#377 The Energy Will Play Out Where Most Necessary

Dear Jeanne,
This has been quite a week. I understand that this is a time of great energetic shift. Can you offer us guidance on how to deal with this energy over the next few days?

Allow your selves the understanding that you cannot control the energy around you, but you can control how you choose to engage it. Your attachment to the energy is your greatest discordant action at this time. By this I mean that if you remain focused on what is happening around you, so do you risk discordancy in your own life.

The energy will play out its intensity where it is most necessary. Keep this in mind: it will play our where it is most necessary. This will be so on the political, social, financial, and internal fronts, but it will also do so within your own framework. So on an individual level may you now be confronted with your own greatest fears and conflicts, which are about to crumble or are in great need of shoring up. But realize that you are in control of how you react. Do you elect to fall down upon the ground, a great weeping heap of debris? Or do you elect to remain standing, stiffening your legs with your inner strength, and preparing your self to not only take on, but handle from a new perspective, your fallibilities?

Where are you personally structurally unsound? Where do you need to place your intent? Where are your weak points and the gaps in your positive intent to grow?

Please use this time of turmoil well, by searching your selves, your hearts, your homes, and your daily lives for the truths of how you have chosen to live. Now is a time of revealing, as the energy rips off roofs and covers and shows what is underneath. Have you not discovered, lately, some truth about your own life that does truly need attention? This is what the energy seeks to show you, but you must elect to look at it from a spirit growth and evolutionary perspective, rather than a financial security perspective, or from the point of view of a collapsing structure. Yes, structures may be unsound, but what does it all mean from an evolutionary standpoint and, most importantly, what does it mean for you?

Your personal growth is now affected in some way. Are you ready to take the evolutionary journey in a new way now as this time of disruption offers you the opportunity to shift?

You are all being offered the opportunity to do things differently. Your countries, your individual lives, and your very planet are being offered a new door to select as your next pathway. Or do you elect to take the same path, stay with the current situation, placing band-aids upon your cuts and bruises, shoring up your flimsy structures with temporary beams? Or do you say: “Hey, wait a minute! This isn’t right! This has been going on for long enough! I’m not prepared to keep up this facade of stability based on old tactics, old fears, old habits, and pretty old and worn out structures that just aren’t able to hold up any more. This is absurd!”

Are you ready to admit that things have gotten out of hand; that it is time to change? Are you ready to admit that life needs to be lived, not only differently, but with spirit intent now? I ask all of you to take a leap of faith here, to offer your selves the opportunity to move forward in a new direction that will undoubtedly change your lives, the lives of those around you, and the world at large.

You are being offered a new door now. You are being shown that life can and should be lived differently because it will not continue as it does. No matter what you think will happen, so will it be different. Your process must now be one of acceptance of the true facts being revealed to you. This is your first step in making changes, accepting the inevitability of change happening all around you, against your will, but happening nonetheless by energetic force, unstoppable energy. You are being asked, most forcefully, to change your life in some manner. Depending on who you are and where you are in your life so is this request for change present in some fashion. No one is exempt from this energetic proposal to make a big shift now. There is not one place on earth that is exempt; not one person relieved of this duty. In some manner is every single human being affected by this energetic shift now taking place.

As a great tidal wave of energy asks you to change your life what will you do? Will you try to run and hide; pull the covers back over your head? Well, you won’t be able to stay hidden under the covers because the energy will continue to rip them off you. It will continue to blow aside your attempts to stay hidden. This energy is asking all of you to participate in the change that is now rattling your doors and windows and shaking you to your very cores.

Your heart knows this is so. And even though you may be afraid, even though you may feel on shaky ground (which is true!) so must you accept the inevitable, whatever it may be in your life. Go forward now with your intent placed forth ahead of you, your own intent to gain control of your life, with your spirit guiding you now, rather than your old habits and your old ideas.

Shift from your head to your heart now. It is the only aspect of self that will make sense as the declines continue and the shake-ups reverberate, revealing yet more catastrophes around the world. The greatest uncovering has yet to come.

Be prepared by strengthening your own conviction to remain centered and calmly heart balanced. For even as the world around you may tumble, its own greed consuming it, so may you stand tall and stable, a spirit warrior intent upon change and restructuring your life based on truth revealed, with right action as your new building blocks.

So hold now in your awareness your firm spirit intent to proceed forward, no matter what may be predicted. It is the only way to enact real change that will be evolutionary for all.

Our Book Signing Event is Cancelled

Dearest Readers,

We will not be having a book signing on September 27, 2008 as we had planned. Energetically, it is just not the right time for such an event. The paperback edition of The Book of Us, with a new final chapter, may be ordered at Amazon. It will also be available in its new updated version on the website by October 1, 2008, remaining as a free download for those who prefer to access it in that manner.

We look forward to meeting you at another time.

Most sincerely,
Jan and Chuck

#376 You Are But One Breath

Dear Jeanne,
Our world is experiencing the chaos you predicted last week. There has been a devastating hurricane in Texas and the financial sector of the United States is in grave condition. This is a time for us all to make some decisions about how we can change our country, and ultimately our selves. What advice and guidance can you offer us as this energy of change continues to push us along?

