push you forward now. Although you may not clearly see what is before you, I know you are fully aware that you are being pushed to move forward now into the future. It is upon you.

This is the time to flow forward now on your heart-centered goodness and resonance. You don’t even have to think about it. Go with the flow of it, for it is good energy. It is just asking for you to change now, to accept its guidance, even though you may not understand what the future offers if you allow its guidance into your life. It is good energy for all because it is transformative energy. You will find that everyone now has the opportunity to get their needs met, their truths revealed, and their plans for what comes next will flow naturally from this revealing process.

You will find that even your own truths will lead you properly during this time of pushing energy and your own position will become clearer. Even though you may each feel that you are in a position of taking care of others, watching others, or aiding the growth of others, so will your own growth become clearer. Your own path will become known and your own issues presented more succinctly. Go with the flow of this energy. Though it may feel a bit uncomfortable, it is really quite nice!

#547 Quiet Contemplation as a Tool

Jeanne Marie Ketchel
Channeled by Jan Ketchel

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have some quick and simple guidance for us today?

Today is a day to be practical, succinct, and clear, but, above all, sensitive to the needs of the self and others. Do not fall prey to the big babies, the fear mongers, or the uninformed. Stay focused on heart-centered knowing and inner guidance and your day will, most assuredly, go smoothly.

Quiet contemplation must be your tool for a successful outcome to the days’ challenges. This is going to now become, by far, your most pertinent and useful tool, both for navigating the outer world and for staying connected to your inner world.

This is a day of confined challenge. You will not need to go much beyond your own issues today. Look for them being reflected back to you in each encounter that requires inner contemplation, though those encounters may appear to be purely objective outer dilemmas or confrontations. In essence, this is a day of intense personal scrutiny, though it will be by outer reflection.

Look closely at the mirror presented to you and ask the self to consider the deeper meaning for the inner you. Remain aware, connected, and quite present as you go about this inner contemplation, for your energy will also be needed in your outer world. Good Luck!

#546 Chuck’s Place: The Tool of Self-Pity

Welcome to Chuck’s Place, where Chuck Ketchel expresses his thoughts, insights, and experiences!

Earlier this week I threw the I Ching, which presented me with Hexagram #62 Preponderance of the Small. The I Ching chose the image of the skylark who, though a bird, stays close to the earth rather than soar beyond its limits. The gift of flight is acknowledged, but staying grounded where it needs to be is the sober requirement of the skylark. The danger with gifts is that we may become over-identified with them and push beyond the reality of where we truly need to be.

At one level, I think this archetype, Preponderance of the Small, is a fitting representation of the relationship between ego and spirit. We are given the gift of consciousness in all its smallness and must check its shield of hubris as we acknowledge our orphan status and find our way to the deep nurturance and wisdom of the spirit or collective unconscious. (See Message #542 Direct Experience.)

On a personal level, my encounter with this hexagram immediately generated both resonant awareness and the option of engaging Self-pity. Resonant awareness saw the truth in the hexagram and the appropriate response to its counsel. The ego self had a different reaction: the I Ching is suggesting an inadequacy. Suddenly, the door is opened to a lifetime of vignettes capturing hidden inadequacies and, deeper still, the judgement of core failure and the inability to change. Self-pity then rushes forth, offering to shroud the ego in an energetic cocoon, alienated and forsaken, yet bathed in a comfortable, self-contained protectorate.

And so, we are confronted with the classic blue pill/red pill choice. If we choose the blue pill, Maya, the spinner of illusion will step in and generate all kinds of “facts” to support our Self-pity. At the core of Self-pity is the secret belief that we are special, since, after all, on some level there is the belief of undeservedness for our predicament. With our specialness preserved we are not forced to change; we are safe to continue to wait, in entitlement, for the world to finally give us our royal recognition.

The red pill is simply the truth, and right action, which necessarily flows from it. With the truth we are challenged to stand in the field of our reality, inadequacies revealed, no specialness to cloud our clarity, no judgements, simply acceptance and responsibility for our continued evolution. (Sometimes, we swallow both pills at once!)

This morning, as I contemplated presenting this topic, I consulted The Wheel of Time by Carlos Castaneda, what I call “the shaman’s oracle,” as it depicts all the archetypes of the warrior’s way. Synchronistically, I opened to commentary on Self-pity. Carlos points out that Self-pity is inherent in our human condition, never to be eliminated. He counsels that the challenge is not to eliminate Self-pity, but, in fact, to rearrange its role in our lives. In effect, as I interpret it, he encourages us to use its energetic push to bring full focus to a truth attempting to reveal itself. How do we do this?

Steady the self and suspend judgment. Allow the self to get calm with its smallness and determine what actions flow from this place of truth. Thank Self-pity for being the foster parent that fosters evolution! Make it clear to Self-pity that we no longer need to be swaddled in blankets of illusion. With this action, we truly derive value from Self-pity, as we assign it the rightful place in our lives, by turning it into an evolutionary tool that serves truth over illusion.

Should anyone wish to write, I can be reached at: chuck@riverwalkerpress.com

Until we meet again,