Category Archives: Questions for Jeanne

#359 Compassion Rides the Tail of Right Action

Today, a Reader asks Jeanne for guidance.

Dear Jeanne,
Several times in my life I have fallen prey to manipulative people without realizing what was going on until it escalated and got to an extreme situation. Although now, after much work, I do recognize when someone is acting in a manipulative way, I have struggled with giving myself permission to act firmly, to say no or to simply not give in to their wants or desires. This causes much inner turmoil as I feel like I am being uncompassionate, but at the same time, I do not want or desire to be a victim or to be manipulated. Could you please clarify this? Thank you very much.

My Dear Reader, in the warrior’s way do you speak of separating self and issues of self from the situation at hand when you speak of compassion. It is important to have clarity when considering actions, for not all actions are appropriate if the big baby or the hurt baby or wounded child is present. In order to act as a warrior, must you be able to assess the self as well as the situation being encountered. And this must be done swiftly and decisively, for only in right action of truth will compassion be addressed as well.

Your own big baby is not compassionate, nor is your wounded child, or your maternal self. Compassion is the balance that is achieved in actions based in truth. I advise learning to assess situations thoroughly. Wake up to the fact of whether the situation is one of truth, honor, and rightness, or are you being manipulated? Those are the questions one must ask oneself.

In your own case, must you allow your self to forget the past, stay in the moment, release the self from past attachments, outcomes, and histories, and immediately stand in the truth of now. Only in remaining alert, aware, instinctively knowing the truth of your situation can you act correctly, quickly, and ruthlessly. That action is immediately balanced by the compassion of life itself moving in the right direction, energetically forcing truth to be reckoned with and offered to the recipient in clarity.

Compassion is two-fold. It is honest, and it is loving. It carries blatant truth at its core and yet does it ride on the energetic waves of love, for it delivers itself by means of direct intent. That is what you must know; that you might not feel the compassion in your argument, but you must know that it is energetically delivered.

Compassion is a gift, not given freely, but earned by doing the work of truth, of setting the intent to commit acts of right doing, right action, that will set the record straight, put the world on the right course and send a wave of new energy of truth forward.

Compassion is not always a gentle and kind action, but often brutal and resented, obvious and confrontational, straightforward and directly hitting at core issues. You mix up vulnerability with compassion. You confuse sensitivity with compassion. You deter the message of compassion by attaching to the misconstrued meaning of it.

Compassion does not get defined so easily, My Dear. All situations are different, thus compassion arrives in many guises. Your chore is to stand always in your personal truth, unswayed by your past or your negative thinking about the self, your misguided understanding of what compassion truly is. For compassion is, to put it plainly, neither love nor kindness, but a separate amorphous energy that is always delivered correctly if the message it rides on is truthful and right, in a timely moment when no other message will serve.

Compassion deserves respect, for it is not to be used recklessly, nor will it allow itself to be squandered. For if misused will it energetically backfire upon you and then must you contend with its misfired intent. That is why I say that you must, as a warrior, be quickly and decisively able to separate self (ego, baby, child, victim self, etc.) from the moment. You must, as a warrior, be able to assess quickly, with knowing clarity and knowing of right action. This process does not involve the head or a thinking process, but only an acting on truth process. The action must be taken in alignment with the truth at its core and then does compassion ride on its tail, delivered with the blow of truth.

Compassion is used in dire circumstances when no other attribute works, for it can withstand the rejection that is sure to come. But it can also accept the total surrender that also comes when right action and truth are received bravely and honestly. Do not doubt your firmness, your warrior actions, for when they are right they will land dead on and have affect. This is when compassion will become present and known as companion to right action.

To learn universal love and compassion are to learn the warrior’s way: to be available energetically to give and receive without attachment to self, able to purely give with no expectation of receiving, yet also be appropriately able to receive without expectation of giving in return. That is the true meaning of love and compassion, to be without expectation, but totally energetically available and free.

Thank you for your question. May you find this natural aspect of self. It does not come forth in your demeanor or your personality, or your sensitive feelings for even those who manipulate you. That is your work to center on, to free the self to become the warrior you truly carry inside, waiting for growth.

