Remain steady. Like a sturdy sailing vessel, turn and take advantage of the winds of change to carry you onward. Keep to your course of loving kindness and compassion no matter what transpires. In this manner will your steadiness, your composure, and your unwavering message of goodness and kindness endure and when the winds have died you will be found to not only have survived but thrived in the changing times. By your constancy, your commitment, and your keen ability to keep an even balance sail on. Know that by doing so the winds you create in your wake will effect all that surrounds you. For though your vessel may be but a tiny drop in the vast ocean of energy, so is the ripple effect powerful energy and even the ripples created by one drop of water effect the whole. Even one small boat on the ocean currents makes waves. You have the power to create your own good winds and waves of change in these evolutionary times. Take a bad wind and make it good.
-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne