#271 Allow Your Ego Dismantling to Proceed Now

Dear Jeanne,
What message do you have for us today?

Continue your heart-centered work on the self, for this is the means to change. Do not get too drawn by the foibles of the world around you, or the rants of those in power who seek but more power. Disturb not your quiet reverie, but remain aware that work on the self will lead to greater accord in the world outside of you. For how can the problems of the world be solved if the individual does not understand the meaning of truth as related to the core of the self? There will not be compromise until there is total access to truth. This is true for the self, and this is also true for the world.

It is by no means a simple task to access truth, nor is it easily accepted once it is revealed. All of this involves work that may not be quite as easy as you think. Do not become discouraged, but trust your journey of self-exploration, and accept your truths as they are revealed to you. You know they are true, yet do you resist them. But that will only hold you back. You are not supposed to be in competition with your self, or another. You are there in order to grow, and to evolve into spirit energy. How will you be able to achieve this, if you constantly compete with those closest to you, and if you refuse to accept the greater truths that are constantly being revealed to you as you do your inner work?

Does it hurt so to accept your faults, your failings, and your frailties? Yes, I know it does, but once you accept them are you allowed to move on to learning something new. Otherwise will they remain to bother you, and get in the way more often until you finally acknowledge their presence and own them, knowing they are true. Perfection does not exist, within the human form; so don’t even think that you are near perfect. No one is! All of you have work to do, and I urge you to continue doing this work of the self.

Abide by The Rules of Life as I have laid out before. Abide by your own new rules of living a simple life, or as simple as you possibly can, depending on your circumstances. Do not judge the efforts of others. Do not disturb your own work by looking at what others do, but remain turned inward, and let others do their own work without your interruption, your energetic attention turned upon your self and not upon others. Do not waste your energy by getting drawn too far outside of you.

If you look at another and find their actions disturbing, if you find that you judge others more often than not, then is it time to turn the cameras on your self, and look for those qualities you judge in others in your self. For you will truly find them alive and kicking inside you as well. This is how you learn what your trials and your inner turmoils are, by noticing them first in others. Do you see laziness, greed, gluttony, meanness, and self-righteousness in others? Do you see stupidity, loss of trust, and downright blindness in others? Well, look for those qualities in the self, for they most surely exist.

Allow your ego dismantling to proceed now in this questioning, mirroring manner. Study your disgust of others, the disturbing activities all around you that bother you so heartily, then turn inward, and truthfully find those same aspects in the self. This is brave work to do. This is work that asks you to admit to every human frailty within the self, rather than assign it to others you deem more appropriate. Do not judge others unless you are ready to judge your self for the same act.

This process will enable you to further tear down the walls of the ego. This process will offer access to the truths of the self, and will also allow for your innocence to emerge as you shed the weight of the world’s problems and allow your own bare, essential, and honest truths to be fully revealed and honored, as part of the self. Cleanse your self of your need to look for your problems in others. Turn the mirror upon your self, and look in it squarely, with open eyes, and ask the person before you, “Who am I?” You have yet to find out who you truly are. This is always so, for work on the self is an endless process, not toward perfection, but toward truth. And that, My Dears, is what I suggest you remain focused on, at all times. Do not flagellate or abuse the self. That is not proper, or kind to do, no matter what is revealed. Respect the self at all times for the journey thus far taken. Absolve the self of all uncomfortable truths as they are revealed, without compromise. Then, with full acceptance of the role you have played, move on with that truth in your pocket, a reminder of your journey, and a reminder of your imperfections. For you too have had your trials and your tribulations, and they are but reminders that you are on a human journey now, and you are subjected to experiencing all the human properties in order to learn, and to evolve.

Continue to learn from the mistakes you make. Continue to learn from the questions you pose to your self. Continue to seek clarity of self, and purpose for that life you now live. But remember, your purpose may not be fully revealed until you have cleared the path to the truths that lie blocked and, as yet, unrevealed. Good Luck! Much awaits. That I can attest to!

NOTE: The Rules of Life, mentioned above, are in the sidebar on this channeling page under Guidance.

#270 Practices in Ego Detachment

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have a message for all of us today?

Continue to learn the difference between the inner self and the outer self; the spirit driven self, and the ego driven self. Who is making your decisions? You are seeking to become spirit driven; your decision center to become your heart center; and your outer ego self to become formed and prepped for less participation in matters of importance as related to your journey through life. Of course, as always, I state that, yes, your ego is absolutely necessary for life upon that planet, but it is also not necessary in many ways for survival of another sort. Your destiny is not to enlarge the ego, but to enlarge the spirit self, so that your decision making center shifts to this place of right knowing. This will enable your actions to become actions of heart, and of heart knowing, driven by spirit, and with intent of purpose directed from this inner center of calm and clarity.