The warrior self has no ego, no thoughts or muddled thinking, but acts in rightness and in truth, always knowing. Compassion is energy riding its waves, flowing in natural accompaniment. That’s what you must keep in mind; it is a natural phenomenon. Compassion is natural. Truth is natural. Right action is a natural act. Manipulation is not. Does that help?

Remove ego self. Remove big baby self. Remove confused and bidding self. Act from knowing self.

#356 What To Do With The Big Baby

Today, a Reader asks Jeanne for guidance.

Dear Jeanne,
The message on July 28th also rings true for me, as I learn to detach from the old fears that served to protect me at one time, but need to be put to rest so I can learn to trust the new journey that is ahead. As my spiritual self “cleans house” to get ready for a new beginning, my emotional, and especially, my physical body are taking quite a hit. I not only have “dust bunnies” under my bed…I have “dust monsters” that have been lurking about for a long time! How can I ease some of the pain that I am in now…I don’t want to undo my progress, but my physical body is in a turmoil, as my old ways of soothing my “big baby” are not working anymore. At times I feel like all the work I have been doing is worth it, and at times I question myself as to why I decided to “look under my bed”.

Thank you again for giving me a safe place to ask deep questions that have been with me for so long, but I have been afraid to ask.

Love & Light…D.A.D

My Dearest D.A.D., your question poses a most interesting and common dilemma, what to do with the big baby, especially as life changes and you no longer want to carry that big baby around anymore. Your question of soothing the big baby is actually the wrong question to ask. It is not proper to soothe that aspect of the self, but much better to put it to rest for a very long and even permanent nap. To continue soothing, looking for new methods of soothing, or trying to find a means of keeping the big baby quiet during times of stress, etc., are all things that must be contended with in the process of giving up the big baby.

As you now notice that you have this aspect of the self, so do you have one of the biggest challenges accomplished. The big baby does exist in all who reside upon that earth plane, yet have many of you dealt quite well with this aspect of the self. I suggest My Dear One, that you do not attempt to please your big baby with a pacifier, though this is what you will seek to do in order to attain some peace and quiet. This can be a very difficult step to take because if you aren’t allowed to soothe the big baby what are you supposed to do instead?

I do not suggest being cruel to your big baby self, but I do suggest that firmness and discipline with that aspect of the self are the first lessons to learn in detachment from this aspect of self. You are an adult, not a baby. Your mental capacity is exceptional; your ability to assess the self has been on a long and arduous journey that has now arrived at a place of shift and great change. You are doing excellent work, but you must attempt more fully to place the big baby self in the crib that waits for this cumbersome side of the self.

It is too late to be carrying a big baby around with you. It is too late at night for the big baby to stay up with you watching TV or reading. It is too early in the morning for the big baby to arise with you and enjoy your solitude. You are a mother, and now must you mother your self. This is the next step in learning how to rid your self of the annoying pestering of the big baby. Mother your self now, not the big baby. By this I mean, find your tenderness and your love for your evolving adult self. Offer gentleness to her, offer guidance to her, and allow her to take some much needed time for her self, the fully eager to blossom adult self.

This aspect of self must be regarded above all other aspects of self, respected and paid attention to. This is the seeking self, and this is the self you seek to know and travel forward with. You do not want to know about the big baby self. That aspect of self is predictable, annoyingly present too often, and is not conducive to a seeking life. You don’t need to know anything more about the big baby self. You are good at acknowledging that this side of self attempts to sabotage your progress and that is enough attention. The big baby does not need anything else. So don’t think you need to attend to it, because you absolutely do not. You need to detach from it. But you must not, as I said, detach by offering it a bribe or a treat. You must stand firmly in your truth of it, but move quickly away from it and plant your self immediately in your adult self, your adult frame of mind, you adult body, your adult desires, and your adult needs. You do not need to deny that you have needs, but you must distinguish between the big baby needs and the adult ones.

You must create a balance in your adult life between needs, desires, and responsibilities. It might not be a bad idea to write down the things that are most important to you, the adult. Cross off anything that the big baby writes down. Remain firmly attached to your mature, adult adventuresome spirit self as you make this list. It will do you good, and any other Readers, to do this in order to clear away any confusion about who has control over your needs and wants, and to allow you to focus your intent from the place of adult maturity and not big baby immaturity.

