#22 Nudging Intent

Dear Jeanne,
Your message of yesterday has elicited several reactions from readers. I had also felt that it was rather harsh and felt it necessary to get some clarification from you today, but also assurance that you do not mean to be imperious, but are only challenging us. Can you respond to those of us who need more from you regarding yesterday’s message?

[I hear laughter.]

So, I shook you up and that is good, for this is an awakening process that I seek to guide you through. My role is to urge you into shape, much as a potter urges the clay into the shape of a pot or bowl. I nudge you here, and I nudge you there, and I spin you into a form so that you may hold within you all that is necessary for your journey.

I do not mean to be imperious or harsh, but I do indeed seek to push you along. I offer knowledge, and at times, I know, that what I offer may come in a manner that is abrupt, but only when necessary. I continue to stress that in this time upon that earth is there great potential for growth in all manner of speaking, politically, environmentally, creatively, and spiritually. From a humanistic point of view has this not happened in a very long time. The energy that now surrounds you, both personally and universally, has been building for a long time, and its culmination is now upon you. Yes, I challenge you to notice it. I challenge you to accept it into your own life, and I also challenge you to acknowledge that you are affected by it, no matter what you now choose to do with the changes in your own life.

All who now reside upon that earth are being offered change, in one fashion or another. All are being challenged, that is the nature of this energy I speak of. For the first time in your lifetime are you being given clarity. Are you not being exposed to truths like never before? Are you not being granted clarity in your own life, right now? Do you not notice that the usual foggy view of your life has lifted and you are being given quite a vantage point from which to view your life now?

There is clarity in this energy I speak of and that is the beauty of it. That is the challenge I speak of when I urge you to consider deeply your next step in life. You are being given all the knowledge you need, without veils, true insight and knowing, everything laid out for you to see. You are being offered the chance to choose your next step, and a new future, with the total knowing of what that future holds. You are also being presented with equally clear vision of the path you now are familiar with and where that will lead you.

The familiar feels comfortable. The unfamiliar feels uncomfortable, but that is only momentary, until you shift out of the now and enter the door that is opening in front of you. Once you step through, transition through that usually veiled aspect of reality, will you once again feel comfortable in your physical body. For your physical body, as well as your intuition work to guide you in your progress.

You know that I seek to guide you into new life, into a life of greater inner knowing and inner exploration. I seek to do this with gentleness and kindness, yet do I also seek to awaken you, to alert you to that which is around you and pertinent to your knowing and your ability to understand your place on your journey. If I seem abrupt or too harsh in my wakeup call, I apologize, but as humans you are sometimes a little too sleepy for my purposes and it is difficult to permeate the dense layer of fog that surrounds you.

I do not like to see you slumber so heavily when there is such excitement around you. I want you to evolve and discover life as it is truly meant to be discovered. I urge only upon you that which you can handle, for when I speak of moderation I speak of self care, and self diagnosis, of how much is good for you, and knowing how much you are ready to take on. So, if I urge you, and you find my urging disturbing, so must you take within my meaning and see how it fits into you own life, and decide what you are ready to do with the knowledge I offer.

Absolutely, must you act only as you see fit and as you are ready for. I do not advocate radical change in your life, unless you are ready for it. I do not advocate abruptness of character or lifestyle, either. But, I do request that you contemplate the possibility of change and what it means in your life. If you are a parent, a guide, a healer, or if you, in any way, affect the lives of others, I request that you do so with gentleness and kindness as you take note of the decisions that others now must make in their lives. For all stand on the cusp of change and all must make a decision that will affect their immediate futures.

This is what I seek to alert you to. Do you feel my intent nudging you into the shape of a fine pot or bowl? Do you feel yourself opening up to the possibility of new life as your inner spirit acknowledges the possibilities that are being presented to you? Allow yourself to take part in this shaping process that I present you with, be proactive in your formation of the future you. Be a partner in this guidance. I offer my hand and my energy as you make the journey with me. Do not be afraid. There is no danger here. You are only exploring yourself, and in so doing are you discovering who you truly are. That is good.

#21 Fork in the Road

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have a message for humanity today?

Embark now on a journey of the self, of individuality, and intent on seeking wholeness. Do not confuse your own journey with that of others, but separate yourself now upon your own path. As you find yourself firmly planted upon this path, disengage your attentions and your distractions from the goals of others, and renew your own sense of direction and intent. Center yourself now, in your new centering method that I have taught, and begin each day newly alert and aware, that each day do you step out on your journey with fresh intent and renewed purpose.

