The Tarot delivered me the 10 of Swords, Ruin, to represent the state of things leading into today, and the 2 of Cups, Love, as the energy of today. How does ruin turn into love?
The culprit of ruin is an undisciplined, warring force seeking complete disruption and failure, a marplot who loves to overthrow the happiness of others by ruining all intellect and moral qualities. This energy is amply being reflected on the outer world plane at this time. Joyce Sequichie Hifler, in A Cherokee Feast Of Days Volume III (p.66), states:
“When someone is angry or hurt or spoiled, they tend to want everyone to pay for it. Don’t… Go on with your life, but be alert. Know in your heart and in your spirit that you cannot be put down. Hold tight to your common sense and know you are spiritually protected always.”
Then of course we must face the inner truth of this outer mirror, reflected so powerfully to us at this time. Who is this inner encroacher, this meddler disrupting our inner true peace? Responsibility, ultimately, resides with the conscious mind, whose thoughts and beliefs are the major source of suggestions to the subconscious mind.
Of course, we receive countless hetero-suggestions each day, meaning the conscious and unconscious taking in of suggestions from outside influences. Nonetheless, responsibility for raising these suggestions to conscious scrutiny rests with the conscious mind.
The royal couple who govern our inner and outer selves represent the conscious and subconscious minds. The true divine abilities of this couple has been known for centuries. In the 16th century, Paracelsus stated, “Whether the object of your faith be real or false, you will nevertheless obtain the same effects.”
This translates today as, “you manifest what you believe.” The subconscious mind will generate your mood, state of health, and your position in life based upon the thoughts and beliefs of your conscious mind. This is at the heart of the paradigm shift awakening within us.
We possess the ultimate power over our lives. And that power initiates from what we think, believe, and intend. Even Victor Frankl, while incarcerated in Auschwitz, could sustain his life based upon his attitude and imagination, both strong sources of suggestion to the subconscious mind. The times we are living in ask us to wisely exercise this truth.
Whether we are aware of it or not, our conscious minds are in a very intimate relationship with our subconscious minds, determining the course of our earthly existence. In truth, we exist in constant trance, manifesting our innermost thoughts. When we practice responsible autosuggestion, we are bringing conscious intent to the construction of our lives.

We arrive at responsible autosuggestion at the heart center, where we learn the truth from the High Self. Modesty is the requirement of the ego in this communication. If the ego can surrender its narcissism, its willfulness, and its bad temper it will be granted the necessary clarity to know what to intend.
This acquiescence to the truth is the ego’s expression of love to its subconscious, as it delivers suggestions to grow and advance the overall needs of the Self. This royal union of selfless truth, with its creative manifestation in physical form, is how that which was once ruinous becomes love.
Becoming love,