I stress that you must center your self before you begin this process of listing your life’s desires, your present and your future desires. Allow your truths to be written down totally freed of the interferences of the big baby self.

Once this is done, will you have a place to focus your attention when the big baby screams for attention. Pull out your list and regain your focus on the adult self. In this manner will you begin a process of detachment from the big baby self. Eventually will the big baby no longer bother you, not even a whimper, though it takes work to allow the big baby self to know that it is no longer invited to travel with you.

It is desirable to leave the big baby quietly asleep, its paraphernalia packed and placed beneath its crib, boxed away, no longer necessary, not desired, not even a glimpse. But you must take your thumb out of your mouth to start. Then one by one, every aspect that is the big baby self must be removed and packed away, no longer acceptable. This is a step-by-step process that can take years, but it must be done in order for progress to be made. It is the confrontation that must be gone through as you recapitulate too.

Everyone who does a full recapitulation will meet every aspect of the self during the work, and the big baby is one of those aspects that has to be and will be dealt with as the process unfolds. It is inevitable, but necessary for growth.

Do not focus on the big baby self, but allow your struggling adult self to consider it just another child in the family. Teach it what it means to grow up, be responsible, be in the world, and be ready to leave the nest, for that is what everyone must do in life, grow up and go out into the world.

So I urge you, My Dear Strong Seeker, to allow your mature adult self to have needs and desires, and acknowledge that fears are old habits that belong to the big baby. You do not need the big baby, so I can attest that you do not need your fears either. You do, however, need to allow your adult self to take on a new cloak of fearless daring, a new robe of safety in the world, because you are on a new journey, and you know that everything is meant for your learning progress. Find you new cloak, your new self-seeking cloak of desire for life, a real life in a world that is full of wonderful adventures.

Your physical body can handle it; you just have to accept the fact that it can. Your spirit is ready. Your old anxieties just need to be prodded over to the big baby crib and packed up there. Then see what happens. To clean house is a grand idea, just pack up a lot of old stuff as you clean and you will do well. But don’t forget to fully examine your big baby and your adult stuff before packing it away, and make sure you don’t mix them up. Keep them separate so only the big baby items get packed up and not the adult things.

Then set your intent firmly on that list of adult desires and manifest them in your life by allowing them to become your new truths of self. Carry them in your presence at all times and allow them to lead you to the new you. That is where your future lies, in acknowledging your truths.

#354 Your Fear is Being Routed Out of You

Today, A Reader asks Jeanne for guidance.

Dear Jeanne,
I wrestle with a very deep-seated feeling of fear every day, or more accurately, every hour of every day and night, and although I can push through the days, it has made sleep nearly impossible for most of my life. I never recognized it as “fear” until recently and have struggled with recapitulation as I encounter it at every turn. I had thought it was active as the result of sexual abuse that happened when I was a child, but I am beginning to feel that it goes much deeper than that, as it seems to permeate every cell of my body. You have said that fear can be one of our greatest teachers, but sometimes I just don’t understand how to face it when I am not really sure what it is I am afraid of. How do I detach from it? Could you please talk some more about this? Thank you very much for your continued guidance and love.

Thank you, Jan and Chuck for your continued guidance and love too.


My Dearest Debbie, it is not simply a matter of detaching from fear that you must contend with, but you must truly discover why it covers you so heavily. Why do you carry this burden of fear? Why do you feel that it permeates every cell of your body? Is this a true perspective? Or have you elected to settle for that perspective and accept your cloak of fear, rather than reject the notion that it is yours to take on?

Does your fear permeate you because you allow it to seep in? Are you inviting it in daily and nightly? Do you open the door to it because you prefer that door over any others? Is fear safer than the absence of fear? Do you wish to remain in a place of fear out of fear of the unknown? Fears of the truth of the self? Fear of discovering your true potential because it may point out to you that you may not have things right yet? Does fear point out to you that your struggles may not be over, yet you elect to declare that they are done? Have you forgotten to look under your bed for the dust balls that need to be cleaned out?