Determine, and question, who speaks most often, your ego or your inner self? Become aware of who is your guide these days as you attempt to gain balance in your life. Who do you allow to be heard most often? Who do you pay attention to? And who do you follow with your actions and your deeds?

Detachment from the desires of the ego is the next step in your awareness training. I have spoken often of this aspect of the self, yet have I perhaps not asked for great effort to seek detachment from this big self. It takes a lot of work to detach from the desires of the ego. For the ego is hungry, both literally and metaphorically, for much that the world around you offers. It is focused on all the goodies, and all the riches, yet does it not see what the spirit sees, and this you must keep in mind. For the ego sees only what is right before its eyes, and only what it can touch, taste, and smell. But it cannot find its way to what the spirit sees and knows is also right there before its eyes.

When I ask for detachment in order to enhance your spiritual experiences upon that Earth, do I ask you to release your self from the desires of the ego. Begin to realize that survival upon that planet now requires this of you, but so does spiritual growth require this. Simplicity is now called for, as life changes greatly. You will discover, soon enough, that your practices in ego detachment will serve you well in the coming months as the world goes through some great changes.

There will be plenty of opportunity to practice detachment of ego, but why not get a head start by preparing for what is to come. Do not only simplify your life in a physical and proprietary manner, but do so in a spiritual manner as well. You do not need to be so attached to the greedy wants of the ego. Of course, I speak of ego greed in relative terms, for all of you do not have big greedy egos in the sense of over doing any thing, yet do you have egos that are focused on that world in some manner, and this is what you must seek to calm down.

The ego must begin to learn calm complacency in a world that is changing. The ego must learn that it is not the most important aspect of the self, but only a partner on a journey that is ultimately about spirit. The ego is necessary and important, especially in the early years of life as it learns how the world works, but eventually is it time to shift it to the back seat of your vehicle as you allow your spirit self to take over. It is time now to shift in many ways. Begin by using a new fuel in your vehicle. Allow your spirit self to determine what is most appropriate for its needs. Your vehicle does not need to be so big and cumbersome because you do not need to transport a big ego around anymore, nor does the world support such ego driven vehicles anymore either. Allow your spirit driven vehicle to become your focus now. Allow your innocence, and your balanced self to determine how you will drive, what you will drive, and who will drive. Of course I mean this metaphorically, but also I mean this literally! Get it?

Seek a new balance. Understand how your ego speaks to you. Listen to what you want, and what you spend your time on, your money on, your leisure on. Then determine who it is who runs your life, your decision making, and your desires. Is the ego most often in control? I know this is the biggest challenge in that life to get a handle on and gain balance on because the ego is so necessary, yet is it not, and this you must find out for your self.

So today, I advise questioning the ego self. Do this all day. As you find out who really drives your vehicle, your self, so will you discover just how much of the world you need to engage in. You will then be able to determine what is most important for your life to be pleasant, comfortable, profitable, and enjoyable, yet also spiritually centered and balanced. With the ego in the back seat will things begin to change. If you can do this on an individual level, and make changes in your own life that are based on a new reality, so can things in the world around you begin to change. Imagine if everyone practiced ego detachment, and acted from a place of balanced spirit self. Then things could really change. There would be quite a lot that would be different as all that the ego sees would disappear from view, and with new eyes would emerge new sights and new opportunities. Imagine the possibilities that life would offer then. Everything would change environmentally, politically, economically, and creatively, as the worldview would be totally different.

So, it might not be such a bad idea to question the ego self more often now. Begin a new trend in ego deflation, and see how that affects worldwide inflation. You might be surprised at the solutions you come up with to solve some of the world’s problems if you can shift your decision making center to your heart, for your self and your community.

#269 Open the Doors of Your Trusting Heart

Dear Jeanne,
If you were to follow up on yesterday’s message, what would you advise us to do today?

Though you may read and forget the greater part of my messages, for as each day arises do I pass along new information, so do not forget the most basic of principles as you take this evolutionary journey you are now on. Do not forget to reassert your self upon your path each day, and even often throughout your day, if that is necessary. Remind your self each day that this life you now live is your awakening life. Remain steadfastly committed to growth, inner growth. Solve the riddles of who you are now first; and then solve the riddles of who you once were, in previous lives, so that your greater journey may be fully comprehended, and your life now may be integrated into your evolution. But this time, take your journey with a new awareness. For even as Buddha did take his journey with awareness, so did he offer himself the opportunity to evolve, finally. The greatest teachers upon that Earth did and do attain the attainable. By this I mean, that what may seem impossible for you to do is, of course, possible. As I repeatedly say: Everything is Possible! By this I mean Everything! Do not place the self too far below the great teachers, but do not either place the self beside them. Remove the debilitations of the ego, and simply live a life that is aware, seeking, and unafraid to take the journey you have presented to your self.

