All posts by Jan

Readers of Infinity: Change Is A Constant

Dear Jeanne and all of infinity that guides and shows us the way: What message do you offer us today?

Here is the reply from Jeanne and the Universe:

Like the shadows on the wall, change is a constant.

All of you who struggle—as most people do with some problem or issue at one time or another—do not despair nor turn your back on the process before you. Change is inevitable.

I encourage all of you to keep in mind that life does not stop because you declare it too much to handle. No, life will keep at you until you either break or shut down to its urgings. But know that either way, life will continue, for it is a constant.

Your pains will ease as you confront them, but they will remain active in one way or another if you refuse them. If you answer the call of your spirit, you will be rewarded with never-ending new discoveries about the self and the life you live. If you constantly refuse to participate in what life itself has handed you, with interest in evolving, your energy will be usurped by your refusal.

I must state once again: Life is all about change. It is about accepting the inevitable truth that change happens. It is about learning to regard change as your most valuable life companion. It is about letting change outside of you change you on the inside. It is about using the changes in your circumstance to guide you and show you your deepest issues, truths, and needs. It is about accepting change as necessary for personal growth.

Change asks you to question it for its personal meaning. And remember this: Everything is meaningful.

What has changed for you lately?

Can you stay in that place of change and then move the next step, going more deeply into it?

Can you accept that you have no control and then allow your reluctant self to let go a little bit more?

Can you begin to embrace the inevitability that change is upon you, has you firmly in its grip, is holding you tightly already?

Can you dare to allow yourself to be taken into new life?

This is where you are now: on the road to new life. In reality that means that, yes, everything is going to change even more. It’s frightening, but it’s also invigorating you with a new kind of energy. You may never have experienced this kind of energy before and so it may seem overwhelming, but if you can allow its intensity to carry you forward you will be mighty surprised.

I suggest to you all: Let go into new life. One step at a time let yourself be guided by life itself. It is ready to meet you at a new level of awareness and involvement.

It’s up to you. You must each ask the question: Do I fight or do I go? Either way, things are already changing.

Good Luck! And welcome to the energy of now that does not wish to stop. Its path of destruction leads to new life, to better life, to evolving life for each one of you, and the world at large.

Acquiesce and go far now, My Dears. Find your path and stick to it. Listen to your heart and let your head rest awhile, until you have found your footing. Even in going forward blindly you are led in the right direction; and sometimes it’s better that way.

And remember, whatever path you take will be the right one. You will learn and grow from your choices and the experiences you encounter. Know always the truths I have long been speaking of: Change has already happened; change invites you forward; change is your new life companion.

Ask it to guide you.

A Day in a Life: Suffering Resistance

Inevitable change

Sentinel crows perch high in the trees warning of inevitable change. Other crows swoop down into the garden and peck away at the composting matter that I’ve laid there, hoping for just such help in breaking it down into mulch in time for the spring planting. I watch as they scratch, bite and jab at the remnants of our eating habits, taking what they want, leaving the rest in tatters. This is the inevitable process of nature in flux. Nature does not resist change.

I fight a virus, taking homeopathic remedies and herbal decoctions. I decide that I do not want to be sick, yet I know I must take care of myself so that I do not fall into its welcoming arms. I elect to watch my energy, because I know that illness is draining, that it will suck my energy like a vampire, grabbing me in its smothering embrace if I am not alert. This is change that I personally elect to resist.

Change is natural, change is necessary for life to evolve, yet resistance is as natural as change. Sometimes we cannot resist illness, we must allow it to take us to new places. Sometimes we cannot resist where life elects to take us either. We must acquiesce, even against our will. As we allow ourselves to acquiesce to the transformative learning process of the recapitulation journey, we discover how to use both change and resistance to our advantage.

Our spirit constantly urges us to change, to just let go and see where life takes us. This is usually what is behind our resistance. We feel resistance because something inside us will not leave us alone. As we fight against it we suffer. In resistance we feel pain, sadness, remorse, regret; we feel abandoned, wounded, and rejected; we blame others, shame ourselves, and bear a heavy burden of guilt; and we experience deep despair at the cruelties of life. We become depressed, ill, nervous, anxious, afraid. We fight the natural process of mulching our souls into submission. We refuse the call to discover what they want to show us. We resist the journey they offer to take us on. We reject the truths they constantly whisper in our ears. And so we must suffer.