Center on the motivation of your inner spirit and you will make the step that is right for you. Allow your inner energy to guide you. Allow the flow of your life to also guide you, as you abandon old habits and take up the energy that is around you now, to be your motivator. Refuse your old ways. Depart from your old means of living and allow only new air to seep into your life. Energy abounds now for forward movement. This is clear, as all that lies before you is now being clearly revealed. Do you choose to see it? Do you choose to open your eyes now and see what is clearly revealed, so that you may choose with all laid out before you?

Do you not see that your choice now, with this energy of clarity upon the earth, is to choose with clear insight, and known advantages and disadvantages firmly established, and yet, is there also magic ahead of you as you choose your next step. Keep this always in mind. For, even as you are shown the signposts far into the distance, as you stand at this fork in the road, as you clearly see each bump, and each turn in the road on either path, so do you not yet see all else that lies waiting for your approach. How do you choose to proceed?

Do you choose the old way? For that is the one option that is now before you. Or, do you choose the new habit free way? That is the other option. Both paths have much life to offer, but one path leads to not much new, while the other leads to newness at every step. Small steps or large steps, it does not matter, each step will either be the same as you now inhabit your life, or they will be totally new and life giving.

Whether you choose to remain habit bound or to begin a new, and wondrous, and daring journey is not really the question. For, if you choose the less daring path, will you continue to have as many challenges as if you choose the new daring path. But, the choice becomes one of immediacy, and fulfillment of a challenge that is now being presented to you, for your growth and your evolution.

This opportunity does not come along very often. This energy, that now sweeps upon the earth and invites radical change, does not attend many life times, but it does attend this one that you now inhabit. This time of abrupt growth is unusual, and to be able to partake, at this time in your evolution, is to be offered a great opportunity, to not only understand the energy of intent, but also to understand what it means to dare the self to accept challenge as it is presented.

You will learn greatly no matter which challenge you accept, for when you stand at such a fork in the path as now, so do you have the opportunity for challenge, no matter the path you elect to walk upon. But, you also stand now upon the rim, the cusp of energy that seeks to invite you to join it in its vigorous flow.

Seek your calm center and listen for your inner knowing to guide you properly in your choice. Debate not with your attachments, for they will seek to distract you from hearing your inner voice clearly. Seek, as I said, your individuality now, as you contemplate your life thus far, and determine whether or not you will choose change, or the continuation of life, as you know it.

Know also, that all around you are being given this same challenge, this opportunity for advancement in spirit, and in conscious awareness. All are being invited into clarity, and realness of purpose, and knowing of life’s meaning. For, that is what this energy that now sweeps upon that earth offers all.

You are not alone in your challenge to choose. All are now sitting upon the cusp of change. Do you dare to take up the challenge of drastic new life? Do you accept the guidance that awaits you? Do you dare to embark now on your own journey of individual growth of spirit and consciousness? I await your decision.

Why are you pushing so hard? Is the time of decision making imminent? Isn’t there time to contemplate?

I push, because though there remains time to contemplate, so is there not a lot of time. If you are going to embark on this journey powered by the incredible energy that now invigorates all to challenge themselves, so must you be prepared to jump into it at a moment’s notice. Be prepared to know when the time is right; by the signs around you, by the messages in your life, by all that is pointing you in the right direction, will you know. Contemplate now, deeply, over the next few days what is right for you, for your growth and evolution, and make your choice based on that. Once you have determined what is right for your spirit growth, will your next challenge be to take the step that leads you into the energy that will propel you forth and onward into new growth and new adventure. I encourage you all to take this time extremely seriously, to contemplate deeply, and to go with what you know is right.

I encourage you to ask for guidance as you proceed, and I also encourage you to seek the knowing of your own spirit to guide you properly. For ultimately, this, your own spirit, will be the guide you will learn to rely on and trust above all, as you venture forth and understand what true knowing is, and what it means in your life.

I guarantee nothing, except that the energy, if you elect to engage it, will have great power in your life, and it will move you quickly. Even if you are not totally ready, yet you elect to go for it, understand that you will be pushed forward anyway. At first this may frighten you, but as you begin to understand how this energy works, so will you find that it suits you well.

Good luck in your inner work, as you select your new life. Good luck, as you contemplate your place in life now, with awareness and unavoidance of the difficulties that appear now in your life, for to choose wisely must you acknowledge all that seeks to distract you from clarity and truth.