You are fully capable of attaining what others have attained, for your greatest instructors have been but men and women like your selves. If I, as Jeanne Marie Ketchel, could solve my earthbound cycle, so can any of you. I was not anyone special, nor was I especially confident of my abilities. Always though, did I seek mastery of all that I chose to engage in. Certain things resonated so deeply that I could not dismiss them from my life, but had to engage them or I would have remained unfulfilled.

Even as I often chose to partake in activities and decisions not necessarily conventional, so was it with purposes of growth, and I knew my choices fully resonated with my energetic self. Too often do you dismiss the energetic self who speaks up and pushes you to do something unusual, or out of the ordinary. But it is time to listen to that inner self who knows!

If you will listen now, not with your head and your ears, but with your heart, so will you understand what your inner self is trying to say to you. Achieve your lifetime goal, this time around, by paying attention to the inner voice most fully engaging in a seeking life; and also by allowing, and trusting, that the guidance is available for you as you take your journey.

If you remain open to the suggestions of your knowing inner spirit, and keep your innocence available to you, so do you offer your self good grounding for this journey you are so eager to take. But you must remember, at all times, but especially when things get tough, that you are on a journey; that you are being offered help along the way; that it is important to flow with what life offers and, most of all, it is most helpful to open the doors of your trusting heart and allow your self to fully take your journey, seeking your resonance as you go.

Remember, your resonance is heart-centered, and heart-guided. It may surprise you because often your resonance has not been felt before or heard before; and where it points you may be absolutely unexpected, but equally undeniable. Open your heart now to the experiences of your life. If you have kept the door to your heart-centered energy closed and locked, now is the time to unlock it, and push open the door. Feel the energy of this most vital organ begin to resonate with that energy, that vibratory energy I spoke of yesterday. Feel it stirring, and allow it to come awake and alert now more often. Allow it to point out your way. Allow it to take you where you have not dared to go. Allow it to take you to the unexpected places where life, energy, and the opportunity for evolutionary growth await. But most of all, trust this organ, this heart, that hums and vibrates your inner song, the song of the spirit, of pure energy, and of the evolved you. This is your center; this is your true self of innocence and maturity. It is your guide and your teacher, but also your student who must begin now to have experiences of all that has been learned. The student who never leaves the classroom, to put the lessons to test, is but a student for life, rather than life itself. Become life itself! Go out now with your heart leading, and take on life in a different manner. Allow your heart to lead and guide. Listen to what it is saying, and where it is suggesting you should go. Allow your self this opportunity for growth.

Perhaps it leads you deeper into your self? Perhaps it dares you to go out into the world? Perhaps it pushes forcefully, or nudges gently? No matter how your heart urges you, so does it ask you to trust it, and to allow your self to accept the task it poses. For it does want you to grow, to evolve, and to fully complete your journey, but now with resonance as your guide. And that can only come from inside you. You know what you have to do. Go do it!

#268 Consider the World Your Laboratory

Dear Jeanne,
Chuck and I were discussing you last night. He said that although you became a psychotherapist, much at his urging, you were really a teacher. So what you are doing now, teaching and guiding, is right in line with who you were. He also said that, just as you were known to do when you were a therapist, you make your point over and over again, finding a myriad of ways to say the same thing. I find it quite interesting that he sees the similarities in you, then and now, so apparently. Your patience, your thoroughness, and your stalwart focus remain characteristic, even though you are totally energy now. Do our characteristic traits always remain part of us?

I like to be recognized by Chuck for who I truly am, both Jeanne Marie Ketchel and a composite of all my lifetime personalities. Those characteristics that most comprised me when he knew me do remain part of my being. Although I do not have physical form so do I contain traits that are recognizably human when I interact with you. That is how it works, even though I am but energy.

So, if you were to interact with some other life form, or another purely energetic being, would you present your self differently?

Yes, as energy, because all other life forms recognize energetic interaction. Yet do humans still have a hard time with this concept, of everything being energy. It is what I seek most to teach you about. Even though there are plenty of humans who have taught, and do continue to teach this concept, so is it the most difficult for those caught in earthbound sentiments to fully grasp.

