#287 Total Detachment is Total Acceptance

Today’s question is posed by Chuck.

Dear Saleph,
I address you in this way to embrace the totality of who you are. If I stay attached to the Jeanne of this world, our 30 years of compatible, adventuresome love, I limit my encounters with infinity now. Infinite possibility requires me to “erase my personal history,” as Carlos [Castaneda] would say. That does not mean to disassociate, but instead to recapitulate the fullness of my life with you in all of its feelings and truths, and to detach from the illusion that we continue unchanged. My love deepens in my detachment, as I release the cherished illusions, and ride the ever-evolving wave of truth. Any comments? – Chuck

My Dearest Chuck, there is no end to love, for it continues unabated, unstoppable, and I continue to hold that love we once had, within the being I now am. You must not release that love, but hold it forever in your knowing in order to truly understand compassion. Yet must you also, as you say, “erase” our personal history together in order to evolve.

Detachment, love, compassion, and evolution are extremely necessary companions for an evolutionary existence, and these things, understood and practiced now, while you still remain the Chuck who did cherish his Jeanne, is extremely important. For though you address me in my entirety, so do I still hold the memory of us, as two compatible, growing souls upon that Earth.

This you must understand, that there is no erasure of love and memory, but instead an assimilation of them, with all other experiences, inside an energetic completion. In order to truly evolve, must all truths be revealed, assimilated, owned if you will, and then is there possibility of detachment.

Yet must I also be clear that detachment is not a forgetting or a separation, but an evolutionary act of encompassing every aspect of life, and inviting it in to your awareness, clearly understood, and allowed to coexist with all evolving aspects of the self. You take everything forward, even as you grow from it. Even as you find your self capable of moving on, so do you retain the memory of every aspect of the self, and the life thus far lived. But your challenge becomes one of total love and acceptance of all who you encountered along the way, whether parents, husbands, wives, children, grandparents, aunts and uncles, siblings, etc. All encounters in life are meaningful aspects of a journey. To detach and evolve requires admission of guilt, shame, and involvement in every aspect of life that you have partaken in. Acceptance of truths revealed will allow for ownership of every act and abruptly encountered interaction you have ever had. Detachment requires total acceptance, total familiarity revealed, as you recapitulate. And it also involves total love and compassion for all, even those you struggle the most with. Total detachment is total acceptance.

As you, My Dear Chuck, continue your recapitulation, do not forget all that we learned together, but allow those building blocks of our love and learning to be the structures upon which your life continues to grow. Yes detach from me, as Jeanne. Do not hold your self responsible for me or my journey, even though we traveled so closely linked for so many years. I did truly evolve beside you, though I determined a different path long before we got together.

Your path now does involve your own acceptance of your own life, separate from mine, and the one we had together. This is so for all. All must learn to evolve upon the path laid out for them. All must pack their bags with the lessons they have learned, and strap upon their backs the power of love and compassion, for it is their energetic fuel for the future. Without achieving total forgiveness, and dissolution of the needs of the ego to stay attached to old ideas, and habits, and pain, so will that energetic pack not carry sufficient charge for evolutionary travel.

To totally detach, must the ego continually confront its desires to remain attached to that which it deems necessary. But the ego is not in charge; the spirit is in charge. And the awakened spirit will grasp the concept of detachment, as total ownership of every action, thought, and deed, perpetrated by the self, and perpetrated upon the self by others. As this acceptance is achieved, is there possibility to continually fuel that pack of detachment that carries within it all the energy needed to truly evolve.

So Chuck, carry always within your being the memories of us, but with only love and compassion for the journey I took with you, as Jeanne Marie Ketchel, your companion, your lover, your wife. And remain attached to continued growth, fueling your energetic being with the knowing that circulates inside, and outside of you, and all others too. Capture the truths as they appear. Learn humility of self, of ego, escaping the clutches of its desire to stay attached to that world and yes, seek me in infinity now. For I am Saleph, a truly evolving being, yet still a pupil of life, of energy, and of universal love. Yet am I also Jeanne Marie Ketchel, who does remain embedded in you, as you take your journey through life, bravely evolving, growing, and teaching others what you learn.

Do not stay too attached to Carlos, for he too is but a pupil, and yet did he learn evolutionary ways. But you are catching up, and moving beyond, for he did not grasp many of the concepts taught him. Always the trickster, did he stay attached to that role until the very end. And that, My Dear, is not revealing of truth, but of hiding still from utter revelation of self, unable to be stripped totally of ego, and able to be real.