Find you awareness, and utilize it to your advantage. I will continue to offer guidance as you contemplate this big step in your life. I am with you, my dear traveling companions, even if you may feel alone and unable to choose, so must you know that good energy awaits, and you are well-protected, and well-guided, by all of us who attempt contact with those of you who dare to seek life beyond the veils.

#20 The Great Feast of Life

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have any messages for today?

Be absolutely certain that the guidance I offer you will lead you to emptiness and calm, and that this place of unity of being is highly desirable. I urge upon all of you the challenge of this attempt to awaken, not only the spirit within you, but also the daring that lies waiting to be unleashed. For how will you travel far in that life if you do not dare yourself to change? Change is what I speak of, what I propose, and what I urge upon all mankind, for without change will there be little progress upon that earth, and little evolution will result.

In order to progress in your own life must you be aware of all I speak of as meaningful and totally fulfilling for that life you now live. Have I not proposed already many things that have had significant impact upon you? Have I not encouraged, continually, participation for your own sake and your own growth? Have I not dared you to accept my challenges to change your life, in order to grow and evolve, and in so doing discover, not only the secrets of the self, but also the secrets of the universe?

As I have encouraged and offered many means of learning to accept the self, so have I also taught you new meaning for life, and your own life, specifically. As I have invited you to take a new journey so have I also offered you many techniques and insights that are useful in order to begin to see and experience that world differently.

As you begin to accept your place in that world with new vision and new meaning, as you discover who you now are, and who you may become, so will you also learn new ways to love, both yourself and others. This new adventure you embark upon requires that you learn a new meaning of self-love and universal love. In order to truly envision and live a new kind of life must you begin to understand love as all encompassing, and all compassionate, and all enveloping.

Observe your tendencies toward the self as you now are. Are you learning to view yourself differently now, as a result of my urging to accept the self as whole and total, and supremely capable of living the life you now have before you? See your life as a grand feast about to begin. You have your meal ticket, and everything laid before you is available for your tasting pleasure. How do you choose to go about accepting the life’s feast that is waiting for you to enjoy? Do you over consume, or do you choose moderation and a step-by-step discovery of all that life offers? Do you not yet understand that you have plenty of time, and plenty of opportunity, to enjoy, and that you will always have enough to go on, and you will not miss any essential experience?

There is no need to over indulge; for, all that you truly need will be available for your consumption. Of course, I do not speak only of eating, for I speak metaphorically, as always, and in so speaking of life as a feast, do I offer you insight into all that life offers, as laid out before you, in all of its grandeur. For life is a feast, and you have all been invited to partake in it, and all of you are properly dressed, and perfectly situated to begin your enjoyment of it. Step into the banquet hall with me now, and begin to explore how you react to all you see before you, and observe how you decide to undertake this next phase on your life.

Do you trust yourself? Do you trust my guidance? Are you learning to love and value yourself now in a different manner? Turn this new outlook, on the self, outward now as you venture into a new life. As you accept the new you, so will others around you also begin to accept you differently. As you find your own compassion and love for yourself on your journey, as you find your abilities perfectly acceptable, and more than adequate, as you discover who you truly are, and enjoy this new you more fully, so will this affect others in your world, too.

Acceptance of the self as whole, beautiful, deeply involved in meaningful life experiences will enable you to experience others, and the world around you, differently. In this new outlook on the self will the world begin to respond to you differently, too. Offer yourself the knowledge that the great feast of life is available, and all you have to do, now, is look upon yourself in all of your finery, with love and understanding, with new knowledge of how to enjoy yourself at such a feast as this, and allow yourself to go forward with all of this new ability, and new knowledge, firmly planted in your being.

Trust yourself. Allow yourself to have this new experience. You will not fail now, because you have learned that all experience is valuable, and all experience is necessary, and each step and action you take is correct, and waiting to be experienced and learned from.

Remember that you are on a journey and you have been well prepared for it. You have everything that you need in order to take that journey. Your work with me is just alerting you to these facts, and also allowing you access to all that lies hidden inside you, waiting to be discovered. All of those hidden treasures inside you are waiting to be utilized on that journey and, as you travel, you will learn more and more, both about yourself, and about the world around you.