Even as the wind is but energy, so am I, and so are you. Your energetic intent, most characteristically your thoughts are but energy, and have as much power to affect the world as even a burst of air does. Remind your self often that you are energy. This will help you grasp many of the ideas I present to you. It will aid you as you meditate and pray in an attempt to promote a new way of life upon your planet.

Know that you are fully capable of using your energy for good, but it must be a conscious choice. No amount of guidance or teaching upon the subject of energy will change anything if you do not actively partake in enacting change by utilizing your energetic potential. Continue to seek to understand this great force that you are comprised of, and that remains so greatly underutilized and, in many cases, totally untapped.

There is a tendency on that human plane to constantly look outside of the self for what the Earth offers, and what others offer in order to survive. But really, you need only discover your own potential and test it, experience it, and find a good balance between what the Earth offers for your survival and what you offer. What you have is equally viable and readily available, not only for survival, but for evolution, understanding, and change.

When I teach you about energy so do I offer you only what you already have inside you. I offer you the opportunity to discover your own power. I do not give you something foreign or unusual that you must grasp from some strange place. I only give you what already exists in you, offering resonance with that long buried aspect of your inner self. Your job, as student of energy, is to test your own awakening abilities, both to grasp the concept, and to experiment with it. Consider the world your laboratory. You are a scientist who is seeking understanding, but rather than presenting your self with a concept that you must prove is true, so do you begin by accepting that it is true, and then looking for experience of it in order to grow.

You are not being asked to disprove these ideas, but you are being asked to trust, by your own resonant knowing, that they are true, and that everything is possible. Not maybe, perhaps, or well, I haven’t proven it, so it can’t be true. No, your energetic self must begin to learn about energy by allowing for the concept of the possibility of everything to be your starting place. Trust and Allow. Those two words will broaden your ability to learn about energy. By trusting and allowing, do you invite your self into a new kind of scientific laboratory, one that truly resonates with your inner knowing, but it also resonates with all energy outside of you.

You can learn to do what I do now. You can communicate without words, by using your energy as I use mine. Test it. Try it out on your self. Find time to quietly sit and really feel your own energetic components, your vibratory rate, that determines who you are, and how you function. You are all different, though you are also the same. You are all vibratory energy, but your rate depends on who you truly are.

My vibratory rate is similar to that of Jan, who does write my words. That is how and why I am able to connect with her so readily. And of course, she has learned over these many years to trust and allow, and so do we have this conjugal process that offers aid in understanding life and energy. All of you have this opportunity to connect with guides who are of similar vibration to your own. All of you have the ability to experience your own vibratory energy. Beyond that, is it up to you if you are ready to trust and allow your resonance to be reciprocated by another like being, with just your vibratory rate. This is possible!

So, keep flowing in your work on the self, but take time to feel your energy, both during the day and when you fall asleep at night. Just at sleep do you most often have experience of this state of your energetic self, but you can feel it any time. It just takes a little calm emptiness in order to truly know the energetic self.

Seek emptiness of the mind, and just feel what is contained in your body: pure energy! And then test what you can do with it once you have accepted that concept and grasped what it feels like. Then can you be in charge of it more fully, and really use it, as I do. It’s not that hard. As with everything, it just takes practice!

NOTE: I must add, and confirm what Jeanne is saying, that in my own experiences, when I am connected to her there is total resonance. I am energized after doing this channeling. But if, and when, I choose to channel another being, it is an extremely draining experience, which leaves me exhausted. By testing this early on, I discovered that my connection with Jeanne was truly energetically resonant and vibratorily right for me. As a result of my own experiments, I determined that in order to remain energetically fully available, I would not expend energy channeling discordant beings. By remaining solely committed to the connection with Jeanne, I am using my energy in a way that is resonant and compatible, rather than depleting and uncomfortable. And look what has happened! It has become as natural as breathing. Every day, when I do this work, I am re-charged. Just thought I’d offer some insight into my own experience.
With Love and Affection for All of You,

#267 Are You Ready to Flow Now?

Dear Jeanne,
Although I don’t have time to channel or post a long message today, I wondered if you have a brief note of guidance I can pass along to your readers?

My Dear Readers and Fellow Journeyers,

Stay in your place of calm. Stay in your balanced inner core no matter what swirls outside of you, or attempts to invade your determined path or space of inner knowing. Trust, and absolve your self of faults, and indecisiveness, so that now may be a significant factor in your actions, your decisions, and the way you determine to live your life. I do not recommend getting too involved in the affairs of others, but remain innerly focused, even though there is much to grab your attention. Remain contained, doing your inner work, and trusting of your journey, for it will lead you where you need to go. Are you ready to flow now?

Chuck Ketchel, LCSWR