Where are you headed in your life now? Who will accompany you if you drag with you still that heavy dark cloak of fear? Is it possible that it has long been your old teddy bear that is now no longer quite the comfort it once was because you are no longer the child who needed it as protection and safety?

Fear at one time guided you, kept watch with you, and kept you alert so you could be ready for the inevitable beast knocking at your door. Fear was your companion as you sat watchfully waiting. Fear was your friend. Do you not see how fear has been your partner through life, keeping you on your toes, alert to danger, offering you protection so that you were ever wakeful and prepared?

Now have you determined that the cloak of fear does not sit comfortably upon your adult shoulders. You have outgrown it, and your body is telling you that fresh air and new ideas are ridding you of the old deep-seated and permeated fear. This new air is seeking to push out the old fear. New thoughts about the self, new ideas of life, of relationship, and of your place in the universe are pushing at and disrupting the very cell structures that you have lived with all these years.

This is your discomfort, My Dear; the restructuring of every aspect of self that comes as you do your recapitulation. Your fear is being routed out of you by your progress during recapitulation. But you still have much work to do, for fear sits deeply planted, just as old ideas of the self do, and the old habits do. It is possible to replace those old ideas of self, as you have now experienced during your inner work. But you must realize that the process is not a swift and painless one, for it involves not only your mental self and your spiritual self, but your body self as well.

Your entire physical and psychic self is being forced to change. Your physical body, once so cowering in fear, is standing up straighter now. It wants to walk freely, unburdened of that heavy cloak. It seeks to remove it, literally, from your body by pushing out and off the old energy of fear that has so weighed you down. You have not needed it for many years, yet have you continued to wear it, out of habit of comfort.

To truly change now, must you continue to understand energy, for this is a question of replacing your old energy with your new energy. As you recapitulate, so are you inviting a change in inner atmosphere. You are replacing stale old air with fresh new air. You are pushing out old energy that is worn and used, and replacing it with new energy generated by your inner self as you do your work.

You have been unearthing a lot of memories, a lot of old ideas of the self, as well as discovering your child self as an innocent being. This is what recapitulation offers you, the opportunity to re-experience the self differently, with the caveat that as you do, so do you move out of you the old stagnant energy that has sat resident for so long.

So yes, my Dear Debbie, your cells are bursting with the new fresh energy pushing in to your physical energetic self. Of course you will feel uncomfortable once again, even as you did in the past because as that new energy pushes in, so does the old energy of fear get pushed out, activated against its will, but present in its protecting of being shoved out of its habitual hideout.

Your body does not want or need that fear any longer. Your spirit self is protesting against its rallying push to stay resident. But you must remember that you are constantly recapitulating. And that process is not just one of going back, but it is one of constantly going forward too, pushing out the old energy and replacing it with new energy.

So yes, your physical self, your mental self, and your spirit self all must learn what it feels like as this process unfolds. As old habits and ideas of the self are forced to be re-examined, dissected, and removed particle by particle, so will you actually have to feel the changes taking place inside you. And these changes, positive as they are, can be as equally disruptive as the clearing out process and the shift in perspective that you are offering your self.

This process of recapitulation that I speak of so often is allowing you to change. And change at this time in your life is being presented in all aspects of life, inner and outer, spirit and body, mental and practical. Your old habits of self are being asked to shift now, as you interact in the outer world with your changed self in charge.

And you are protesting all these changes. Yet does your spirit push at your reluctant ego self, asking you to allow the energy of change to push through your open doors and windows and show you that fear is but an illusion now, no longer needed, but also no longer wanted either. And that is what you must ultimately realize. Your child self and your adult self no longer want the companionship of fear, but your body self has not kept up with the process. The body holds the last vestiges of your inner work still captive. Let your body release and you will free your energy to really grow now.

Place your self in the hands of the energy of the universe now. You are safe. You are an adult deciding to take the journey of truth and recapitulation. You are innocence and knowledge combined. You are strength and weakness, purity and darkness, anger and happiness, sadness and bitterness combined. These things and much more are in you, and they need reconciliation, and they need release as new energy moves in.