In taking on the natural process of recapitulation in full awareness—the life review that we will all do as we age anyway—we offer ourselves the opportunity to fully resolve our issues now, so that we do not die still suffering; so that we do not die regretful that we have not lived a better life, a fuller, happier, kinder, more loving life. In constantly resisting the natural flow of our lives we harden against our own spirit, refusing its call out of fear of having to change. But if we look around at the world we will notice that change is inevitable. Life itself is inevitable. The crows in my trees and garden tell me this every day. “Keep going,” they say. “Keep changing. Note that change is coming all the time. Decide how you are going to handle it. Are you ready to acquiesce? Or is it better to resist its onslaught this time and conserve your energy for better use later?”

As I did my recapitulation I learned that I did have to acquiesce, that it was an inevitable process and I needed to allow for it. But I also learned that it was impossible to simply let go, that the process itself was leading me through my resistance and my acquiescence in a most natural way. I had to learn how my own process was going to unfold. I had to learn how my spirit was guiding me. I had to learn to trust it and the process itself. I had to acquiesce to the inevitable natural flow of it, learning as I did that when I was ready it was right beside me, taking me along on a most amazing process of change. When I pushed for change, it did not necessarily happen. It was only when I was truly ready for it that it came, in a most appropriate and deeply meaningful manner.

As we go into this New Year, we must note the inevitability of change. It is going to happen no matter what we do. Our process must be open and flowing, yet we must be aware of the need to conserve our energy. We must learn to care for ourselves, both in our resistance—as I do to the virus that teases me because I know it’s the right kind of resistance—as well as in our ability to flow with the inevitability of change.

We must be open and aware of the process of change. We must give a little and hold back a little, yet in the end we must acknowledge that when we are truly ready our process will ease us along, our resistance will find its way to acquiescence, our spirit’s guidance acceptable, our suffering over.

In resistance we grow too, for our resistance shows us where we must change. It shows us where we suffer and why we suffer. The biggest challenge and the biggest release comes in no longer resisting our suffering, but in allowing it to guide us to change. It is only then, as we undergo a process of transformation, that we recoup our personal energy long caught in our suffering. It is then that we really learn how to use it well. It is then that we discover we can resist suffering because we truly understand that it is no longer where we want to spend our energy.

As 2012 unfolds, may we all find how best to use our energy, for ourselves and others, naturally flowing with the evolutionary intent that will no longer be held back.

Going with the flow, intending awareness,

Readers of Infinity: A New Year’s Message From Jeanne

Evolving change...

Take with you all that you have learned over the past year, keeping in mind the practices of balance, of detachment, of deep inner work, as you move forward. Each step of a lifetime is important. Each moment you breathe is important. Each thought is important. Each moment of inner calm is utterly important, for it leads to deeper awareness.

Continue always the work on the self, the inner process of growth and understanding being the most valuable, as you ask the self to constantly change.

A new year of change awaits. A new year of growth and challenge followed by more challenge and more growth. Keep in mind always that growth is important, change is desirable, and evolution necessary. All of this is important for each one of you individually and the human race as a whole. Change is necessary. As I always say: Only by confronting the self will change happen.

Be good residents of life by constantly pushing the self to take up the challenges that life presents. Be good citizens of the earth and the environment—outer and inner, physical and spiritual, mental and emotional as well—by constantly facing the self, even though it is so much easier to face others and find their issues so clearly labeled and exposed. Do not hide from the self. Turn inward, appreciate the self and the complexities of life. All of you are complicated beings trying to figure out a life journey that many not always be clear.

I say to all of you: Keep going. Your path may clear soon. Your way may be shown with a new clarity as you proceed or it may remain murky for a while longer, yet do not falter. Life calls, always. Life entices you forward. Look for its guidance. Do not be afraid to take the journey that your heart seeks. It is the right one.

Each New Year offers enticements, yet the journey remains the same. You are already well into it, steeped in the challenges of it, and you can’t skip any steps. Refresh your energy by all means, but face the same things each day until they no longer need to be faced. Know that with deep inner work and in the interplay of challenge and reward will come the balance and calm of maturity and knowing that you seek.