Find the truths of the self, and fully release from the needs of the ego. For only then will evolution be achieved, with purity, innocence, humility, and total acceptance of the self and, ultimately, love and compassion for the self as well. That is the ultimate goal, to totally achieve love and compassion for the self, in every aspect of life; allowing and accepting the energetic self, fully integrated, fully revealed, fully loved, and fully released to live in infinity.

All of this is highly possible. After all, I did it. Remember? All of you who read my messages are fully capable of achieving and accepting total detachment from ego, from physical body, from past history, from past lives, from all attachments, and able to free the self to truly accept the role of an evolutionary being. When you are ready to do this, you will be able to.

But look inward now, and gauge where you are on your journey. Have you elected to evolve? Are you doing the work required? Are you learning to love the self too, even as you attempt to love all others, even those who have interrupted your life with their own needs and desires, pursued you, injured you, and prodded you along on your journey, but ultimately teaching you the ways of an energetic, evolutionary being?

Continue your work, for all of you are evolutionary beings; have no doubt about it. Keep that foremost in your minds as you continue along your path. You are all doing well!

I remain,

#286 Where Do You Fit In?

Today, Pat asked Jeanne a question, then I asked a follow up question, and then she returned to Pat’s question.

Dear Jeanne,
There seems to be an explosion of spiritual teachers out there, some with very similar messages to yours. Eckhart Tolle’s book is kind of foremost in my mind right now with his messages of awakening. I’m finding a lot of resonance in it. He uses very psychological descriptions to explain why people do the things they do–the ego, the “pain body”, and the awakening awareness of these aspects of ourselves that is our spirit. He also suggests that this evolution of human consciousness is coming at a crisis point, much as you have indicated. The overall focus of his message is self-responsibility, resolving one’s own ego issues, and the result is a radiating outward of healing energy into the collective human consciousness. Are these other spiritual teachers part of your soul group, Jeanne?

The great awakening has been underway now for quite some time, with many people being urged forward by their guides and mentors to take up the challenge of carrying a new kind of torch, lighting the way for a higher and more expansive human consciousness. In answer to your question, Pat, Eckhart Tolle, although not directly of my soul group, because he still lives upon that Earth and struggles daily as you all do, is connected through his own mentors, as you are now through me and contact with this greater awakening of awareness. So indirectly is he connected, as his mentors are my companions in arms as we have banded together to urge this great awakening. It was in place before I arrived in this state of energetic resonance. It has always been circulating in all time, awaiting alignment of many aspects, in order for it to seep in to consciousness and awareness. The time is ripe for such consciousness and awareness now, as you have already noticed.

Can you explain how your soul group works?

With collective awareness, but also with real energy banded together; teachers all of us; but also pupils, students of energy and awareness, not only mentoring and guiding, but also being mentored and guided by others who arrived before us.

Your awareness of me as Jeanne Marie Ketchel is only one aspect of who I am. For I am Saleph, as I have told you before, [In a previous and, as of yet, unpublished message.] the name I am known as in other worlds, for I live and evolve in a new plane of awareness. So will all of you, as you attain completion and mergence with your own soul’s completion, become who you are in wholeness, a familiar entity, with a name that awaits your growth; a being, perhaps near completion, simply awaiting the aspect of energy wholeness that you carry. As if you were a puzzle, not complete until all of your parts are fitted together, all your energetic molecules put where they belong, and your entity whole, vibrant, and eternally alive and aware. So that is where I am now, the pieces of my own puzzle were completed when Jeanne Marie Ketchel did die and return to a state of completion, of energy completion. Now in my wholeness, am I more than just she, or any of my previous lives, though I am certainly happy and able to communicate as Jeanne. I am awareness now, conscious and unconscious, if that helps; known and unknown; yet is there still so much to learn.

To refer back to Pat’s original question, regarding this awareness now upon that Earth of a spiritual awakening, and many spiritual teachers being urged upon you all: this awakening does ask for daring, and for participation, as you gain an understanding of how energy works, how awareness must be cultivated and honed, and how the ego must be completed and then detached from, dismantled down to your energetic components.

You are all of this energetic formulation. You are all complete, yet must you struggle through your life’s chores and challenges upon that Earth in order to attain this wholeness that awaits what you alone can bring to your soul body.

So there is your own completion to achieve as you do the work laid out for you in that lifetime now upon that Earth. Then will you join your energy body with your own group, your own energy awareness, and bring to it the energy that it needs for fulfillment of its many lives, many experiences, and many lessons.