Find your place in line now, and love yourself in your finery, not with absurd self-aggrandizement, but with compassion for how far you have come already, and how faithful you have remained to the truth of the self on that journey thus far. Be fine with yourself, though your legs may be shaking, and your heart thumping as you enter this great banquet hall of life, afraid that you may do something wrong or make a fool of yourself if you don’t follow the rules. Well, I grant you the knowledge that there are no rules. You don’t need rules, because you have learned what it takes in order to live life correctly and to be on a journey of progress with your inner spirit as guide. Your inner spirit will not make mistakes; it will only take you where you need to go.

So, for today, I ask you to be gentle and caring of the new self you are learning about. This new self I ask that you learn to love, and appreciate, this new you who wishes only to live and learn, and continue to take this journey you find yourself now upon. This is enough for today. Find your center, and stay in your calm as you contemplate the next move in your life. Trust your instincts, trust your knowing, and trust your love you now are learning to feel and experience for yourself. Allow these things, your center, your calm, and your love to guide you, and you will do well.

#19 Acceptance of the Self

Dear Jeanne,
The other day you talked about moderation. What would you like to talk about today?

Acceptance of the self. It is important; if you are going to take the right journey in that life upon that earth, to clearly see the self, the truth of the self, and to accept this as your wholeness, your beginning, and your individual entirety. Acceptance of the self, in all of its complexities, and all of its seemingly discordant and dysfunctional aspects, is necessary in order to progress beyond your preconceived place in life that now holds you fast.

Look clearly at the self. Understand yourself as a whole being equipped with everything you need for that journey upon that earth. Dismiss ideas of failure, or disharmony, or of disturbance. Dismiss all notions that lead you to judgments and disputes with the self. Disarm yourself now of all issues that block you from your true journey in that life. The true journey of every individual upon that earth is to learn to know the truth of the self, to clearly establish this journey, now, in true knowing of every detail, and clear understanding of every aspect, as being not only necessary, but desirable.

Accept the self as you now exist. Do not attach hopes, or fears, or add upon the self any desires, other than the desire to truly know and understand this self you now are. Empty the self of all preconceived ideas and all judgments laid upon you by others, or by society, or by the vagaries of the world, including the religions, the beliefs, the systems of justice, and the systems of commercialism that now rule that earth. Take off your very being all the rules and regulations that have held you captive all these many years. Strip bare your very body, and your very soul, of all that has been laid heavily upon you since your birth into that life.

Once you are stripped bare, and born naked and unencumbered by any outside ideas, or ideals, or conventions, begin to feel what this means. This means that you are perfect as you are. This means you are who you are supposed to be. You are you, and that, my dears, is the way you should begin to perceive yourselves.

Establish your inner and your outer innocence in this new you. See yourself as whole, as perfectly formed and well equipped for your own journey. Separate yourself now from the journeys of all others, and allow yourself the luxury of taking this trip for you, and for you alone. This is your gift to yourself. You are totally acceptable as a human being, and as your own traveling companion. Know that this is the life for you! Embrace this life, embrace this physical you, this body you now have, and further embrace all the experiences that you hold within you thus far. All of these things comprise the greater you, along with the inner you. In this wholeness must you now begin to accept your life, and your very being, in a different manner in order to progress.

I urge you to begin from this new place of empty self-awareness, to learn what it means now to love yourself, and to appreciate yourself, for the journey you have taken. Pat yourself on the back for all the attempts you have made thus far, for all the adventures you have dared experience in your quest for wholeness of body and spirit. Appreciate and love who you have become, for this is necessary in order to continue your journey into completeness.

Acceptance of the self wholly, in this time of now, is a vital step along your path. For if you fight yourself constantly, will you simply remain stuck, and your journey will remain bogged down as you fight yourself and lose your awareness of all that approaches you for your benefit. Do you not see that as you fight and tumble about, wrestling with all the judgments and hates that envelop you, that you are missing all the other things tapping you on your shoulder and seeking your attention? As you continue your wrestling match, the dust you kick up from your desert path blocks your vision and keeps you unaware.

Stand up straight now, stop the fighting, look around you, and notice where you are. Who have you become? Where are you standing? What road are you on? Who is around you? Do you recognize any of it? Is this where you thought you were? Or do you find yourself in a totally different place from where you thought you were? Is it familiar? Is it strange and feeling unfamiliar? Does it feel right, or does it feel totally wrong?

Look at your physical self, too, as you stand there with your head clearing and your dust settling around you. You are you. This is you who stands there. This is the wholeness of you. This is the person I urge you to accept. This is the person you now are, and this is the traveling companion who has been with you all along, as you have traveled that life.

