Soulbyte for Tuesday February 16, 2016

Avoid extremes. Though life offers many highs and many lows, from the  mountains to the valleys, seek the Middle Way, the Tao of you. Maintain balanced energy. Be available to meet life as it meets you. In the Tao all is as it is, all knowing of what is, all in synch, aware, abiding in harmony. Seek that. Be Tao.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday February 15, 2016

What you seek may seem distant and unattainable but that is not so, for all, within reason, is within your grasp. Yet it does not take reason to attain your dreams but a perception of life that goes beyond reason, a perception that everything is possible in the dream that you are in, for all is a dream. All is illusion, including you—your body, your mind—all but thought particles dreamed into being. You are and yet you are not. Begin with that dream and then dream anew; dream change, dream the impossible. Dream yourself into what you seek.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Sunday February 14, 2016

Life will meet you where you are willing to meet it. Live consciously. Each day decide how you want your life to unfold and ask the universe for help and guidance as you set your intent to make life happen with all the joys and challenges it can muster to support you on your journey. Or ask for calmness and balance and that the tidal waves of change slow to a trickle so you can get your bearings. Either way, life is there to be lived and you can gain a modicum of control just as you can let go and let it sweep you off your feet. How you approach it is your choice. Intend to ride the waves or let them ride over you? Chaos or stability? It’s your choice.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Saturday February 13, 2016

Pull inward. Be in the moment of your own life, in this day. As you feel drawn outward remember to enjoy, but return once again to the inward draw where all will be resolved and life fulfillment experienced. As within, so without, but the truth is that the inward journey offers the most impact for change. Give it a try!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday February 12, 2016

Keep it simple. Be sensitive and kind to self and other. Conclude that nothing is too much, that you can handle all that comes to greet you because it is your life to live and solve. Await it with eagerness each day. Be in each moment to your fullest capacity and life will fully meet you in return. With open arms begin your day and be welcomed into the open arms of life.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Chuck Ketchel, LCSWR