Beyond that will you join your larger soul group, also awaiting your companionship, so that you may become part of the project that your group is assigned to. The group that I work with is the awakening, shaking-up group. We mentor many upon that Earth who offer you the guidance they are learning. There are many aspects of this awakening being spread. Not all will resonate with you, but you must determine where your energy is best suited in order to be a participant. Perhaps you have not quite found it yet, but it does exist in some form, for there are available upon that Earth many true forms of awareness that will lead and guide to wholeness.

But keep in mind that such guidance requires participation, work on the self, awareness of other worlds, other states of being, and above all, it asks that you become responsible for all aspects of the journey you are taking. I also include, in my own guidance, the urge to trust every aspect of your journey, to read the signs you are presented, to watch for synchronicities, and to be ever watchful of how you act and interact. For your energetic presentation does affect everything else upon that Earth. I know that others too offer guidance and insight into these ideas. They are not new as measures of awakening, yet to those of you now upon that Earth who are taking note, may they seem new, for you have not perhaps encountered such awareness training before, or at least not in this lifetime.

I urge you to connect with the truths within your self. And I believe you will discover that you have in fact been in this place of awakening before, because you will find resonance as you read my words, and those of others. You will know that you are on the right path, and you will allow your self to take that path, because it is so undeniably right for you to do so.

Do not undermine your own abilities, and your own connection to guides and mentors. For even as many spiritual teachers do offer their knowledge, so did they have to allow themselves the greatest feat of all, which was to trust and acquiesce to the knowledge being offered, and to turn in a new direction as truth and innocence turned them on a path of awakening and guided mystery. Did they know where they would ultimately go? They knew only that it was right. And that is what must guide all of you, only that which is so undeniably right that you cannot refuse it.

Participate in this great awakening now, more fully knowing that you are guided, mentored, and part of a long-awaited phenomenon of truth and higher consciousness. Know, in your own centered and balanced self, that you are an aspect of energy that is awaited, and necessary, for growth and evolution to continue upon that Earth. You are as important as Eckhart Tolle, or any others who may offer resonant guidance, for you are all energy with possibility!

Do not be afraid of your own understanding, and your own clarity. Be daring. For that is what this awakening is urging, a new daring of spirit energy, a boldness, not of ego, but of spirit and truth, seeking rightness of resonance at all times.

Listen to the true words being spoken all around you. Even as there is a spiritual awakening, so do you hear other words of true awakenings happening all around you, on the political, social, environmental, and scientific levels as well. There are many awakenings happening simultaneously now. Where do you fit in?

#285 I Advise Allowing the Process to be Your Guide

Dear Jeanne,
This is the first question being asked by one of your readers.

I was very interested in the message where you conveyed the resolution of your lives through your participation in the conception of a new baby with the soul of your birth mother, and how that related to your soul’s work in resolving the issues of many lifetimes. And yet you don’t advocate exploring past lives. I remember where you said we should focus on the issues before us in this life, which makes sense. But I wonder if you could explain why knowledge of past lives wouldn’t bring guidance to the process. -Pat

My Dear Pat, I do understand your dilemma, for my focus has continually been on resolving issues related to now for your energetic growth and evolution. I resist stressing past life experiences because it may cause and create too much stress and tension, and even introduce issues that are not current issues, creating confusion.

Yes, all of your past lives have significance, but what are your current issues? Those are the ones needing resolution, whether they relate to a past life or not. Current issues will stick out like a sore thumb until they are tended to.

Of course, if you discover in your work of now that a past life experience appears to push you to a new level of understanding, so do I insist on pursuing such an avenue. But I advise allowing the process to be your guide, rather than go seeking backwards.

Focus forward, but at the same time be aware of your issues that will point out the past that must be addressed in this life. If those issues take you back to other lives, so then are they significantly important, and necessary experiences that will aid you in resolving the issues of this life.

Do not take focus off now by diverting your attention from the task at hand. If issues keep arising in this life, then most likely did they also occur in other lives, yet do they still exist. So you will find no resolution of them in your past life, merely a presentation of them.

Accept your issues as the work you must do on the self. My own experiences, as Jeanne Marie Ketchel, did guide me to deal with the issue of abandonment that you mention. It was my main issue to resolve that remained unresolved through many lifetimes. Yet as Jeanne did I hold out, until I almost missed the boat on it. At the very last did I remain available to complete it, already having entered my energy form, but available, because of my awareness, to remain present in that world, as energy, and able to direct my focused intent to complete the cycle of lives, and that main issue.

