Dear Jeanne,
Do you have a word of guidance for us today?
Avoid the pitfalls of old habits. Avoid the fears of old lives. Do not allow the self to be so deeply affected by the ways of old, but instead look forward to newness now. Circumstances do not need to be so dire; only if you choose to make them so will they captivate you and pull you down into old ways. Find yourself on a new path now, with new desires and new expectations, focused on growth. Your way will be clear if you allow it to be so. Do not jump to conclusions that will confuse or delay growth. Clear the mind, sit back, and contemplate reality, and in that moment of quiet calm will clarity reign. This is what you seek today: calm and clarity, for they must now be both your inner central knowing self and your guide as well. How can you expect to function properly if you do not first achieve calmness, then seek clarity? Only with these two new techniques in your life will you have success in gaining evolutionary growth. Evolutionary growth requires a certain detachment from all that seeks to inhibit you and catch you up in old habits, or even just old habits of thought. Centering and balancing are necessary. Calm down today. Take time to sit quietly and reflect on your situation, and then act from calm reasonableness rather than heightened anxiety. Calm awareness rules the day. You will find that this is so. Seek it in your own life and allow it to guide you properly. This is good for now.