Category Archives: News and Notes

We are back!

Dearest Readers,
Finally, at 11:30 this morning our power was restored after three days and nights. We spent most of our time around the wood stove, cooking on it, and keeping ourselves and our dog and two cats warm and toasty. We lost a few trees, but other than that had no major damage from the incredible ice storm that blanketed our region. Many nearby areas were even more devastated than we were. Look forward to a new message from Jeanne tomorrow.
Happy to be connected again,
Jan and Chuck

Our current status…

Dear readers,

Due to an ice storm in the northeast, Jan and Chuck are currently without power and are unable to post to this blog. Friday’s message, and any subsequent messages will be posted when power returns.

—Your Friendly Neighborhood Site Administrator

Australia; The Movie

If you haven’t seen the movie, Australia, yet, we would like to recommend it for many reasons. Many of the concepts that Jeanne talks about in her messages and that Chuck has discussed in Chuck’s Place are presented in this thrilling epic. Synchronicity, shamanism, intent, intuition, the shadow, good vs. evil, initiation, the unfolding journey, the parallel with our own time, and more, are all covered. The idea of needing a story to define your life, as Carl Jung said and which Jeanne presented to Jan in her message regarding entering other worlds, is stressed in a very compelling manner. If you haven’t quite figured out what your own story, myth, or archetype is, perhaps this movie will give you some insights into how to define a life story. Bring the kids too. It’s a little complex in the beginning, trying to figure out who is who and while the premise is being set, but once into it you don’t even notice the 2 hour and 45 minute length. The vastness of the Australian continent, the intricate weaving of events, the people, and the love story are all very entertaining.

We also watched one of our favorites again this weekend, The Celestine Prophecy. If you haven’t seen it in a while, you might find, as we always do, that no matter how many times we watch it, it always offers something new, especially now during this time of transition and as regards the recent messages about being energy.

Thanks for all your recent messages. Keep going! And keep saying yes to your own thrilling journey.
Jan and Chuck

Happy Thanksgiving

Dearest Readers and Fellow Journeyers,

We extend our best wishes to everyone for a day of peace and calm during this traditional time of laying aside differences and gathering together for feasting, friendship, and sharing. We are on the verge of such potential for change to really permeate our country. Our heartfelt intent goes out to you and your families, to friends and strangers, and to the world that this change be allowed to happen, because this is the right time for it, and because we who populate this planet now are right for this time, ready and willing to let go of our judgments, our differences, and our old fears in order for humanitarian and spiritual evolution.

Thank you for the enthusiastic participation and good wishes you have extended to us over the years as we have shared our experiences with you. We are taking a few days off to be with our children and family members. Jeanne and Jan will return with a message on Monday, December 1, 2008. Chuck’s place will be closed as well over this weekend, while we allow ourselves some quiet reverie.

All the best to you,
Jan, Chuck, and Jeanne