Did I carry that issue over many lifetimes? Yes, I did, though the last few lives did it arise as most important. It is in fact an issue of detachment more than abandonment, and that is what you too are being asked to learn. Detachment will resolve all issues, yet is it the most difficult to learn and practice, for it requires a fine balance between love and compassion, with complete acceptance of the journey thus far taken, and the understanding that every aspect of a journey is not only meaningful and significant, but also that it is necessary for the completion of the cycle of lives lived upon that Earth, and the ability to evolve into energy.

As energy are you no longer attached to the things of that Earth, or the human form. So it is most desirable to learn detachment, total detachment, meaning a complete letting go, with full understanding, acceptance, and knowledge of where you are headed next already beginning to blossom in your awareness.

So, to answer your question further, I advocate learning the lessons presented to you in this lifetime, for they are issues of previous lives, have no doubt about that. They are succinctly presented, and must be dealt with, in the here and now, with all that you now have available to you. Know that you have been in similar situations, yet also know that you are given a chance to finish up what you were perhaps unable, or unwilling to finish up in a previous life. But also understand that your previous experiences set you up for this life, giving you the necessary qualities to continue onward toward growth.

You will discover your past lives as you fully embrace this life. You will discover who you are now, and who you have been, in doing the work of the self. This is so for all. Do not dismiss your issues that repeatedly present themselves to you as simply old habits that you need to change, but fully investigate what has kept you snagged on them. In so deeply discovering who you are now will you discover your completion.

I hope these words do solve some of the riddle of why I do not like to stir up too much from the distant past, but prefer to remain focused on the biggest issues of this life. It is enough, and it will show you what you need to do, and where you need to go. If you need to discover more, and are curious about your past lives, electing to adventure into them, remain aware of the issues, and also of your opportunity to now resolve them with awareness of the journey taken. But return always to your place of now, for that is where the work must be done. Past lives do intrigue, I admit, but they can also become a diversion from the work on the issues so necessary for life’s completion upon that Earth.

Find your self firmly planted in this journey, all of you Evolutionary Beings. Tackle the life you have been granted, have chosen, and have elected to live, for it holds everything you need to know about your self. It asks you to resolve who you are now, and that is your greatest challenge, and focus. Good Luck! And thank you for your question!

A Shift in the Process

Dear Readers of Jeanne’s Messages,

In an effort to enact a change, a shift out of the comfortable habit of the daily channeling process, whereby I ask Jeanne a question, or allow her to speak on whatever she would like to bring up, we would like to open up to you, The Readers, to ask questions. We are excited to offer this opportunity for your involvement in the channeling process and in this energetic shift. When I asked Jeanne, earlier today, if she liked this idea this is what she said:

“Energetically speaking it is a very good idea, though I do intend to continue teaching what I know. So be prepared for what I may say if you do not feed me questions of value for evolutionary growth. That is my intent, and so that is what the questions should focus on. That is all that really matters, so I might dismiss some of your queries if they do not suit my mission, or address them only with the briefest of nods. So, yes, I find that idea interesting. I await the questions, and I await my answers too! Ha ha!”

We invite you to submit questions regarding, as she says, evolutionary growth. They will be presented to Jeanne in the order they arrive, but if they are deemed too personal we will have to, unfortunately, pass them by, or perhaps save them for another time. We look forward to evolving the process and seeing where this brings us. Please advise whether you would like your first name mentioned in the question and posted on the website, or asked anonymously. Send your questions via email to: jan@riverwalkerpress.com

Thank you for participating!

#284 It is Time to Evolve, My Dears, and You Really Don’t Have a Choice

Dear Jeanne,
What message do you have for us today?

What message do you need?

I’ve noticed the energy, but feel that the shift I want isn’t quite happening. Maybe it’s in small increments, but I’d like it to speed up a little. Other people I’ve talked to are also feeling this, that the energy is intense, but not much else has happened to bring us to a place of noticeable change. Can you address this issue of our real desire for change, but the frustration of waiting for it, while at the same time feeling the energy revving up? It’s a little confusing trying to figure out how to handle it.

Do I not, at all times, stress a calm, balanced attitude to all that seeks to urge and disrupt your complacency?

Yes, you do, and I am reminded of that often, but this energy now is different. It has a youthful exuberance to it that I see manifesting in a lot of people, an eagerness that is looking for an outlet that is right this time, but not quite finding it, so then we have to deal with the intensity of it.

