Tag Archives: virus

Chuck’s Place: The Energy of Now

Viral energy of now…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

Body and mind are inextricably linked in our human sojourn. The physical condition of our world is reflected in our collective mental process.

Most pressing, currently, in our physical world, is the impact of a virus on human civilization. Most dominant on the mental plane are an infusion of viral beliefs, currently challenging a cohesive collective agreement on what is reality.

As the physical virus mutates and remains energetically viable, so do the action and energy of viral beliefs that overshadow human thought and relationships. Human efforts to vaccinate and subdue the power of the virus are equally reflected in highly charged emotional efforts, as humans of opposing beliefs seek to reach cohesion via heated persuasive argumentation, a largely futile effort to convert each other.

The backdrop of our current energetic collisions is an energy poised to affect change. The virus clearly seeks to affect major modifications in human behavior. Certainly, the ruling practices of humankind are in need of update to continue supporting life on the planet. Competing, emotionally-charged, clashing beliefs are equally determined to restructure human thought and behavior. 

The repetitiveness of human behavior is a slow yet significant technology for evolutionary change. Repetition ultimately accrues to boredom that then sets the stage for a breakthrough of a volatile energy that breaks down the familiar, as it seeks fundamental change. The physical and mental viruses of now are composed of a revolutionary energy so powerful as to hasten this change process and set the stage for a new way of life.

To be alive at this time, in this world, suggests a readiness to participate in such monumental change. Beyond the outer challenge of navigating the viruses amongst us, is the opportunity for great change within the self. The energy of now insists that we examine our core beliefs and open to greater perspectives and possibilities than we’ve previously known.

To be alive in this energy matrix portends great opportunity to change life patterns that have dominated thinking and living, up to this current moment. The seduction to battle for needed change in the outer world exclusively, is to forego a great opportunity for evolution of the Spirit in its journey in infinity.

Take full advantage of the energy of now to achieve full transparency of self, to self, and make needed adjustments on the path of fulfillment.

Energetically yours,


Chuck’s Place: Parallel Impact

The collision of parallel worlds…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

I told Jan that the next time we head up North, I’d like us to see Girl from the North Country, the new Broadway musical that juxtaposes Bob Dylan classics with Depression-era Duluth, MN in 1934. What is the impact of these two parallel worlds intersecting? Is their synchronistic value in their collision?

We are currently experiencing the intersection of parallel species in the worldwide human encounter with coronavirus. Beyond the obvious war humans must wage to neutralize this virulent microbe, we might study the impact and possible meaning of this encounter, beyond mere coincidence.

Thus far, this tiniest of microbes has nearly shut down our expected way of life, imposing massive quarantines on the world’s favored group activities. The future of cruise ships clearly hangs in the balance. Sporting events, even the Olympics, may be played to empty stadiums.

Travel, particularly in the closed space of airplanes, is severely restricted. Though clearly not as deadly as a plague, this virus has caused us to stay local, to rely more heavily upon local resources, as well as to engage in solitary activity.

The world’s financial systems are experiencing a dramatic impact, particularly in the decreased demand for fossil fuel, a major bulwark of the stock market. Our financial stability may require a major revamping, with the positive side-effect of reducing the carbon load that currently threatens environmental survival.

Human communication is favoring more remote connectedness in this time of high contagiousness. The rush to physical contact, even a mere handshake, is discouraged. Our ultimate human resource, as beings of energetic connectedness, is an avenue of exciting possibility, as our attachment to physical objects and physical contact between people must be approached with great caution.

Reluctant as countries might be to cooperate with each other as they address their national concerns, the truth is that the entire planet is in this together. No policies or walls can fully insulate anyone from the possibility of infection. It’s a worldwide, borderless concern.

The actual necessity of the world’s many component parts—all countries—to come together to address the crisis is a fundamental shift from isolationist policies that tend to obscure the interconnected needs of the whole. The nature of the crisis might demand such a shift.

Whether Bernie Sanders becomes the ultimate Democratic nominee may become a moot point, as the needs of the world in this crisis might result in the necessity of certain social policies that address the basic needs of all, with equanimity. No one in the human hierarchy is immune from this virus, and all of us could potentially be a carrier of it. All must be cared for, for the good of all. No ‘left wing’ social agenda here but merely medical necessity.

As we live our way through this greatest of challenges to our normal human way of life, may we incorporate the changes that truly shift our world onto more solid footing.

Be safe, loving, and resourceful in these most awesome of times. Try deepening your dreaming awareness, for remote energetic contact with all you hold dear.

These times are indeed a-changin’….

To the greatest common good,