Life is your best friend. A New Year, a new day, is a new opportunity to meet new life within the self. Join in the energy of growth and become free of all that now weighs you down. This is the energy of this New Year, offering new freedom, though it may come only as you face your greatest fears. But that, My Dears, is how you will truly live the life you so desire.

All possibility lies within the power of you. You are in control at all times. What is it that you wish for? Know that clearly, and then allow the self to work diligently toward fulfillment of that goal. It will come in acquiescing to the new energy of now, without fear, without regret, simply making decisions that lead to new life, and that means to change. Keep going.

Happy New Year and Thank You Jeanne!

A Day in a Life: In the Tension of the Opposites

I dream all night of gaining serenity and stillness, of aligning spine and chakras and achieving inner peace. I dream this process over and over again, constantly turning inward throughout the night. I wake to hear that Chuck has dreamed the opposite: violent dreams of murder and rampage on a college campus that he cannot control. He did not lose his awareness, tried to alert people to the truth of the perpetrator, a professor, but could only minimally hold him at bay. Though he attempts to engage authorities, violence prevails. We realize that as we slept side by side throughout the night our dreams created a balance. We slept in the tension of the opposites.

I see our dreaming experience duplicating the energy of our times, the masculine being balanced by the feminine and vice versa. There is always going to be violence, just as there is always the capacity within us all to bring ourselves to inner calm.

As this year comes to a close, I note the tension of our times. The energy of discontent being spurred by a need for all people on the planet to be nurtured and cared for, the energy of the movements for change asserting a new kind of masculine energy so that the feminine may prevail. The energy of our times asks that the planet be treated in the same manner, the overbearing paternal energy of greed and power relinquished now to the nurturing energy of the maternal.

This is our birthing time...

I see this energy of now and the energy that Chuck and I slept through last night as the energy of our birthing time, the energy of the universe righting itself as we go into 2012, perhaps long predicted, but definitely right. Though the Mayan calendar speaks of endings we must keep in mind that endings also mean birth into new life and new possibility. The quest we are now on as human beings on our planet, Earth, is the quest for balance, for fairness, for caring compassion so that all things, human and animal—nature in all its abundance—may prevail in a new manner.

My dreams say: Go inward constantly, realign, work your way through your personal issues as you go deeper and deeper into the calmness within. Find anchoring stillness within as you turn from the disturbances without. We are all capable of shifting ourselves into stillness, my dreams say. We are all capable of recapitulating ourselves to a new place, to a new era of self.

We are all capable of shifting the old masculine energy of control and domination into new alignment by letting our feminine energy bring us to a place of inner calm. We are all capable of becoming the maternal self we have long sought outside of ourselves, just as we are capable of changing the masculine self, toppling it from its place of power that we have long felt was so necessary. We are all capable of releasing ourselves from what we carry within as we bear the tension of the opposites, as we birth through the energy of our times, as we watch the old energy disperse in the ending energy that is now upon us.

We are in the throes of birthing to our new selves. Let us not get lost in despair or fear, but let us take advantage of the facts that are clear right now: We are all in turmoil of some sort. It is right. It is exactly where we need to be if we are to change.

We are all asked to do the ultimate balancing act, to constantly realign as we bear the tension of the opposites, as we take in the truth of the violence around us. As Chuck’s dreams tell us, violence is real, take it in, let it go through us, and then let us sit in the momentary stillness that even incremental release allows. Calmly align another chakra, strengthening the inner self in the truth, knowing that we are in perfect alignment with our times.

Keep going inward as the energy of this ending time pushes us into our next birthing. This is also the energy of recapitulation. It’s alright. It’s where we’re supposed to be.


Readers of Infinity: Your Mellow Heart

Tending to the Heart

Tend to your mellow heart. In the calmness of your knowing self allow the day to unfold. Tend to each moment of the day with awareness, staying present, accepting without dispute the place you find yourself in. Remain grounded in reality knowing that this moment will end as it flows into the next.

Graciously accept the gifts that come and yet hold your mellowness sacred, for it will guide you deeper into the calmness of truth, grounding you on your journey.

Tend to the self in this manner even while tending to others, even while tending to the busyness of life around you. Stay present and aware of the speakings of your heart, the whispering words pulling you back into calmness of self. This is the place to be no matter what is outside of you.

Practice tending to the mellow heart, the calm heart, the truthful heart, the good heart. Tethering each moment to the next, go about your day in steady calmness.

Begin now.