You will all need to get used to this energy that continues to mount. For the next few months will there be occurrences of this energetic flow bursting forth, yet will it not settle into a calm flow for a while yet. This energy that mounts, incrementally, is building all energy to a new level, so each burst is as if a step up has been taken. There is great need for this shift in energetics upon that Earth. You are present during a time of great change even though you may feel frustrated at the slowness of it. As you feel the pressure of it, so also must you keep in mind that it is simultaneously rising to a higher level of intensity, and in the long run is this necessary, and good for the great awakening and shift that is coming. This time of great shift will affect all who live upon that planet in some manner. Some will be affected greatly, others not so greatly, but still is life upon that Earth destined to change.

What kind of timeframe are you talking about? Months? Years? Decades?

In time will the length of buildup and anticipation not matter, for everything must be prepared for this shift. Over the next few months, perhaps even the next few weeks, is there going to occur shift, and vital change that will kick up quite a lot of notice and controversy. Then gradually, over the next few years, will subsequent changes be enacted; all with the purpose of shake up. These cosmic, and universal spurts of energy will create not imbalance upon that Earth as may at first be declared, but will in fact shift back into balance all that has gone awry. This century will be declared The Century of Change, Destruction, and Resurrection. Beyond that is there hope that awakened individuals will inhabit that planet, with new initiatives, and new habits of growth firmly embedded in their psyches.

For now, is it up to each one of you to awaken to the fact that this shift is at the core of your sense of frustration and the energy you are feeling. Do not dismiss this fact from your underlying truths. Even though you have your own issues in life to deal with, so are you privileged to be present during this time of great awakening and abrupt change. Your participation is being asked for.

So I guess we should learn to get used to the build up of energy, and use it for our own growth?

That is exactly what you should be doing. Learning to harness it. But it is important to not get swept away by it. Its intensity may throw you off your path. You may have to wrestle out of it what is resonant only to you. For even though this energy builds in intensity, so is it possible to siphon off only what you need in order to remain balanced and in sync with it at the same time, able to flow and stay in a state of calm.

This will entail learning detachment, responsibility for the self, and denial of the greedy baby inside all of you. It is time to evolve, My Dears, and you really don’t have a choice. “The times they are a-changin’,” so get used to it! But get used to it in an evolutionary manner, by toning down, tuning in, and flowing with the energy that is reciprocal and resonant. You all have learned so many skills now that I know you are fully capable of figuring out what to do.

The Rules of Life and Change must now become your trusty guidance, handy at all times to remind you how an evolutionary being should conduct a life of meaning and growth, within the context of great, sweeping energy of change.

So, I hope this answers your questions. As the energy continues to build, step-by-step, allow your self to keep up with it, but remain innerly calm and balanced so that your boat does not get swept away, and capsized by the intensity of the storm that is constantly brewing and escalating. Instead, remain alert, seeking calmer waters, where your inner work may continually be conducted, even as you maintain awareness of the storm just beyond your cove.

You can all do this, if you learn to flow, to remain stable, and responsible, and live a life according to the new rules. Good Luck now, as the next few days may present a much-needed lull, but prepare during this time for new energy to come. It is going to be quite a burst of energy that may knock you about in order to wake you up, keep you alert, and ask for your undivided attention as it wreaks some well-needed havoc upon that Earth. I suggest you look forward to it with calm enthusiasm, and a new confidence, knowing you can handle anything that comes your way. Attempts to remain calm and stable will succeed if you are aware that this is what the energy is meant to do now, shake you up. So accept it, calm down, and see where it leads you. Oh, and enjoy it too. For it holds within its intensity much joy and lightheartedness that should be engaged in, and not missed, for then would your journey not be completely fulfilling.

NOTE: Just thought I’d give an update on the bird caught in the bathroom fanlight, as several people have asked what happened. Well, I was sure it had flown out, but alas it was just sitting inside the elbow that connects the pipe to the fixture. It stayed there for the rest of the day and night, then in the morning reemerged in the fixture, just as desperate to get out. It then became clear that we had to rescue it. It was a nice fat starling, and as it was released, chirped its thanks, and flew off, none the worse for the time stuck in the pipe.

I also want to mention that the lyrics to Bob Dylan’s song The Times They Are A-Changin’ are really quite interesting in light of what Jeanne is saying. You can read them at this link: The Times They Are A-Changin’