Thank yourself for getting you to this place in your life. Dust off the dirt and straighten your clothes, comb your hair, and pat yourself down into neatness, and firm conviction of the rightness of you, and the truth of your presence in that life, and your spirit’s journey as well. Shake off the old ways, now. Stop the fighting. Allow the old disputes to fall at your feet with the dirt you brush off. Clean your hands of your old ways, and open your eyes, now, to the possibility of not only a new life, but also a new you.

Accept the possibility of a new traveling companion now, the new you, full of love and compassion, and admiration for all that you have done and lived so far in that life. Now you have the opportunity to do things differently, and this is the greatest gift you can give yourself today, the gift of change. I have spoken of this before, of allowing yourself to change in some small way. Well, now you have gained some experience of how I give guidance, and what it can mean in your own life. Now you have learned something that has been meaningful, and perhaps helped you as you have read my messages. Now do you better understand my methods of learning to navigate life.

Life is a journey, and you are the being taking that journey. A journey is full of adventure, full of experiences that you will learn from, grow from, and mature from. But, none of those things will be available to you if you do not allow yourself to take even one small step. If you remain fighting in the dust, will you have great difficulty in experiencing anything, other than the pain, and the gritty life of that constant battle. But, if you get up off the ground and dust yourself off, as I suggest, then do you have the opportunity to step away from that hole you have worn in your path, and stand on flatter ground again, and open yourself to new life and all that awaits.

Give yourself this opportunity to advance on your journey. Give yourself the gift of new life, simply by acknowledging yourself as a superb traveling companion, ready to go on more adventures. Further your life now in a new manner, accepting not only all that you have become, but also all that you have learned, as meaningful and necessary for your future progress.

Acceptance of the self now is your challenge for today, and for all future days. For without this, will you not have the complete companion with you, but only a shell of yourself. Take now with you the truth of yourself. Accept this truth as your hard-earned right and your fully acceptable companion who has, so far, served you well. Know that the next step will bring you to the right place, and all steps after that, too. For, in your wholeness, will you see more clearly. And, this is good.

#18 Cubbyholes

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have any messages for us today?

I speak today of moderation, of learning not only balance, but also the necessity of living life with only that which is necessary, and only in amounts that are easily handled. For excess in anything is dangerous and counterproductive.

Find your balance first, each day, in your center, your calm place inside you. Use this as your guide, know the feel of it, and how it fits only you and makes you calm and aware. Keep your place here firmly in your consciousness as you go throughout your day.

From this place of calm center, can you better maintain moderation in all things. From here can you regulate your life in all manners, with maturity, and conscious effort to tackle your issues, and your challenges, with sober and small steps that will keep you in this balanced center.

When I speak of moderation, I speak of it in terms of every aspect of life. Regard yourself as ready to hurl yourself forward into new life and I say, yes, that is good, but that is not necessarily the best way to proceed. For to hurl yourself down the rabbit hole, and into a new world, may not be the best thing for you or for the rest of your life, at this time.

Seek balance; seek clarity now, on all the issues in your life that you need to address. Compartmentalize them in little boxes, each in its own cubbyhole, giving them each equal space, and equal attention, as you place them into their spaces. With each issue firmly placed, and safely acknowledged, can you now begin to understand what I mean when I speak of moderation.

If you tip over your box of cubbyholes and all your issues fall onto the floor in a big heap, then will you simply be overwhelmed. But, keeping them separate and known, each for their own intensity, will you have better access to them, and better perspective as well. Now, in moderation, is it possible to deal with one issue at a time, as it rises to your consciousness, but only in small amounts.

If your issue of abandonment arises, give it some attention, but do not allow it to overwhelm you so that it falls out of the cubbyhole and pours itself on top of you. This would result in suffocation and a sense of total helplessness. Remember, you are in charge at all times. You are the director. You already know the whole movie of your life, but you are attempting to revisit each scene now and look at it more clearly to discover what you missed the first time. So, it is important that you do not become overwhelmed or you will not understand all that is waiting for you to discover in your exploration of the self at this time in your life.

Return your issue to the cubbyhole after you have handled it a little bit, after you have ventured into its essence. As you begin to recall things that it is necessary for you to recall, step back, and ponder the little bit that comes to you. Keep your distance from the rest of it, concentrate only on the small amount that you can handle. To do this is to engage in the Act of Recapitulation that I have spoken of as being the most important aspect of growth and evolution. For, without solving the mysteries of the self, how can you expect to solve the mysteries of the world around you, and the mysteries and magic of the world to come?

