Category Archives: Soulbytes

A Soulbyte is a spark of the infinitesimal, a portion of the endless wisdom and the magic from which we all come, to which we all innately have access, and to which we will all one day return.

Our Daily Soulbytes are messages channeled from the energy of each day, from the dreams of the night, and from what the universe declares to be most important in the moment. They are usually posted before 7 AM but more often around 5 AM, every weekday.

We hope these Soulbytes offer helpful guidance, but we also encourage all of our readers to feel the energy of each day themselves and to make responsible choices and decisions.

Soulbyte for Sunday August 3, 2014

Stay focused, taking your lessons to heart. Lessons are necessary, leading to clarity and resolution, leading to growth and evolution. Lessons are for one reason only, to be learned so that you may advance.

Do not despair if you do not learn your lessons in life the first time around. Lessons challenge you all to become more aware of yourselves and how you operate in the world you reside in.

Lessons in the outer world are really inner lessons. As without so within. Take your lessons seriously. They are leading you deeper into the mysteries of your own life and along your ever-burgeoning path of heart.

Soulbyte for Saturday August 2, 2014

Do not sit and wait for the inevitable.
Take all tasks to completion.
Fulfill your duties and make sure you have your house in order.
In this manner your power is set and will go undisputed as you take your life to a new level without compromise or strings of energy drain.

In evolutionary times, inner and outer balance is necessary, good relations are necessary, but they begin at home and within the self.

Order allows for change. Disorder brings only chaos.
Seek order, calmness and resolution of all that blocks your energy.
Then see what happens as the energy in you and around you really begins to flow as it truly desires.

A Soulbyte For The Day

Cover of Volume 3 of The Recapitulation Diaries
Cover of Volume 3 of The Recapitulation Diaries

Today’s Soulbyte:

Reveal who you truly are.
Be met with true spirit in return.
This is how to live.

Jan reveals who she truly is in her books, the latest, Into the Vast Nothingness, just published.

Here is a link to the Kindle version where you can take a look inside and read the introduction: Into the Vast Nothingness-Kindle

Here is the paperback version: Into the Vast Nothingness-Paperback

Soulbyte for the Day: Make Life Glorious!

Here is a Soulbyte for the day:

Make every moment glorious! Make life a walking meditation, slowing down, noticing how things still get done, but with less stress. Stop and hear the soft sound of the snow gently falling, catch a glimpse of a red cardinal in the trees, look at the animal prints in the snow. Walk slowly and mindfully through each day and notice how being glorious becomes more attainable. Walk in calmness today…

Soulbyte for the Day: I Am A Radiant Being!

Our thoughts create our reality. Our thoughts keep us in pain, fearful and afraid to fully live.

In keeping with today’s channeled message, create a new inner reality by changing the message to the mind, body and spirit. Breathe out the old thoughts and breathe in a new mantra: I am a Radiant Being!

Try breathing that in for 5 or 10 minutes and then repeating it throughout the day. See what happens!