Your challenges in life will return often to test you. That is why you have them. That is why fear has been your constant companion because yes, it is offering you the opportunity to discover something else about your self that you have not quite fathomed. As you pretend to accept it as your burden and teacher, yet do you not hear what it is saying to you. So used to its presence are you that you have not listened to the fact that it is constantly telling you new things, and not the same thing over and over again, as you perceive. It is and has actually been telling you many different things, but you have kept your hands over your ears so you couldn’t hear what it said. It constantly asks you to change, to think differently, to act differently, and to become a different Debbie.

That is your challenge now, to truly dare to become a different Debbie. A Debbie who is unafraid, doors and windows wide open now, with the energy of the universe shifting you and pushing you along on your journey of truth, but also on your true journey.

Find your new inner resonance, and even as it keeps shifting and changing on you, keep up with it. It asks you to speed up now, don’t get lost by being too slow. Keep up. Even if you can’t quite grasp the meaning it offers, move on with it, trusting it and the journey you are on. You haven’t quite decided to trust your own journey. But you really should. It’s meant for you to grow and evolve with. It is your reluctance that stands in your way. As much as you want to grow, you allow your reluctance to clothe you in your old cloak of fear, rather than swiftly throwing it off and barging ahead, which is what your spirit is pushing for, your spirit is insisting that you push ahead.

Find your way to trusting your journey, My Dear One, and you will find that the questions will all be made clear, answered and resolved. Good Luck. Reluctance begone!

#350 I Have Reunited With All My Past Lives

Today, Chuck asks Jeanne a question.

Dear Jeanne,
As we near completion of the paperback edition of The Book of Us with a new last chapter, Completion, which chronicles your own completion of lives in the earthbound cycle, I find myself wanting clarification of the phrase “soul group.” On a couple of occasions you have referenced your soul group as the conglomeration of your own past lives, or past selves in your various reincarnations. Is it correct to describe your completion from earth school, and unification in your energy body, as the unification of your soul group, that is the consolidation of all your past selves into your energetic essence?


My Dearest Loving Chuck, you are correct in your assumptions of the means by which a soul group is completed. But a soul group is not only a completed, consolidated, closed unit, but an alive and very active group as well.

Yes, I have reunited with all of my past lives, all the selves I once was, which included me as Jeanne Marie Ketchel, your wife and one time companion upon that Earth. As a completed energy being am I all the previous lives as well. But always was I the same energetic being you knew so well. In essence, my energetic essence as you call it, was and is unchanged, yet am I also now a complete being. You see?

Lives upon that Earth are meant for learning. With each life did I undertake new tasks, new challenges of learning in order to advance in an evolutionary manner. Each time I reincarnated did I also carry forth unresolved issues, which not only prepared me for my next life, but defined my challenges as well, enabling me to continue evolving, one life significant to the next. My essence, however, was always the same. My energy was always the same, my spirit was always the same, but my evolutionary journey taught me new things with each new life I lived.

Doing life upon that Earth is not easy, as you know. So many lives did I have to live in order to progress, advance, and eventually get the clearer message that Earth time is not eternal time, but only a learning time.

But to return to your question. As I lived my last life, as Jeanne Marie Ketchel, much of it in your presence and company, so did I begin to piece together enough clarity to gain a footing in this new world of wonder. I did reunite all my past lives. That I can be clear about. And in so doing did my energetic essence not only become complete, but it also regained total balance, total unity, and total power of self, of energetic self. In wholeness are we strongest.

Components of energy remain bound to all previous lives lived, and until unity is achieved those pockets of energy remain lost to the whole, not fully rejuvenated. Only with completion is there full rejuvenation of energy. Thus the term soul “group” best describes the reunited self, the energy self.

As my energy self was fragmented and pocketed in those previous lives, so did those portions of energy interact, and work in the world, even as they waited for me to catch up and return with my portion of the energetic whole. It is like a piece of pie, a wedge of energy that must be brought back to the whole pie. One slice was missing that I returned to the group in order to make the group whole. But meanwhile all the slices of energy remained active, even as I do now with you.