You are right, My Dear Jan, change is being requested of all of you. Not only change that will protect, but also change that will transform and really make an impact around the world. This is not a coincidence that such failures upon the shores of the US are being exposed now. Structurally is that country no longer the sound and domineering strength it once was, but it crumbles at its base, revealing weakened supports, liable to collapse at any time. The hurricane you speak of is but one example of what can happen when heed is not taken to either shore up or retreat from the impact of inevitable natural disaster.

The financial situation in your country is another natural disaster, My Dears; so do not take it personally. Do you find your selves now penniless, or even simply stunned at the outrageous and irresponsible tactics taken by those whose hands are in the coffers and realizing that there is not much security in such gold? So what do you do without money? How will that country run if out of oil, gas, and money?

What about abiding by the rules of nature and allowing nature, energy, the sun and moon, night and day to once again determine your actions? You know that winter is soon upon you. Have you prepared? Or have you forgotten how to prepare? Do you simply know that you will survive because it has always been so? Well, things have already changed and they will continue to change in the US and around the world. This is a time to live an active life, to get off your high stools where you have had the privilege to sit and observe life around you for so long. Now it is time to realize that you are not in a privileged position, not an observer of life, but that you must in fact actually partake in life.

This is not only true for my many Friends and Readers in the US, my own country of origin in my last life. This is true for the advanced civilizations around the world who have lived privileged lives based on a worldwide economy that can no longer bear the weight of the needs of those privileged countries. Your needs have outpaced the world’s resources, My Dears, and this is true in so many areas.

In order to return to a pace of life that is more in sync with nature, with the tides, with the abundance of earth’s bounty (and it is truly bountiful) must you determine what is most important to you in your lives. Who are you really? Why are you there? What is your mission? Once again, I return to these basic questions of purpose for living. How can you continue to live lives of meaning if you have not truly investigated the meaning of your own existence?

I do not mean to imply that you, My Dearest Readers and Journeyers, are responsible for all the devastation upon that earth. But you are; in fact, by being part of that human race of course part of the problem. Even in your evolved state so do you perpetuate the initial injuries by not actively changing the way you do business and utilize the world’s resources.

In order for true change to happen, so must you remind your selves each day that you do not own the world, but that you are but one breath, one slight human form, one energetic being who needs that world for your very survival.

You cannot plant your self in soil that is contaminated and expect to flourish. You cannot breathe air that is putrefied and expect to have pure breath. You cannot eat and drink of earth’s bounty if you have not cared for it properly, for there will not be any. Your sustenance does not come from financial markets but from farmers’ markets and the markets that provide you with your spiritual sustenance.

In order for change to truly happen, My Dears, must you return to the earth, for that is why you are there, to experience life upon that earth. Do you wish to experience the plastic movie set of earth, where everything is unreal, distant, and untouchable because you sit upon your director’s stool? Or do you wish for real experiences of real people upon real ground that rumbles and trembles and blows apart in hurricanes? Now that is real energy of real earth; and only such real power can offer real shift!

I suggest that drastic measures may be the only means by which change can really happen. Only the most abrupt of circumstances will shake you awake enough, and I fear that you have not yet had enough shaking up. The energy is intent upon its mission of awakening.

Notice what is happening in your own lives, My Dears. Where are your own disasters and awakenings taking place? Where are your feet? Are they upon the rungs of a director’s stool, or firmly upon the ground? What choices for change are you making? Do you trust the energy to lead you correctly? I certainly would.

This time will not end softly, but firmly, with a thud. And this you must prepare for, even as you now must prepare for winter. Be one with nature, for it is trying to tell you something. Watch what is going on around you. The critters of the earth and the creatures of the sky work hard just to survive now. Observe and take action. It is your opportunity to not only change, but to become a new kind of inhabitant of that earth. Your leaders cannot do this for you. You must all do it for your selves. Then will you have the change you so desire.

Good luck, My Dear Ones. Life is very exciting, don’t you think? Abide by new laws, new thoughts, new seeing, and new actions now. Be different. Be aware. Be earth bound. Be alive upon that planet in a new way!

#375 The Buffeting Winds of Change

Dear Jeanne,
What advice can you offer us today, as we begin a new week?

Beware of the aftermath of volatile and abrupt confrontation with the possibility of change. Your job now, My Dears, becomes one of remaining calmly stable, seemingly unaffected by the world around you, yet highly alert to it as well. By this, I mean that staying calm, while storms rage all around you, is the best process to engage at this time.

The energy now will turn and turn again, shifting quite often, creating one situation that appears untenable and then quickly producing another. This is not a time to get engaged in these swiftly moving aspects of energy, but to remain calm, centered, balanced, and innerly focused.

I do not anticipate that this time of shift will subside soon, so be ready for a long process. My best advice is to keep your focus on remaining in a calm state of flux, unattached and unaffected by that which you hear pronounced, and calmly centered on your future of growth and change.

