Category Archives: Soulbytes

A Soulbyte is a spark of the infinitesimal, a portion of the endless wisdom and the magic from which we all come, to which we all innately have access, and to which we will all one day return.

Our Daily Soulbytes are messages channeled from the energy of each day, from the dreams of the night, and from what the universe declares to be most important in the moment. They are usually posted before 7 AM but more often around 5 AM, every weekday.

We hope these Soulbytes offer helpful guidance, but we also encourage all of our readers to feel the energy of each day themselves and to make responsible choices and decisions.

Soulbyte for Tuesday April 14, 2015

Reconfirm your existence each day. You belong here. You are as worthy of life as every other creature. You matter. Make of your life an abundant journey, knowing that you make an impact upon the Earth and among all creatures by your every thought, action, and deed, by your every word. Your breath alone has impact.

Stand upon the Earth’s surface and accept your beingness, your integrity and your intelligence to live a life of meaning. Know that everything you do impacts everything else. Just as a rainy day impacts you, your moods and movements, so do you impact each day too as you move through it bringing it yourself.

Reconfirm your existence, your right to learn and grow, your very beingness and then align with the beauty and bounty of the natural world, reconnecting with nature to learn best how to proceed on your path of heart. When you walk in the world you walk upon the heart of the Great Mother and she embraces you. Do the same for her. Treat her with respect, knowing that just as she is your Great Mother so are you her child. She accepts your existence and wishes you only well.

Soulbyte for Monday April 13, 2015

The energy of each day is cultivated to teach, nurture, and sustain you and your life’s journey. Do not dismiss the various moods and happenings of each day’s unfolding, the ups and downs, what is going on inside and outside the self, for everything matters. You are part of the flow of life as much as the flow of life is part of you. You are synonymous with all that is and so all that occurs is of consequence and meant to advance you on your journey.

Your lessons come in all shapes and sizes, in each day’s moments, so take time to contemplate your lessons at each day’s passing and prepare yourself for those to come in similar contemplative manner. Know that yes, you are there to learn the lessons that Earth School teaches, a learner yearning for completion of your many tasks of your many lives.

Soulbyte for Sunday April 12, 2015

When life laughs at you, laugh back. When life asks you to do something, do it with gusto! When life presents a challenge step out with determination, find your bearings, and give it your all. Life asks much of you, for that is life’s job, to take you on your journey, to mold you into a being worthy of its challenges. And your challenge is to take the journey presented, to walk the path before you fully participatory, consciously, and with awareness of the ultimate goal: to ascend beyond what life has to offer. For life itself can only offer so much. It gives you the framework for the journey of spirit, but it does not take the journey, only you can do that.

Life offers advice in its everyday unfolding, but only you can decide what to do with what you are presented with. Life may be filled with things that must be attended to, but on the other hand, life has little to offer, for the real work and the real path are inside each of you. Life points out the direction, but only you can choose to go there.

Give life every opportunity to guide you, but be your own guide along your own path of choice. That is what it means to utilize every opportunity and strike out on a path of meaning and heart, on the path your spirit knows is the right one.

Soulbyte for Saturday April 11, 2015

Life requests participation in so many ways, drawing here and there, requesting that this be attended to and that. But who says that life must be rewarded, that life itself requires an answer?

A warrior looks at life with a keen eye, with attention to detail, aware that life will entice but also aware that not all requests from life are valid or worthy of attention. And so a warrior is always alert to the ebb and flow of life’s requests while simultaneously decisive in what to get involved in, knowing full well how and where and why energy should be used or not.

A warrior’s main concern is always with energy, the personal amassing of it, and so a warrior is always intent that life will be a participant in the warrior’s journey rather than the other way around.

Soulbyte for Friday April 10, 2015

A warrior always studies needs, wants, and desires. What is really necessary and why? Meanwhile, a warrior knows that the ultimate goal in life is to gain enough insight and energy so as to be able to move on, to become enlightened in such way so as to not only transcend this world but to engage it in such a way as to bring forth its gifts. And so a warrior is both a student and a teacher, an apprentice of life while simultaneously garnering the energy and wisdom of a master.

These two sides of self are kept in balance at all times as the warrior travels through life eager to learn and equally eager to be an example of how to live with intent focused on the merger of these two aspects. And so a warrior is both gentle and fierce, both humble and sharply aware of each step taken on the chosen path of heart, always aware of how to learn and how to teach, by example. A warrior never ceases being curious and available for life’s adventures.