Thus I am a soul group with energy divided, yet am I also whole. Reunited do I have much more energy than as just Jeanne Marie Ketchel. I do not mean to confuse, but this is perhaps a complicated idea. Straightforwardly speaking am I still Jeanne Marie Ketchel, my own energy rejuvenated and whole, but I am still all the others too, my other energetic selves, still viable and able to interact with the Earth level, for that is our mission. So even as a whole being am I many parts. Even as you, My Dear, are a vibratory being comprised of many molecules of energy, capable of being in many places at once, simply by your intent, though you remain in your body in that world.

So do I work now; my soul group works by intent. My personal soul group is united with others who, as I have said, are also on this mission of awakening. So others are busy too, and available to offer advice and guidance to those of you upon the Earth who are aware and alert to the changes and the greater ideas of the world as unveiled, as pure energy, and as meant for much more than just your daily lives.

I see that you are ready to proceed now, and that is good for your progress upon that Earth, and the progress of the mission. Keep doing the work you do, for it guides many, even though you do not see them all. I know; I see. And the convergence of soul groups is available and actively participating. Though your own world may not anticipate such companionship, so must you know that such energy exists, even behind your own brave efforts to bring forth what you know.

So continue, My Dearest Chuck, your seeking journey, as you find your way clearing now for new growth, but also for new discoveries. And that is what you have to look forward to, the progress of self, and that is good!

#348 Follow Where He Leads

Today, A Reader asks a question.

Dear Jeanne,
Good Morning!! Thanks to Eva’s recent question, I am inspired to ask another about my son. He is sharing his awareness with me (as an energetic being) more and more lately. I know in my heart he has been waiting for me to become more aware of my own energy. We have gotten very close, and being with him is a great sense of comfort to me. He gives me the opportunity to look at my own history, become aware of its significance, and to change the parts of it I don’t want repeated. When I take the “helm” of my own life, I feel a deep sense of calm. This is a new feeling to me, as I grew up in an environment driven by “crisis”.

He now wants to start learning about the “supernatural” (as he refers to it). I am requesting guidance as to what to expose him to. I know in allowing him to learn more about this realm, I am facing my own fears that have been with me. This is shadowing my ability to make a good judgment as to where to start. He is very sensitive, and I feel that if he is exposed to more than he can handle (as well as myself), it will frighten him, and I will not know how to handle this, as my own fears set in.

I am looking forward to your guidance. Thanks again, Jan, for the great gift that you share. The ability to ask questions has helped me to keep myself grounded, especially as I choose to face some of my greatest challenges, in order to let my own light shine.

Love and light to you…Sincerely…D.A.D.

My Dearest D.A.D., you speak a word which overshadows your question about your sensitive son, and that word is repeatedly spoken, the word FEAR. You are bound too tightly by your fears to open the doors to the “supernatural” right now. You yourself must be further grounded in order to be a guide to your son. I do not advocate that you introduce him to what he desires, for your own concept of what he seeks is not clear. You must discover what the supernatural is, and what it holds for you, before you can be of use to others, even this tender boy child.

You must first continue your own inner work, without fear. As I have spoken of many times, is personal fear merely a block to accessing the truths of the self, yet does it also guide you. It is available to you now, coming up quite frequently to alert you to your attachments, which are keeping you quite bound to old ways. You do not need to carry on the crisis mode established in your own family.

Your child self must be set free from the idea that your own life must carry on the burden of such activity. It does not belong to you, and if you can carry forth that tendency and that example into a new realm of understanding of energy with your son, so do you burden him with fear, for he will feel it no matter how good you are at hiding it. Your energy alone affects him, and this will skew his discoveries of other worlds, rather than allowing him access to them as a child.

A child entering another world will be greeted by only that which a child can interpret. Your own misconstrued ideas of the supernatural carry a heavy darkness to them that will not aid him in his explorations, but limit him, and perhaps even scare him. For he will misinterpret his experiences based on your fearful interpretations. I see that you already know that this will be so.

I insist that you do not push him toward anything that you deem to be so called “supernatural.” His world will not be, and is not, your world. You must allow for total separation if you are to be a good mother and guide in this respect. His wishes to explore are his own wonders awakening, as he observes worlds that you cannot as yet see. His own responses and experiences must be unadulterated by you, the fearful adult.