This is a time when change must be in the forefront of your awareness. This is a time when the volatility will bring you to that place that you have desired, but it will not be a smooth ride, nor will it be easy on a day to day basis. But I stress that this is the energy that will push you forward now, and it is exactly what you have desired and waited for. If you do not acknowledge this to your self, then are you not speaking honestly.

Many of you have already elected to flow with the changes in your lives and this time now will further deepen and enhance your commitments to change. Others of you who have sat upon the fence, wary of stepping onto new ground, will now be confronted with the buffeting winds of change urging you to go for it.

I can only say, again and again, that this is inevitable, this is necessary, and yes, this is even desired change. So do not fight your opportunity to be swiftly helped along by the possibilities that are offered by such volatile energy to advance change upon that earth. The times you now live in have not tasted such energy before, but the memory of such flavor remains in your knowing. For you have all had such opportunity before, when you chose not to change, but instead hunkered down and took the battering storm at your backs, as if you deserved it. But that is not the way to proceed any longer.

Times have changed greatly, My Dears, and you are asked to honestly confront your fears, both your deeply ingrained fears that prevent your actions, and your fear of change, and instead move forward now as the energy asks, again and again, for real and vital energetic choices of change. Times are different and your own inner self is awake now, more aware than ever that the old ways are no longer fulfilling. Time to take a new route, a fresh path, make a better life based on your own inner truth and not someone else’s.

Do not fear the unknown, for it does not exist. Nothing exists yet in the future. Nothing is waiting for you, except the possibility of everything. The choice is yours though. Do you go forward now, totally open, and freely aware that your decisions and choices based on truth will present you with your future?

It is choosing time now. Do you choose with trust in your self, or do you choose with fear?

#374 Invite Your Self to a Moving-On Ceremony

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have a message for all of us who are interested in the guidance you offer?

Do not falter in your convictions to stay upon the spiritual path though your days and nights may be fraught with disappointments and meanderings that you had not planned on. These are the challenges and the confrontations with reality that all must bear and all must accept as chores that lead to growth. I have spoken recently about the tidal wave of energy that seeks to interrupt your progress, that also seeks to shake you awake and perhaps knock you off your seat of complacency.

Do not dismiss the energy, for it carries with it always lessons to be learned. Do not hold your self too harshly accountable for the decisions you make as this energy unseats you, for it is obviously helping you to grow. The energy is asking for you to grow, to take innerly all that you have learned over the past few weeks, and to invite your self to a moving-on ceremony. It is time to underscore your truths of selfhood, to take on the mature, decisive actions that will move you on to a new place now.

Do not stand upon your path in one place any longer. Now is the time to move on, to choose your next step in evolutionary growth, whatever that may be in your life. It may entail only you; a decision to stick to your well-laid plans in spite of difficulties, back sliding, and interruptions by outside energies and others who do not comprehend your choices. Or your next move may entail a practical physical change that will outwardly affect you and others. Whatever your most necessary step is now is the time to make it, while the energy sits back a moment and watches what you decide to do.

This is the calm before the storm, so to speak. This is the utter knowing, the clarity that dawns upon you with such blatant and open insight that you cannot deny the reality of your place upon that earth. This is a time of personal revelation with utter knowing of consequences and it is up to each of you to determine how you will react to your truth being revealed to you so clearly.

I attempt now to urge you to accept your challenges with mature decision making, with truth speaking its clarity, with your heart open and ready to accept it. Base your next move on this inner truth, this inner you who so purely desires change that is focused on your inner spirit self and not on your outer projective ego self.

The energy sits back and awaits your decision, but it will not wait for long. So I suggest that you make your choices, set your plans, and determine your future; at least your most present future. The one that is right around the corner, the next few hours, the next few days, the next few weeks. Set your course, My Dears, and then stand strongly balanced in your heart-centered choice of change; firmly rooted in your convictions; standing in your truths; ready to act upon your choices.

The energy will come back upon you with a vengeance as this time of lull swiftly reverts to a time of chaos. There will be many things to confront in a few days time as this energy swirls up a storm of controversy, of delightful play, and incredible steam that will wish to play out in extraordinary ways and may knock you farther along your paths of challenge than you had anticipated. But know this, even now before the future unfolds in bizarre ways: You are safe. You are protected. You are choosing to lead a life of spirit and with inner spirit as your decision maker. Remain focused on this aspect of inner knowing self and you will do very well as things shift and become quite animated and volatile, yet also revealing of that which must be revealed in order for true progress, growth, and truth to prevail.

If you cannot accept your own truths, already so clearly revealed to you, how do you expect the world around you to accept the truths being revealed and so energetically pointed out? If each of you stays upon the path that is truly right for you, so do you energetically combat negative thinking and illusions that are daily presented. By turning your inner focus on achieving your own goals, so do you offer positive change as a new energetic component to be reckoned with upon that planet. Your life affects everything around you. By your choices do you affect how the world functions, how the world evolves, and how the world changes.

Remember, you are the choice maker in your own life and that is a most important aspect of who you are in the greater world. Be a good citizen of world change by being a good citizen of your own inner changes that are asking for your actions to be truthful, to be right, and to be clearly made for those reasons; because they are true and they are right. That’s all you need to do to move along on your path and take the next step. Walk in your truth.