Once you have given yourself the gift of a small amount of recall, whether it be emotional, physical, or memory, step back, putting your issue back in its cubbyhole for the day, and know that you have served yourself enough for the day. Now, it is time to look for some other aspect of your life, in some other cubbyhole, to balance you again. Choose something that will soothe you and serve you well in your quest for wholeness. Do this also in moderation.

Seek to understand and utilize this act of moderation daily in your life. Do not fault yourself if you go overboard in any aspect of your life, for in so doing will you discover what your own balance means to you, and what moderation means in your own life, too. For both balance and moderation in one person’s life is different from that in another’s.

I do, however, advocate certain things in order to begin to set you on a path of healing, of kindness to the self, and of potential. Begin your day with the calm centering I speak of, and the healing intent I have also spoken of. This does not need much time, but will help to ground you in your day. Sit quietly, for even a minute or two, each morning, perhaps before you get out of bed, center yourself, swirl your healing intent throughout your being, and compartmentalize all your issues. Then, begin your day. In this manner will you begin each day open, and calmly ready for all that you will encounter.

I also offer this physical balancing exercise that you can do anywhere, any time, in order to regain or establish balance in your body. This will also return you quickly to your internal calm, if you take it seriously, and understand its concept, for the physical body also requires the same amount of attention as the spirit body does.

Stand tall and straight with arms at sides, legs slightly and comfortably apart. Sway slightly from one foot to the other, adjusting your balance, first to the right side, then to the left, then back again. Adjust the distance between your feet as you sway, and if you require more distance, in order to maintain good stance and steady balance. As you do this action, visualize your body shifting your internal balance, too, to the point where you are shaking off all that seeks to cling to you. In this action, are you ridding yourself of attachments that desire your energy. You can do this slowly at first and build up to quite a vigorous back and forth motion, if you desire it. Or, if you are in public, standing on line somewhere, you can do this very gently, and almost imperceptibly, but you will know what you are doing, and the reason for it, and you will be able to shake up and shake off attachments. At the same time, will you also, as you slow down your back and forth swaying from one foot to the other, be reasserting your balance, both your internal balance and your physical balance. Stand quietly for a minute, when you have completed this exercise and feel yourself in your body again. Feel your energy settle down into your center, pull it in and hold it there, and know that you are fully capable of learning this moderation I speak of.

Keeping your physical self in good shape by beginning with one step at a time will lead you to greater balance in all aspects of your life. Seek to keep your body clean by eating real food and real drink. Enjoy the goodies of taste in moderation, too, for I do not advocate denial of any sort, but only moderation, for it will not serve you or your body well to have too much of anything.

You must learn to live in both worlds, the world of your inner spirit, and the real world with all that it offers you, but to do so in balance, with equal enjoyments of both worlds, requires work and attention to the self, without stress, and without defeating the self as you go. It will take time, but eventually, if you begin to practice moderation, will you gain the clarity necessary to navigate that life with balance and moderation that will serve you well in both worlds.

I think this is enough instruction for one day. I have given you access to many things in order to guide you on your path. Seek your own sense of what balance means to you. Seek moderation, not in the overwhelming sense, but in the step-by-step sense. For I do not advocate abrupt change in anything, for that will throw you out of balance as surely as if you had tipped all of your issues out of your cubbyhole and smothered yourself with them, after we have just gotten them organized.

As always, I advocate that change be attempted in small steps. Balance and moderation are simply aspects of change that will serve you well as you make your journey. Think of these aspects as offering you the opportunity to lay aside some of your heavy burdens for a while as you take a break on your travels. When you are ready will you look inside those burdens to see what it is that you are carrying, and whether or not you really need to drag it around anymore. But, this you will only do when you are ready, and only as much as you are ready for. This is practicing moderation, and learning balance. Be kind to yourself as you begin these practices. Allow your own knowing to guide you. Look for your balance and your healing center daily, and from this place of truth will you begin to hear your own true voice, and it will let you know, more clearly, with time and practice, exactly what you need to do next. But will you listen? That is your challenge.

Return to my words as often as you need them and they will guide you. Help yourself with the knowledge that all aspects of your journey are meant for you to experience and learn from. What are you learning about yourself and your own journey today, and where are you taking yourself? This is your path. What will your next step be, and where will that one take you? See what happens. You never know where your adventure will take you. Or perhaps you do.