Today, A Reader asks a question.
Dear Jeanne,
Good Morning!! Thanks to Eva’s recent question, I am inspired to ask another about my son. He is sharing his awareness with me (as an energetic being) more and more lately. I know in my heart he has been waiting for me to become more aware of my own energy. We have gotten very close, and being with him is a great sense of comfort to me. He gives me the opportunity to look at my own history, become aware of its significance, and to change the parts of it I don’t want repeated. When I take the “helm” of my own life, I feel a deep sense of calm. This is a new feeling to me, as I grew up in an environment driven by “crisis”.
He now wants to start learning about the “supernatural” (as he refers to it). I am requesting guidance as to what to expose him to. I know in allowing him to learn more about this realm, I am facing my own fears that have been with me. This is shadowing my ability to make a good judgment as to where to start. He is very sensitive, and I feel that if he is exposed to more than he can handle (as well as myself), it will frighten him, and I will not know how to handle this, as my own fears set in.
I am looking forward to your guidance. Thanks again, Jan, for the great gift that you share. The ability to ask questions has helped me to keep myself grounded, especially as I choose to face some of my greatest challenges, in order to let my own light shine.
Love and light to you…Sincerely…D.A.D.
My Dearest D.A.D., you speak a word which overshadows your question about your sensitive son, and that word is repeatedly spoken, the word FEAR. You are bound too tightly by your fears to open the doors to the “supernatural” right now. You yourself must be further grounded in order to be a guide to your son. I do not advocate that you introduce him to what he desires, for your own concept of what he seeks is not clear. You must discover what the supernatural is, and what it holds for you, before you can be of use to others, even this tender boy child.
You must first continue your own inner work, without fear. As I have spoken of many times, is personal fear merely a block to accessing the truths of the self, yet does it also guide you. It is available to you now, coming up quite frequently to alert you to your attachments, which are keeping you quite bound to old ways. You do not need to carry on the crisis mode established in your own family.
Your child self must be set free from the idea that your own life must carry on the burden of such activity. It does not belong to you, and if you can carry forth that tendency and that example into a new realm of understanding of energy with your son, so do you burden him with fear, for he will feel it no matter how good you are at hiding it. Your energy alone affects him, and this will skew his discoveries of other worlds, rather than allowing him access to them as a child.
A child entering another world will be greeted by only that which a child can interpret. Your own misconstrued ideas of the supernatural carry a heavy darkness to them that will not aid him in his explorations, but limit him, and perhaps even scare him. For he will misinterpret his experiences based on your fearful interpretations. I see that you already know that this will be so.
I insist that you do not push him toward anything that you deem to be so called “supernatural.” His world will not be, and is not, your world. You must allow for total separation if you are to be a good mother and guide in this respect. His wishes to explore are his own wonders awakening, as he observes worlds that you cannot as yet see. His own responses and experiences must be unadulterated by you, the fearful adult.
Allow him free exploration. Stand back, and see where he goes and what he discovers simply by giving him permission to see what is revealed to him in his everyday life. Explain that the “supernatural” is not something separate, but in fact the images that exist all around him, in nature, in living, in growing, and in allowing his inner spirit to be unafraid of all that life presents. Allow him to follow his tender and curious spirit, and then you, as mother and adult presence, follow where HE leads.
You must release your fears and see where his seeking spirit leads him; and then must you follow and aid him, so that he is allowed access to what his spirit knows is resonant. You, My Dear, will not be able to show him anything, except the doors to his own awakening and his own discoveries of what lies beyond the doors that are presented to him.
Listen to him, to his spirit. So he speaks of the supernatural, as if it were something distant? But what he is asking you for is permission to explore that which is already being presented to him. He’s asking you, his mother, to accompany him there because he trusts you and your ability to allow his spirit to explore the world, encountering it truthfully. He knows that you will not dismiss him as overly imaginative, or criticize his experiences. He knows he can talk to you about them as real, because they are real; and no matter how fantastical them may sound, he knows you will listen and say: “Good work, you are a true explorer of what the world is really about. It is all about energy, you know.”
This is being discussed more and more in the realm of quantum physics, as true scientists of the puzzles of the world seek resolution of what their own energetic configurations have been intuitively presenting to them, as they do their work. They know and understand that curious little voice inside that speaks this pure language of “seeing”, yet does the human eye lack the capability to truly see, until the spirit knocks on the door of curiosity and allows it to open and go exploring.
Your son already “sees,” and he already has had experiences. He now asks your permission to explore. Know that he is safe. Know that he will discover and encounter what he must. And know that he trusts your presence, just as you must learn to trust his and those who also seek more knowledge and experience of the other worlds so present among you.
Your own world, My Dear D.A.D., is full of parallel worlds, one of which is the world where your fear resides. Another world is the one where your sweet son asks for your trust and guidance. Another world is your family, with your husband and children, very grounded in your community. Another world is the past that holds unrevealed memories, and yet do they intercept all of your other worlds. So you see, My Dear, there are many worlds. You might refer to them as “the supernatural” too, for they are unclear and unexplored. But they are as validly strange as the ones your son has access to.
So, your own fears must not get in the way of this special child who is so ready to explore his world, which is comprised of many worlds. And you must not allow your own fears to inhibit you from exploring the many parallel worlds you float back and forth to, as your needs and your life call to you.
Allow this child to point out to you what and where his needs desire to go. Your own awareness of parallel universes will be enough information to get him started. Find out what that means in your own life, even as you allow him to find out what it means in his. Begin a journey too, parallel to him, and go exploring together, not as mentor and student, but as traveling companions, your adult self giving permission for both of you to take this spirit-centered and spirit-seeking journey. That’s all he’s asking for, is your permission, and that is also what you must give your self.
This message is good for all of you who seek. Many are truly ready to evolve, as this little boy clearly exhibits. His readiness should not be burdened with fear, but only with openness to the goodness and the truths that await discovery. For to go forth without fear is a great asset. And those of you who have your own fears, or feel them triggered by my explanation of what it means to live in parallel worlds, many worlds, so must you give your selves permission to be as brave as this eager child, to explore your own worlds and what is daily presented to you.
Oh, and keep in mind that there is nothing to fear as you go exploring because you will be exploring in your energy state, and in that state are you quite capable of anything. It is only your attachments to your fears that can get you into trouble.
And that is the secret to exploring the so-called “supernatural.” You must go in your own innocent purity, even as this boy does, unburdened of the fears that will attract the wrong kind of energy to you. Find your innocent child self, the one who has existed in all time, the one who prepared you for this life, who precedes your traumas and your burdens of fears, and allow that innocent spirit self to guide you. With this child self guiding you, (and I don’t mean the big baby self at all, I mean the ever-knowing spirit self) so will you be able to explore as a child does, unburdened and curious, and with great excitement, as you discover your energy self.
Good Luck, all of you Explorers! See what happens this week, as you allow your selves to recede a little from your everyday realities and venture into your calm energy center. And then just trust where you go; and trust your experiences. They are real; as real as anything else you encounter.