Allow him free exploration. Stand back, and see where he goes and what he discovers simply by giving him permission to see what is revealed to him in his everyday life. Explain that the “supernatural” is not something separate, but in fact the images that exist all around him, in nature, in living, in growing, and in allowing his inner spirit to be unafraid of all that life presents. Allow him to follow his tender and curious spirit, and then you, as mother and adult presence, follow where HE leads.

You must release your fears and see where his seeking spirit leads him; and then must you follow and aid him, so that he is allowed access to what his spirit knows is resonant. You, My Dear, will not be able to show him anything, except the doors to his own awakening and his own discoveries of what lies beyond the doors that are presented to him.

Listen to him, to his spirit. So he speaks of the supernatural, as if it were something distant? But what he is asking you for is permission to explore that which is already being presented to him. He’s asking you, his mother, to accompany him there because he trusts you and your ability to allow his spirit to explore the world, encountering it truthfully. He knows that you will not dismiss him as overly imaginative, or criticize his experiences. He knows he can talk to you about them as real, because they are real; and no matter how fantastical them may sound, he knows you will listen and say: “Good work, you are a true explorer of what the world is really about. It is all about energy, you know.”

This is being discussed more and more in the realm of quantum physics, as true scientists of the puzzles of the world seek resolution of what their own energetic configurations have been intuitively presenting to them, as they do their work. They know and understand that curious little voice inside that speaks this pure language of “seeing”, yet does the human eye lack the capability to truly see, until the spirit knocks on the door of curiosity and allows it to open and go exploring.

Your son already “sees,” and he already has had experiences. He now asks your permission to explore. Know that he is safe. Know that he will discover and encounter what he must. And know that he trusts your presence, just as you must learn to trust his and those who also seek more knowledge and experience of the other worlds so present among you.

Your own world, My Dear D.A.D., is full of parallel worlds, one of which is the world where your fear resides. Another world is the one where your sweet son asks for your trust and guidance. Another world is your family, with your husband and children, very grounded in your community. Another world is the past that holds unrevealed memories, and yet do they intercept all of your other worlds. So you see, My Dear, there are many worlds. You might refer to them as “the supernatural” too, for they are unclear and unexplored. But they are as validly strange as the ones your son has access to.

So, your own fears must not get in the way of this special child who is so ready to explore his world, which is comprised of many worlds. And you must not allow your own fears to inhibit you from exploring the many parallel worlds you float back and forth to, as your needs and your life call to you.

Allow this child to point out to you what and where his needs desire to go. Your own awareness of parallel universes will be enough information to get him started. Find out what that means in your own life, even as you allow him to find out what it means in his. Begin a journey too, parallel to him, and go exploring together, not as mentor and student, but as traveling companions, your adult self giving permission for both of you to take this spirit-centered and spirit-seeking journey. That’s all he’s asking for, is your permission, and that is also what you must give your self.

This message is good for all of you who seek. Many are truly ready to evolve, as this little boy clearly exhibits. His readiness should not be burdened with fear, but only with openness to the goodness and the truths that await discovery. For to go forth without fear is a great asset. And those of you who have your own fears, or feel them triggered by my explanation of what it means to live in parallel worlds, many worlds, so must you give your selves permission to be as brave as this eager child, to explore your own worlds and what is daily presented to you.

Oh, and keep in mind that there is nothing to fear as you go exploring because you will be exploring in your energy state, and in that state are you quite capable of anything. It is only your attachments to your fears that can get you into trouble.

And that is the secret to exploring the so-called “supernatural.” You must go in your own innocent purity, even as this boy does, unburdened of the fears that will attract the wrong kind of energy to you. Find your innocent child self, the one who has existed in all time, the one who prepared you for this life, who precedes your traumas and your burdens of fears, and allow that innocent spirit self to guide you. With this child self guiding you, (and I don’t mean the big baby self at all, I mean the ever-knowing spirit self) so will you be able to explore as a child does, unburdened and curious, and with great excitement, as you discover your energy self.

Good Luck, all of you Explorers! See what happens this week, as you allow your selves to recede a little from your everyday realities and venture into your calm energy center. And then just trust where you go; and trust your experiences. They are real; as real as anything else you encounter.